@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# include "storm/modelchecker/multiobjective/rewardbounded/MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding.h"
# include "storm/utility/macros.h"
# include "storm/logic/Formulas.h"
# include "storm/storage/memorystructure/MemoryStructureBuilder.h"
# include "storm/modelchecker/propositional/SparsePropositionalModelChecker.h"
# include "storm/modelchecker/results/ExplicitQualitativeCheckResult.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/IllegalArgumentException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/NotSupportedException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace modelchecker {
namespace multiobjective {
@ -8,97 +15,223 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType >
MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding ( storm : : models : : sparse : : Mdp < ValueType > const & model , std : : vector < storm : : modelchecker : : multiobjective : : Objective < ValueType > > const & objectives , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & possibleECActions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & allowedBottomStates ) : model ( model ) , objectives ( objectives ) , possibleECActions ( possibleECActions ) , allowedBottomStates ( allowedBottomStates ) {
initialize ( ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : initialize ( ) {
// collect the time-bounded subobjectives
for ( uint64_t objIndex = 0 ; objIndex < this - > objectives . size ( ) ; + + objIndex ) {
auto const & formula = * this - > objectives [ objIndex ] . formula ;
if ( formula . isProbabilityOperatorFormula ( ) ) {
std : : vector < std : : shared_ptr < storm : : logic : : Formula const > > subformulas ;
if ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . isBoundedUntilFormula ( ) ) {
subformulas . push_back ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asSharedPointer ( ) ) ;
} else if ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . isMultiObjectiveFormula ( ) ) {
subformulas = formula . getSubformula ( ) . asMultiObjectiveFormula ( ) . getSubformulas ( ) ;
for ( auto const & subformula : subformulas ) {
auto const & boundedUntilFormula = subformula - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) ;
for ( uint64_t dim = 0 ; dim < boundedUntilFormula . getDimension ( ) ; + + dim ) {
subObjectives . push_back ( std : : make_pair ( boundedUntilFormula . restrictToDimension ( dim ) , objIndex ) ) ;
if ( boundedUntilFormula . getTimeBoundReference ( dim ) . isTimeBound ( ) | | boundedUntilFormula . getTimeBoundReference ( dim ) . isStepBound ( ) ) {
scaledRewards . push_back ( std : : vector < uint64_t > ( model . getNumberOfChoices ( ) , 1 ) ) ;
scalingFactors . push_back ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( boundedUntilFormula . getTimeBoundReference ( dim ) . isRewardBound ( ) , " Unexpected type of time bound. " ) ;
std : : string const & rewardName = boundedUntilFormula . getTimeBoundReference ( dim ) . getRewardName ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( this - > model . hasRewardModel ( rewardName ) , storm : : exceptions : : IllegalArgumentException , " No reward model with name ' " < < rewardName < < " ' found. " ) ;
auto const & rewardModel = this - > model . getRewardModel ( rewardName ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! rewardModel . hasTransitionRewards ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : NotSupportedException , " Transition rewards are currently not supported as reward bounds. " ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > actionRewards = rewardModel . getTotalRewardVector ( this - > model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ) ;
auto discretizedRewardsAndFactor = storm : : utility : : vector : : toIntegralVector < ValueType , uint64_t > ( actionRewards ) ;
scaledRewards . push_back ( std : : move ( discretizedRewardsAndFactor . first ) ) ;
scalingFactors . push_back ( std : : move ( discretizedRewardsAndFactor . second ) ) ;
} else if ( formula . isRewardOperatorFormula ( ) & & formula . getSubformula ( ) . isCumulativeRewardFormula ( ) ) {
subObjectives . push_back ( std : : make_pair ( formula . getSubformula ( ) . asSharedPointer ( ) , objIndex ) ) ;
scaledRewards . push_back ( std : : vector < uint64_t > ( model . getNumberOfChoices ( ) , 1 ) ) ;
scalingFactors . push_back ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : Epoch MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getStartEpoch ( ) {
return Epoch ( ) ;
Epoch startEpoch ;
for ( uint64_t dim = 0 ; dim < this - > subObjectives . size ( ) ; + + dim ) {
storm : : expressions : : Expression bound ;
bool isStrict = false ;
storm : : logic : : Formula const & dimFormula = * subObjectives [ dim ] . first ;
if ( dimFormula . isBoundedUntilFormula ( ) ) {
assert ( ! dimFormula . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . isMultiDimensional ( ) ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( dimFormula . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . hasUpperBound ( ) & & ! dimFormula . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . hasLowerBound ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : NotSupportedException , " Until formulas with a lower or no upper bound are not supported. " ) ;
bound = dimFormula . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getUpperBound ( ) ;
isStrict = dimFormula . asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . isUpperBoundStrict ( ) ;
} else if ( dimFormula . isCumulativeRewardFormula ( ) ) {
bound = dimFormula . asCumulativeRewardFormula ( ) . getBound ( ) ;
isStrict = dimFormula . asCumulativeRewardFormula ( ) . isBoundStrict ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! bound . containsVariables ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : NotSupportedException , " The bound " < < bound < < " contains undefined constants. " ) ;
ValueType discretizedBound = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType > ( bound . evaluateAsRational ( ) ) ;
discretizedBound / = scalingFactors [ dim ] ;
if ( isStrict & & discretizedBound = = storm : : utility : : floor ( discretizedBound ) ) {
discretizedBound = storm : : utility : : floor ( discretizedBound ) - storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ;
} else {
discretizedBound = storm : : utility : : floor ( discretizedBound ) ;
startEpoch . push_back ( storm : : utility : : convertNumber < uint64_t > ( discretizedBound ) ) ;
return startEpoch ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : Epoch > MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getEpochComputationOrder ( Epoch const & startEpoch ) {
return std : : vector < Epoch > ( ) ;
// collect which 'epoch steps' are possible
std : : set < Epoch > steps ;
for ( uint64_t choiceIndex = 0 ; choiceIndex < scaledRewards . front ( ) . size ( ) ; + + choiceIndex ) {
Epoch step ;
step . reserve ( scaledRewards . size ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & dimensionRewards : scaledRewards ) {
step . push_back ( dimensionRewards [ choiceIndex ] ) ;
steps . insert ( step ) ;
// perform DFS to get the 'reachable' epochs in the correct order.
