
// constants
const int MAX_COUNT;
const int MIN_SENSORS = 2;
const int MIN_ACTUATORS = 1;

// rates
const double lambda_p = 1/(365*24*60*60); // 1 year
const double lambda_s = 1/(30*24*60*60); // 1 month
const double lambda_a = 1/(2*30*24*60*60); // 2 months
const double tau = 1/60; // 1 min
const double delta_f = 1/(24*60*60); // 1 day
const double delta_r = 1/30; // 30 secs

// sensors
module sensors
	s : [0..3] init 3; // number of sensors working
	[] s>1 -> s*lambda_s : (s'=s-1); // failure of a single sensor

// input processor
// (takes data from sensors and passes onto main processor)
module proci
	i : [0..2] init 2; // 2=ok, 1=transient fault, 0=failed
	[] i>0 & s>=MIN_SENSORS -> lambda_p : (i'=0); // failure of processor
	[] i=2 & s>=MIN_SENSORS -> delta_f : (i'=1); // transient fault
	[input_reboot] i=1 & s>=MIN_SENSORS -> delta_r : (i'=2); // reboot after transient fault

// actuators
module actuators
	a : [0..2] init 2; // number of actuators working
	[] a>0 -> a*lambda_a : (a'=a-1); // failure of a single actuator

// output processor
// (receives instructions from main processor and passes onto actuators)
module proco = proci [ i=o, s=a, input_reboot=output_reboot, MIN_SENSORS=MIN_ACTUATORS ] endmodule

// main processor
// (takes data from proci, processes it, and passes instructions to proco)
module procm
	m : [0..1] init 1; // 1=ok, 0=failed
	count : [0..MAX_COUNT+1] init 0; // number of consecutive skipped cycles
	// failure of processor
	[] m=1 -> lambda_p : (m'=0);
	// processing completed before timer expires - reset skipped cycle counter
	[timeout]  comp -> tau : (count'=0);
	// processing not completed before timer expires - increment skipped cycle counter
	[timeout] !comp -> tau : (count'=min(count+1, MAX_COUNT+1));

// connecting bus
module bus
	// flags
	// main processor has processed data from input processor
	// and sent corresponding instructions to output processor (since last timeout)
	comp : bool init true; 
	// input processor has data ready to send
	reqi : bool init true; 
	// output processor has instructions ready to be processed
	reqo : bool init false;
	// input processor reboots
	[input_reboot]  true -> 1 :
	// performs a computation if has already done so or
	// it is up and ouput clear (i.e. nothing waiting)
	(comp'=(comp | (m=1 & !reqo))) 
	// up therefore something to process
	& (reqi'=true)
	// something to process if not functioning and either
	// there is something already pending
	// or the main processor sends a request
	& (reqo'=!(o=2 & a>=1) & (reqo | m=1));
	// output processor reboots
	[output_reboot] true -> 1 :
	// performs a computation if it has already or
	// something waiting and is up
	// (can be processes as the output has come up and cleared pending requests)
	(comp'=(comp | (reqi & m=1)))
	// something to process it they are up or
	// there was already something and the main processor acts
	// (output now up must be due to main processor being down)
	& (reqi'=(i=2 & s>=2) | (reqi & m=0))
	// output and actuators up therefore nothing can be pending
	& (reqo'=false);
	// main processor times out
	[timeout] true -> 1 :
	// performs a computation if it is up something was pending
	// and nothing is waiting for the output
	(comp'=(reqi & !reqo & m=1))
	// something to process if up or
	// already something and main process cannot act 
	// (down or outputs pending)
	& (reqi'=(i=2 & s>=2) | (reqi & (reqo | m=0)))
	// something to process if they are not functioning and 
	// either something is already pending
	// or the main processor acts
	& (reqo'=!(o=2 & a>=1) & (reqo | (reqi & m=1)));

// the system is down
formula down = (i=2&s<MIN_SENSORS)|(count=MAX_COUNT+1)|(o=2&a<MIN_ACTUATORS)|(m=0);
// transient failure has occured but the system is not down
formula danger = !down & (i=1 | o=1);
// the system is operational
formula up = !down & !danger;

// reward structures

rewards "up"
	up : 1/3600;

rewards "danger"
	danger : 1/3600;
rewards "down"
	down : 1/3600;

// causes of failues
label "fail_sensors" = i=2&s<MIN_SENSORS; // sensors have failed
label "fail_actuators" = o=2&a<MIN_ACTUATORS; // actuators have failed
label "fail_io" = count=MAX_COUNT+1; // IO has failed
label "fail_main" = m=0; // ,main processor has failed

// system status
label "down" = (i=2&s<MIN_SENSORS)|(count=MAX_COUNT+1)|(o=2&a<MIN_ACTUATORS)|(m=0); // system has shutdown
label "danger" = !down & (i=1 | o=1); // transient fault has occured
label "up" = !down & !danger;