@ -717,198 +717,6 @@ namespace storm {
return SparseMdpPrctlHelper < ValueType > : : computeReachabilityRewards ( env , dir , transitionMatrix , backwardTransitions , scaledRewardModel , psiStates , false , produceScheduler ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : vector < ValueType > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLongRunAverageProbabilities ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < ValueType > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates ) {
uint64_t numberOfStates = transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) ;
// If there are no goal states, we avoid the computation and directly return zero.
if ( psiStates . empty ( ) ) {
return std : : vector < ValueType > ( numberOfStates , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
// Likewise, if all bits are set, we can avoid the computation and set.
if ( psiStates . full ( ) ) {
return std : : vector < ValueType > ( numberOfStates , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
// Otherwise, reduce the long run average probabilities to long run average rewards.
// Every Markovian goal state gets reward one.
std : : vector < ValueType > stateRewards ( transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : setVectorValues ( stateRewards , markovianStates & psiStates , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < ValueType > rewardModel ( std : : move ( stateRewards ) ) ;
return computeLongRunAverageRewards ( env , dir , transitionMatrix , backwardTransitions , exitRateVector , markovianStates , rewardModel ) ;
template < typename ValueType , typename RewardModelType >
std : : vector < ValueType > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLongRunAverageRewards ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < ValueType > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , RewardModelType const & rewardModel ) {
uint64_t numberOfStates = transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) ;
// Start by decomposing the Markov automaton into its MECs.
storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponentDecomposition < ValueType > mecDecomposition ( transitionMatrix , backwardTransitions ) ;
// Get some data members for convenience.
std : : vector < uint64_t > const & nondeterministicChoiceIndices = transitionMatrix . getRowGroupIndices ( ) ;
// Now start with compute the long-run average for all end components in isolation.
std : : vector < ValueType > lraValuesForEndComponents ;
// While doing so, we already gather some information for the following steps.
std : : vector < uint64_t > stateToMecIndexMap ( numberOfStates ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector statesInMecs ( numberOfStates ) ;
auto underlyingSolverEnvironment = env ;
if ( env . solver ( ) . isForceSoundness ( ) ) {
// For sound computations, the error in the MECS plus the error in the remaining system should be less then the user defined precsion.
underlyingSolverEnvironment . solver ( ) . minMax ( ) . setPrecision ( env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . getPrecision ( ) / storm : : utility : : convertNumber < storm : : RationalNumber > ( 2 ) ) ;
underlyingSolverEnvironment . solver ( ) . minMax ( ) . setRelativeTerminationCriterion ( env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . getRelativeTerminationCriterion ( ) ) ;
underlyingSolverEnvironment . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . setPrecision ( env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . getPrecision ( ) / storm : : utility : : convertNumber < storm : : RationalNumber > ( 2 ) ) ;
for ( uint64_t currentMecIndex = 0 ; currentMecIndex < mecDecomposition . size ( ) ; + + currentMecIndex ) {
storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec = mecDecomposition [ currentMecIndex ] ;
// Gather information for later use.
for ( auto const & stateChoicesPair : mec ) {
uint64_t state = stateChoicesPair . first ;
statesInMecs . set ( state ) ;
stateToMecIndexMap [ state ] = currentMecIndex ;
// Compute the LRA value for the current MEC.
lraValuesForEndComponents . push_back ( computeLraForMaximalEndComponent ( underlyingSolverEnvironment , dir , transitionMatrix , exitRateVector , markovianStates , rewardModel , mec ) ) ;
// For fast transition rewriting, we build some auxiliary data structures.
storm : : storage : : BitVector statesNotContainedInAnyMec = ~ statesInMecs ;
uint64_t firstAuxiliaryStateIndex = statesNotContainedInAnyMec . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) ;
uint64_t lastStateNotInMecs = 0 ;
uint64_t numberOfStatesNotInMecs = 0 ;
std : : vector < uint64_t > statesNotInMecsBeforeIndex ;
statesNotInMecsBeforeIndex . reserve ( numberOfStates ) ;
for ( auto state : statesNotContainedInAnyMec ) {
while ( lastStateNotInMecs < = state ) {
statesNotInMecsBeforeIndex . push_back ( numberOfStatesNotInMecs ) ;
+ + lastStateNotInMecs ;
+ + numberOfStatesNotInMecs ;
uint64_t numberOfSspStates = numberOfStatesNotInMecs + mecDecomposition . size ( ) ;
// Finally, we are ready to create the SSP matrix and right-hand side of the SSP.
