@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace storm {
} ;
* A helper class that provides the functionality to compare states of the model .
* A helper class that provides the functionality to compare states of the model wrt . equality .
class StateCompare {
public :
@ -72,8 +72,30 @@ namespace storm {
} ;
* A helper class that provides the functionality to compare states of the model wrt . the relation " < " .
class StateLess {
public :
bool operator ( ) ( StateType * state1 , StateType * state2 ) const {
/ / Compare boolean variables .
for ( uint_fast64_t i = 0 ; i < state1 - > first . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
if ( ! state1 - > first . at ( i ) & & state2 - > first . at ( i ) ) {
return true ;
/ / Then compare integer variables .
for ( uint_fast64_t i = 0 ; i < state1 - > second . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
if ( ! state1 - > second . at ( i ) & & state2 - > second . at ( i ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
} ;
/ / A structure holding information about a particular choice .
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename ValueType , typename KeyType = uint_fast64_t , typename Compare = std : : less < uint_fast64_t > >
struct Choice {
public :
Choice ( std : : string const & actionLabel ) : distribution ( ) , actionLabel ( actionLabel ) , choiceLabels ( ) {
@ -85,7 +107,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @ return An iterator to the first element of this choice .
typename std : : map < uint_fast64_t , ValueType > : : iterator begin ( ) {
typename std : : map < KeyType , ValueType > : : iterator begin ( ) {
return distribution . begin ( ) ;
@ -94,7 +116,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @ return An iterator to the first element of this choice .
typename std : : map < uint_fast64_t , ValueType > : : const_iterator begin ( ) const {
typename std : : map < KeyType , ValueType > : : const_iterator begin ( ) const {
return distribution . cbegin ( ) ;
@ -103,7 +125,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @ return An iterator that points past the elements of this choice .
typename std : : map < uint_fast64_t , ValueType > : : iterator end ( ) {
typename std : : map < KeyType , ValueType > : : iterator end ( ) {
return distribution . end ( ) ;
@ -112,7 +134,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @ return An iterator that points past the elements of this choice .
typename std : : map < uint_fast64_t , ValueType > : : const_iterator end ( ) const {
typename std : : map < KeyType , ValueType > : : const_iterator end ( ) const {
return distribution . cend ( ) ;
@ -123,7 +145,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @ param value The value to find .
* @ return An iterator to the element with the given key , if there is one .
typename std : : map < uint_fast64_t , ValueType > : : iterator find ( uint_fast64_t value ) {
typename std : : map < KeyType , ValueType > : : iterator find ( uint_fast64_t value ) {
return distribution . find ( value ) ;
@ -213,7 +235,7 @@ namespace storm {
private :
/ / The distribution that is associated with the choice .
std : : map < uint_fast64_t , ValueType > distribution ;
std : : map < KeyType , ValueType , Compar e > distribution ;
/ / The label of the choice .
std : : string actionLabel ;
@ -257,7 +279,7 @@ namespace storm {
public :
/ / A structure holding information about the reachable state space .
struct StateInformation {
StateInformation ( ) : reachableStates ( ) , stateToIndexMap ( ) , numberOfChoices ( ) , numberOfTransitions ( 0 ) {
StateInformation ( ) : reachableStates ( ) , stateToIndexMap ( ) {
/ / Intentionally left empty .
@ -266,12 +288,6 @@ namespace storm {
/ / A mapping from states to indices in the list of reachable states .
std : : unordered_map < StateType * , uint_fast64_t , StateHash , StateCompare > stateToIndexMap ;
/ / A vector storing the number of choices for each state .
std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > numberOfChoices ;
/ / The total number of transitions discovered .
uint_fast64_t numberOfTransitions ;
} ;
/ / A structure holding the individual components of a model .
