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first version of NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser
first version of NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser
This parser shall parse transition systems having transitions of the form <from> <choice> <to> <probability> Where every node <from> can first decide nondeterministically on a <choice>. Then, for every <choice> he has a given set of nodes <to> with assigned <probability>. While the parsing itself works and the number of non-zero non-diagonal entries for each choice class works, we have not decided on the exact way to store such transition systems in matrices...main
2 changed files with 244 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
* TraParser.cpp |
* |
* Created on: 20.11.2012 |
* Author: Gereon Kremer |
*/ |
#include "src/parser/NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser.h"
#include "src/exceptions/FileIoException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/WrongFileFormatException.h"
#include "boost/integer/integer_mask.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <clocale>
#include <iostream>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "log4cplus/logger.h"
#include "log4cplus/loggingmacros.h"
extern log4cplus::Logger logger; |
namespace mrmc { |
namespace parser{ |
* @brief Perform first pass through the file and obtain number of |
* non-zero cells and maximum node id. |
* |
* This method does the first pass through the .tra file and computes |
* the number of non-zero elements that are not diagonal elements, |
* which correspondents to the number of transitions that are not |
* self-loops. |
* (Diagonal elements are treated in a special way). |
* It also calculates the maximum node id and stores it in maxnode. |
* It also stores the maximum number of nondeterministic choices for a |
* single single node in maxchoices. |
* |
* @return The number of non-zero elements that are not on the diagonal |
* @param buf Data to scan. Is expected to be some char array. |
* @param maxnode Is set to highest id of all nodes. |
*/ |
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, uint_fast64_t &maxnode, uint_fast64_t &maxchoice) { |
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> non_zero = std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>>(new std::vector<uint_fast64_t>()); |
* check file header and extract number of transitions |
*/ |
if (strncmp(buf, "STATES ", 7) != 0) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Expected \"STATES\" but got \"" << std::string(buf, 0, 16) << "\"."); |
return nullptr; |
} |
buf += 7; // skip "STATES "
if (strtol(buf, &buf, 10) == 0) return 0; |
buf = trimWhitespaces(buf); |
if (strncmp(buf, "TRANSITIONS ", 12) != 0) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Expected \"TRANSITIONS\" but got \"" << std::string(buf, 0, 16) << "\"."); |
return 0; |
} |
buf += 12; // skip "TRANSITIONS "
strtol(buf, &buf, 10); |
* check all transitions for non-zero diagonal entrys |
*/ |
uint_fast64_t row, col, ndchoice; |
double val; |
maxnode = 0; |
maxchoice = 0; |
char* tmp; |
while (buf[0] != '\0') { |
* read row and column |
*/ |
row = checked_strtol(buf, &buf); |
ndchoice = checked_strtol(buf, &buf); |
col = checked_strtol(buf, &buf); |
* check if one is larger than the current maximum id |
*/ |
if (row > maxnode) maxnode = row; |
if (col > maxnode) maxnode = col; |
* check if nondeterministic choice is larger than current maximum |
*/ |
if (ndchoice > maxchoice) |
{ |
maxchoice = ndchoice; |
while (non_zero->size() < maxchoice) non_zero->push_back(0); |
} |
* read value. if value is 0.0, either strtod could not read a number or we encountered a probability of zero. |
* if row == col, we have a diagonal element which is treated separately and this non_zero must be decreased. |
*/ |
val = strtod(buf, &tmp); |
if (val == 0.0) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Expected a positive probability but got \"" << std::string(buf, 0, 16) << "\"."); |
return 0; |
} |
if (row != col) (*non_zero)[ndchoice-1]++; |
buf = trimWhitespaces(tmp); |
} |
return non_zero; |
} |
* Reads a .tra file and produces a sparse matrix representing the described Markov Chain. |
* |
* Matrices created with this method have to be freed with the delete operator. |
* @param filename input .tra file's name. |
* @return a pointer to the created sparse matrix. |
*/ |
NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser::NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename) |
: matrix(nullptr) |
{ |
* enforce locale where decimal point is '.' |
*/ |
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); |
* open file |
*/ |
MappedFile file(filename.c_str()); |
char* buf =; |
* perform first pass, i.e. count entries that are not zero and not on the diagonal |
*/ |
uint_fast64_t maxnode, maxchoices; |
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> non_zero = this->firstPass(, maxnode, maxchoices); |
* if first pass returned zero, the file format was wrong |
*/ |
if (non_zero == nullptr) |
{ |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Error while parsing " << filename << ": erroneous file format."); |
throw mrmc::exceptions::WrongFileFormatException(); |
} |
* perform second pass |
* |
* from here on, we already know that the file header is correct |
*/ |
* read file header, extract number of states |
*/ |
buf += 7; // skip "STATES "
checked_strtol(buf, &buf); |
buf = trimWhitespaces(buf); |
buf += 12; // skip "TRANSITIONS "
checked_strtol(buf, &buf); |
* Creating matrix |
* Memory for diagonal elements is automatically allocated, hence only the number of non-diagonal |
* non-zero elements has to be specified (which is non_zero, computed by make_first_pass) |
*/ |
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Attempting to create matrix of size " << (maxnode+1) << " x " << (maxnode+1) << "."); |
this->matrix = std::shared_ptr<mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<double>>(new mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<double>(maxnode + 1)); |
if (this->matrix == NULL) |
{ |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create matrix of size " << (maxnode+1) << " x " << (maxnode+1) << "."); |
throw std::bad_alloc(); |
} |
// TODO: put stuff in matrix / matrices.
uint_fast64_t row, col, ndchoice; |
double val; |
* read all transitions from file |
*/ |
while (buf[0] != '\0') |
{ |
* read row, col and value. |
*/ |
row = checked_strtol(buf, &buf); |
ndchoice = checked_strtol(buf, &buf); |
col = checked_strtol(buf, &buf); |
val = strtod(buf, &buf); |
buf = trimWhitespaces(buf); |
} |
* clean up |
*/ |
} |
} //namespace parser
} //namespace mrmc
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
#include "src/storage/SquareSparseMatrix.h" |
#include "src/parser/Parser.h" |
#include "src/utility/OsDetection.h" |
#include <memory> |
#include <vector> |
namespace mrmc { |
namespace parser { |
/*! |
* @brief Load a nondeterministic transition system from file and create a |
* sparse adjacency matrix whose entries represent the weights of the edges |
*/ |
class NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser : Parser { |
public: |
NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename); |
std::shared_ptr<mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<double>> getMatrix() { |
return this->matrix; |
} |
private: |
std::shared_ptr<mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<double>> matrix; |
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> firstPass(char* buf, uint_fast64_t &maxnode, uint_fast64_t &maxchoice); |
}; |
} // namespace parser |
} // namespace mrmc |
Reference in new issue