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Implemented Policy Iteration inside the GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver.

Added an option for selecting Value- or Policy Iteration in the GeneralSettings.

Former-commit-id: 6d12f10f60
PBerger 10 years ago
  1. 19
  2. 22
  3. 215
  4. 8
  5. 20


@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ namespace storm {
const std::string GeneralSettings::cudaOptionName = "cuda";
const std::string GeneralSettings::prismCompatibilityOptionName = "prismcompat";
const std::string GeneralSettings::prismCompatibilityOptionShortName = "pc";
const std::string GeneralSettings::minMaxEquationSolvingTechniqueOptionName = "minMaxEquationSolvingTechnique";
const std::string GeneralSettings::parametricOptionName = "parametric";
@ -100,6 +101,10 @@ namespace storm {
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, statisticsOptionName, false, "Sets whether to display statistics if available.").setShortName(statisticsOptionShortName).build());
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, cudaOptionName, false, "Sets whether to use CUDA to speed up computation time.").build());
std::vector<std::string> minMaxSolvingTechniques = {"policyIteration", "valueIteration"};
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, minMaxEquationSolvingTechniqueOptionName, false, "Sets which min/max linear equation solving technique is preferred.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("name", "The name of a min/max linear equation solving technique. Available are: valueIteration and policyIteration.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(minMaxSolvingTechniques)).setDefaultValueString("valueIteration").build()).build());
this->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, parametricOptionName, false, "Sets whether to use the parametric engine.").build());
@ -285,6 +290,20 @@ namespace storm {
bool GeneralSettings::isPrismCompatibilityEnabled() const {
return this->getOption(prismCompatibilityOptionName).getHasOptionBeenSet();
GeneralSettings::MinMaxTechnique GeneralSettings::getMinMaxEquationSolvingTechnique() const {
std::string minMaxEquationSolvingTechnique = this->getOption(minMaxEquationSolvingTechniqueOptionName).getArgumentByName("name").getValueAsString();
if (minMaxEquationSolvingTechnique == "valueIteration") {
return GeneralSettings::MinMaxTechnique::ValueIteration;
} else if (minMaxEquationSolvingTechnique == "policyIteration") {
return GeneralSettings::MinMaxTechnique::PolicyIteration;
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException, "Unknown min/max equation solving technique '" << minMaxEquationSolvingTechnique << "'.");
bool GeneralSettings::isMinMaxEquationSolvingTechniqueSet() const {
return this->getOption(minMaxEquationSolvingTechniqueOptionName).getHasOptionBeenSet();
bool GeneralSettings::isParametricSet() const {


@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ namespace storm {
// An enumeration of all available equation solvers.
enum class EquationSolver { Gmmxx, Native };
// An enumeration of all available Min/Max equation solver techniques.
enum class MinMaxTechnique { ValueIteration, PolicyIteration };
* Creates a new set of general settings that is managed by the given manager.
@ -316,7 +319,7 @@ namespace storm {
* Retrieves the selected engine.
* @return The selecte engine.
* @return The selected engine.
Engine getEngine() const;
@ -335,6 +338,20 @@ namespace storm {
bool isParametricSet() const;
* Retrieves whether a min/max equation solving technique has been set.
* @return True iff an equation solving technique has been set.
bool isMinMaxEquationSolvingTechniqueSet() const;
* Retrieves the selected min/max equation solving technique.
* @return The selected min/max equation solving technique.
MinMaxTechnique getMinMaxEquationSolvingTechnique() const;
bool check() const override;
@ -380,7 +397,8 @@ namespace storm {
static const std::string cudaOptionName;
static const std::string prismCompatibilityOptionName;
static const std::string prismCompatibilityOptionShortName;
static const std::string minMaxEquationSolvingTechniqueOptionName;
static const std::string parametricOptionName;