@ -339,16 +355,16 @@ namespace storm {
std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : AbstractModel < ValueType > > result ;
switch ( program . getModelType ( ) ) {
case storm : : ir : : Program : : DTMC :
result = std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : AbstractModel < ValueType > > ( new storm : : models : : Dtmc < ValueType > ( std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateLabeling ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateRewards ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . choiceLabeling ) ) ) ;
result = std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : AbstractModel < ValueType > > ( new storm : : models : : Dtmc < ValueType > ( std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateLabeling ) , rewardModelName ! = " " ? std : : move ( modelComponents . stateRewards ) : boost : : optional < std : : vector < ValueType > > ( ) , rewardModelName ! = " " ? std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix ) : boost : : optional < storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > > ( ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . choiceLabeling ) ) ) ;
break ;
case storm : : ir : : Program : : CTMC :
result = std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : AbstractModel < ValueType > > ( new storm : : models : : Ctmc < ValueType > ( std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateLabeling ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateRewards ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . choiceLabeling ) ) ) ;
result = std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : AbstractModel < ValueType > > ( new storm : : models : : Ctmc < ValueType > ( std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateLabeling ) , rewardModelName ! = " " ? std : : move ( modelComponents . stateRewards ) : boost : : optional < std : : vector < ValueType > > ( ) , rewardModelName ! = " " ? std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix ) : boost : : optional < storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > > ( ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . choiceLabeling ) ) ) ;
break ;
case storm : : ir : : Program : : MDP :
result = std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : AbstractModel < ValueType > > ( new storm : : models : : Mdp < ValueType > ( std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateLabeling ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . nondeterministicChoiceIndices ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateRewards ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . choiceLabeling ) ) ) ;
result = std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : AbstractModel < ValueType > > ( new storm : : models : : Mdp < ValueType > ( std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateLabeling ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . nondeterministicChoiceIndices ) , rewardModelName ! = " " ? std : : move ( modelComponents . stateRewards ) : boost : : optional < std : : vector < ValueType > > ( ) , rewardModelName ! = " " ? std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix ) : boost : : optional < storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > > ( ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . choiceLabeling ) ) ) ;
break ;
case storm : : ir : : Program : : CTMDP :
result = std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : AbstractModel < ValueType > > ( new storm : : models : : Ctmdp < ValueType > ( std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateLabeling ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . nondeterministicChoiceIndices ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateRewards ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . choiceLabeling ) ) ) ;
result = std : : shared_ptr < storm : : models : : AbstractModel < ValueType > > ( new storm : : models : : Ctmdp < ValueType > ( std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionMatrix ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . stateLabeling ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . nondeterministicChoiceIndices ) , rewardModelName ! = " " ? std : : move ( modelComponents . stateRewards ) : boost : : optional < std : : vector < ValueType > > ( ) , rewardModelName ! = " " ? std : : move ( modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix ) : boost : : optional < storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > > ( ) , std : : move ( modelComponents . choiceLabeling ) ) ) ;
break ;
default :
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Error while creating model from probabilistic program: cannot handle this model type. " ) ;
@ -572,7 +588,6 @@ namespace storm {
if ( indexIt = = stateInformation . stateToIndexMap . end ( ) ) {
/ / The state has not been seen , yet , so add it to the list of all reachable states .
stateInformation . stateToIndexMap [ state ] = stateInformation . reachableStates . size ( ) ;
stateInformation . numberOfChoices . push_back ( 0 ) ;
stateInformation . reachableStates . push_back ( state ) ;
return std : : make_pair ( false , stateInformation . stateToIndexMap [ state ] ) ;
} else {
@ -581,59 +596,7 @@ namespace storm {
return std : : make_pair ( true , indexIt - > second ) ;
* Expands all unlabeled ( i . e . independent ) transitions of the given state and adds newly discovered states
* to the given queue .
* @ param program The program that defines the transitions .
* @ param stateInformation Provides information about the discovered state space .
* @ param variableInformation A structure with information about the variables in the program .
* @ param stateIndex The index of the state to expand .
* @ param stateQueue The queue of states into which newly discovered states are inserted .
static void exploreUnlabeledTransitions ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , StateInformation & stateInformation , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , uint_fast64_t stateIndex , std : : queue < uint_fast64_t > & stateQueue ) {
StateType const * currentState = stateInformation . reachableStates [ stateIndex ] ;
/ / Iterate over all modules .
for ( uint_fast64_t i = 0 ; i < program . getNumberOfModules ( ) ; + + i ) {
storm : : ir : : Module const & module = program . getModule ( i ) ;
/ / Iterate over all commands .
for ( uint_fast64_t j = 0 ; j < module . getNumberOfCommands ( ) ; + + j ) {
storm : : ir : : Command const & command = module . getCommand ( j ) ;
/ / Only consider unlabeled commands .
if ( command . getActionName ( ) ! = " " ) continue ;
/ / Skip the command , if it is not enabled .
if ( ! command . getGuard ( ) - > getValueAsBool ( currentState ) ) continue ;
+ + stateInformation . numberOfChoices [ stateIndex ] ;
std : : set < uint_fast64_t > targetStates ;
/ / Iterate over all updates of the current command .
for ( uint_fast64_t k = 0 ; k < command . getNumberOfUpdates ( ) ; + + k ) {
storm : : ir : : Update const & update = command . getUpdate ( k ) ;
/ / Obtain target state index .
std : : pair < bool , uint_fast64_t > flagAndTargetStateIndexPair = getOrAddStateIndex ( applyUpdate ( variableInformation , currentState , update ) , stateInformation ) ;
/ / If the state has not yet been discovered , add it to the queue .
if ( ! flagAndTargetStateIndexPair . first ) {
stateQueue . push ( flagAndTargetStateIndexPair . second ) ;
/ / In any case , record that there is a transition to the newly found state to count the number
/ / of transitions correctly .
targetStates . insert ( flagAndTargetStateIndexPair . second ) ;
stateInformation . numberOfTransitions + = targetStates . size ( ) ;
* Retrieves all commands that are labeled with the given label and enabled in the given state , grouped by
* modules .