std : : vector < ValueType > b ;
typename storm : : storage : : SparseMatrixBuilder < ValueType > sspMatrixBuilder ( 0 , numberOfSspStates , 0 , false , true , numberOfSspStates ) ;
// If the source state is not contained in any MEC, we copy its choices (and perform the necessary modifications).
uint64_t currentChoice = 0 ;
for ( auto state : statesNotContainedInAnyMec ) {
sspMatrixBuilder . newRowGroup ( currentChoice ) ;
for ( uint64_t choice = nondeterministicChoiceIndices [ state ] ; choice < nondeterministicChoiceIndices [ state + 1 ] ; + + choice , + + currentChoice ) {
std : : vector < ValueType > auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap ( mecDecomposition . size ( ) ) ;
b . push_back ( storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
for ( auto element : transitionMatrix . getRow ( choice ) ) {
if ( statesNotContainedInAnyMec . get ( element . getColumn ( ) ) ) {
// If the target state is not contained in an MEC, we can copy over the entry.
sspMatrixBuilder . addNextValue ( currentChoice , statesNotInMecsBeforeIndex [ element . getColumn ( ) ] , element . getValue ( ) ) ;
} else {
// If the target state is contained in MEC i, we need to add the probability to the corresponding field in the vector
// so that we are able to write the cumulative probability to the MEC into the matrix.
auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap [ stateToMecIndexMap [ element . getColumn ( ) ] ] + = element . getValue ( ) ;
// Now insert all (cumulative) probability values that target an MEC.
for ( uint64_t mecIndex = 0 ; mecIndex < auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap . size ( ) ; + + mecIndex ) {
if ( auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap [ mecIndex ] ! = 0 ) {
sspMatrixBuilder . addNextValue ( currentChoice , firstAuxiliaryStateIndex + mecIndex , auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap [ mecIndex ] ) ;
// Now we are ready to construct the choices for the auxiliary states.
for ( uint64_t mecIndex = 0 ; mecIndex < mecDecomposition . size ( ) ; + + mecIndex ) {
storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec = mecDecomposition [ mecIndex ] ;
sspMatrixBuilder . newRowGroup ( currentChoice ) ;
for ( auto const & stateChoicesPair : mec ) {
uint64_t state = stateChoicesPair . first ;
storm : : storage : : FlatSet < uint64_t > const & choicesInMec = stateChoicesPair . second ;
for ( uint64_t choice = nondeterministicChoiceIndices [ state ] ; choice < nondeterministicChoiceIndices [ state + 1 ] ; + + choice ) {
// If the choice is not contained in the MEC itself, we have to add a similar distribution to the auxiliary state.
if ( choicesInMec . find ( choice ) = = choicesInMec . end ( ) ) {
std : : vector < ValueType > auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap ( mecDecomposition . size ( ) ) ;
b . push_back ( storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
for ( auto element : transitionMatrix . getRow ( choice ) ) {
if ( statesNotContainedInAnyMec . get ( element . getColumn ( ) ) ) {
// If the target state is not contained in an MEC, we can copy over the entry.
sspMatrixBuilder . addNextValue ( currentChoice , statesNotInMecsBeforeIndex [ element . getColumn ( ) ] , element . getValue ( ) ) ;
} else {
// If the target state is contained in MEC i, we need to add the probability to the corresponding field in the vector
// so that we are able to write the cumulative probability to the MEC into the matrix.
auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap [ stateToMecIndexMap [ element . getColumn ( ) ] ] + = element . getValue ( ) ;
// Now insert all (cumulative) probability values that target an MEC.
for ( uint64_t targetMecIndex = 0 ; targetMecIndex < auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap . size ( ) ; + + targetMecIndex ) {
if ( auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap [ targetMecIndex ] ! = 0 ) {
sspMatrixBuilder . addNextValue ( currentChoice , firstAuxiliaryStateIndex + targetMecIndex , auxiliaryStateToProbabilityMap [ targetMecIndex ] ) ;
+ + currentChoice ;
// For each auxiliary state, there is the option to achieve the reward value of the LRA associated with the MEC.