@ -4,91 +4,180 @@
#include "src/settings/SettingsManager.h"
#include "src/adapters/GmmxxAdapter.h"
#include "src/solver/GmmxxLinearEquationSolver.h"
#include "src/utility/vector.h"
namespace storm {
namespace solver {
template<typename ValueType>
GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>::GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& A) : gmmxxMatrix(storm::adapters::GmmxxAdapter::toGmmxxSparseMatrix<ValueType>(A)), rowGroupIndices(A.getRowGroupIndices()) {
GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>::GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& A) : gmmxxMatrix(storm::adapters::GmmxxAdapter::toGmmxxSparseMatrix<ValueType>(A)), stormMatrix(A), rowGroupIndices(A.getRowGroupIndices()) {
// Get the settings object to customize solving.
storm::settings::modules::GmmxxEquationSolverSettings const& settings = storm::settings::gmmxxEquationSolverSettings();
storm::settings::modules::GeneralSettings const& generalSettings = storm::settings::generalSettings();
// Get appropriate settings.
maximalNumberOfIterations = settings.getMaximalIterationCount();
precision = settings.getPrecision();
relative = settings.getConvergenceCriterion() == storm::settings::modules::GmmxxEquationSolverSettings::ConvergenceCriterion::Relative;
useValueIteration = (generalSettings.getMinMaxEquationSolvingTechnique() == storm::settings::modules::GeneralSettings::MinMaxTechnique::ValueIteration);
template<typename ValueType>
GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>::GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& A, double precision, uint_fast64_t maximalNumberOfIterations, bool relative) : gmmxxMatrix(storm::adapters::GmmxxAdapter::toGmmxxSparseMatrix<ValueType>(A)), rowGroupIndices(A.getRowGroupIndices()), precision(precision), relative(relative), maximalNumberOfIterations(maximalNumberOfIterations) {
GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>::GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& A, double precision, uint_fast64_t maximalNumberOfIterations, bool useValueIteration, bool relative) : gmmxxMatrix(storm::adapters::GmmxxAdapter::toGmmxxSparseMatrix<ValueType>(A)), stormMatrix(A), rowGroupIndices(A.getRowGroupIndices()), precision(precision), maximalNumberOfIterations(maximalNumberOfIterations), useValueIteration(useValueIteration), relative(relative) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<typename ValueType>
void GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>::solveEquationSystem(bool minimize, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, std::vector<ValueType>* multiplyResult, std::vector<ValueType>* newX) const {
// Set up the environment for the power method. If scratch memory was not provided, we need to create it.
bool multiplyResultMemoryProvided = true;
if (multiplyResult == nullptr) {
multiplyResult = new std::vector<ValueType>(b.size());
multiplyResultMemoryProvided = false;
std::vector<ValueType>* currentX = &x;
bool xMemoryProvided = true;
if (newX == nullptr) {
newX = new std::vector<ValueType>(x.size());
xMemoryProvided = false;
uint_fast64_t iterations = 0;
bool converged = false;
// Keep track of which of the vectors for x is the auxiliary copy.
std::vector<ValueType>* copyX = newX;
// Proceed with the iterations as long as the method did not converge or reach the user-specified maximum number
// of iterations.
while (!converged && iterations < maximalNumberOfIterations) {
// Compute x' = A*x + b.
gmm::mult(*gmmxxMatrix, *currentX, *multiplyResult);
gmm::add(b, *multiplyResult);
// Reduce the vector x by applying min/max over all nondeterministic choices.
if (minimize) {
storm::utility::vector::reduceVectorMin(*multiplyResult, *newX, rowGroupIndices);
} else {
storm::utility::vector::reduceVectorMax(*multiplyResult, *newX, rowGroupIndices);
// Determine whether the method converged.
converged = storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision(*currentX, *newX, this->precision, this->relative);
// Update environment variables.
std::swap(currentX, newX);
// Check if the solver converged and issue a warning otherwise.
if (converged) {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Iterative solver converged after " << iterations << " iterations.");
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Iterative solver did not converge after " << iterations << " iterations.");
// If we performed an odd number of iterations, we need to swap the x and currentX, because the newest result
// is currently stored in currentX, but x is the output vector.
if (currentX == copyX) {
std::swap(x, *currentX);
if (!xMemoryProvided) {
delete copyX;
if (!multiplyResultMemoryProvided) {
delete multiplyResult;
if (useValueIteration) {
// Set up the environment for the power method. If scratch memory was not provided, we need to create it.
bool multiplyResultMemoryProvided = true;
if (multiplyResult == nullptr) {
multiplyResult = new std::vector<ValueType>(b.size());
multiplyResultMemoryProvided = false;
std::vector<ValueType>* currentX = &x;
bool xMemoryProvided = true;