@ -684,149 +647,6 @@ namespace storm {
return result ;
* Expands all labeled ( i . e . synchronizing ) transitions of the given state and adds newly discovered states
* to the given queue .
* @ param program The program that defines the transitions .
* @ param stateInformation Provides information about the discovered state space .
* @ param variableInformation A structure with information about the variables in the program .
* @ param stateIndex The index of the state to expand .
* @ param stateQueue The queue of states into which newly discovered states are inserted .
static void exploreLabeledTransitions ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , StateInformation & stateInformation , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , uint_fast64_t stateIndex , std : : queue < uint_fast64_t > & stateQueue ) {
for ( std : : string const & action : program . getActions ( ) ) {
StateType const * currentState = stateInformation . reachableStates [ stateIndex ] ;
boost : : optional < std : : vector < std : : list < storm : : ir : : Command > > > optionalActiveCommandLists = getActiveCommandsByAction ( program , currentState , action ) ;
/ / Only process this action label , if there is at least one feasible solution .
if ( optionalActiveCommandLists ) {
std : : vector < std : : list < storm : : ir : : Command > > const & activeCommandList = optionalActiveCommandLists . get ( ) ;
std : : vector < std : : list < storm : : ir : : Command > : : const_iterator > iteratorList ( activeCommandList . size ( ) ) ;
/ / Initialize the list of iterators .
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < activeCommandList . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
iteratorList [ i ] = activeCommandList [ i ] . cbegin ( ) ;
/ / As long as there is one feasible combination of commands , keep on expanding it .
bool done = false ;
while ( ! done ) {
+ + stateInformation . numberOfChoices [ stateIndex ] ;
std : : unordered_set < StateType * , StateHash , StateCompare > * currentTargetStates = new std : : unordered_set < StateType * , StateHash , StateCompare > ( ) ;
std : : unordered_set < StateType * , StateHash , StateCompare > * newTargetStates = new std : : unordered_set < StateType * , StateHash , StateCompare > ( ) ;
currentTargetStates - > insert ( new StateType ( * currentState ) ) ;
/ / FIXME : This does not check whether a global variable is written multiple times . While the
/ / behaviour for this is undefined anyway , a warning should be issued in that case .
for ( uint_fast64_t i = 0 ; i < iteratorList . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
storm : : ir : : Command const & command = * iteratorList [ i ] ;
for ( uint_fast64_t j = 0 ; j < command . getNumberOfUpdates ( ) ; + + j ) {
storm : : ir : : Update const & update = command . getUpdate ( j ) ;
for ( auto const & targetState : * currentTargetStates ) {
StateType * newTargetState = applyUpdate ( variableInformation , targetState , currentState , update ) ;
auto existingState = newTargetStates - > find ( newTargetState ) ;
if ( existingState = = newTargetStates - > end ( ) ) {
newTargetStates - > insert ( newTargetState ) ;
} else {
/ / If the state was already seen in one of the other updates , we need to delete this copy .
delete newTargetState ;
/ / If there is one more command to come , shift the target states one time step back .
if ( i < iteratorList . size ( ) - 1 ) {
for ( auto const & state : * currentTargetStates ) {
delete state ;
delete currentTargetStates ;
currentTargetStates = newTargetStates ;
newTargetStates = new std : : unordered_set < StateType * , StateHash , StateCompare > ( ) ;
/ / If there are states that have not yet been discovered , add them to the queue .
for ( auto const & state : * newTargetStates ) {
std : : pair < bool , uint_fast64_t > flagAndNewStateIndexPair = getOrAddStateIndex ( state , stateInformation ) ;
if ( ! flagAndNewStateIndexPair . first ) {
stateQueue . push ( flagAndNewStateIndexPair . second ) ;
stateInformation . numberOfTransitions + = newTargetStates - > size ( ) ;
/ / Dispose of the temporary maps .
delete currentTargetStates ;
delete newTargetStates ;
/ / Now , check whether there is one more command combination to consider .
bool movedIterator = false ;
for ( int_fast64_t j = iteratorList . size ( ) - 1 ; j > = 0 ; - - j ) {
+ + iteratorList [ j ] ;
if ( iteratorList [ j ] ! = activeCommandList [ j ] . end ( ) ) {
movedIterator = true ;
} else {
/ / Reset the iterator to the beginning of the list .
iteratorList [ j ] = activeCommandList [ j ] . begin ( ) ;
done = ! movedIterator ;
* Explores the reachable state space given by the program and returns a list of all states as well as a
* mapping from states to their indices .
