Markt und Straßen stehn verlassen,
still erleuchtet jedes Haus,
Sinnend' geh ich durch die Gassen,
alles sieht so festlich aus.
An den Fenstern haben Frauen
buntes Spielzeug fromm geschmückt,
Tausend Kindlein stehn und schauen,
sind so wunderstill beglückt.
Und ich wandre aus den Mauern
Bis hinaus ins freie Feld,
Hehres Glänzen, heil'ges Schauern!
Wie so weit und still die Welt!
Sterne hoch die Kreise schlingen,
Aus des Schnees Einsamkeit
Steigt's wie wunderbares Singen-
O du gnadenreiche Zeit!
Merry Christmas commit ;)
- Constructors and Destructors now work correctly
- Removed check function from ProbabilisticNoBoundsOperator class (and
documented why it does not have one)
Note: I temporarily removed the -Wall parameter from gcc calls, as line
194 of GmmxxDtmcPrctlModelChecker.h throws a warning.
Added two check() functions to DtmcPrctlModelChecker that are to be called by the "outer world" that check a given formula and print the result the standard output.
Fixed bug in GmmxxDtmcPrctlModelChecker that prevented BiCGStab using ILU preconditioning from working
Refactored mrmc.cpp to remove larger code blocks from main().
Added option to specify logging file. If no file is set and the verbose option is not set either, logging is basically disabled by setting the logging level very high. This is a workaround for the fact that at least one log appender needs to be set in the logging framework, which would not be the case if both logging facilities (file and console) are disabled.
check method in the model checker.
Also, the check methods for other the probabilistic operators are now in
the base class (as they do not depend on the library).
the former folder.
Also, changed those templates to use references instead of pointers for
easier code.
Renamer "utility.h" and .cpp to "ioUtility.h/cpp", as utility code
providing functionality not linked with IO has been put into other
"check" which calls the correct check function in the model checker.
- The dot output was modified to work with the refactored names
- Also, it uses now filestreams instead of C style output
- and the iterators from the matrix class
- Included new (stub) test case for output (and general parsing)