PBerger 12 years ago
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  3. 98
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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "PCTLPathFormula.h"
#include "PCTLStateFormula.h"
#include "ProbabilisticOperator.h"
#include "ProbabilisticIntervalOperator.h"
#include "Until.h"
#endif /* FORMULAS_H_ */


@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
* ProbabilisticOperator.h
* Created on: 19.10.2012
* Author: Thomas Heinemann
#include "PCTLStateFormula.h"
#include "PCTLPathFormula.h"
#include "utility/const_templates.h"
namespace mrmc {
namespace formula {
* @brief
* Class for a PCTL formula tree with a P (probablistic) operator node over a probability interval
* as root.
* If the probability interval consist just of one single value (i.e. it is [x,x] for some
* real number x), the class ProbabilisticOperator should be used instead.
* Has one PCTL path formula as sub formula/tree.
* @par Semantics
* The formula holds iff the probability that the path formula holds is inside the bounds
* specified in this operator
* The subtree is seen as part of the object and deleted with it
* (this behavior can be prevented by setting them to NULL before deletion)
* @see PCTLStateFormula
* @see PCTLPathFormula
* @see ProbabilisticOperator
* @see PCTLFormula
template<class T>
class ProbabilisticIntervalOperator : public PCTLStateFormula<T> {
* Empty constructor
ProbabilisticIntervalOperator() {
upper = mrmc::utility::constGetZero(upper);
lower = mrmc::utility::constGetZero(lower);
pathFormula = NULL;
* Constructor
* @param lowerBound The lower bound for the probability
* @param upperBound The upper bound for the probability
* @param pathFormula The child node
ProbabilisticIntervalOperator(T lowerBound, T upperBound, PCTLPathFormula<T>& pathFormula) {
this->lower = lowerBound;
this->upper = upperBound;
this->pathFormula = &pathFormula;
* Destructor
* The subtree is deleted with the object
* (this behavior can be prevented by setting them to NULL before deletion)
virtual ~ProbabilisticIntervalOperator() {
if (pathFormula != NULL) {
delete pathFormula;
* @returns the child node (representation of a PCTL path formula)
const PCTLPathFormula<T>& getPathFormula () const {
return *pathFormula;
* @returns the lower bound for the probability
const T& getLowerBound() const {
return lower;
* @returns the upper bound for the probability
const T& getUpperBound() const {
return upper;
* Sets the child node
* @param pathFormula the path formula that becomes the new child node
void setPathFormula(PCTLPathFormula<T>* pathFormula) {
this->pathFormula = pathFormula;
* Sets the interval in which the probability that the path formula holds may lie in.
* @param lowerBound The lower bound for the probability
* @param upperBound The upper bound for the probability
void setInterval(T lowerBound, T upperBound) {
this->lower = lowerBound;
this->upper = upperBound;
* @returns a string representation of the formula
virtual std::string toString() const {
std::string result = "(";
result += " P[";
result += lower;
result += ";";
result += upper;
result += "] ";
result += pathFormula->toString();
result += ")";
return result;
* Clones the called object.
* Performs a "deep copy", i.e. the subtrees of the new object are clones of the original ones
* @returns a new AND-object that is identical the called object.
virtual PCTLStateFormula<T>* clone() const {
ProbabilisticIntervalOperator<T>* result = new ProbabilisticIntervalOperator<T>();
result->setInterval(lower, upper);
if (pathFormula != NULL) {
return result;
* Calls the model checker to check this formula.
* Needed to infer the correct type of formula class.
* @note This function should only be called in a generic check function of a model checker class. For other uses,
* the methods of the model checker should be used.
* @returns A bit vector indicating all states that satisfy the formula represented by the called object.
virtual mrmc::storage::BitVector *check(const mrmc::modelChecker::DtmcPrctlModelChecker<T>& modelChecker) const {
return modelChecker.checkProbabilisticIntervalOperator(this);
T lower;
T upper;
PCTLPathFormula<T>* pathFormula;
} //namespace formula
} //namespace mrmc