* @ param program The program whose state space to explore .
* @ param variableInformation A structure with information about the variables in the program .
* @ return A structure containing all reachable states and a mapping from states to their indices .
static StateInformation exploreReachableStateSpace ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , VariableInformation const & variableInformation ) {
StateInformation stateInformation ;
/ / Initialize a queue and insert the initial state .
std : : queue < uint_fast64_t > stateQueue ;
StateType * initialState = getInitialState ( program , variableInformation ) ;
getOrAddStateIndex ( initialState , stateInformation ) ;
stateQueue . push ( stateInformation . stateToIndexMap [ initialState ] ) ;
/ / Now explore the current state until there is no more reachable state .
while ( ! stateQueue . empty ( ) ) {
uint_fast64_t currentStateIndex = stateQueue . front ( ) ;
exploreUnlabeledTransitions ( program , stateInformation , variableInformation , currentStateIndex , stateQueue ) ;
exploreLabeledTransitions ( program , stateInformation , variableInformation , currentStateIndex , stateQueue ) ;
/ / If the state does not have any outgoing transitions , we fix this by adding a self - loop if the
/ / option was set .
if ( stateInformation . numberOfChoices [ currentStateIndex ] = = 0 ) {
if ( storm : : settings : : Settings : : getInstance ( ) - > isSet ( " fixDeadlocks " ) ) {
+ + stateInformation . numberOfTransitions ;
+ + stateInformation . numberOfChoices [ currentStateIndex ] = 1 ;
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: found deadlock state. For fixing these, please provide the appropriate option. " ) ;
throw storm : : exceptions : : WrongFormatException ( ) < < " Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: found deadlock state. For fixing these, please provide the appropriate option. " ;
/ / After exploring a state , remove it from the queue .
stateQueue . pop ( ) ;
return stateInformation ;
* Aggregates information about the variables in the program .
@ -879,7 +699,7 @@ namespace storm {
return result ;
static std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > getUnlabeledTransitions ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , StateInformation const & stateInformation , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , uint_fast64_t stateIndex ) {
static std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > getUnlabeledTransitions ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , StateInformation & stateInformation , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , uint_fast64_t stateIndex , std : : queue < uint_fast64_t > & stateQueue ) {
std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > result ;
StateType const * currentState = stateInformation . reachableStates [ stateIndex ] ;
@ -907,12 +727,17 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : ir : : Update const & update = command . getUpdate ( k ) ;
/ / Obtain target state index .
uint_fast64_t targetStateIndex = stateInformation . stateToIndexMap . at ( applyUpdate ( variableInformation , currentState , update ) ) ;
std : : pair < bool , uint_fast64_t > flagTargetStateIndexPair = getOrAddStateIndex ( applyUpdate ( variableInformation , currentState , update ) , stateInformation ) ;
/ / If the state has not been discovered yet , add it to the queue of states to be explored .
if ( ! flagTargetStateIndexPair . first ) {
stateQueue . push ( flagTargetStateIndexPair . second ) ;
/ / Update the choice by adding the probability / target state to it .
double probabilityToAdd = update . getLikelihoodExpression ( ) - > getValueAsDouble ( currentState ) ;
probabilitySum + = probabilityToAdd ;
addProbabilityToChoice ( choice , targetStateIndex , probabilityToAdd , { update . getGlobalIndex ( ) } ) ;
addProbabilityToChoice ( choice , flagTargetStateIndexPair . second , probabilityToAdd , { update . getGlobalIndex ( ) } ) ;
/ / Check that the resulting distribution is in fact a distribution .
@ -926,7 +751,7 @@ namespace storm {
return result ;
static std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > getLabeledTransitions ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , StateInformation const & stateInformation , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , uint_fast64_t stateIndex ) {
static std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > getLabeledTransitions ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , StateInformation & stateInformation , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , uint_fast64_t stateIndex , std : : queue < uint_fast64_t > & stateQueue ) {
std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > result ;
for ( std : : string const & action : program . getActions ( ) ) {
@ -946,9 +771,9 @@ namespace storm {
/ / As long as there is one feasible combination of commands , keep on expanding it .