std : : vector < Epoch > result , dfsStack ;
std : : set < Epoch > seenEpochs ;
seenEpochs . insert ( startEpoch ) ;
dfsStack . push_back ( startEpoch ) ;
while ( ! dfsStack . empty ( ) ) {
Epoch currEpoch = std : : move ( dfsStack . back ( ) ) ;
dfsStack . pop_back ( ) ;
for ( auto const & step : steps ) {
Epoch successorEpoch = getSuccessorEpoch ( currEpoch , step ) ;
if ( seenEpochs . find ( successorEpoch ) = = seenEpochs . end ( ) ) {
seenEpochs . insert ( successorEpoch ) ;
dfsStack . push_back ( std : : move ( successorEpoch ) ) ;
result . push_back ( std : : move ( currEpoch ) ) ;
return result ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochModel const & MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getModelForEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
return EpochModel ( ) ;
EpochClass classOfEpoch = getClassOfEpoch ( epoch ) ;
auto findRes = epochModels . find ( classOfEpoch ) ;
if ( findRes ! = epochModels . end ( ) ) {
return findRes - > second ;
} else {
return epochModels . insert ( std : : make_pair ( classOfEpoch , computeModelForEpoch ( epoch ) ) ) . first - > second ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochModel MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : computeModelForEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure memory = computeMemoryStructureForEpoch ( epoch ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : computeMemoryStructureForEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) const {
// Create a memory structure that remembers whether subobjectives are satisfied
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure memory = storm : : storage : : MemoryStructureBuilder < ValueType > : : buildTrivialMemoryStructure ( model ) ;
for ( uint64_t dim = 0 ; dim < subObjectives . size ( ) ; + + dim ) {
auto const & subObj = subObjectives [ dim ] ;
if ( subObj . first - > isBoundedUntilFormula ( ) ) {
// Create a memory structure that stores whether a non-PhiState or a PsiState has already been reached
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructureBuilder < ValueType > subObjMemBuilder ( 2 , model ) ;
std : : string memLabel = " obj " + std : : to_string ( subObj . second ) + " - " + std : : to_string ( dim ) + " _relevant " ;
while ( model . getStateLabeling ( ) . containsLabel ( memLabel ) | | memory . getStateLabeling ( ) . containsLabel ( memLabel ) ) {
memLabel = " _ " + memLabel ;
subObjMemBuilder . setLabel ( 0 , memLabel ) ;
if ( epoch [ dim ] > = 0 ) {
storm : : modelchecker : : SparsePropositionalModelChecker < storm : : models : : sparse : : Mdp < ValueType > > mc ( model ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector rightSubformulaResult = mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getRightSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector leftSubformulaResult = mc . check ( subObj . first - > asBoundedUntilFormula ( ) . getLeftSubformula ( ) ) - > asExplicitQualitativeCheckResult ( ) . getTruthValuesVector ( ) ;
// TODO ??