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* ProbabilisticOperator.h
* Created on: 19.10.2012
* Created on: 07.12.2012
* Author: Thomas Heinemann
@ -9,53 +9,54 @@
#include "PCTLStateFormula.h"
#include "PCTLPathFormula.h"
#include "utility/const_templates.h"
namespace mrmc {
namespace formula {
* @brief
* Class for a PCTL formula tree with a P (probablistic) operator node as root.
* Class for a PCTL formula tree with a P (probablistic) operator node over a single real valued
* probability as root.
* If the probability interval consist just of one single value (i.e. it is [x,x] for some
* real number x), the class ProbabilisticOperator should be used instead.
* Has one PCTL path formula as sub formula/tree.
* @par Semantics
* The formula holds iff the probability that the path formula holds is inside the bounds specified in this operator
* The formula holds iff the probability that the path formula holds is equal to the probablility
* specified in this operator
* The subtree is seen as part of the object and deleted with it
* (this behavior can be prevented by setting them to NULL before deletion)
* @see PCTLStateFormula
* @see PCTLPathFormula
* @see ProbabilisticOperator
* @see PCTLFormula
template<class T>
class ProbabilisticOperator : public PCTLStateFormula<T> {
class ProbabilisticOperator : public mrmc::formula::PCTLStateFormula<T> {
* Empty constructor
ProbabilisticOperator() {
upper = mrmc::utility::constGetZero(upper);
lower = mrmc::utility::constGetZero(lower);
pathFormula = NULL;
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
* Constructor
* @param lowerBound The lower bound for the probability
* @param upperBound The upper bound for the probability
* @param pathFormula The child node (can be omitted, is then set to NULL)
* @param bound The expected value for path formulas
* @param pathFormula The child node
ProbabilisticOperator(T lowerBound, T upperBound, PCTLPathFormula<T>* pathFormula=NULL) {
this->lower = lowerBound;
this->upper = upperBound;
this->pathFormula = pathFormula;
ProbabilisticOperator(T bound, PCTLPathFormula<T>& pathFormula) {
this->bound = bound;
this->pathFormula = &pathFormula;
@ -65,9 +66,7 @@ public:
* (this behavior can be prevented by setting them to NULL before deletion)
virtual ~ProbabilisticOperator() {
if (pathFormula != NULL) {
delete pathFormula;
// TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
@ -81,14 +80,7 @@ public:
* @returns the lower bound for the probability
const T& getLowerBound() const {
return lower;
* @returns the upper bound for the probability
const T& getUpperBound() const {
return upper;
return bound;
@ -101,29 +93,12 @@ public:
* Sets the interval in which the probability that the path formula holds may lie.
* Sets the expected probability that the path formula holds.
* @param lowerBound The lower bound for the probability
* @param upperBound The upper bound for the probability
* @param bound The bound for the probability
void setInterval(T lowerBound, T upperBound) {
this->lower = lowerBound;
this->upper = upperBound;
* @returns a string representation of the formula
virtual std::string toString() const {
std::string result = "(";
result += " P[";
result += lower;
result += ";";
result += upper;
result += "] ";
result += pathFormula->toString();
result += ")";
return result;
void setInterval(T bound) {
this->bound = bound;
@ -131,11 +106,11 @@ public:
* Performs a "deep copy", i.e. the subtrees of the new object are clones of the original ones
* @returns a new AND-object that is identical the called object.
* @returns a new ProbabilisticOperator-object that is identical to the called object.
virtual PCTLStateFormula<T>* clone() const {
ProbabilisticOperator<T>* result = new ProbabilisticOperator<T>();
result->setInterval(lower, upper);
if (pathFormula != NULL) {
@ -146,23 +121,22 @@ public:
* Calls the model checker to check this formula.
* Needed to infer the correct type of formula class.
* @note This function should only be called in a generic check function of a model checker class. For other uses,
* the methods of the model checker should be used.
* @note This function should only be called in a generic check function of a model checker
* class. For other uses, the methods of the model checker should be used.
* @returns A bit vector indicating all states that satisfy the formula represented by the called object.
* @returns A bit vector indicating all states that satisfy the formula represented by the
* called object.
virtual mrmc::storage::BitVector *check(const mrmc::modelChecker::DtmcPrctlModelChecker<T>& modelChecker) const {
virtual mrmc::storage::BitVector *check(
const mrmc::modelChecker::DtmcPrctlModelChecker<T>& modelChecker) const {
return modelChecker.checkProbabilisticOperator(this);
T lower;
T upper;
T bound;
PCTLPathFormula<T>* pathFormula;
} //namespace formula
} //namespace mrmc
} /* namespace formula */
} /* namespace mrmc */


@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
* DtmcPrctlModelChecker.cpp
* Created on: 22.10.2012
* Author: Thomas Heinemann
#include "DtmcPrctlModelChecker.h"


@ -26,14 +26,7 @@ class DtmcPrctlModelChecker;
#include "src/formula/PCTLPathFormula.h"
#include "src/formula/PCTLStateFormula.h"
#include "src/formula/And.h"
#include "src/formula/AP.h"
#include "src/formula/BoundedUntil.h"
#include "src/formula/Next.h"
#include "src/formula/Not.h"
#include "src/formula/Or.h"
#include "src/formula/ProbabilisticOperator.h"
#include "src/formula/Until.h"
#include "src/formula/Formulas.h"
#include "src/models/Dtmc.h"
#include "src/storage/BitVector.h"
@ -69,7 +62,7 @@ public:
* @param modelChecker The model checker that is copied.
explicit DtmcPrctlModelChecker(mrmc::modelChecker::DtmcPrctlModelChecker<T>* modelChecker) {
explicit DtmcPrctlModelChecker(const mrmc::modelChecker::DtmcPrctlModelChecker<T>* modelChecker) {
this->model = new mrmc::models::Dtmc<T>(modelChecker->getModel());
@ -163,12 +156,24 @@ public:
* The check method for a state formula with a probabilistic operator node as root in its formula tree
* The check method for a state formula with a probabilistic operator node as root in its
* formula tree
* @param formula The state formula to check
* @returns The set of states satisfying the formula, represented by a bit vector
virtual mrmc::storage::BitVector* checkProbabilisticOperator(const mrmc::formula::ProbabilisticOperator<T>& formula) const = 0;
virtual mrmc::storage::BitVector* checkProbabilisticOperator(
const mrmc::formula::ProbabilisticOperator<T>& formula) const = 0;
* The check method for a state formula with a probabilistic interval operator node as root in
* its formula tree
* @param formula The state formula to check
* @returns The set of states satisfying the formula, represented by a bit vector
virtual mrmc::storage::BitVector* checkProbabilisticIntervalOperator(
const mrmc::formula::ProbabilisticIntervalOperator<T>& formula) const = 0;
* The check method for a path formula; Will infer the actual type of formula and delegate it


@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public:
virtual ~GmmxxDtmcPrctlModelChecker() { }
virtual mrmc::storage::BitVector* checkProbabilisticOperator(const mrmc::formula::ProbabilisticOperator<Type>& formula) const {
virtual mrmc::storage::BitVector* checkProbabilisticOperator(const mrmc::formula::ProbabilisticIntervalOperator<Type>& formula) const {
std::vector<Type>* probabilisticResult = this->checkPathFormula(formula.getPathFormula());
mrmc::storage::BitVector* result = new mrmc::storage::BitVector(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