bool done = false ;
while ( ! done ) {
std : : unordered_map < StateType * , double , StateHash , StateCompare > * currentTargetStates = new std : : unordered_map < StateType * , double , StateHash , StateCompare > ( ) ;
std : : unordered_map < StateType * , double , StateHash , StateCompare > * newTargetStates = new std : : unordered_map < StateType * , double , StateHash , StateCompare > ( ) ;
( * currentTargetStates ) [ new StateType ( * currentState ) ] = 1.0 ;
std : : unordered_map < StateType * , storm : : storage : : LabeledValues < double > , StateHash , StateCompare > * currentTargetStates = new std : : unordered_map < StateType * , storm : : storage : : LabeledValues < double > , StateHash , StateCompare > ( ) ;
std : : unordered_map < StateType * , storm : : storage : : LabeledValues < double > , StateHash , StateCompare > * newTargetStates = new std : : unordered_map < StateType * , storm : : storage : : LabeledValues < double > , StateHash , StateCompare > ( ) ;
( * currentTargetStates ) [ new StateType ( * currentState ) ] = storm : : storage : : LabeledValues < double > ( 1.0 ) ;
/ / FIXME : This does not check whether a global variable is written multiple times . While the
/ / behaviour for this is undefined anyway , a warning should be issued in that case .
@ -960,12 +785,24 @@ namespace storm {
for ( auto const & stateProbabilityPair : * currentTargetStates ) {
StateType * newTargetState = applyUpdate ( variableInformation , stateProbabilityPair . first , currentState , update ) ;
storm : : storage : : LabeledValues < double > newProbability ;
double updateProbability = update . getLikelihoodExpression ( ) - > getValueAsDouble ( currentState ) ;
for ( auto const & valueLabelSetPair : stateProbabilityPair . second ) {
/ / Copy the label set , so we can modify it .
std : : set < uint_fast64_t > newLabelSet = valueLabelSetPair . second ;
newLabelSet . insert ( update . getGlobalIndex ( ) ) ;
newProbability . addValue ( valueLabelSetPair . first * updateProbability , newLabelSet ) ;
auto existingStateProbabilityPair = newTargetStates - > find ( newTargetState ) ;
if ( existingStateProbabilityPair = = newTargetStates - > end ( ) ) {
( * newTargetStates ) [ newTargetState ] = stateProbabilityPair . second * update . getLikelihoodExpression ( ) - > getValueAsDouble ( currentState ) ;
} else {
existingStateProbabilityPair - > second + = stateProbabilityPair . second * update . getLikelihoodExpression ( ) - > getValueAsDouble ( currentState ) ;
( * newTargetStates ) [ newTargetState ] = newProbability ;
} else {
existingStateProbabilityPair - > second + = newProbability ;
/ / If the state was already seen in one of the other updates , we need to delete this copy .
delete newTargetState ;
@ -977,9 +814,10 @@ namespace storm {
for ( auto const & stateProbabilityPair : * currentTargetStates ) {
delete stateProbabilityPair . first ;
delete currentTargetStates ;
currentTargetStates = newTargetStates ;
newTargetStates = new std : : unordered_map < StateType * , double , StateHash , StateCompare > ( ) ;
newTargetStates = new std : : unordered_map < StateType * , storm : : storage : : LabeledValues < double > , StateHash , StateCompare > ( ) ;
@ -997,11 +835,18 @@ namespace storm {
double probabilitySum = 0 ;
std : : set < uint_fast64_t > labels ;
for ( auto const & stateProbabilityPair : * newTargetStates ) {
uint_fast64_t newStateIndex = stateInformation . stateToIndexMap . at ( stateProbabilityPair . first ) ;
addProbabilityToChoice ( choice , newStateIndex , stateProbabilityPair . second , labels ) ;
probabilitySum + = stateProbabilityPair . second ;
std : : pair < bool , uint_fast64_t > flagTargetStateIndexPair = getOrAddStateIndex ( stateProbabilityPair . first , stateInformation ) ;
/ / If the state has not been discovered yet , add it to the queue of states to be explored .
if ( ! flagTargetStateIndexPair . first ) {
stateQueue . push ( flagTargetStateIndexPair . second ) ;
for ( auto const & probabilityLabelPair : stateProbabilityPair . second ) {
addProbabilityToChoice ( choice , flagTargetStateIndexPair . second , probabilityLabelPair . first , probabilityLabelPair . second ) ;
probabilitySum + = probabilityLabelPair . first ;
/ / Check that the resulting distribution is in fact a distribution .
@ -1035,18 +880,39 @@ namespace storm {
* Builds the transition matrix and the transition reward matrix based for the given program .
* @ param program The program for which to build the matrices .
* @ param variableInformation A structure containing information about the variables in the program .
* @ param transitionRewards A list of transition rewards that are to be considered in the transition reward
* matrix .
* @ param stateInformation A structure containing information about the states of the program .
* @ param deterministicModel A flag indicating whether the model is supposed to be deterministic or not .