+ + currentChoice ;
b . push_back ( lraValuesForEndComponents [ mecIndex ] ) ;
// Finalize the matrix and solve the corresponding system of equations.
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > sspMatrix = sspMatrixBuilder . build ( currentChoice , numberOfSspStates , numberOfSspStates ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > x ( numberOfSspStates ) ;
// Check for requirements of the solver.
storm : : solver : : GeneralMinMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory < ValueType > minMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory ;
storm : : solver : : MinMaxLinearEquationSolverRequirements requirements = minMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory . getRequirements ( underlyingSolverEnvironment , true , true , dir ) ;
requirements . clearBounds ( ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! requirements . hasEnabledCriticalRequirement ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : UncheckedRequirementException , " Solver requirements " + requirements . getEnabledRequirementsAsString ( ) + " not checked. " ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < storm : : solver : : MinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > > solver = minMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory . create ( underlyingSolverEnvironment , sspMatrix ) ;
solver - > setHasUniqueSolution ( ) ;
solver - > setHasNoEndComponents ( ) ;
solver - > setLowerBound ( storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
solver - > setUpperBound ( * std : : max_element ( lraValuesForEndComponents . begin ( ) , lraValuesForEndComponents . end ( ) ) ) ;
solver - > setRequirementsChecked ( ) ;
solver - > solveEquations ( underlyingSolverEnvironment , dir , x , b ) ;
// Prepare result vector.
std : : vector < ValueType > result ( numberOfStates ) ;
// Set the values for states not contained in MECs.
storm : : utility : : vector : : setVectorValues ( result , statesNotContainedInAnyMec , x ) ;
// Set the values for all states in MECs.
for ( auto state : statesInMecs ) {
result [ state ] = x [ firstAuxiliaryStateIndex + stateToMecIndexMap [ state ] ] ;
return result ;
template < typename ValueType >
MDPSparseModelCheckingHelperReturnType < ValueType > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeReachabilityTimes ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < ValueType > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , bool produceScheduler ) {
@ -922,268 +730,6 @@ namespace storm {
return SparseMdpPrctlHelper < ValueType > : : computeReachabilityRewards ( env , dir , transitionMatrix , backwardTransitions , rewardModel , psiStates , false , produceScheduler ) ;
template < typename ValueType , typename RewardModelType >
ValueType SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLraForMaximalEndComponent ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < ValueType > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , RewardModelType const & rewardModel , storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec ) {
// If the mec only consists of a single state, we compute the LRA value directly
if ( + + mec . begin ( ) = = mec . end ( ) ) {
uint64_t state = mec . begin ( ) - > first ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( markovianStates . get ( state ) , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidOperationException , " Markov Automaton has Zeno behavior. Computation of Long Run Average values not supported. " ) ;
ValueType result = rewardModel . hasStateRewards ( ) ? rewardModel . getStateReward ( state ) : storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ;
if ( rewardModel . hasStateActionRewards ( ) | | rewardModel . hasTransitionRewards ( ) ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( mec . begin ( ) - > second . size ( ) = = 1 , " Markovian state has nondeterministic behavior. " ) ;
uint64_t choice = * mec . begin ( ) - > second . begin ( ) ;
result + = exitRateVector [ state ] * rewardModel . getTotalStateActionReward ( state , choice , transitionMatrix , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
return result ;
// Solve MEC with the method specified in the settings
storm : : solver : : LraMethod method = env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . getNondetLraMethod ( ) ;
if ( ( storm : : NumberTraits < ValueType > : : IsExact | | env . solver ( ) . isForceExact ( ) ) & & env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . isNondetLraMethodSetFromDefault ( ) & & method ! = storm : : solver : : LraMethod : : LinearProgramming ) {