if (newX == nullptr) {
newX = new std::vector<ValueType>(x.size());
xMemoryProvided = false;
uint_fast64_t iterations = 0;
bool converged = false;
// Keep track of which of the vectors for x is the auxiliary copy.
std::vector<ValueType>* copyX = newX;
// Proceed with the iterations as long as the method did not converge or reach the user-specified maximum number
// of iterations.
while (!converged && iterations < maximalNumberOfIterations) {
// Compute x' = A*x + b.
gmm::mult(*gmmxxMatrix, *currentX, *multiplyResult);
gmm::add(b, *multiplyResult);
// Reduce the vector x by applying min/max over all nondeterministic choices.
if (minimize) {
storm::utility::vector::reduceVectorMin(*multiplyResult, *newX, rowGroupIndices);
} else {
storm::utility::vector::reduceVectorMax(*multiplyResult, *newX, rowGroupIndices);
// Determine whether the method converged.
converged = storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision(*currentX, *newX, this->precision, this->relative);
// Update environment variables.
std::swap(currentX, newX);
// Check if the solver converged and issue a warning otherwise.
if (converged) {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Iterative solver converged after " << iterations << " iterations.");
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Iterative solver did not converge after " << iterations << " iterations.");
// If we performed an odd number of iterations, we need to swap the x and currentX, because the newest result
// is currently stored in currentX, but x is the output vector.
if (currentX == copyX) {
std::swap(x, *currentX);
if (!xMemoryProvided) {
delete copyX;
if (!multiplyResultMemoryProvided) {
delete multiplyResult;
} else {
// We will use Policy Iteration to solve the given system.
// We first define an initial choice resolution which will be refined after each iteration.
std::vector<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType>::index_type> choiceVector(rowGroupIndices.size() - 1);
// Create our own multiplyResult for solving the deterministic instances.
std::vector<ValueType> deterministicMultiplyResult(rowGroupIndices.size() - 1);
std::vector<ValueType> subB(rowGroupIndices.size() - 1);
bool multiplyResultMemoryProvided = true;
if (multiplyResult == nullptr) {
multiplyResult = new std::vector<ValueType>(b.size());
multiplyResultMemoryProvided = false;
std::vector<ValueType>* currentX = &x;
bool xMemoryProvided = true;
if (newX == nullptr) {
newX = new std::vector<ValueType>(x.size());
xMemoryProvided = false;
uint_fast64_t iterations = 0;
bool converged = false;
// Keep track of which of the vectors for x is the auxiliary copy.
std::vector<ValueType>* copyX = newX;
// Proceed with the iterations as long as the method did not converge or reach the user-specified maximum number
// of iterations.
while (!converged && iterations < maximalNumberOfIterations) {
// Take the sub-matrix according to the current choices
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> submatrix = stormMatrix.selectRowsFromRowGroups(choiceVector, true);
GmmxxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType> gmmLinearEquationSolver(submatrix, storm::solver::GmmxxLinearEquationSolver<double>::SolutionMethod::Gmres, precision, maximalNumberOfIterations, storm::solver::GmmxxLinearEquationSolver<double>::Preconditioner::None, relative, 50);
storm::utility::vector::selectVectorValues<ValueType>(subB, choiceVector, rowGroupIndices, b);
// Copy X since we will overwrite it
std::copy(currentX->begin(), currentX->end(), newX->begin());
// Solve the resulting linear equation system
gmmLinearEquationSolver.solveEquationSystem(*newX, subB, &deterministicMultiplyResult);
// Compute x' = A*x + b. This step is necessary to allow the choosing of the optimal policy for the next iteration.
gmm::mult(*gmmxxMatrix, *newX, *multiplyResult);
gmm::add(b, *multiplyResult);
// Reduce the vector x by applying min/max over all nondeterministic choices.
if (minimize) {
storm::utility::vector::reduceVectorMin(*multiplyResult, *newX, rowGroupIndices, &choiceVector);
} else {
storm::utility::vector::reduceVectorMax(*multiplyResult, *newX, rowGroupIndices, &choiceVector);
// Determine whether the method converged.
converged = storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision(*currentX, *newX, this->precision, this->relative);
// Update environment variables.
std::swap(currentX, newX);
// Check if the solver converged and issue a warning otherwise.
if (converged) {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Iterative solver converged after " << iterations << " iterations.");
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Iterative solver did not converge after " << iterations << " iterations.");
// If we performed an odd number of iterations, we need to swap the x and currentX, because the newest result
// is currently stored in currentX, but x is the output vector.
if (currentX == copyX) {
std::swap(x, *currentX);
if (!xMemoryProvided) {
delete copyX;
if (!multiplyResultMemoryProvided) {
delete multiplyResult;
template<typename ValueType>