* @ param transitionMatrix A reference to an initialized matrix which is filled with all transitions by this
* function .
* @ param transitionRewardMatrix A reference to an initialized matrix which is filled with all transition
* rewards by this function .
* @ return A tuple containing a vector with all rows at which the nondeterministic choices of each state begin
* and a vector containing the labels associated with each choice .
static std : : pair < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > , std : : vector < std : : set < uint_fast64_t > > > buildMatrices ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , std : : vector < storm : : ir : : TransitionReward > const & transitionRewards , StateInformation const & stateInformation , bool deterministicModel , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > & transitionRewardMatrix ) {
std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > nondeterministicChoiceIndices ( stateInformation . reachableStates . size ( ) + 1 ) ;
static std : : pair < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > , std : : vector < std : : set < uint_fast64_t > > > buildMatrices ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , std : : vector < storm : : ir : : TransitionReward > const & transitionRewards , StateInformation & stateInformation , bool deterministicModel , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > & transitionMatrix , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > & transitionRewardMatrix ) {
std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > nondeterministicChoiceIndices ;
std : : vector < std : : set < uint_fast64_t > > choiceLabels ;
/ / Add transitions and rewards for all states .
/ / Initialize a queue and insert the initial state .
std : : queue < uint_fast64_t > stateQueue ;
StateType * initialState = getInitialState ( program , variableInformation ) ;
getOrAddStateIndex ( initialState , stateInformation ) ;
stateQueue . push ( stateInformation . stateToIndexMap [ initialState ] ) ;
/ / Now explore the current state until there is no more reachable state .
uint_fast64_t currentRow = 0 ;
for ( uint_fast64_t currentState = 0 ; currentState < stateInformation . reachableStates . size ( ) ; + + currentState ) {
while ( ! stateQueue . empty ( ) ) {
uint_fast64_t currentState = stateQueue . front ( ) ;
/ / Retrieve all choices for the current state .
std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > allUnlabeledChoices = getUnlabeledTransitions ( program , stateInformation , variableInformation , currentState ) ;
std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > allLabeledChoices = getLabeledTransitions ( program , stateInformation , variableInformation , currentState ) ;
std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > allUnlabeledChoices = getUnlabeledTransitions ( program , stateInformation , variableInformation , currentState , stateQueue ) ;
std : : list < Choice < ValueType > > allLabeledChoices = getLabeledTransitions ( program , stateInformation , variableInformation , currentState , stateQueue ) ;
uint_fast64_t totalNumberOfChoices = allUnlabeledChoices . size ( ) + allLabeledChoices . size ( ) ;
@ -1054,7 +920,10 @@ namespace storm {
/ / requested and issue an error otherwise .
if ( totalNumberOfChoices = = 0 ) {
if ( storm : : settings : : Settings : : getInstance ( ) - > isSet ( " fixDeadlocks " ) ) {
transitionMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , currentState , storm : : utility : : constGetOne < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
transitionMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , currentState , storm : : utility : : constGetOne < ValueType > ( ) , true ) ;
if ( transitionRewards . size ( ) > 0 ) {
transitionRewardMatrix . insertEmptyRow ( true ) ;
+ + currentRow ;
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: found deadlock state. For fixing these, please provide the appropriate option. " ) ;
@ -1065,6 +934,7 @@ namespace storm {
/ / or compose them to one choice .
if ( deterministicModel ) {
Choice < ValueType > globalChoice ( " " ) ;
std : : map < uint_fast64_t , ValueType > stateToRewardMap ;
std : : set < uint_fast64_t > allChoiceLabels ;
/ / Combine all the choices and scale them with the total number of choices of the current state .
@ -1072,28 +942,51 @@ namespace storm {
globalChoice . addChoiceLabels ( choice . getChoiceLabels ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & stateProbabilityPair : choice ) {
globalChoice . getOrAddEntry ( stateProbabilityPair . first ) + = stateProbabilityPair . second / totalNumberOfChoices ;
/ / Now add all rewards that match this choice .
for ( auto const & transitionReward : transitionRewards ) {
if ( transitionReward . getActionName ( ) = = " " & & transitionReward . getStatePredicate ( ) - > getValueAsBool ( stateInformation . reachableStates . at ( currentState ) ) ) {
stateToRewardMap [ stateProbabilityPair . first ] + = ValueType ( transitionReward . getRewardValue ( ) - > getValueAsDouble ( stateInformation . reachableStates . at ( currentState ) ) ) ;
for ( auto const & choice : allLabeledChoices ) {
globalChoice . addChoiceLabels ( choice . getChoiceLabels ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & stateProbabilityPair : choice ) {
globalChoice . getOrAddEntry ( stateProbabilityPair . first ) + = stateProbabilityPair . second / totalNumberOfChoices ;
/ / Now add all rewards that match this choice .
