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made qvi code more readable

TimQu 7 years ago
  1. 153


@ -800,21 +800,11 @@ namespace storm {
bool checkRestartCriterion() {
return false;
// iterations <= restartMaxIterations && (minimize(dir) ? restartThreshold * improvedPrimaryBound > primaryBound : restartThreshold * primaryBound > improvedPrimaryBound
bool isPreciseEnough(ValueType const& xi, ValueType const& yi, ValueType const& lb, ValueType const& ub) {
return yi * (ub - lb) <= storm::utility::abs<ValueType>((relative ? (precision * xi) : (precision * storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0))));
template<OptimizationDirection dir>
bool checkConvergenceUpdateBounds(uint64_t const& iterations, storm::storage::BitVector const* relevantValues = nullptr) {
bool checkConvergenceUpdateBounds(storm::storage::BitVector const* relevantValues = nullptr) {
if (convergencePhase1) {
if (checkConvergencePhase1()) {
STORM_LOG_INFO("Quick Value Iteration took " << iterations << " iterations for first convergence phase.");
firstIndexViolatingConvergence = 0;
if (relevantValues != nullptr) {
firstIndexViolatingConvergence = relevantValues->getNextSetIndex(firstIndexViolatingConvergence);
@ -829,9 +819,60 @@ namespace storm {
// The difference between lower and upper bound has to be < precision at every (relevant) value
// For efficiency reasons we first check whether it is worth to compute the actual bounds. We do so by considering possibly too tight bounds
ValueType lowerBoundCandidate, upperBoundCandidate;
if (preliminaryConvergenceCheck<dir>(lowerBoundCandidate, upperBoundCandidate)) {
updateLowerUpperBound<dir>(lowerBoundCandidate, upperBoundCandidate);
return checkConvergencePhase2<dir>(relevantValues);
return false;
void setSolutionVector() {
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(hasLowerBound && hasUpperBound, "No lower or upper result bound could be computed within the given number of Iterations.");
ValueType meanBound = (upperBound + lowerBound) / storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0);
storm::utility::vector::applyPointwise(x, y, x, [&meanBound] (ValueType const& xi, ValueType const& yi) { return xi + yi * meanBound; });
STORM_LOG_INFO("Quick Value Iteration terminated with lower value bound "
<< (hasLowerBound ? lowerBound : storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) << (hasLowerBound ? "" : "(none)")
<< " and upper value bound "
<< (hasUpperBound ? upperBound : storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) << (hasUpperBound ? "" : "(none)")
<< ". Decision value is "
<< (hasDecisionValue ? decisionValue : storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) << (hasDecisionValue ? "" : "(none)")
<< ".");
ValueType lowerBoundCandidate = x[minIndex] / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - y[minIndex]);
ValueType upperBoundCandidate = x[maxIndex] / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - y[maxIndex]);
bool checkConvergencePhase1() {
// Return true if y ('the probability to stay within the matrix') is < 1 at every entry
for (; firstIndexViolatingConvergence != y.size(); ++firstIndexViolatingConvergence) {
static_assert(NumberTraits<ValueType>::IsExact || std::is_same<ValueType, double>::value, "Considered ValueType not handled.");
if (NumberTraits<ValueType>::IsExact) {
if (storm::utility::isOne(y[firstIndexViolatingConvergence])) {
return false;
} else {
if (storm::utility::isAlmostOne(storm::utility::convertNumber<double>(y[firstIndexViolatingConvergence]))) {
return false;
convergencePhase1 = false;
return true;
bool isPreciseEnough(ValueType const& xi, ValueType const& yi, ValueType const& lb, ValueType const& ub) {
return yi * (ub - lb) <= storm::utility::abs<ValueType>((relative ? (precision * xi) : (precision * storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0))));
template<OptimizationDirection dir>
bool preliminaryConvergenceCheck(ValueType& lowerBoundCandidate, ValueType& upperBoundCandidate) {
lowerBoundCandidate = x[minIndex] / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - y[minIndex]);
upperBoundCandidate = x[maxIndex] / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - y[maxIndex]);
// Make sure that these candidates are at least as tight as the already known bounds
if (hasLowerBound && lowerBoundCandidate < lowerBound) {
lowerBoundCandidate = lowerBound;
@ -839,31 +880,23 @@ namespace storm {
if (hasUpperBound && upperBoundCandidate > upperBound) {
upperBoundCandidate = upperBound;
bool computeActualBounds = isPreciseEnough(x[firstIndexViolatingConvergence], y[firstIndexViolatingConvergence], lowerBoundCandidate, upperBoundCandidate);
if (!computeActualBounds) {
if (decisionValueBlocks) {
ValueType improvedPrimaryBound = x[getPrimaryIndex<dir>()] + getPrimaryBound<dir>() * y[getPrimaryIndex<dir>()];
assert(better<dir>(getPrimaryBound<dir>(), improvedPrimaryBound));
computeActualBounds = checkRestartCriterion();
} else {
computeActualBounds = hasDecisionValue && better<dir>(decisionValue, getPrimaryBound<dir>());
if (isPreciseEnough(x[firstIndexViolatingConvergence], y[firstIndexViolatingConvergence], lowerBoundCandidate, upperBoundCandidate)) {
return true;
if (!decisionValueBlocks) {
return hasDecisionValue && better<dir>(decisionValue, getPrimaryBound<dir>());
return false;
if (computeActualBounds) {
template<OptimizationDirection dir>
void updateLowerUpperBound(ValueType& lowerBoundCandidate, ValueType& upperBoundCandidate) {
auto xIt = x.begin();
auto xIte = x.end();
auto yIt = y.begin();
ValueType improvedPrimaryBound;
bool computedImprovedPrimaryBound = false;
for (uint64_t index = 0; xIt != xIte; ++xIt, ++yIt, ++index) {
ValueType currentBound = *xIt / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - *yIt);
if (decisionValueBlocks) {
ValueType currentImprovedBound = *xIt + getPrimaryBound<dir>() * (*yIt);
if (!computedImprovedPrimaryBound || better<dir>(currentImprovedBound, improvedPrimaryBound)) {
computedImprovedPrimaryBound = true;
getPrimaryIndex<dir>() = index;
improvedPrimaryBound = std::move(currentImprovedBound);
if (better<dir>(getSecondaryBound<dir>(), currentBound)) {
getSecondaryIndex<dir>() = index;
getSecondaryBound<dir>() = std::move(currentBound);
@ -884,13 +917,19 @@ namespace storm {
if ((minimize(dir) || !decisionValueBlocks) && (!hasUpperBound || upperBoundCandidate < upperBound)) {
template<OptimizationDirection dir>
void checkIfDecisionValueBlocks() {
// Check whether the decision value blocks now (i.e. further improvement of the primary bound would lead to a non-optimal scheduler).
