- Lots of debugging
- Changed the way the filter keeps information about the scheduler to use for probability/reward queries.
| This was done by keeping a special action at the first position of the action list.
| Which was not exactly consistent with the idea behind the filter actions.
| Now the filter keeps this information as an enum value in a member variable.
- All but one tests are green. So we almost reestablished full functionality.
|- The last test that still fails is SparseMdpPrctlModelCheckerTest.Dice where the second to last model check returns the wrong result.
Next up: Debug. Then introduce the full range of filter actions.
Former-commit-id: fd311966cc
- Also fixed up control flow and some tests for new interfaces.
|-> It now compiles again.
Next up: More functionallity in the filter.
Former-commit-id: 21d43e75c4
- This change splits the path formulas into probabilistic path formulas like Next or Until and reward path formulas like InstantaneousReward or SteadyStateReward.
|- That way it is assured at compile time that no reward path formula can ever be subformula of any probabilistic bound operator and vise versa.
Next up: Adopt changes in the Csl formula tree to the Csl parser.
Former-commit-id: d74c88bbf8
- Every PRCTL formula that worked before works now and behaves in the same way. One exception:
|- Formulas of the type Pmin<0.5[Phi] and Rmin<0.5[Psi] result in a parsing error, as the comparison operator already implies the scheduler to be used.
| Also, the modelchecker now actually uses the comparison operator in order to choose the correct scheduler for MDPs.
Former-commit-id: d942d18e7e
- Fixed similar undefined behavior for the MarkovAutomaton Csl modelchecker.
Next up: Make necessary changes to the formula parsers.
Former-commit-id: e8765fe58b
- General function of the filters: The filter as an abstraction layer between the control flow and the formula/modelchecker.
|- It has a formula as child but is not a formula itself.
|- It invokes the modelchecking process on the child formula and manipulates the result.
|- For the purpose of result manipulation it keeps a list of filter actions.
|- Each action manipulates the result in a certain way. For example: It returns only the results for states 25 to 140.
|- Furthermore the printing of the result to standard out and the log is no longer done by the modelchecker but by the filter.
|- That way the tasks of each class becomes more clear: Modelchecker to compute the results, filter to prepare the computed results for write out.
- Battled with a major design problem: How to integrate the optimizing operator (aka. min or max probs for non-det. models) into the filter scheme.
|- It is now integrated as a separate filter action, which does not touch the results but hold the flag determining whether to maximize or to minimize.
|- This action must be the innermost filter action (i.e. the first list entry) to have any effect.
|- This is combined with a special fuction of the modelchecker that manipulates the mutable minimizationStack calculates the modelchecking result and resets the stack to its original state.
|- This way the information whether to min, to max or not to try is managed by the filter and propagated as needed.
|- Remark: Fixed a major risk of undefined behavior in the SparseMdpPrctlModelChecker.
|- If the formula to be checked did not have a NoBoundFormula as root then the minimumOperatorStack would be empty and minimumOperatorStack.top() would result in undefined behavior.
|- Added tests whether the stack is empty before trying to read out the possibly non existant top element.
Next up: Implement similar filters for LTL and CSL and try to get it compiled.
Former-commit-id: 577998e027
- Finished the third and last logic: Csl.
- Note that nothing compiles as of yet. This is due to the removal of the NoBoundOperators wich are expected to be replaced by filters.
Former-commit-id: d26ae768f7
- Began removing NoBoundFormulas, since they might not be needed anymore. This task will be taken over by filters if they are to be implemented.
Next up: CSL
Former-commit-id: 6164f73737
- First one concerning the MappedFileTest in which I neglected to consider that the number of characters used to signal a new line differs between Linux (\n -> 1) and Windows (\r\n -> 2) which caused the test to fail on all OS using two characters (hence not on Linux, where I ran the tests).
- Second bug concerned the case that a transition reward file contained more states than the corresponding transition file.
In that case the parser tried to acces the entry of the rowGroupIndices vector behind the last actual entry, which caused an exception to be thrown.
Now there is a check whether the highest state index found by the parser does exceed the highest state index of the model.
Former-commit-id: bc83267f3c
- Fixed comments.
- It seems to be ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual);
|-> Switched arguments of nearly all ASSERT_EQs to correctly use this macro in the parser tests.
Former-commit-id: e5059709f2
- Some renaming (among others unmatched -> mismatched).
- Added checks and tests for doubled or skipped lines as well as lines concerning the same transition.
Next up: Remerge.)
Former-commit-id: 05efcbf91c