for ( auto const & transitionReward : transitionRewards ) {
if ( transitionReward . getActionName ( ) = = choice . getActionLabel ( ) & & transitionReward . getStatePredicate ( ) - > getValueAsBool ( stateInformation . reachableStates . at ( currentState ) ) ) {
stateToRewardMap [ stateProbabilityPair . first ] + = ValueType ( transitionReward . getRewardValue ( ) - > getValueAsDouble ( stateInformation . reachableStates . at ( currentState ) ) ) ;
/ / Now add the resulting distribution as the only choice of the current state .
nondeterministicChoiceIndices [ currentState ] = currentRow ;
nondeterministicChoiceIndices . push_back ( currentRow ) ;
choiceLabels . push_back ( globalChoice . getChoiceLabels ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & stateProbabilityPair : globalChoice ) {
transitionMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateProbabilityPair . first , stateProbabilityPair . second ) ;
transitionMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateProbabilityPair . first , stateProbabilityPair . second , true ) ;
/ / Add all transition rewards to the matrix and add dummy entry if there is none .
if ( stateToRewardMap . size ( ) > 0 ) {
for ( auto const & stateRewardPair : stateToRewardMap ) {
transitionRewardMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateRewardPair . first , stateRewardPair . second , true ) ;
} else if ( transitionRewards . size ( ) > 0 ) {
transitionRewardMatrix . insertEmptyRow ( true ) ;
+ + currentRow ;
} else {
/ / If the model is nondeterministic , we add all choices individually .
nondeterministicChoiceIndices [ currentState ] = currentRow ;
nondeterministicChoiceIndices . push_back ( currentRow ) ;
/ / First , process all unlabeled choices .
for ( auto const & choice : allUnlabeledChoices ) {
@ -1101,7 +994,7 @@ namespace storm {
choiceLabels . emplace_back ( std : : move ( choice . getChoiceLabels ( ) ) ) ;
for ( auto const & stateProbabilityPair : choice ) {
transitionMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateProbabilityPair . first , stateProbabilityPair . second ) ;
transitionMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateProbabilityPair . first , stateProbabilityPair . second , true ) ;
/ / Now add all rewards that match this choice .
for ( auto const & transitionReward : transitionRewards ) {
@ -1112,9 +1005,13 @@ namespace storm {
/ / Add all transition rewards to the matrix .
for ( auto const & stateRewardPair : stateToRewardMap ) {
transitionRewardMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateRewardPair . first , stateRewardPair . second ) ;
/ / Add all transition rewards to the matrix and add dummy entry if there is none .
if ( stateToRewardMap . size ( ) > 0 ) {
for ( auto const & stateRewardPair : stateToRewardMap ) {
transitionRewardMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateRewardPair . first , stateRewardPair . second , true ) ;
} else if ( transitionRewards . size ( ) > 0 ) {
transitionRewardMatrix . insertEmptyRow ( true ) ;
+ + currentRow ;
@ -1126,29 +1023,35 @@ namespace storm {
choiceLabels . emplace_back ( std : : move ( choice . getChoiceLabels ( ) ) ) ;
for ( auto const & stateProbabilityPair : choice ) {
transitionMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateProbabilityPair . first , stateProbabilityPair . second ) ;
transitionMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateProbabilityPair . first , stateProbabilityPair . second , true ) ;
/ / Now add all rewards that match this choice .
for ( auto const & transitionReward : transitionRewards ) {
if ( transitionReward . getActionName ( ) = = " " & & transitionReward . getStatePredicate ( ) - > getValueAsBool ( stateInformation . reachableStates . at ( currentState ) ) ) {
if ( transitionReward . getActionName ( ) = = choice . getActionLabel ( ) & & transitionReward . getStatePredicate ( ) - > getValueAsBool ( stateInformation . reachableStates . at ( currentState ) ) ) {
stateToRewardMap [ stateProbabilityPair . first ] + = ValueType ( transitionReward . getRewardValue ( ) - > getValueAsDouble ( stateInformation . reachableStates . at ( currentState ) ) ) ;
/ / Add all transition rewards to the matrix .
for ( auto const & stateRewardPair : stateToRewardMap ) {
transitionRewardMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateRewardPair . first , stateRewardPair . second ) ;
/ / Add all transition rewards to the matrix and add dummy entry if there is none .
if ( stateToRewardMap . size ( ) > 0 ) {
for ( auto const & stateRewardPair : stateToRewardMap ) {
transitionRewardMatrix . insertNextValue ( currentRow , stateRewardPair . first , stateRewardPair . second , true ) ;
} else if ( transitionRewards . size ( ) > 0 ) {
transitionRewardMatrix . insertEmptyRow ( true ) ;
+ + currentRow ;
stateQueue . pop ( ) ;
nondeterministicChoiceIndices [ stateInformation . reachableStates . size ( ) ] = currentRow ;
nondeterministicChoiceIndices . push_back ( currentRow ) ;
return std : : make_pair ( nondeterministicChoiceIndices , choiceLabels ) ;
@ -1166,38 +1069,28 @@ namespace storm {
VariableInformation variableInformation = createVariableInformation ( program ) ;
/ / Start by exploring the state space .