STORM_LOG_INFO ( " Selecting 'LP' as the solution technique for long-run properties to guarantee exact results. If you want to override this, please explicitly specify a different LRA method. " ) ;
method = storm : : solver : : LraMethod : : LinearProgramming ;
} else if ( env . solver ( ) . isForceSoundness ( ) & & env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . isNondetLraMethodSetFromDefault ( ) & & method ! = storm : : solver : : LraMethod : : ValueIteration ) {
STORM_LOG_INFO ( " Selecting 'VI' as the solution technique for long-run properties to guarantee sound results. If you want to override this, please explicitly specify a different LRA method. " ) ;
method = storm : : solver : : LraMethod : : ValueIteration ;
if ( method = = storm : : solver : : LraMethod : : LinearProgramming ) {
return computeLraForMaximalEndComponentLP ( env , dir , transitionMatrix , exitRateVector , markovianStates , rewardModel , mec ) ;
} else if ( method = = storm : : solver : : LraMethod : : ValueIteration ) {
return computeLraForMaximalEndComponentVI ( env , dir , transitionMatrix , exitRateVector , markovianStates , rewardModel , mec ) ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidSettingsException , " Unsupported technique. " ) ;
template < typename ValueType , typename RewardModelType >
ValueType SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLraForMaximalEndComponentLP ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < ValueType > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , RewardModelType const & rewardModel , storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec ) {
std : : unique_ptr < storm : : utility : : solver : : LpSolverFactory < ValueType > > lpSolverFactory ( new storm : : utility : : solver : : LpSolverFactory < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < storm : : solver : : LpSolver < ValueType > > solver = lpSolverFactory - > create ( " LRA for MEC " ) ;
solver - > setOptimizationDirection ( invert ( dir ) ) ;
// First, we need to create the variables for the problem.
std : : map < uint64_t , storm : : expressions : : Variable > stateToVariableMap ;
for ( auto const & stateChoicesPair : mec ) {
std : : string variableName = " x " + std : : to_string ( stateChoicesPair . first ) ;
stateToVariableMap [ stateChoicesPair . first ] = solver - > addUnboundedContinuousVariable ( variableName ) ;
storm : : expressions : : Variable k = solver - > addUnboundedContinuousVariable ( " k " , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
solver - > update ( ) ;
// Now we encode the problem as constraints.
std : : vector < uint64_t > const & nondeterministicChoiceIndices = transitionMatrix . getRowGroupIndices ( ) ;
for ( auto const & stateChoicesPair : mec ) {
uint64_t state = stateChoicesPair . first ;
// Now, based on the type of the state, create a suitable constraint.
if ( markovianStates . get ( state ) ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( stateChoicesPair . second . size ( ) = = 1 , " Markovian state " < < state < < " is not deterministic: It has " < < stateChoicesPair . second . size ( ) < < " choices. " ) ;
uint64_t choice = * stateChoicesPair . second . begin ( ) ;
storm : : expressions : : Expression constraint = stateToVariableMap . at ( state ) ;
for ( auto element : transitionMatrix . getRow ( nondeterministicChoiceIndices [ state ] ) ) {
constraint = constraint - stateToVariableMap . at ( element . getColumn ( ) ) * solver - > getManager ( ) . rational ( ( element . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
constraint = constraint + solver - > getManager ( ) . rational ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) / exitRateVector [ state ] ) * k ;
storm : : expressions : : Expression rightHandSide = solver - > getManager ( ) . rational ( rewardModel . getTotalStateActionReward ( state , choice , transitionMatrix , ( ValueType ) ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) / exitRateVector [ state ] ) ) ) ;
if ( dir = = OptimizationDirection : : Minimize ) {
constraint = constraint < = rightHandSide ;
} else {
constraint = constraint > = rightHandSide ;
solver - > addConstraint ( " state " + std : : to_string ( state ) , constraint ) ;
} else {
// For probabilistic states, we want to add the constraint x_s <= sum P(s, a, s') * x_s' where a is the current action
// and the sum ranges over all states s'.
