@ -20,7 +20,12 @@ namespace storm {
typedef boost : : container : : flat_set < StateType > BeliefSupportType ;
typedef uint64_t BeliefId ;
BeliefManager ( PomdpType const & pomdp , BeliefValueType const & precision ) : pomdp ( pomdp ) , cc ( precision , false ) {
enum class TriangulationMode {
Static ,
} ;
BeliefManager ( PomdpType const & pomdp , BeliefValueType const & precision , TriangulationMode const & triangulationMode ) : pomdp ( pomdp ) , cc ( precision , false ) , triangulationMode ( triangulationMode ) {
beliefToIdMap . resize ( pomdp . getNrObservations ( ) ) ;
initialBeliefId = computeInitialBelief ( ) ;
@ -288,65 +293,112 @@ namespace storm {
} ;
Triangulation triangulateBelief ( BeliefType belief , uint64_t resolution ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( assertBelief ( belief ) , " Input belief for triangulation is not valid. " ) ;
void triangulateBeliefFreudenthal ( BeliefType const & belief , uint64_t const & resolution , Triangulation & result ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( resolution ! = 0 , " Invalid resolution: 0 " ) ;
StateType numEntries = belief . size ( ) ;
auto convResolution = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < BeliefValueType > ( resolution ) ;
/ / This is the Freudenthal Triangulation as described in Lovejoy ( a whole lotta math )
/ / Probabilities will be triangulated to values in 0 / N , 1 / N , 2 / N , . . . , N / N
/ / Variable names are mostly based on the paper
/ / However , we speed this up a little by exploiting that belief states usually have sparse support ( i . e . numEntries is much smaller than pomdp . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) .
/ / Initialize diffs and the first row of the ' qs ' matrix ( aka v )
std : : set < FreudenthalDiff , std : : greater < FreudenthalDiff > > sorted_diffs ; / / d ( and p ? ) in the paper
std : : vector < BeliefValueType > qsRow ; / / Row of the ' qs ' matrix from the paper ( initially corresponds to v
qsRow . reserve ( numEntries ) ;
std : : vector < StateType > toOriginalIndicesMap ; / / Maps ' local ' indices to the original pomdp state indices
toOriginalIndicesMap . reserve ( numEntries ) ;
BeliefValueType x = convResolution ;
for ( auto const & entry : belief ) {
qsRow . push_back ( storm : : utility : : floor ( x ) ) ; / / v
sorted_diffs . emplace ( toOriginalIndicesMap . size ( ) , x - qsRow . back ( ) ) ; / / x - v
toOriginalIndicesMap . push_back ( entry . first ) ;
x - = entry . second * convResolution ;
/ / Insert a dummy 0 column in the qs matrix so the loops below are a bit simpler
qsRow . push_back ( storm : : utility : : zero < BeliefValueType > ( ) ) ;
result . weights . reserve ( numEntries ) ;
result . gridPoints . reserve ( numEntries ) ;
auto currentSortedDiff = sorted_diffs . begin ( ) ;
auto previousSortedDiff = sorted_diffs . end ( ) ;
- - previousSortedDiff ;
for ( StateType i = 0 ; i < numEntries ; + + i ) {
/ / Compute the weight for the grid points
BeliefValueType weight = previousSortedDiff - > diff - currentSortedDiff - > diff ;
if ( i = = 0 ) {
/ / The first weight is a bit different
weight + = storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ;
} else {
/ / ' compute ' the next row of the qs matrix
qsRow [ previousSortedDiff - > dimension ] + = storm : : utility : : one < BeliefValueType > ( ) ;
if ( ! cc . isZero ( weight ) ) {
result . weights . push_back ( weight ) ;
/ / Compute the grid point
BeliefType gridPoint ;
for ( StateType j = 0 ; j < numEntries ; + + j ) {
BeliefValueType gridPointEntry = qsRow [ j ] - qsRow [ j + 1 ] ;
if ( ! cc . isZero ( gridPointEntry ) ) {
gridPoint [ toOriginalIndicesMap [ j ] ] = gridPointEntry / convResolution ;
result . gridPoints . push_back ( getOrAddBeliefId ( gridPoint ) ) ;
previousSortedDiff = currentSortedDiff + + ;
void triangulateBeliefDynamic ( BeliefType const & belief , uint64_t const & resolution , Triangulation & result ) {
/ / Find the best resolution for this belief , i . e . , N such that the largest distance between one of the belief values to a value in { i / N | 0 ≤ i ≤ N } is minimal
uint64_t finalResolution = resolution ;
BeliefValueType finalResolutionDist = storm : : utility : : one < BeliefValueType > ( ) ;
/ / We don ' t need to check resolutions that are smaller than the maximal resolution divided by 2 ( as we already checked multiples of these )
for ( uint64_t currResolution = resolution ; currResolution > resolution / 2 ; - - currResolution ) {
BeliefValueType currResDist = storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ;
BeliefValueType currResolutionConverted = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < BeliefValueType > ( currResolution ) ;
bool continueWithNextResolution = false ;