StateInformation stateInformation = exploreReachableStateSpace ( program , variableInformation ) ;
/ / Initialize the matrices .
modelComponents . transitionMatrix . initialize ( ) ;
modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix . initialize ( ) ;
/ / Then build the transition and reward matrices for the reachable states .
bool deterministicModel = program . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : ir : : Program : : DTMC | | program . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : ir : : Program : : CTMC ;
if ( deterministicModel ) {
modelComponents . transitionMatrix = storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > ( stateInformation . reachableStates . size ( ) ) ;
modelComponents . transitionMatrix . initialize ( ) ;
modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix = storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > ( stateInformation . reachableStates . size ( ) ) ;
modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix . initialize ( ) ;
} else {
uint_fast64_t totalNumberOfChoices = 0 ;
for ( auto numberOfChoices : stateInformation . numberOfChoices ) {
totalNumberOfChoices + = numberOfChoices ;
modelComponents . transitionMatrix = storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > ( totalNumberOfChoices , stateInformation . reachableStates . size ( ) ) ;
modelComponents . transitionMatrix . initialize ( ) ;
modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix = storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > ( totalNumberOfChoices ) ;
modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix . initialize ( ) ;
/ / Create the structure for storing the reachable state space .
StateInformation stateInformation ;
/ / Get the selected reward model or create an empty one if none is selected .
storm : : ir : : RewardModel const & rewardModel = rewardModelName ! = " " ? program . getRewardModel ( rewardModelName ) : storm : : ir : : RewardModel ( ) ;
/ / Determine whether we have to combine different choices to one or whether this model can have more than
/ / one choice per state .
bool deterministicModel = program . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : ir : : Program : : DTMC | | program . getModelType ( ) = = storm : : ir : : Program : : CTMC ;
/ / Build the transition and reward matrices .
std : : pair < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > , std : : vector < std : : set < uint_fast64_t > > > nondeterministicChoiceIndicesAndChoiceLabelsPair = buildMatrices ( program , variableInformation , rewardModel . getTransitionRewards ( ) , stateInformation , deterministicModel , modelComponents . transitionMatrix , modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix ) ;
modelComponents . nondeterministicChoiceIndices = std : : move ( nondeterministicChoiceIndicesAndChoiceLabelsPair . first ) ;
modelComponents . choiceLabeling = std : : move ( nondeterministicChoiceIndicesAndChoiceLabelsPair . second ) ;
/ / Finalize the resulting matrices .
modelComponents . transitionMatrix . finalize ( ) ;
modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix . finalize ( ) ;
modelComponents . transitionMatrix . finalize ( true ) ;
modelComponents . transitionRewardMatrix . finalize ( true ) ;
/ / Now build the state labeling .
modelComponents . stateLabeling = buildStateLabeling ( program , variableInformation , stateInformation ) ;
@ -1213,6 +1106,14 @@ namespace storm {
return modelComponents ;
* Builds the state labeling for the given program .
* @ param program The program for which to build the state labeling .
* @ param variableInformation Information about the variables in the program .
* @ param stateInformation Information about the state space of the program .
* @ return The state labeling of the given program .
static storm : : models : : AtomicPropositionsLabeling buildStateLabeling ( storm : : ir : : Program const & program , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , StateInformation const & stateInformation ) {
std : : map < std : : string , std : : shared_ptr < storm : : ir : : expressions : : BaseExpression > > const & labels = program . getLabels ( ) ;
@ -1241,6 +1142,13 @@ namespace storm {
return result ;
* Builds the state rewards for the given state space .
* @ param rewards A vector of state rewards to consider .
* @ param stateInformation Information about the state space .
* @ return A vector containing the state rewards for the state space .
static std : : vector < ValueType > buildStateRewards ( std : : vector < storm : : ir : : StateReward > const & rewards , StateInformation const & stateInformation ) {
std : : vector < ValueType > result ( stateInformation . reachableStates . size ( ) ) ;
for ( uint_fast64_t index = 0 ; index < stateInformation . reachableStates . size ( ) ; index + + ) {