Browse Source

Dft exploration via NextStateGenerator

Former-commit-id: f81ac4e7fc
Mavo 9 years ago
  1. 7
  2. 736
  3. 111
  4. 266
  5. 43
  6. 3
  7. 2
  8. 7
  9. 2
  10. 2
  11. 5
  12. 2
  13. 6
  14. 32
  15. 1


@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
toplevel "A";
"A" or "F" "B";
"F" fdep "E" "C" "D";
"B" wsp "C" "D";
"C" lambda=1 dorm=0;
"D" lambda=1 dorm=0.5;
"E" lambda=0.5 dorm=0;


@ -12,223 +12,167 @@
namespace storm {
namespace builder {
template <typename ValueType>
ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType>::ModelComponents::ModelComponents() : transitionMatrix(), stateLabeling(), markovianStates(), exitRates(), choiceLabeling() {
template <typename ValueType, typename StateType>
ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType, StateType>::ModelComponents::ModelComponents() : transitionMatrix(), stateLabeling(), markovianStates(), exitRates(), choiceLabeling() {
// Intentionally left empty.
template <typename ValueType>
ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType>::ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox(storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft, storm::storage::DFTIndependentSymmetries const& symmetries, bool enableDC) : mDft(dft), enableDC(enableDC), stateStorage(((mDft.stateVectorSize() / 64) + 1) * 64) {
template <typename ValueType, typename StateType>
ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType, StateType>::ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox(storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft, storm::storage::DFTIndependentSymmetries const& symmetries, bool enableDC) : dft(dft), enableDC(enableDC), stateStorage(((dft.stateVectorSize() / 64) + 1) * 64) {
// stateVectorSize is bound for size of bitvector
mStateGenerationInfo = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTStateGenerationInfo>(mDft.buildStateGenerationInfo(symmetries));
stateGenerationInfo = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTStateGenerationInfo>(dft.buildStateGenerationInfo(symmetries));
template <typename ValueType, typename StateType>
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType, StateType>::buildModel(LabelOptions const& labelOpts) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Generating DFT state space");
template <typename ValueType>
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType>::buildModel(LabelOptions const& labelOpts) {
// Initialize
bool deterministicModel = false;
size_t rowOffset = 0;
ModelComponents modelComponents;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> tmpMarkovianStates;
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType> transitionMatrixBuilder(0, 0, 0, false, !deterministicModel, 0);
StateType currentRowGroup = 0;
StateType currentRow = 0;
modelComponents.markovianStates = storm::storage::BitVector(INITIAL_BITVECTOR_SIZE);
// Create generator
storm::generator::DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType> generator(dft, *stateGenerationInfo, enableDC, mergeFailedStates);
// Create sparse matrix builder
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType> transitionMatrixBuilder(0, 0, 0, false, !generator.isDeterministicModel(), 0);
if(mergeFailedStates) {
// Introduce explicit fail state
failedIndex = newIndex;
transitionMatrixBuilder.addNextValue(failedIndex, failedIndex, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Introduce fail state with id: " << failedIndex);
// Explore state space
DFTStatePointer state = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(mDft, *mStateGenerationInfo, newIndex);
auto exploreResult = exploreStates(state, rowOffset, transitionMatrixBuilder, tmpMarkovianStates, modelComponents.exitRates);
initialStateIndex = exploreResult.first;
bool deterministic = exploreResult.second;
// Before ending the exploration check for pseudo states which are not initialized yet
for (auto & pseudoStatePair : mPseudoStatesMapping) {
if (pseudoStatePair.first == 0) {
// Create state from pseudo state and explore
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateStorage.stateToId.contains(pseudoStatePair.second), "Pseudo state not contained.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateStorage.stateToId.getValue(pseudoStatePair.second) >= OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE, "State is no pseudo state.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Create pseudo state from bit vector " << pseudoStatePair.second);
DFTStatePointer pseudoState = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(pseudoStatePair.second, mDft, *mStateGenerationInfo, newIndex);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pseudoStatePair.second == pseudoState->status(), "Pseudo states do not coincide.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Explore pseudo state " << mDft.getStateString(pseudoState) << " with id " << pseudoState->getId());
auto exploreResult = exploreStates(pseudoState, rowOffset, transitionMatrixBuilder, tmpMarkovianStates, modelComponents.exitRates);
deterministic &= exploreResult.second;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pseudoStatePair.first == pseudoState->getId(), "Pseudo state ids do not coincide");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pseudoState->getId() == exploreResult.first, "Pseudo state ids do not coincide.");
// Replace pseudo states in matrix
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> pseudoStatesVector;
for (auto const& pseudoStatePair : mPseudoStatesMapping) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(std::find(pseudoStatesVector.begin(), pseudoStatesVector.end(), 0) == pseudoStatesVector.end(), "Unexplored pseudo state still contained.");
transitionMatrixBuilder.replaceColumns(pseudoStatesVector, OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE);
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Generated " << stateStorage.getNumberOfStates() + (mergeFailedStates ? 1 : 0) << " states");
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Model is " << (deterministic ? "deterministic" : "non-deterministic"));
storm::generator::StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> behavior = generator.createMergeFailedState([this] (DFTStatePointer const& state) {
this->failedStateId = newIndex++;
return this->failedStateId;
} );
size_t stateSize = stateStorage.getNumberOfStates() + (mergeFailedStates ? 1 : 0);
// Build Markov Automaton
modelComponents.markovianStates = storm::storage::BitVector(stateSize, tmpMarkovianStates);
// Build transition matrix
modelComponents.transitionMatrix =, stateSize);
if (stateSize <= 15) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Transition matrix: " << std::endl << modelComponents.transitionMatrix);
} else {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Transition matrix: too big to print");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Exit rates: " << modelComponents.exitRates);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Markovian states: " << modelComponents.markovianStates);
// Build state labeling
modelComponents.stateLabeling = storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling(stateStorage.getNumberOfStates() + (mergeFailedStates ? 1 : 0));
// Initial state is always first state without any failure
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState("init", initialStateIndex);
// Label all states corresponding to their status (failed, failsafe, failed BE)
if(labelOpts.buildFailLabel) {
if(labelOpts.buildFailSafeLabel) {
// Collect labels for all BE
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storage::DFTBE<ValueType>>> basicElements = mDft.getBasicElements();
for (std::shared_ptr<storage::DFTBE<ValueType>> elem : basicElements) {
if(labelOpts.beLabels.count(elem->name()) > 0) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabel(elem->name() + "_fail");
setRemapping(failedStateId, currentRowGroup);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!behavior.empty(), "Behavior is empty.");
setMarkovian(currentRowGroup, behavior.begin()->isMarkovian());
// If the model is nondeterministic, we need to open a row group.
if (!generator.isDeterministicModel()) {
if(mergeFailedStates) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState("failed", failedIndex);
// Now add self loop.
// TODO Matthias: maybe use general method.
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(behavior.getNumberOfChoices() == 1, "Wrong number of choices for failed state.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(behavior.begin()->size() == 1, "Wrong number of transitions for failed state.");
std::pair<StateType, ValueType> stateProbabilityPair = *(behavior.begin()->begin());
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateProbabilityPair.first == failedStateId, "No self loop for failed state.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(storm::utility::isOne<ValueType>(stateProbabilityPair.second), "Probability for failed state != 1.");
transitionMatrixBuilder.addNextValue(currentRow, stateProbabilityPair.first, stateProbabilityPair.second);
for (auto const& stateIdPair : stateStorage.stateToId) {
storm::storage::BitVector state = stateIdPair.first;
size_t stateId = stateIdPair.second;
if (!mergeFailedStates && labelOpts.buildFailLabel && mDft.hasFailed(state, *mStateGenerationInfo)) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState("failed", stateId);
if (labelOpts.buildFailSafeLabel && mDft.isFailsafe(state, *mStateGenerationInfo)) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState("failsafe", stateId);
// Set fail status for each BE
for (std::shared_ptr<storage::DFTBE<ValueType>> elem : basicElements) {
if (labelOpts.beLabels.count(elem->name()) > 0 && storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>::hasFailed(state, mStateGenerationInfo->getStateIndex(elem->id())) ) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState(elem->name() + "_fail", stateId);
// Create a callback for the next-state generator to enable it to add states
std::function<StateType (DFTStatePointer const&)> stateToIdCallback = std::bind(&ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox::getOrAddStateIndex, this, std::placeholders::_1);
// Build initial states
this->stateStorage.initialStateIndices = generator.getInitialStates(stateToIdCallback);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateStorage.initialStateIndices.size() == 1, "Only one initial state assumed.");
StateType initialStateIndex = stateStorage.initialStateIndices[0];
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Initial state: " << initialStateIndex);
// Explore state space
bool explorationFinished = false;
while (!explorationFinished) {
// Get the first state in the queue
DFTStatePointer currentState = statesToExplore.front();
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateStorage.stateToId.getValue(currentState->status()) == currentState->getId(), "Ids of states do not coincide.");