if (!decisionValueBlocks && hasDecisionValue && better<dir>(decisionValue, getPrimaryBound<dir>())) {
getPrimaryBound<dir>() = decisionValue;
decisionValueBlocks = true;
template<OptimizationDirection dir>
bool checkConvergencePhase2(storm::storage::BitVector const* relevantValues = nullptr) {
// Check whether the desired precision is reached
if (isPreciseEnough(x[firstIndexViolatingConvergence], y[firstIndexViolatingConvergence], lowerBound, upperBound)) {
// The current index satisfies the desired bound. We now move to the next index that violates it
@ -905,55 +944,12 @@ namespace storm {
} else {
if (!isPreciseEnough(x[firstIndexViolatingConvergence], y[firstIndexViolatingConvergence], lowerBound, upperBound)) {
// not converged yet
// Check whether we should restart
if (computedImprovedPrimaryBound && checkRestartCriterion()) {
STORM_LOG_INFO("Restarting QVI after " << iterations << " iterations. Improved bound from " << getPrimaryBound<dir>() << " to " << improvedPrimaryBound << ".");
getPrimaryBound<dir>() = improvedPrimaryBound;
return false;
void setSolutionVector() {
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(hasLowerBound && hasUpperBound, "No lower or upper result bound could be computed within the given number of Iterations.");
ValueType meanBound = (upperBound + lowerBound) / storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0);
storm::utility::vector::applyPointwise(x, y, x, [&meanBound] (ValueType const& xi, ValueType const& yi) { return xi + yi * meanBound; });
STORM_LOG_INFO("Quick Value Iteration terminated with lower value bound "
<< (hasLowerBound ? lowerBound : storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) << (hasLowerBound ? "" : "(none)")
<< " and upper value bound "
<< (hasUpperBound ? upperBound : storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) << (hasUpperBound ? "" : "(none)")
<< ". Decision value is "
<< (hasDecisionValue ? decisionValue : storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) << (hasDecisionValue ? "" : "(none)")
<< ".");
bool checkConvergencePhase1() {
// Return true if y ('the probability to stay within the matrix') is < 1 at every entry
for (; firstIndexViolatingConvergence != y.size(); ++firstIndexViolatingConvergence) {
static_assert(NumberTraits<ValueType>::IsExact || std::is_same<ValueType, double>::value, "Considered ValueType not handled.");
if (NumberTraits<ValueType>::IsExact) {
if (storm::utility::isOne(y[firstIndexViolatingConvergence])) {
return false;
} else {
if (storm::utility::isAlmostOne(storm::utility::convertNumber<double>(y[firstIndexViolatingConvergence]))) {
return false;
convergencePhase1 = false;
return true;
return false;
std::vector<ValueType>& x;
@ -982,11 +978,6 @@ namespace storm {
QuickValueIterationHelper<ValueType> helper(x, *this->auxiliaryRowGroupVector, env.solver().minMax().getRelativeTerminationCriterion(), storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(env.solver().minMax().getPrecision()), this->A->getSizeOfLargestRowGroup());
// Get the precision
uint64_t restartMaxIterations = env.solver().minMax().getQviRestartMaxIterations();
ValueType restartThreshold = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(env.solver().minMax().getQviRestartThreshold());
// Prepare initial bounds for the solution (if given)
if (this->hasLowerBound()) {
@ -1007,13 +998,13 @@ namespace storm {
while (status == SolverStatus::InProgress && iterations < env.solver().minMax().getMaximalNumberOfIterations()) {
if (minimize(dir)) {
helper.template performIterationStep<OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(*this->A, b);
if (helper.template checkConvergenceUpdateBounds<OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(iterations, relevantValuesPtr)) {
if (helper.template checkConvergenceUpdateBounds<OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(relevantValuesPtr)) {
status = SolverStatus::Converged;
} else {
helper.template performIterationStep<OptimizationDirection::Maximize>(*this->A, b);
if (helper.template checkConvergenceUpdateBounds<OptimizationDirection::Maximize>(iterations, relevantValuesPtr)) {
if (helper.template checkConvergenceUpdateBounds<OptimizationDirection::Maximize>(relevantValuesPtr)) {
status = SolverStatus::Converged;
