- Fixed comments.
- It seems to be ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual);
|-> Switched arguments of nearly all ASSERT_EQs to correctly use this macro in the parser tests.
Former-commit-id: e5059709f2
- Some renaming (among others unmatched -> mismatched).
- Added checks and tests for doubled or skipped lines as well as lines concerning the same transition.
Next up: Remerge.)
Former-commit-id: 05efcbf91c
Fixed a bug related to commit 486e99d6ae [formerly 1300d77ae8] where updateModel was not called before adding constraints in the GurobiLpSolverTest.cpp
Former-commit-id: 9f619e5039
- Done with the tests. At least for now.
|- There are tests for all parsers and helper classes now.
Next up: Some minor fixes and finally the merge.
Former-commit-id: ebb2ea50d5
- Eliminated the need for SupportedLineEndings (I hope...should work on all os, but have only tested this on linux)
- Moved fileExistsAndIsReadable to MappedFile
- Removed scanForModelHint and replaced it with its contents at the one point where is was used in the AutoParser
- Moved and renamed remaining part of Parser.cpp/.h to src/utility/cstring.cpp/.h
|- New namespace of the cstring manipulation functions is storm::utility::cstring
|- Used a using namespace storm::utility::cstring to eliminate the full namespace specification within the needing parsers. This keeps the code readable.
- Threw out some unnessesary includes.
Next up: Commenting and making things look nice.
Former-commit-id: c983d1e1a2
- Removed the RewardMatrixInformationStruct since it was only used as function argument.
|- Replaced its function by the respective results of the transition parser (for det/non-det)
- Moved the MappedFile class to separate file.
- Renamed the SupportedFileEndingsEnum enum to SupportedFileEndings.
- Whats left in Parser.*:
|- A bunch of free functions for manipulation of c-style strings, a function to read the model hint and the SupportedFileEndings enum with its recognition function.
Im not exactly sure what to do with this.
- I think the name Parser.* implies a parser base class, while it is not. Therefore: Renaming.
- The c-style string manipulation functions might also needed elsewhere. Therefore: Moving them into the utility folder/namespace.
- The model hint function would fit in the AutoParser, except for its signature (low level arguments vs. high level arguments of the AutoParser). Therefore: Either moving it to the Auto Parser or leave it as helper function with the others (c-style string handling and low level OS detection)
- The SupportedLineEndings and its assorted functions either belong to the string manipulation functions or to the MappedFile class. Therefor: Moving them accordingly.
- Once all things have moved the Parser.* will be empty. Therefore: Deletion.
Next up: Trying to decide what to do with the rest of the Parser.* and doing it.
Former-commit-id: aa7417e5e1
- Devided the AutoParser.h into .h and .cpp
- The AutoParser now is a stateless class
|- This resulted in changes to the interface between the parsers and the rest of the project.
|- The main() now directly acquires a shared_ptr to an AbstractModel from the call of the AutoParser and keeps ownership of it.
|- Additionally, the division into .h and .cpp lead to a move of includes from the header to the source. This caused several tests to need some model header to be included.
|- Tests are still showing green (except those needing Gurobi, which I do not have).
Next up: Parser.h/.cpp, then comments and making things look nice.)
Former-commit-id: f59b7405e5
-Changed structure to conform to common parser structure: static class with two passes and structs to handle value passing.
-Killed all warnings (signed unsigned interger compare)
-Made parser more flexible: Is now able to ignore arbitrarily many columns after the value column (instead of only one).
-Threw out a number of unnecessary includes.
Next up: Refactor NondeterministicModelParser.h/.cpp
Former-commit-id: fd2fdb7fdf