// Remember that this row group was actually filled with the transitions of a different state
setRemapping(currentState->getId(), currentRowGroup);
// Explore state
storm::generator::StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> behavior = generator.expand(stateToIdCallback);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!behavior.empty(), "Behavior is empty.");
setMarkovian(currentRowGroup, behavior.begin()->isMarkovian());
// If the model is nondeterministic, we need to open a row group.
if (!generator.isDeterministicModel()) {
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> model;
if (deterministic) {
// Turn the probabilities into rates by multiplying each row with the exit rate of the state.
// TODO Matthias: avoid transforming back and forth
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> rateMatrix(modelComponents.transitionMatrix);
for (uint_fast64_t row = 0; row < rateMatrix.getRowCount(); ++row) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(row < modelComponents.markovianStates.size(), "Row exceeds no. of markovian states.");
if (modelComponents.markovianStates.get(row)) {
for (auto& entry : rateMatrix.getRow(row)) {
entry.setValue(entry.getValue() * modelComponents.exitRates[row]);
// Now add all choices.
for (auto const& choice : behavior) {
// Add the probabilistic behavior to the matrix.
for (auto const& stateProbabilityPair : choice) {
// Check that pseudo state and its instantiation do not appear together
// TODO Matthias: prove that this is not possible and remove
if (stateProbabilityPair.first >= OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE) {
StateType newId = stateProbabilityPair.first - OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(newId < mPseudoStatesMapping.size(), "Id is not valid.");
if (mPseudoStatesMapping[newId].first > 0) {
// State exists already
newId = mPseudoStatesMapping[newId].first;
for (auto itFind = choice.begin(); itFind != choice.end(); ++itFind) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(itFind->first != newId, "Pseudo state and instantiation occur together in a distribution.");
transitionMatrixBuilder.addNextValue(currentRow, stateProbabilityPair.first, stateProbabilityPair.second);
model = std::make_shared<storm::models::sparse::Ctmc<ValueType>>(std::move(rateMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.exitRates), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling));
} else {
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<ValueType>> ma = std::make_shared<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<ValueType>>(std::move(modelComponents.transitionMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling), std::move(modelComponents.markovianStates), std::move(modelComponents.exitRates), true);
if (ma->hasOnlyTrivialNondeterminism()) {
// Markov automaton can be converted into CTMC
model = ma->convertToCTMC();
} else {
model = ma;
return model;
template <typename ValueType>
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType>::buildModelApprox(LabelOptions const& labelOpts) {
// Initialize
bool deterministicModel = false;
size_t rowOffset = 0;
ModelComponents modelComponents;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> tmpMarkovianStates;
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType> transitionMatrixBuilder(0, 0, 0, false, !deterministicModel, 0);
if(mergeFailedStates) {
// Introduce explicit fail state
failedIndex = newIndex;
transitionMatrixBuilder.addNextValue(failedIndex, failedIndex, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Introduce fail state with id: " << failedIndex);
// Initialize generator
storm::generator::DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, uint_fast64_t> generator(mDft, *mStateGenerationInfo);
// Explore state space
typename storm::generator::DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, uint_fast64_t>::StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback = [this] (DFTStatePointer const& state) -> uint_fast64_t {
uint_fast64_t id = newIndex++;
std::cout << "Added state " << id << std::endl;
return id;
uint_fast64_t id = generator.getInitialStates(stateToIdCallback)[0];
std::cout << "Initial state " << id << std::endl;
DFTStatePointer state = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(mDft, *mStateGenerationInfo, newIndex);
auto exploreResult = exploreStates(state, rowOffset, transitionMatrixBuilder, tmpMarkovianStates, modelComponents.exitRates);
initialStateIndex = exploreResult.first;
bool deterministic = exploreResult.second;
// Before ending the exploration check for pseudo states which are not initialized yet
for (auto & pseudoStatePair : mPseudoStatesMapping) {
if (pseudoStatePair.first == 0) {
// Create state from pseudo state and explore
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateStorage.stateToId.contains(pseudoStatePair.second), "Pseudo state not contained.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateStorage.stateToId.getValue(pseudoStatePair.second) >= OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE, "State is no pseudo state.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Create pseudo state from bit vector " << pseudoStatePair.second);
DFTStatePointer pseudoState = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(pseudoStatePair.second, mDft, *mStateGenerationInfo, newIndex);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pseudoStatePair.second == pseudoState->status(), "Pseudo states do not coincide.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Explore pseudo state " << mDft.getStateString(pseudoState) << " with id " << pseudoState->getId());
auto exploreResult = exploreStates(pseudoState, rowOffset, transitionMatrixBuilder, tmpMarkovianStates, modelComponents.exitRates);
deterministic &= exploreResult.second;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pseudoStatePair.first == pseudoState->getId(), "Pseudo state ids do not coincide");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pseudoState->getId() == exploreResult.first, "Pseudo state ids do not coincide.");
if (statesToExplore.empty()) {
explorationFinished = true;
// Before ending the exploration check for pseudo states which are not initialized yet
for ( ; pseudoStatesToCheck < mPseudoStatesMapping.size(); ++pseudoStatesToCheck) {
std::pair<StateType, storm::storage::BitVector> pseudoStatePair = mPseudoStatesMapping[pseudoStatesToCheck];
if (pseudoStatePair.first == 0) {
// Create state from pseudo state and explore
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateStorage.stateToId.contains(pseudoStatePair.second), "Pseudo state not contained.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateStorage.stateToId.getValue(pseudoStatePair.second) >= OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE, "State is no pseudo state.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Create pseudo state from bit vector " << pseudoStatePair.second);
DFTStatePointer pseudoState = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(pseudoStatePair.second, dft, *stateGenerationInfo, newIndex);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pseudoStatePair.second == pseudoState->status(), "Pseudo states do not coincide.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Explore pseudo state " << dft.getStateString(pseudoState) << " with id " << pseudoState->getId());
explorationFinished = false;
} // end exploration
size_t stateSize = stateStorage.getNumberOfStates() + (mergeFailedStates ? 1 : 0);
// Replace pseudo states in matrix
// TODO Matthias: avoid hack with fixed int type
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> pseudoStatesVector;
for (auto const& pseudoStatePair : mPseudoStatesMapping) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(std::find(pseudoStatesVector.begin(), pseudoStatesVector.end(), 0) == pseudoStatesVector.end(), "Unexplored pseudo state still contained.");
transitionMatrixBuilder.replaceColumns(pseudoStatesVector, OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE);
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Generated " << stateStorage.getNumberOfStates() + (mergeFailedStates ? 1 : 0) << " states");
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Model is " << (deterministic ? "deterministic" : "non-deterministic"));
size_t stateSize = stateStorage.getNumberOfStates() + (mergeFailedStates ? 1 : 0);
// Build Markov Automaton
modelComponents.markovianStates = storm::storage::BitVector(stateSize, tmpMarkovianStates);
// Fix the entries in the matrix according to the (reversed) mapping of row groups to indices
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateRemapping[initialStateIndex] == initialStateIndex, "Initial state should not be remapped.");
// Fix the transition matrix
transitionMatrixBuilder.replaceColumns(stateRemapping, 0);
// Fix the hash map storing the mapping states -> ids
this->stateStorage.stateToId.remap([this] (StateType const& state) { return this->stateRemapping[state]; } );
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State remapping: " << stateRemapping);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Markovian states: " << modelComponents.markovianStates);
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Generated " << stateSize << " states");
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Model is " << (generator.isDeterministicModel() ? "deterministic" : "non-deterministic"));
// Build transition matrix
modelComponents.transitionMatrix =, stateSize);
if (stateSize <= 15) {
@ -236,11 +180,9 @@ namespace storm {
} else {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Transition matrix: too big to print");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Exit rates: " << modelComponents.exitRates);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Markovian states: " << modelComponents.markovianStates);
// Build state labeling
modelComponents.stateLabeling = storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling(stateStorage.getNumberOfStates() + (mergeFailedStates ? 1 : 0));
modelComponents.stateLabeling = storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling(stateSize);
// Initial state is always first state without any failure
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState("init", initialStateIndex);
@ -251,52 +193,56 @@ namespace storm {
if(labelOpts.buildFailSafeLabel) {
// Collect labels for all BE
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storage::DFTBE<ValueType>>> basicElements = mDft.getBasicElements();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storage::DFTBE<ValueType>>> basicElements = dft.getBasicElements();
for (std::shared_ptr<storage::DFTBE<ValueType>> elem : basicElements) {
if(labelOpts.beLabels.count(elem->name()) > 0) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabel(elem->name() + "_fail");