for ( auto const & belEntry : belief ) {
BeliefValueType product = belEntry . second * currResolutionConverted ;
BeliefValueType dist = storm : : utility : : abs < BeliefValueType > ( product - storm : : utility : : round ( product ) ) / currResolutionConverted ;
if ( dist > currResDist ) {
if ( dist > finalResolutionDist ) {
/ / This resolution is worse than a previous resolution
continueWithNextResolution = true ;
break ;
currResDist = dist ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( continueWithNextResolution | | currResDist < = finalResolutionDist , " Distance for this resolution should not be larger than a previously checked one. " ) ;
if ( ! continueWithNextResolution ) {
finalResolution = currResolution ;
finalResolutionDist = currResDist ;
STORM_LOG_TRACE ( " Picking resolution " < < finalResolution < < " for belief " < < toString ( belief ) ) ;
/ / do standard freudenthal with the found resolution
triangulateBeliefFreudenthal ( belief , finalResolution , result ) ;
Triangulation triangulateBelief ( BeliefType const & belief , uint64_t const & resolution ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( assertBelief ( belief ) , " Input belief for triangulation is not valid. " ) ;
Triangulation result ;
/ / Quickly triangulate Dirac beliefs
if ( numEntries = = 1u ) {
if ( belief . size ( ) = = 1u ) {
result . weights . push_back ( storm : : utility : : one < BeliefValueType > ( ) ) ;
result . gridPoints . push_back ( getOrAddBeliefId ( belief ) ) ;
} else {
auto convResolution = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < BeliefValueType > ( resolution ) ;
/ / This is the Freudenthal Triangulation as described in Lovejoy ( a whole lotta math )
/ / Variable names are mostly based on the paper
/ / However , we speed this up a little by exploiting that belief states usually have sparse support ( i . e . numEntries is much smaller than pomdp . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) .
/ / Initialize diffs and the first row of the ' qs ' matrix ( aka v )
std : : set < FreudenthalDiff , std : : greater < FreudenthalDiff > > sorted_diffs ; / / d ( and p ? ) in the paper
std : : vector < BeliefValueType > qsRow ; / / Row of the ' qs ' matrix from the paper ( initially corresponds to v
qsRow . reserve ( numEntries ) ;
std : : vector < StateType > toOriginalIndicesMap ; / / Maps ' local ' indices to the original pomdp state indices
toOriginalIndicesMap . reserve ( numEntries ) ;
BeliefValueType x = convResolution ;
for ( auto const & entry : belief ) {
qsRow . push_back ( storm : : utility : : floor ( x ) ) ; / / v
sorted_diffs . emplace ( toOriginalIndicesMap . size ( ) , x - qsRow . back ( ) ) ; / / x - v
toOriginalIndicesMap . push_back ( entry . first ) ;
x - = entry . second * convResolution ;
/ / Insert a dummy 0 column in the qs matrix so the loops below are a bit simpler
qsRow . push_back ( storm : : utility : : zero < BeliefValueType > ( ) ) ;
result . weights . reserve ( numEntries ) ;
result . gridPoints . reserve ( numEntries ) ;
auto currentSortedDiff = sorted_diffs . begin ( ) ;
auto previousSortedDiff = sorted_diffs . end ( ) ;
- - previousSortedDiff ;
for ( StateType i = 0 ; i < numEntries ; + + i ) {
/ / Compute the weight for the grid points
BeliefValueType weight = previousSortedDiff - > diff - currentSortedDiff - > diff ;
if ( i = = 0 ) {
/ / The first weight is a bit different
weight + = storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ;
} else {
/ / ' compute ' the next row of the qs matrix
qsRow [ previousSortedDiff - > dimension ] + = storm : : utility : : one < BeliefValueType > ( ) ;
if ( ! cc . isZero ( weight ) ) {
result . weights . push_back ( weight ) ;
/ / Compute the grid point
BeliefType gridPoint ;
for ( StateType j = 0 ; j < numEntries ; + + j ) {
BeliefValueType gridPointEntry = qsRow [ j ] - qsRow [ j + 1 ] ;
if ( ! cc . isZero ( gridPointEntry ) ) {
gridPoint [ toOriginalIndicesMap [ j ] ] = gridPointEntry / convResolution ;
result . gridPoints . push_back ( getOrAddBeliefId ( gridPoint ) ) ;
previousSortedDiff = currentSortedDiff + + ;
switch ( triangulationMode ) {
case TriangulationMode : : Static :
triangulateBeliefFreudenthal ( belief , resolution , result ) ;
break ;
case TriangulationMode : : Dynamic :
triangulateBeliefDynamic ( belief , resolution , result ) ;
break ;
default :
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( false , " Invalid triangulation mode. " ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( assertTriangulation ( belief , result ) , " Incorrect triangulation: " < < toString ( result ) ) ;
@ -445,6 +497,7 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : utility : : ConstantsComparator < ValueType > cc ;
TriangulationMode triangulationMode ;
} ;