@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param relative If set, the relative error rather than the absolute error is considered for convergence
* detection.
GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& A, double precision, uint_fast64_t maximalNumberOfIterations, bool relative = true);
GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& A, double precision, uint_fast64_t maximalNumberOfIterations, bool useValueIteration, bool relative = true);
virtual void performMatrixVectorMultiplication(bool minimize, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType>* b = nullptr, uint_fast64_t n = 1, std::vector<ValueType>* multiplyResult = nullptr) const override;
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ namespace storm {
// The (gmm++) matrix associated with this equation solver.
std::unique_ptr<gmm::csr_matrix<ValueType>> gmmxxMatrix;
// A reference to the original sparse matrix.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& stormMatrix;
// A reference to the row group indices of the original matrix.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& rowGroupIndices;
@ -52,6 +55,9 @@ namespace storm {
// The maximal number of iterations to do before iteration is aborted.
uint_fast64_t maximalNumberOfIterations;
// Whether value iteration or policy iteration is to be used.
bool useValueIteration;
} // namespace solver
} // namespace storm


@ -62,4 +62,24 @@ TEST(GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver, MatrixVectorMultiplication) {
x = {0, 1, 0};
ASSERT_NO_THROW(solver.performMatrixVectorMultiplication(false, x, nullptr, 20));
ASSERT_LT(std::abs(x[0] - 0.9238082658), storm::settings::gmmxxEquationSolverSettings().getPrecision());
TEST(GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver, SolveWithPolicyIteration) {
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<double> builder(0, 0, 0, false, true);
ASSERT_NO_THROW(builder.addNextValue(0, 0, 0.9));
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double> A;
std::vector<double> x(1);
std::vector<double> b = { 0.099, 0.5 };
storm::settings::modules::GmmxxEquationSolverSettings const& settings = storm::settings::gmmxxEquationSolverSettings();
storm::solver::GmmxxMinMaxLinearEquationSolver<double> solver(A, settings.getPrecision(), settings.getMaximalIterationCount(), false, settings.getConvergenceCriterion() == storm::settings::modules::GmmxxEquationSolverSettings::ConvergenceCriterion::Relative);
ASSERT_NO_THROW(solver.solveEquationSystem(true, x, b));
ASSERT_LT(std::abs(x[0] - 0.5), storm::settings::gmmxxEquationSolverSettings().getPrecision());
ASSERT_NO_THROW(solver.solveEquationSystem(false, x, b));
ASSERT_LT(std::abs(x[0] - 0.99), storm::settings::gmmxxEquationSolverSettings().getPrecision());