// Set labels to states
if(mergeFailedStates) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState("failed", failedIndex);
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState("failed", failedStateId);
for (auto const& stateIdPair : stateStorage.stateToId) {
storm::storage::BitVector state = stateIdPair.first;
size_t stateId = stateIdPair.second;
if (!mergeFailedStates && labelOpts.buildFailLabel && mDft.hasFailed(state, *mStateGenerationInfo)) {
if (!mergeFailedStates && labelOpts.buildFailLabel && dft.hasFailed(state, *stateGenerationInfo)) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState("failed", stateId);
if (labelOpts.buildFailSafeLabel && mDft.isFailsafe(state, *mStateGenerationInfo)) {
if (labelOpts.buildFailSafeLabel && dft.isFailsafe(state, *stateGenerationInfo)) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState("failsafe", stateId);
// Set fail status for each BE
for (std::shared_ptr<storage::DFTBE<ValueType>> elem : basicElements) {
if (labelOpts.beLabels.count(elem->name()) > 0 && storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>::hasFailed(state, mStateGenerationInfo->getStateIndex(elem->id())) ) {
if (labelOpts.beLabels.count(elem->name()) > 0 && storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>::hasFailed(state, stateGenerationInfo->getStateIndex(elem->id())) ) {
modelComponents.stateLabeling.addLabelToState(elem->name() + "_fail", stateId);
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> model;
if (deterministic) {
// Turn the probabilities into rates by multiplying each row with the exit rate of the state.
// TODO Matthias: avoid transforming back and forth
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> rateMatrix(modelComponents.transitionMatrix);
for (uint_fast64_t row = 0; row < rateMatrix.getRowCount(); ++row) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(row < modelComponents.markovianStates.size(), "Row exceeds no. of markovian states.");
if (modelComponents.markovianStates.get(row)) {
for (auto& entry : rateMatrix.getRow(row)) {
entry.setValue(entry.getValue() * modelComponents.exitRates[row]);
if (generator.isDeterministicModel()) {
// Build CTMC
model = std::make_shared<storm::models::sparse::Ctmc<ValueType>>(std::move(modelComponents.transitionMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling));
} else {
// Build MA
// Compute exit rates
modelComponents.exitRates = std::vector<ValueType>(stateSize);
std::vector<typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType>::index_type> indices = modelComponents.transitionMatrix.getRowGroupIndices();
for (StateType stateIndex = 0; stateIndex < stateSize; ++stateIndex) {
if (modelComponents.markovianStates[stateIndex]) {
modelComponents.exitRates[stateIndex] = modelComponents.transitionMatrix.getRowSum(indices[stateIndex]);
} else {
modelComponents.exitRates[stateIndex] = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
model = std::make_shared<storm::models::sparse::Ctmc<ValueType>>(std::move(rateMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.exitRates), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling));
} else {
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<ValueType>> ma = std::make_shared<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<ValueType>>(std::move(modelComponents.transitionMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling), std::move(modelComponents.markovianStates), std::move(modelComponents.exitRates), true);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Exit rates: " << modelComponents.exitRates);
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<ValueType>> ma = std::make_shared<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<ValueType>>(std::move(modelComponents.transitionMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling), std::move(modelComponents.markovianStates), std::move(modelComponents.exitRates));
if (ma->hasOnlyTrivialNondeterminism()) {
// Markov automaton can be converted into CTMC
model = ma->convertToCTMC();
@ -325,331 +271,77 @@ namespace storm {
return eval < threshold;
template <typename ValueType>
std::pair<uint_fast64_t, bool> ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType>::exploreStates(DFTStatePointer const& state, size_t& rowOffset, storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType>& transitionMatrixBuilder, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& markovianStates, std::vector<ValueType>& exitRates) {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Explore state: " << mDft.getStateString(state));
auto explorePair = checkForExploration(state);
if (!explorePair.first) {
// State does not need any exploration
return std::make_pair(explorePair.second, true);
// Initialization
// TODO Matthias: set Markovian states directly as bitvector?
std::map<uint_fast64_t, ValueType> outgoingRates;
std::vector<std::map<uint_fast64_t, ValueType>> outgoingProbabilities;
bool hasDependencies = state->nrFailableDependencies() > 0;
size_t failableCount = hasDependencies ? state->nrFailableDependencies() : state->nrFailableBEs();
size_t smallest = 0;
ValueType exitRate = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
bool deterministic = !hasDependencies;
// Absorbing state
if (mDft.hasFailed(state) || mDft.isFailsafe(state) || state->nrFailableBEs() == 0) {
uint_fast64_t stateId = addState(state);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId == state->getId(), "Ids do not coincide.");
// Add self loop
transitionMatrixBuilder.newRowGroup(stateId + rowOffset);
transitionMatrixBuilder.addNextValue(stateId + rowOffset, stateId, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added self loop for " << stateId);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(exitRates.size()-1 == stateId, "No. of considered states does not match state id.");
// No further exploration required
return std::make_pair(stateId, true);
// Let BE fail
while (smallest < failableCount) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!mDft.hasFailed(state), "Dft has failed.");
// Construct new state as copy from original one
DFTStatePointer newState = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(*state);
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTBE<ValueType> const>, bool> nextBEPair = newState->letNextBEFail(smallest++);
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTBE<ValueType> const>& nextBE = nextBEPair.first;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(nextBE, "NextBE is null.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(nextBEPair.second == hasDependencies, "Failure due to dependencies does not match.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("With the failure of: " << nextBE->name() << " [" << nextBE->id() << "] in " << mDft.getStateString(state));
if (storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::DFTSettings>().computeApproximation()) {
if (!storm::utility::isZero(exitRate)) {
ValueType rate = nextBE->activeFailureRate();
ValueType div = rate / exitRate;
if (!storm::utility::isZero(exitRate) && belowThreshold(div)) {
// Set transition directly to failed state
auto resultFind = outgoingRates.find(failedIndex);
if (resultFind != outgoingRates.end()) {
// Add to existing transition
resultFind->second += rate;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Updated transition to " << resultFind->first << " with rate " << rate << " to new rate " << resultFind->second);
} else {
// Insert new transition
outgoingRates.insert(std::make_pair(failedIndex, rate));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added transition to " << failedIndex << " with rate " << rate);
exitRate += rate;
std::cout << "IGNORE: " << nextBE->name() << " [" << nextBE->id() << "] with rate " << rate << std::endl;
//STORM_LOG_TRACE("Ignore: " << nextBE->name() << " [" << nextBE->id() << "] with rate " << rate);
// Propagate failures
storm::storage::DFTStateSpaceGenerationQueues<ValueType> queues;
for (DFTGatePointer parent : nextBE->parents()) {
if (newState->isOperational(parent->id())) {
for (DFTRestrictionPointer restr : nextBE->restrictions()) {
while (!queues.failurePropagationDone()) {
DFTGatePointer next = queues.nextFailurePropagation();
next->checkFails(*newState, queues);
while(!queues.restrictionChecksDone()) {
DFTRestrictionPointer next = queues.nextRestrictionCheck();
next->checkFails(*newState, queues);
if(newState->isInvalid()) {
bool dftFailed = newState->hasFailed(mDft.getTopLevelIndex());
while (!dftFailed && !queues.failsafePropagationDone()) {
DFTGatePointer next = queues.nextFailsafePropagation();
next->checkFailsafe(*newState, queues);
while (!dftFailed && enableDC && !queues.dontCarePropagationDone()) {
DFTElementPointer next = queues.nextDontCarePropagation();
next->checkDontCareAnymore(*newState, queues);
// Update failable dependencies
if (!dftFailed) {
uint_fast64_t newStateId;
if(dftFailed && mergeFailedStates) {
newStateId = failedIndex;
} else {
// Explore new state recursively
auto explorePair = exploreStates(newState, rowOffset, transitionMatrixBuilder, markovianStates, exitRates);
newStateId = explorePair.first;
deterministic &= explorePair.second;
// Set transitions
if (hasDependencies) {
// Failure is due to dependency -> add non-deterministic choice
std::map<uint_fast64_t, ValueType> choiceProbabilities;
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTDependency<ValueType> const> dependency = mDft.getDependency(state->getDependencyId(smallest-1));
choiceProbabilities.insert(std::make_pair(newStateId, dependency->probability()));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added transition to " << newStateId << " with probability " << dependency->probability());
if (!storm::utility::isOne(dependency->probability())) {
// Add transition to state where dependency was unsuccessful
DFTStatePointer unsuccessfulState = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(*state);
auto explorePair = exploreStates(unsuccessfulState, rowOffset, transitionMatrixBuilder, markovianStates, exitRates);
uint_fast64_t unsuccessfulStateId = explorePair.first;
deterministic &= explorePair.second;
ValueType remainingProbability = storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - dependency->probability();
choiceProbabilities.insert(std::make_pair(unsuccessfulStateId, remainingProbability));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added transition to " << unsuccessfulStateId << " with remaining probability " << remainingProbability);
} else {
// Set failure rate according to activation
bool isActive = true;
if (mDft.hasRepresentant(nextBE->id())) {
// Active must be checked for the state we are coming from as this state is responsible for the
// rate and not the new state we are going to
isActive = state->isActive(mDft.getRepresentant(nextBE->id())->id());
ValueType rate = isActive ? nextBE->activeFailureRate() : nextBE->passiveFailureRate();