for ( auto choice : stateChoicesPair . second ) {
storm : : expressions : : Expression constraint = stateToVariableMap . at ( state ) ;
for ( auto element : transitionMatrix . getRow ( choice ) ) {
constraint = constraint - stateToVariableMap . at ( element . getColumn ( ) ) * solver - > getManager ( ) . rational ( element . getValue ( ) ) ;
storm : : expressions : : Expression rightHandSide = solver - > getManager ( ) . rational ( rewardModel . getTotalStateActionReward ( state , choice , transitionMatrix , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ) ;
if ( dir = = OptimizationDirection : : Minimize ) {
constraint = constraint < = rightHandSide ;
} else {
constraint = constraint > = rightHandSide ;
solver - > addConstraint ( " state " + std : : to_string ( state ) , constraint ) ;
solver - > optimize ( ) ;
return solver - > getContinuousValue ( k ) ;
template < typename ValueType , typename RewardModelType >
ValueType SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLraForMaximalEndComponentVI ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < ValueType > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , RewardModelType const & rewardModel , storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec ) {
// Initialize data about the mec
storm : : storage : : BitVector mecStates ( transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , false ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector mecChoices ( transitionMatrix . getRowCount ( ) , false ) ;
for ( auto const & stateChoicesPair : mec ) {
mecStates . set ( stateChoicesPair . first ) ;
for ( auto const & choice : stateChoicesPair . second ) {
mecChoices . set ( choice ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector markovianMecStates = mecStates & markovianStates ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector probabilisticMecStates = mecStates & ~ markovianStates ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector probabilisticMecChoices = transitionMatrix . getRowFilter ( probabilisticMecStates ) & mecChoices ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( ! markovianMecStates . empty ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidOperationException , " Markov Automaton has Zeno behavior. Computation of Long Run Average values not supported. " ) ;
bool hasProbabilisticStates = ! probabilisticMecStates . empty ( ) ;
// Get the uniformization rate
ValueType uniformizationRate = storm : : utility : : vector : : max_if ( exitRateVector , markovianMecStates ) ;
// To ensure that the model is aperiodic, we need to make sure that every Markovian state gets a self loop.
// Hence, we increase the uniformization rate a little.
uniformizationRate * = ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) + storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType > ( env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . getAperiodicFactor ( ) ) ) ;
// Get the transitions of the submodel, that is
// * a matrix aMarkovian with all (uniformized) transitions from Markovian mec states to all Markovian mec states.
// * a matrix aMarkovianToProbabilistic with all (uniformized) transitions from Markovian mec states to all probabilistic mec states.
// * a matrix aProbabilistic with all transitions from probabilistic mec states to other probabilistic mec states.
// * a matrix aProbabilisticToMarkovian with all transitions from probabilistic mec states to all Markovian mec states.
typename storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > aMarkovian = transitionMatrix . getSubmatrix ( true , markovianMecStates , markovianMecStates , true ) ;
typename storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > aMarkovianToProbabilistic , aProbabilistic , aProbabilisticToMarkovian ;
if ( hasProbabilisticStates ) {
aMarkovianToProbabilistic = transitionMatrix . getSubmatrix ( true , markovianMecStates , probabilisticMecStates ) ;
aProbabilistic = transitionMatrix . getSubmatrix ( false , probabilisticMecChoices , probabilisticMecStates ) ;
aProbabilisticToMarkovian = transitionMatrix . getSubmatrix ( false , probabilisticMecChoices , markovianMecStates ) ;
// The matrices with transitions from Markovian states need to be uniformized.
