Browse Source

(DA) Automata classes: DeterministicAutomaton, APSet, HOAConsumer, AcceptanceCondition

Adapted from ltl2dstar.
Joachim Klein 5 years ago
committed by Stefan Pranger
  1. 65
  2. 33
  3. 100
  4. 36
  5. 103
  6. 46
  7. 237
  8. 217
  9. 26


@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#include "storm/automata/APSet.h"
#include <string>
#include <exception>
namespace storm {
namespace automata {
APSet::APSet() {
// intentionally left blank
unsigned int APSet::size() const {
return index_to_ap.size();
std::size_t APSet::alphabetSize() const {
return 1L << size();
void APSet::add(const std::string& ap) {
if (size() >= MAX_APS)
throw std::runtime_error("Set of atomic proposition size is limited to " + std::to_string(MAX_APS));
unsigned int index = size();
bool fresh = ap_to_index.insert(std::make_pair(ap, index)).second;
if (!fresh)
throw std::runtime_error("Duplicate atomic proposition '" + ap + "' in APSet");
unsigned int APSet::getIndex(const std::string& ap) const {
// throws out_of_range if ap is not in the set
const std::string& APSet::getAP(unsigned int index) const {
// throws out_of_range if index is out of range
const std::vector<std::string>& APSet::getAPs() const {
return index_to_ap;
bool APSet::contains(const std::string& ap) const {
return ap_to_index.find(ap) != ap_to_index.end();
APSet::alphabet_element APSet::elementAllFalse() const {
return 0;
APSet::alphabet_element APSet::elementAddAP(alphabet_element element, unsigned int ap) const {
if (ap >= size()) {
throw std::runtime_error("AP out of range");
return element | (1ul << ap);


@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
namespace storm {
namespace automata {
class APSet {
// TODO: uint32
typedef std::size_t alphabet_element;
unsigned int size() const;
std::size_t alphabetSize() const;
void add(const std::string& ap);
unsigned int getIndex(const std::string& ap) const;
bool contains(const std::string& ap) const;
const std::string& getAP(unsigned int index) const;
const std::vector<std::string>& getAPs() const;
alphabet_element elementAllFalse() const;
alphabet_element elementAddAP(alphabet_element element, unsigned int ap) const;
const unsigned int MAX_APS = 32;
std::map<std::string, unsigned int> ap_to_index;
std::vector<std::string> index_to_ap;


@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#include "AcceptanceCondition.h"
namespace storm {
namespace automata {
AcceptanceCondition::AcceptanceCondition(std::size_t numberOfStates, unsigned int numberOfAcceptanceSets, acceptance_expr::ptr acceptance)
: numberOfStates(numberOfStates), numberOfAcceptanceSets(numberOfAcceptanceSets), acceptance(acceptance) {
// initialize acceptance sets
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfAcceptanceSets; i++) {
unsigned int AcceptanceCondition::getNumberOfAcceptanceSets() const {
return numberOfAcceptanceSets;
storm::storage::BitVector& AcceptanceCondition::getAcceptanceSet(unsigned int index) {
const storm::storage::BitVector& AcceptanceCondition::getAcceptanceSet(unsigned int index) const {
AcceptanceCondition::acceptance_expr::ptr AcceptanceCondition::getAcceptanceExpression() const {
return acceptance;
bool AcceptanceCondition::isAccepting(const storm::storage::StateBlock& scc) const {
return isAccepting(scc, acceptance);
bool AcceptanceCondition::isAccepting(const storm::storage::StateBlock& scc, acceptance_expr::ptr expr) const {
switch (expr->getType()) {
case acceptance_expr::EXP_AND:
return isAccepting(scc, expr->getLeft()) && isAccepting(scc, expr->getRight());
case acceptance_expr::EXP_OR:
return isAccepting(scc, expr->getLeft()) && isAccepting(scc, expr->getRight());
case acceptance_expr::EXP_NOT:
return !isAccepting(scc, expr->getLeft());
case acceptance_expr::EXP_TRUE:
return true;
case acceptance_expr::EXP_FALSE:
return false;
case acceptance_expr::EXP_ATOM: {
const cpphoafparser::AtomAcceptance& atom = expr->getAtom();
const storm::storage::BitVector& acceptanceSet =;
bool negated = atom.isNegated();
bool rv;
switch (atom.getType()) {
case cpphoafparser::AtomAcceptance::TEMPORAL_INF:
rv = false;
for (auto& state : scc) {
if (acceptanceSet.get(state)) {
rv = true;
case cpphoafparser::AtomAcceptance::TEMPORAL_FIN:
rv = true;
for (auto& state : scc) {
if (acceptanceSet.get(state)) {
rv = false;
return (negated ? !rv : rv);
throw std::runtime_error("Missing case statement");
AcceptanceCondition::ptr AcceptanceCondition::lift(std::size_t productNumberOfStates, std::function<std::size_t (std::size_t)> mapping) const {
AcceptanceCondition::ptr lifted(new AcceptanceCondition(productNumberOfStates, numberOfAcceptanceSets, acceptance));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfAcceptanceSets; i++) {
const storm::storage::BitVector& set = getAcceptanceSet(i);
storm::storage::BitVector& liftedSet = lifted->getAcceptanceSet(i);
for (std::size_t prodState = 0; prodState < productNumberOfStates; prodState++) {
if (set.get(mapping(prodState))) {
return lifted;