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!storm::utility::isZero(rate), "Rate is 0.");
auto resultFind = outgoingRates.find(newStateId);
if (resultFind != outgoingRates.end()) {
// Add to existing transition
resultFind->second += rate;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Updated transition to " << resultFind->first << " with " << (isActive ? "active" : "passive") << " rate " << rate << " to new rate " << resultFind->second);
} else {
// Insert new transition
outgoingRates.insert(std::make_pair(newStateId, rate));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added transition to " << newStateId << " with " << (isActive ? "active" : "passive") << " rate " << rate);
exitRate += rate;
} // end while failing BE
// Add state
uint_fast64_t stateId = addState(state);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId == state->getId(), "Ids do not match.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId == newIndex-1, "Id does not match no. of states.");
if (hasDependencies) {
// Add all probability transitions
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(outgoingRates.empty(), "Outgoing transitions not empty.");
transitionMatrixBuilder.newRowGroup(stateId + rowOffset);
for (size_t i = 0; i < outgoingProbabilities.size(); ++i, ++rowOffset) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(outgoingProbabilities[i].size() == 1 || outgoingProbabilities[i].size() == 2, "No. of outgoing transitions is not valid.");
for (auto it = outgoingProbabilities[i].begin(); it != outgoingProbabilities[i].end(); ++it)
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Set transition from " << stateId << " to " << it->first << " with probability " << it->second);
transitionMatrixBuilder.addNextValue(stateId + rowOffset, it->first, it->second);
rowOffset--; // One increment too many
} else {
// Try to merge pseudo states with their instantiation
// TODO Matthias: improve?
for (auto it = outgoingRates.begin(); it != outgoingRates.end(); ) {
if (it->first >= OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE) {
uint_fast64_t newId = it->first - OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(newId < mPseudoStatesMapping.size(), "Id is not valid.");
if (mPseudoStatesMapping[newId].first > 0) {
// State exists already
newId = mPseudoStatesMapping[newId].first;
auto itFind = outgoingRates.find(newId);
if (itFind != outgoingRates.end()) {
// Add probability from pseudo state to instantiation
itFind->second += it->second;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Merged pseudo state " << newId << " adding rate " << it->second << " to total rate of " << itFind->second);
} else {
// Only change id
outgoingRates.emplace(newId, it->second);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Instantiated pseudo state " << newId << " with rate " << it->second);
// Remove pseudo state
it = outgoingRates.erase(it);
} else {
} else {
// Add all rate transitions
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(outgoingProbabilities.empty(), "Outgoing probabilities not empty.");
transitionMatrixBuilder.newRowGroup(state->getId() + rowOffset);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Exit rate for " << state->getId() << ": " << exitRate);
for (auto it = outgoingRates.begin(); it != outgoingRates.end(); ++it)
ValueType probability = it->second / exitRate; // Transform rate to probability
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Set transition from " << state->getId() << " to " << it->first << " with rate " << it->second);
transitionMatrixBuilder.addNextValue(state->getId() + rowOffset, it->first, probability);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Finished exploring state: " << mDft.getStateString(state));
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(exitRates.size()-1 == state->getId(), "Id does not match no. of states.");
return std::make_pair(state->getId(), deterministic);
template <typename ValueType>
std::pair<bool, uint_fast64_t> ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType>::checkForExploration(DFTStatePointer const& state) {
template <typename ValueType, typename StateType>
StateType ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType, StateType>::getOrAddStateIndex(DFTStatePointer const& state) {
StateType stateId;
bool changed = false;
if (mStateGenerationInfo->hasSymmetries()) {
if (stateGenerationInfo->hasSymmetries()) {
// Order state by symmetry
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Check for symmetry: " << mDft.getStateString(state));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Check for symmetry: " << dft.getStateString(state));
changed = state->orderBySymmetry();
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State " << (changed ? "changed to " : "did not change") << (changed ? mDft.getStateString(state) : ""));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State " << (changed ? "changed to " : "did not change") << (changed ? dft.getStateString(state) : ""));
if (stateStorage.stateToId.contains(state->status())) {
// State already exists
uint_fast64_t stateId = stateStorage.stateToId.getValue(state->status());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State " << mDft.getStateString(state) << " with id " << stateId << " already exists");
if (changed || stateId < OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE) {
// State is changed or an explored "normal" state
return std::make_pair(false, stateId);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId < mPseudoStatesMapping.size(), "Id not valid.");
if (mPseudoStatesMapping[stateId].first > 0) {
// Pseudo state already explored
return std::make_pair(false, mPseudoStatesMapping[stateId].first);
stateId = stateStorage.stateToId.getValue(state->status());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State " << dft.getStateString(state) << " with id " << stateId << " already exists");
if (!changed && stateId >= OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE) {
// Pseudo state can be created now
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId >= OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE, "State is no pseudo state.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId < mPseudoStatesMapping.size(), "Pseudo state not known.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(mPseudoStatesMapping[stateId].first == 0, "Pseudo state already created.");
// Create pseudo state now
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(mPseudoStatesMapping[stateId].second == state->status(), "Pseudo states do not coincide.");
mPseudoStatesMapping[stateId].first = state->getId();
stateId = state->getId();
stateStorage.stateToId.setOrAdd(state->status(), stateId);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Now create state " << dft.getStateString(state) << " with id " << stateId);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(mPseudoStatesMapping[stateId].second == state->status(), "States do not coincide.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Pseudo state " << mDft.getStateString(state) << " can be explored now");
return std::make_pair(true, stateId);
} else {
// State does not exists
// State does not exist yet
if (changed) {
// Remember state for later creation
state->setId(mPseudoStatesMapping.size() + OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE);
mPseudoStatesMapping.push_back(std::make_pair(0, state->status()));
stateStorage.stateToId.findOrAdd(state->status(), state->getId());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Remember state for later creation: " << mDft.getStateString(state));
return std::make_pair(false, state->getId());
stateId = stateStorage.stateToId.findOrAdd(state->status(), state->getId());
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId == state->getId(), "Ids do not match.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Remember state for later creation: " << dft.getStateString(state));
// Reserve one slot for the coming state in the remapping
} else {
// State needs exploration
return std::make_pair(true, 0);
// Create new state
stateId = stateStorage.stateToId.findOrAdd(state->status(), state->getId());
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId == state->getId(), "Ids do not match.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("New state: " << dft.getStateString(state));
// Reserve one slot for the new state in the remapping
return stateId;
template <typename ValueType>
uint_fast64_t ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType>::addState(DFTStatePointer const& state) {
uint_fast64_t stateId;
// TODO remove
bool changed = state->orderBySymmetry();
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!changed, "State to add has changed by applying symmetry.");
// Check if state already exists
if (stateStorage.stateToId.contains(state->status())) {
// State already exists
stateId = stateStorage.stateToId.getValue(state->status());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State " << mDft.getStateString(state) << " with id " << stateId << " already exists");
// Check if possible pseudo state can be created now
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId >= OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE, "State is no pseudo state.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(stateId < mPseudoStatesMapping.size(), "Pseudo state not known.");
if (mPseudoStatesMapping[stateId].first == 0) {
// Create pseudo state now
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(mPseudoStatesMapping[stateId].second == state->status(), "Pseudo states do not coincide.");
mPseudoStatesMapping[stateId].first = state->getId();
stateId = state->getId();
stateStorage.stateToId.setOrAdd(state->status(), stateId);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Now create state " << mDft.getStateString(state) << " with id " << stateId);
return stateId;
} else {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(false, "Pseudo state already created.");
return 0;
} else {
// Create new state
stateId = stateStorage.stateToId.findOrAdd(state->status(), state->getId());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("New state: " << mDft.getStateString(state));
return stateId;
template <typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType, StateType>::setMarkovian(StateType id, bool markovian) {
if (id >= modelComponents.markovianStates.size()) {
// Resize BitVector
modelComponents.markovianStates.resize(modelComponents.markovianStates.size() + INITIAL_BITVECTOR_SIZE);
modelComponents.markovianStates.set(id, markovian);
template <typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox<ValueType, StateType>::setRemapping(StateType id, StateType mappedId) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(id < stateRemapping.size(), "Invalid index for remapping.");
stateRemapping[id] = mappedId;