uint64_t subState = 0 ;
for ( auto state : markovianMecStates ) {
ValueType uniformizationFactor = exitRateVector [ state ] / uniformizationRate ;
if ( hasProbabilisticStates ) {
for ( auto & entry : aMarkovianToProbabilistic . getRow ( subState ) ) {
entry . setValue ( entry . getValue ( ) * uniformizationFactor ) ;
for ( auto & entry : aMarkovian . getRow ( subState ) ) {
if ( entry . getColumn ( ) = = subState ) {
entry . setValue ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) - uniformizationFactor * ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) - entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
entry . setValue ( entry . getValue ( ) * uniformizationFactor ) ;
+ + subState ;
// Compute the rewards obtained in a single uniformization step
std : : vector < ValueType > markovianChoiceRewards ;
markovianChoiceRewards . reserve ( aMarkovian . getRowCount ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & state : markovianMecStates ) {
ValueType stateRewardScalingFactor = storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) / uniformizationRate ;
ValueType actionRewardScalingFactor = exitRateVector [ state ] / uniformizationRate ;
assert ( transitionMatrix . getRowGroupSize ( state ) = = 1 ) ;
uint64_t choice = transitionMatrix . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ state ] ;
markovianChoiceRewards . push_back ( rewardModel . getTotalStateActionReward ( state , choice , transitionMatrix , stateRewardScalingFactor , actionRewardScalingFactor ) ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > probabilisticChoiceRewards ;
if ( hasProbabilisticStates ) {
probabilisticChoiceRewards . reserve ( aProbabilistic . getRowCount ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & state : probabilisticMecStates ) {
uint64_t groupStart = transitionMatrix . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ state ] ;
uint64_t groupEnd = transitionMatrix . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ state + 1 ] ;
for ( uint64_t choice = probabilisticMecChoices . getNextSetIndex ( groupStart ) ; choice < groupEnd ; choice = probabilisticMecChoices . getNextSetIndex ( choice + 1 ) ) {
probabilisticChoiceRewards . push_back ( rewardModel . getTotalStateActionReward ( state , choice , transitionMatrix , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ) ;
// start the iterations
ValueType precision = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType > ( env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . getPrecision ( ) ) / uniformizationRate ;
bool relative = env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . getRelativeTerminationCriterion ( ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > v ( aMarkovian . getRowCount ( ) , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > w = v ;
std : : vector < ValueType > x , b ;
auto solverEnv = env ;
std : : unique_ptr < storm : : solver : : MinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > > solver ;
if ( hasProbabilisticStates ) {
if ( env . solver ( ) . isForceSoundness ( ) ) {
// To get correct results, the inner equation systems are solved exactly.
// TODO investigate how an error would propagate
solverEnv . solver ( ) . setForceExact ( true ) ;
x . resize ( aProbabilistic . getRowGroupCount ( ) , storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
b = probabilisticChoiceRewards ;
solver = setUpProbabilisticStatesSolver ( solverEnv , dir , aProbabilistic ) ;
uint64_t iter = 0 ;
boost : : optional < uint64_t > maxIter ;
if ( env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . isMaximalIterationCountSet ( ) ) {
maxIter = env . solver ( ) . lra ( ) . getMaximalIterationCount ( ) ;
while ( ! maxIter . is_initialized ( ) | | iter < maxIter . get ( ) ) {
+ + iter ;
// Compute the expected total rewards for the probabilistic states
if ( hasProbabilisticStates ) {
if ( solver ) {
solver - > solveEquations ( solverEnv , dir , x , b ) ;
} else {
storm : : utility : : vector : : reduceVectorMinOrMax ( dir , b , x , aProbabilistic . getRowGroupIndices ( ) ) ;
// now compute the values for the markovian states. We also keep track of the maximal and minimal difference between two values (for convergence checking)
auto vIt = v . begin ( ) ;
uint64_t row = 0 ;
ValueType newValue = markovianChoiceRewards [ row ] + aMarkovian . multiplyRowWithVector ( row , w ) ;
if ( hasProbabilisticStates ) {
newValue + = aMarkovianToProbabilistic . multiplyRowWithVector ( row , x ) ;
ValueType maxDiff = newValue - * vIt ;
ValueType minDiff = maxDiff ;
* vIt = newValue ;
for ( + + vIt , + + row ; row < aMarkovian . getRowCount ( ) ; + + vIt , + + row ) {
newValue = markovianChoiceRewards [ row ] + aMarkovian . multiplyRowWithVector ( row , w ) ;
if ( hasProbabilisticStates ) {
newValue + = aMarkovianToProbabilistic . multiplyRowWithVector ( row , x ) ;
ValueType diff = newValue - * vIt ;
maxDiff = std : : max ( maxDiff , diff ) ;
minDiff = std : : min ( minDiff , diff ) ;
* vIt = newValue ;
// Check for convergence
if ( ( maxDiff - minDiff ) < = ( relative ? ( precision * ( v . front ( ) + minDiff ) ) : precision ) ) {
break ;
if ( storm : : utility : : resources : : isTerminate ( ) ) {
break ;
// update the rhs of the MinMax equation system
ValueType referenceValue = v . front ( ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : applyPointwise < ValueType , ValueType > ( v , w , [ & referenceValue ] ( ValueType const & v_i ) - > ValueType { return v_i - referenceValue ; } ) ;
if ( hasProbabilisticStates ) {
aProbabilisticToMarkovian . multiplyWithVector ( w , b ) ;
storm : : utility : : vector : : addVectors ( b , probabilisticChoiceRewards , b ) ;
if ( maxIter . is_initialized ( ) & & iter = = maxIter . get ( ) ) {