// Check if the formula is already satisfied in the initial state
// STORM_LOG_THROW((data.originalModel.getInitialStates() & rightSubformulaResult).empty(), storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "The Probability for the objective " << *data.objectives.back()->originalFormula << " is always one as the rhs of the until formula is true in the initial state. This (trivial) case is currently not implemented.");
storm : : storage : : BitVector nonRelevantStates = ~ leftSubformulaResult | rightSubformulaResult ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 0 , 0 , ~ nonRelevantStates ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 0 , 1 , nonRelevantStates ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 1 , 1 , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( model . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ) ;
for ( auto const & initState : model . getInitialStates ( ) ) {
subObjMemBuilder . setInitialMemoryState ( initState , nonRelevantStates . get ( initState ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
} else {
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 0 , 0 , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( model . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ) ;
subObjMemBuilder . setTransition ( 1 , 1 , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( model . getNumberOfStates ( ) , true ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : MemoryStructure subObjMem = subObjMemBuilder . build ( ) ;
memory = memory . product ( subObjMem ) ;
return memory ;
template < typename ValueType >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : setEpochSolution ( Epoch const & epoch , EpochSolution const & solution ) {
epochSolutions . emplace ( epoch , solution ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
void MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : setEpochSolution ( Epoch const & epoch , EpochSolution & & solution ) {
epochSolutions . emplace ( epoch , std : : move ( solution ) ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochSolution const & MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getEpochSolution ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
return EpochSolution ( ) ;
return epochSolutions . at ( epoch ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochClass MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getClassOfEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) {
return 0 ;
template < class SparseModelType >
void SparseMdpPcaaWeightVectorChecker < SparseModelType > : : discretizeRewardBounds ( ) {
std : : map < std : : string , uint_fast64_t > rewardModelNameToDimension ;
objIndexToRewardDimensionMapping = std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > ( this - > objectives . size ( ) , std : : numeric_limits < uint_fast64_t > : : max ( ) ) ;
// Collect the reward models that occur as reward bound
uint_fast64_t dimensionCount = 0 ;
for ( uint_fast64_t objIndex = 0 ; objIndex < this - > objectives . size ( ) ; + + objIndex ) {
auto const & obj = this - > objectives [ objIndex ] ;
if ( obj . timeBoundReference & & obj . timeBoundReference - > isRewardBound ( ) ) {
auto insertionRes = rewardModelNameToDimension . insert ( std : : make_pair ( obj . timeBoundReference - > getRewardName ( ) , dimensionCount ) ) ;
objIndexToRewardDimensionMapping [ objIndex ] = insertionRes . first - > second ;
if ( insertionRes . second ) {
+ + dimensionCount ;
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : EpochClass MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getClassOfEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch ) const {
// Get a BitVector that is 1 wherever the epoch is non-negative
storm : : storage : : BitVector classAsBitVector ( epoch . size ( ) , false ) ;
uint64_t i = 0 ;
for ( auto const & e : epoch ) {
if ( e > = 0 ) {
classAsBitVector . set ( i , true ) ;
+ + i ;
// Now discretize each reward
discretizedActionRewards . reserve ( dimensionCount ) ;
discretizedRewardBounds = std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > ( this - > objectives . size ( ) , 0 ) ;
for ( auto const & rewardName : rewardModelNameToDimension ) {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( this - > model . hasRewardModel ( rewardName . first ) , storm : : exceptions : : IllegalArgumentException , " No reward model with name ' " < < rewardName . first < < " ' found. " ) ;
auto const & rewardModel = this - > model . getRewardModel ( rewardName . first ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! rewardModel . hasTransitionRewards ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : NotSupportedException , " Transition rewards are currently not supported. " ) ;
std : : vector < typename RewardModelType : : ValueType > actionRewards = rewardModel . getTotalRewardVector ( this - > model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ) ;
auto discretizedRewardsAndFactor = storm : : utility : : vector : : toIntegralVector < typename RewardModelType : : ValueType , uint_fast64_t > ( actionRewards ) ;
discretizedActionRewards . push_back ( std : : move ( discretizedRewardsAndFactor . first ) ) ;
// Find all objectives that reffer to this reward model and apply the discretization factor to the reward bounds
for ( uint_fast64_t objIndex = 0 ; objIndex < objIndexToRewardDimensionMapping . size ( ) ; + + objIndex ) {
if ( objIndexToRewardDimensionMapping [ objIndex ] = = rewardName . second ) {
auto const & obj = this - > objectives [ objIndex ] ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! obj . lowerTimeBound , storm : : exceptions : : NotSupportedException , " Lower time bounds are not supported. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( obj . upperTimeBound , storm : : exceptions : : UnexpectedException , " Got formula with a bound reference but no bound. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! obj . upperTimeBound - > getBound ( ) . containsVariables ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : UnexpectedException , " The upper bound of a reward bounded formula still contains variables. " ) ;
typename RewardModelType : : ValueType discretizedBound = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < typename RewardModelType : : ValueType > ( obj . upperTimeBound - > getBound ( ) . evaluateAsRational ( ) ) ;
discretizedBound / = discretizedRewardsAndFactor . second ;
if ( obj . upperTimeBound - > isStrict ( ) & & discretizedBound = = storm : : utility : : floor ( discretizedBound ) ) {
discretizedBound = storm : : utility : : floor ( discretizedBound ) - storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ;
} else {
discretizedBound = storm : : utility : : floor ( discretizedBound ) ;
discretizedRewardBounds [ objIndex ] = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < uint_fast64_t > ( discretizedBound ) ;
return classAsBitVector . getAsInt ( 0 , epoch . size ( ) ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : Epoch MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < ValueType > : : getSuccessorEpoch ( Epoch const & epoch , Epoch const & step ) const {
assert ( epoch . size ( ) = = step . size ( ) ) ;
Epoch result ;
result . reserve ( epoch . size ( ) ) ;
auto stepIt = step . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto const & e : epoch ) {
result . push_back ( std : : max ( ( int64_t ) - 1 , e - * stepIt ) ) ;
+ + stepIt ;
return result ;
template class MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < double > ;
template class MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding < storm : : RationalNumber > ;