@ -12,11 +12,15 @@
#include <boost/optional/optional.hpp>
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <limits>
namespace storm {
namespace builder {
template<typename ValueType>
* Build a Markov chain from DFT.
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType = uint32_t>
class ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox {
using DFTElementPointer = std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType>>;
@ -43,57 +47,100 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<ValueType> exitRates;
// A vector that stores a labeling for each choice.
boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>>> choiceLabeling;
boost::optional<std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<StateType>>> choiceLabeling;
const uint_fast64_t OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE = UINT_FAST64_MAX / 2;
storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& mDft;
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTStateGenerationInfo> mStateGenerationInfo;
//TODO Matthias: remove when everything works
std::vector<std::pair<uint_fast64_t, storm::storage::BitVector>> mPseudoStatesMapping; // vector of (id to concrete state, bitvector)
size_t newIndex = 0;
bool mergeFailedStates = true;
bool enableDC = true;
size_t failedIndex = 0;
size_t initialStateIndex = 0;
// Internal information about the states that were explored.
storm::storage::sparse::StateStorage<uint_fast64_t> stateStorage;
// A structure holding the labeling options.
struct LabelOptions {
bool buildFailLabel = true;
bool buildFailSafeLabel = false;
std::set<std::string> beLabels = {};
* Constructor.
* @param dft DFT.
* @param symmetries Symmetries in the dft.
* @param enableDC Flag indicating if dont care propagation should be used.
ExplicitDFTModelBuilderApprox(storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft, storm::storage::DFTIndependentSymmetries const& symmetries, bool enableDC);
* Build model from Dft.
* @param labelOpts Options for labeling.
* @return Built model (either MA or CTMC).
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> buildModel(LabelOptions const& labelOpts);
// TODO Matthias: only temporary used for avoiding crashing everything
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> buildModelApprox(LabelOptions const& labelOpts);
std::pair<uint_fast64_t, bool> exploreStates(DFTStatePointer const& state, size_t& rowOffset, storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType>& transitionMatrixBuilder, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& markovianStates, std::vector<ValueType>& exitRates);
* Adds a state to the explored states and handles pseudo states.
* Add a state to the explored states (if not already there). It also handles pseudo states.
* @param state The state to add.
* @return Id of added state.
* @return Id of state.
StateType getOrAddStateIndex(DFTStatePointer const& state);
* Set if the given state is markovian.
* @param id Id of the state.
* @param markovian Flag indicating if the state is markovian.
uint_fast64_t addState(DFTStatePointer const& state);
void setMarkovian(StateType id, bool markovian);
* Check if state needs an exploration and remember pseudo states for later creation.
* Set a mapping from a state id to its new id.
* @param state State which might need exploration.
* @return Pair of flag indicating whether the state needs exploration now and the state id if the state already
* exists.
* @param id Id of the state.
* @param mappedId New id to use.
std::pair<bool, uint_fast64_t> checkForExploration(DFTStatePointer const& state);
void setRemapping(StateType id, StateType mappedId);
// Initial size of the bitvector.
const size_t INITIAL_BITVECTOR_SIZE = 20000;
// Offset used for pseudo states.
const StateType OFFSET_PSEUDO_STATE = std::numeric_limits<StateType>::max() / 2;
// Dft
storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft;
// General information for state generation
// TODO Matthias: use const reference
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTStateGenerationInfo> stateGenerationInfo;
// Current id for new state
size_t newIndex = 0;
//TODO Matthias: remove when everything works
std::vector<std::pair<StateType, storm::storage::BitVector>> mPseudoStatesMapping; // vector of (id to concrete state, bitvector)
//TODO Matthias: make changeable
const bool mergeFailedStates = true;
size_t failedStateId = 0;
size_t initialStateIndex = 0;
size_t pseudoStatesToCheck = 0;
// Flag indication if dont care propagation should be used.
bool enableDC = true;
// Structure for the components of the model.
ModelComponents modelComponents;
// Internal information about the states that were explored.
storm::storage::sparse::StateStorage<StateType> stateStorage;
// A set of states that still need to be explored.
std::deque<DFTStatePointer> statesToExplore;
// A mapping from state indices to the row groups in which they actually reside
// TODO Matthias: avoid hack with fixed int type
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> stateRemapping;