STORM_LOG_WARN ( " LRA computation did not converge within " < < iter < < " iterations. " ) ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_TRACE ( " LRA computation converged after " < < iter < < " iterations. " ) ;
return v . front ( ) * uniformizationRate ;
template std : : vector < double > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeBoundedUntilProbabilities ( Environment const & env , storm : : solver : : SolveGoal < double > & & goal , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < double > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , std : : pair < double , double > const & boundsPair ) ;
template MDPSparseModelCheckingHelperReturnType < double > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeUntilProbabilities ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , bool qualitative , bool produceScheduler ) ;
@ -1192,18 +738,8 @@ namespace storm {
template MDPSparseModelCheckingHelperReturnType < double > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeTotalRewards ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < double > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < double > const & rewardModel , bool produceScheduler ) ;
template std : : vector < double > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLongRunAverageProbabilities ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < double > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates ) ;
template std : : vector < double > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLongRunAverageRewards ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < double > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < double > const & rewardModel ) ;
template MDPSparseModelCheckingHelperReturnType < double > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeReachabilityTimes ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < double > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , bool produceScheduler ) ;
template double SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLraForMaximalEndComponent ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < double > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < double > const & rewardModel , storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec ) ;
template double SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLraForMaximalEndComponentLP ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < double > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < double > const & rewardModel , storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec ) ;
template double SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLraForMaximalEndComponentVI ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < double > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < double > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < double > const & rewardModel , storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec ) ;
template std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeBoundedUntilProbabilities ( Environment const & env , storm : : solver : : SolveGoal < storm : : RationalNumber > & & goal , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , std : : pair < double , double > const & boundsPair ) ;
template MDPSparseModelCheckingHelperReturnType < storm : : RationalNumber > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeUntilProbabilities ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & backwardTransitions , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , bool qualitative , bool produceScheduler ) ;
@ -1212,18 +748,7 @@ namespace storm {
template MDPSparseModelCheckingHelperReturnType < storm : : RationalNumber > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeTotalRewards ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < storm : : RationalNumber > const & rewardModel , bool produceScheduler ) ;
template std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLongRunAverageProbabilities ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates ) ;
template std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLongRunAverageRewards ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < storm : : RationalNumber > const & rewardModel ) ;
template MDPSparseModelCheckingHelperReturnType < storm : : RationalNumber > SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeReachabilityTimes ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & backwardTransitions , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , bool produceScheduler ) ;
template storm : : RationalNumber SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLraForMaximalEndComponent ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < storm : : RationalNumber > const & rewardModel , storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec ) ;
template storm : : RationalNumber SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLraForMaximalEndComponentLP ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < storm : : RationalNumber > const & rewardModel , storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec ) ;
template storm : : RationalNumber SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper : : computeLraForMaximalEndComponentVI ( Environment const & env , OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & transitionMatrix , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > const & exitRateVector , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & markovianStates , storm : : models : : sparse : : StandardRewardModel < storm : : RationalNumber > const & rewardModel , storm : : storage : : MaximalEndComponent const & mec ) ;