@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ namespace storm {
namespace generator {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::DftNextStateGenerator(storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft, storm::storage::DFTStateGenerationInfo const& stateGenerationInfo) : mDft(dft), mStateGenerationInfo(stateGenerationInfo), state(nullptr), comparator() {
// Intentionally left empty.
DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::DftNextStateGenerator(storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft, storm::storage::DFTStateGenerationInfo const& stateGenerationInfo, bool enableDC, bool mergeFailedStates) : mDft(dft), mStateGenerationInfo(stateGenerationInfo), state(nullptr), enableDC(enableDC), mergeFailedStates(mergeFailedStates), comparator() {
deterministicModel = !mDft.canHaveNondeterminism();
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
bool DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::isDeterministicModel() const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "This functionality is not yet implemented.");
return deterministicModel;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
@ -29,117 +29,201 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::load(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>> const& state) {
/*// Since almost all subsequent operations are based on the evaluator, we load the state into it now.
unpackStateIntoEvaluator(state, variableInformation, evaluator);
// Also, we need to store a pointer to the state itself, because we need to be able to access it when expanding it.
this->state = &state;*/
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "This functionality is not yet implemented.");
void DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::load(DFTStatePointer const& state) {
// TODO Matthias load state from bitvector
// Store a pointer to the state itself, because we need to be able to access it when expanding it.
this->state = &state;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
bool DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::satisfies(storm::expressions::Expression const& expression) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "This functionality is not yet implemented.");
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "The method 'satisfies' is not yet implemented.");
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::expand(StateToIdCallback const& stateToIdCallback) {
/*// Prepare the result, in case we return early.
DFTStatePointer currentState = *state;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Explore state: " << mDft.getStateString(currentState));
// Prepare the result, in case we return early.
StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> result;
// First, construct the state rewards, as we may return early if there are no choices later and we already
// need the state rewards then.
for (auto const& rewardModel : selectedRewardModels) {
ValueType stateRewardValue = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
if (rewardModel.get().hasStateRewards()) {
for (auto const& stateReward : rewardModel.get().getStateRewards()) {
if (evaluator.asBool(stateReward.getStatePredicateExpression())) {
stateRewardValue += ValueType(evaluator.asRational(stateReward.getRewardValueExpression()));
// If a terminal expression was set and we must not expand this state, return now.
if (terminalExpression && evaluator.asBool(terminalExpression.get())) {
return result;
// Get all choices for the state.
std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> allChoices = getUnlabeledChoices(*this->state, stateToIdCallback);
std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> allLabeledChoices = getLabeledChoices(*this->state, stateToIdCallback);
for (auto& choice : allLabeledChoices) {
std::size_t totalNumberOfChoices = allChoices.size();
// If there is not a single choice, we return immediately, because the state has no behavior (other than
// the state reward).
if (totalNumberOfChoices == 0) {
// Initialization
bool hasDependencies = currentState->nrFailableDependencies() > 0;
size_t failableCount = hasDependencies ? currentState->nrFailableDependencies() : currentState->nrFailableBEs();
size_t currentFailable = 0;
Choice<ValueType, StateType> choice(0, !hasDependencies);
// Check for absorbing state
if (mDft.hasFailed(currentState) || mDft.isFailsafe(currentState) || currentState->nrFailableBEs() == 0) {
// Add self loop
choice.addProbability(currentState->getId(), storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added self loop for " << currentState->getId());
// No further exploration required
return result;
// If the model is a deterministic model, we need to fuse the choices into one.
if (program.isDeterministicModel() && totalNumberOfChoices > 1) {
Choice<ValueType> globalChoice;
// For CTMCs, we need to keep track of the total exit rate to scale the action rewards later. For DTMCs
// this is equal to the number of choices, which is why we initialize it like this here.
ValueType totalExitRate = program.isDiscreteTimeModel() ? static_cast<ValueType>(totalNumberOfChoices) : storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
// Iterate over all choices and combine the probabilities/rates into one choice.
for (auto const& choice : allChoices) {
for (auto const& stateProbabilityPair : choice) {
if (program.isDiscreteTimeModel()) {
globalChoice.addProbability(stateProbabilityPair.first, stateProbabilityPair.second / totalNumberOfChoices);
} else {
globalChoice.addProbability(stateProbabilityPair.first, stateProbabilityPair.second);
// Let BE fail
while (currentFailable < failableCount) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!mDft.hasFailed(currentState), "Dft has failed.");
// Construct new state as copy from original one
DFTStatePointer newState = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(*currentState);
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTBE<ValueType> const>, bool> nextBEPair = newState->letNextBEFail(currentFailable);
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTBE<ValueType> const>& nextBE = nextBEPair.first;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(nextBE, "NextBE is null.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(nextBEPair.second == hasDependencies, "Failure due to dependencies does not match.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("With the failure of: " << nextBE->name() << " [" << nextBE->id() << "] in " << mDft.getStateString(currentState));
/*if (storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::DFTSettings>().computeApproximation()) {
if (!storm::utility::isZero(exitRate)) {
ValueType rate = nextBE->activeFailureRate();
ValueType div = rate / exitRate;
if (!storm::utility::isZero(exitRate) && belowThreshold(div)) {
// Set transition directly to failed state
auto resultFind = outgoingRates.find(failedIndex);
if (resultFind != outgoingRates.end()) {
// Add to existing transition
resultFind->second += rate;
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Updated transition to " << resultFind->first << " with rate " << rate << " to new rate " << resultFind->second);
} else {
// Insert new transition
outgoingRates.insert(std::make_pair(failedIndex, rate));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added transition to " << failedIndex << " with rate " << rate);
exitRate += rate;
std::cout << "IGNORE: " << nextBE->name() << " [" << nextBE->id() << "] with rate " << rate << std::endl;
//STORM_LOG_TRACE("Ignore: " << nextBE->name() << " [" << nextBE->id() << "] with rate " << rate);
if (hasStateActionRewards && !program.isDiscreteTimeModel()) {
totalExitRate += choice.getTotalMass();
// Propagate
storm::storage::DFTStateSpaceGenerationQueues<ValueType> queues;
// Propagate failure
for (DFTGatePointer parent : nextBE->parents()) {
if (newState->isOperational(parent->id())) {
// Propagate failures
while (!queues.failurePropagationDone()) {
DFTGatePointer next = queues.nextFailurePropagation();
next->checkFails(*newState, queues);
// Check restrictions
for (DFTRestrictionPointer restr : nextBE->restrictions()) {
// Check restrictions
while(!queues.restrictionChecksDone()) {
DFTRestrictionPointer next = queues.nextRestrictionCheck();
next->checkFails(*newState, queues);
if(newState->isInvalid()) {
// Continue with next possible state
StateType newStateId;
if (newState->hasFailed(mDft.getTopLevelIndex()) && mergeFailedStates) {
// Use unique failed state
newStateId = mergeFailedStateId;
} else {
// Propagate failsafe
while (!queues.failsafePropagationDone()) {
DFTGatePointer next = queues.nextFailsafePropagation();
next->checkFailsafe(*newState, queues);
if (buildChoiceLabeling) {
// Propagate dont cares
while (enableDC && !queues.dontCarePropagationDone()) {
DFTElementPointer next = queues.nextDontCarePropagation();
next->checkDontCareAnymore(*newState, queues);
// Update failable dependencies
// Add new state
newStateId = stateToIdCallback(newState);
// Now construct the state-action reward for all selected reward models.
for (auto const& rewardModel : selectedRewardModels) {
ValueType stateActionRewardValue = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
if (rewardModel.get().hasStateActionRewards()) {
for (auto const& stateActionReward : rewardModel.get().getStateActionRewards()) {
for (auto const& choice : allChoices) {
if (stateActionReward.getActionIndex() == choice.getActionIndex() && evaluator.asBool(stateActionReward.getStatePredicateExpression())) {
stateActionRewardValue += ValueType(evaluator.asRational(stateActionReward.getRewardValueExpression())) * choice.getTotalMass() / totalExitRate;
// Set transitions
if (hasDependencies) {
// Failure is due to dependency -> add non-deterministic choice
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTDependency<ValueType> const> dependency = mDft.getDependency(currentState->getDependencyId(currentFailable));
choice.addProbability(newStateId, dependency->probability());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added transition to " << newStateId << " with probability " << dependency->probability());
if (!storm::utility::isOne(dependency->probability())) {
// Add transition to state where dependency was unsuccessful
DFTStatePointer unsuccessfulState = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(*currentState);
// Add state
StateType unsuccessfulStateId = stateToIdCallback(unsuccessfulState);
ValueType remainingProbability = storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - dependency->probability();
choice.addProbability(unsuccessfulStateId, remainingProbability);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added transition to " << unsuccessfulStateId << " with remaining probability " << remainingProbability);
} else {
// Failure is due to "normal" BE failure
// Set failure rate according to activation
bool isActive = true;
if (mDft.hasRepresentant(nextBE->id())) {
// Active must be checked for the state we are coming from as this state is responsible for the
// rate and not the new state we are going to
isActive = currentState->isActive(mDft.getRepresentant(nextBE->id())->id());
ValueType rate = isActive ? nextBE->activeFailureRate() : nextBE->passiveFailureRate();
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!storm::utility::isZero(rate), "Rate is 0.");
choice.addProbability(newStateId, rate);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Added transition to " << newStateId << " with " << (isActive ? "active" : "passive") << " rate " << rate);
// Move the newly fused choice in place.
} // end while failing BE
// Move all remaining choices in place.
for (auto& choice : allChoices) {
if (!hasDependencies) {
// Add all rates as one choice
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Finished exploring state: " << mDft.getStateString(currentState));
return result;*/
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "This functionality is not yet implemented.");
return result;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> DftNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::createMergeFailedState(StateToIdCallback const& stateToIdCallback) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(mergeFailedStates, "No unique failed state used.");
// Introduce explicit fail state
DFTStatePointer failedState = std::make_shared<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>(mDft, mStateGenerationInfo, 0);
mergeFailedStateId = stateToIdCallback(failedState);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Introduce fail state with id: " << mergeFailedStateId);
// Add self loop
Choice<ValueType, StateType> choice(0, true);
choice.addProbability(mergeFailedStateId, storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
// No further exploration required
StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> result;
return result;
template class DftNextStateGenerator<double>;
template class DftNextStateGenerator<storm::RationalFunction>;


@ -9,15 +9,21 @@
namespace storm {
namespace generator {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType = uint_fast64_t>
* Next state generator for DFTs.
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType = uint32_t>
class DftNextStateGenerator : public NextStateGenerator<ValueType, std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>, StateType> {
using DFTStatePointer = std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTState<ValueType>>;
using DFTElementPointer = std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType>>;
using DFTGatePointer = std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTGate<ValueType>>;
using DFTRestrictionPointer = std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTRestriction<ValueType>>;
typedef typename NextStateGenerator<ValueType, DFTStatePointer, StateType>::StateToIdCallback StateToIdCallback;
DftNextStateGenerator(storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft, storm::storage::DFTStateGenerationInfo const& stateGenerationInfo);
DftNextStateGenerator(storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& dft, storm::storage::DFTStateGenerationInfo const& stateGenerationInfo, bool enableDC, bool mergeFailedStates);
virtual bool isDeterministicModel() const override;
virtual std::vector<StateType> getInitialStates(StateToIdCallback const& stateToIdCallback) override;
@ -26,15 +32,38 @@ namespace storm {
virtual StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> expand(StateToIdCallback const& stateToIdCallback) override;
virtual bool satisfies(storm::expressions::Expression const& expression) const override;
* Create unique failed state.
* @param stateToIdCallback Callback for state. The callback should just return the id and not use the state.
* @return Behavior of state.
StateBehavior<ValueType, StateType> createMergeFailedState(StateToIdCallback const& stateToIdCallback);
// The program used for the generation of next states.
// The dft used for the generation of next states.
storm::storage::DFT<ValueType> const& mDft;
// General information for the state generation.
storm::storage::DFTStateGenerationInfo const& mStateGenerationInfo;
DFTStatePointer const state;
// Current state
DFTStatePointer const* state;
// Flag indicating if dont care propagation is enabled.
bool enableDC;
// Flag indication if all failed states should be merged into one.
bool mergeFailedStates = true;
// Id of the merged failed state
StateType mergeFailedStateId = 0;
// Flag indicating if the model is deterministic.
bool deterministicModel = true;
// A comparator used to compare constants.
storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> comparator;


@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ namespace storm {
template class StateBehavior<double>;
template class StateBehavior<storm::RationalFunction>;


@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType>
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Ctmc<ValueType, RewardModelType>> MarkovAutomaton<ValueType, RewardModelType>::convertToCTMC() {
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Ctmc<ValueType, RewardModelType>> MarkovAutomaton<ValueType, RewardModelType>::convertToCTMC() const {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("MA matrix:" << std::endl << this->getTransitionMatrix());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Markovian states: " << getMarkovianStates());


@ -150,7 +150,12 @@ namespace storm {
bool hasOnlyTrivialNondeterminism() const;
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Ctmc<ValueType, RewardModelType>> convertToCTMC();
* Convert the MA into a MA by eliminating all states with probabilistic choices.
* @return Ctmc.
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Ctmc<ValueType, RewardModelType>> convertToCTMC() const;
virtual void writeDotToStream(std::ostream& outStream, bool includeLabeling = true, storm::storage::BitVector const* subsystem = nullptr, std::vector<ValueType> const* firstValue = nullptr, std::vector<ValueType> const* secondValue = nullptr, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const* stateColoring = nullptr, std::vector<std::string> const* colors = nullptr, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* scheduler = nullptr, bool finalizeOutput = true) const;


@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace storm {
return true;
StateLabeling StateLabeling::getSubLabeling(storm::storage::BitVector const& states) {
StateLabeling StateLabeling::getSubLabeling(storm::storage::BitVector const& states) const {
StateLabeling result(states.getNumberOfSetBits());
for (auto const& labelIndexPair : nameToLabelingIndexMap) {
result.addLabel(labelIndexPair.first, labelings[labelIndexPair.second] % states);


@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param states The selected set of states.
StateLabeling getSubLabeling(storm::storage::BitVector const& states);
StateLabeling getSubLabeling(storm::storage::BitVector const& states) const;
* Adds a new label to the labelings. Initially, no state is labeled with this label.


@ -528,6 +528,11 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
bool DFT<ValueType>::canHaveNondeterminism() const {
return !getDependencies().empty();
template<typename ValueType>
DFTColouring<ValueType> DFT<ValueType>::colourDFT() const {
return DFTColouring<ValueType>(*this);


@ -198,6 +198,8 @@ namespace storm {
return elements;
bool canHaveNondeterminism() const;
std::vector<DFT<ValueType>> topModularisation() const;


@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ namespace storm {
DFTState<ValueType>::DFTState(DFT<ValueType> const& dft, DFTStateGenerationInfo const& stateGenerationInfo, size_t id) : mStatus(dft.stateVectorSize()), mId(id), mDft(dft), mStateGenerationInfo(stateGenerationInfo) {
// Initialize uses
for(size_t id : mDft.getSpareIndices()) {
std::shared_ptr<DFTGate<ValueType> const> elem = mDft.getGate(id);
for(size_t spareId : mDft.getSpareIndices()) {
std::shared_ptr<DFTGate<ValueType> const> elem = mDft.getGate(spareId);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(elem->isSpareGate(), "Element is no spare gate.");
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(elem->nrChildren() > 0, "Element has no child.");
this->setUses(id, elem->children()[0]->id());
this->setUses(spareId, elem->children()[0]->id());
// Initialize activation


@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#include "src/utility/vector.h"
//template<typename ValueType>
//std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector) {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<double> const& vector) {
// Template was causing problems as Carl has the same function
template<typename ValueType>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector) {
out << "vector (" << vector.size() << ") [ ";
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < vector.size() - 1; ++i) {
out << vector[i] << ", ";
@ -13,5 +14,26 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<double> const& vector) {
// Explicitly instantiate functions.
//template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<double> const& vector);
//template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& vector);
template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<double> const& vector);
template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& vector);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<double> const& vector) {
out << "vector (" << vector.size() << ") [ ";
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < vector.size() - 1; ++i) {
out << vector[i] << ", ";
out << vector.back();
out << " ]";
return out;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& vector) {
out << "vector (" << vector.size() << ") [ ";
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < vector.size() - 1; ++i) {
out << vector[i] << ", ";
out << vector.back();
out << " ]";
return out;


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
//template<typename ValueType>
//std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<ValueType> const& vector);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<double> const& vector);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& vector);
namespace storm {
namespace utility {