@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "storm/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "storm/storage/StateBlock.h"
#include "cpphoafparser/consumer/hoa_consumer.hh"
namespace storm {
namespace automata {
class AcceptanceCondition {
typedef std::shared_ptr<AcceptanceCondition> ptr;
typedef cpphoafparser::HOAConsumer::acceptance_expr acceptance_expr;
AcceptanceCondition(std::size_t numberOfStates, unsigned int numberOfAcceptanceSets, acceptance_expr::ptr acceptance);
bool isAccepting(const storm::storage::StateBlock& scc) const ;
unsigned int getNumberOfAcceptanceSets() const;
storm::storage::BitVector& getAcceptanceSet(unsigned int index);
const storm::storage::BitVector& getAcceptanceSet(unsigned int index) const;
acceptance_expr::ptr getAcceptanceExpression() const;
AcceptanceCondition::ptr lift(std::size_t productNumberOfStates, std::function<std::size_t (std::size_t)> mapping) const;
bool isAccepting(const storm::storage::StateBlock& scc, acceptance_expr::ptr expr) const;
std::size_t numberOfStates;
unsigned int numberOfAcceptanceSets;
acceptance_expr::ptr acceptance;
std::vector<storm::storage::BitVector> acceptanceSets;


@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#include "storm/automata/DeterministicAutomaton.h"
#include "storm/automata/AcceptanceCondition.h"
#include "storm/automata/HOAConsumerDA.h"
#include "cpphoafparser/parser/hoa_parser.hh"
#include "cpphoafparser/parser/hoa_parser_helper.hh"
#include "cpphoafparser/consumer/hoa_intermediate_check_validity.hh"
namespace storm {
namespace automata {
DeterministicAutomaton::DeterministicAutomaton(APSet apSet, std::size_t numberOfStates, std::size_t initialState, AcceptanceCondition::ptr acceptance)
: apSet(apSet), numberOfStates(numberOfStates), initialState(initialState), acceptance(acceptance) {
// TODO: this could overflow, add check?
edgesPerState = apSet.alphabetSize();
numberOfEdges = numberOfStates * edgesPerState;
std::size_t DeterministicAutomaton::getInitialState() const {
return initialState;
const APSet& DeterministicAutomaton::getAPSet() const {
return apSet;
std::size_t DeterministicAutomaton::getSuccessor(std::size_t from, APSet::alphabet_element label) const {
std::size_t index = from * edgesPerState + label;
void DeterministicAutomaton::setSuccessor(std::size_t from, APSet::alphabet_element label, std::size_t successor) {
std::size_t index = from * edgesPerState + label; = successor;
std::size_t DeterministicAutomaton::getNumberOfStates() const {
return numberOfStates;
std::size_t DeterministicAutomaton::getNumberOfEdgesPerState() const {
return edgesPerState;
AcceptanceCondition::ptr DeterministicAutomaton::getAcceptance() const {
return acceptance;
void DeterministicAutomaton::printHOA(std::ostream& out) const {
out << "HOA: v1\n";
out << "States: " << numberOfStates << "\n";
out << "Start: " << initialState << "\n";
out << "AP: " << apSet.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < apSet.size(); i++) {
out << " " << cpphoafparser::HOAParserHelper::quote(apSet.getAP(i));
out << "\n";
out << "Acceptance: " << acceptance->getNumberOfAcceptanceSets() << " " << *acceptance->getAcceptanceExpression() << "\n";
out << "--BODY--" << "\n";
for (std::size_t s = 0; s < getNumberOfStates(); s++) {
out << "State: " << s;
out << " {";
bool first = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < acceptance->getNumberOfAcceptanceSets(); i++) {
if (acceptance->getAcceptanceSet(i).get(s)) {
if (!first)
out << " ";
first = false;
out << i;
out << "}\n";
for (std::size_t label = 0; label < getNumberOfEdgesPerState(); label++) {
out << getSuccessor(s, label) << "\n";
DeterministicAutomaton::ptr DeterministicAutomaton::parse(std::istream& in) {
HOAConsumerDA::ptr consumer(new HOAConsumerDA());
cpphoafparser::HOAIntermediateCheckValidity::ptr validator(new cpphoafparser::HOAIntermediateCheckValidity(consumer));
cpphoafparser::HOAParser::parse(in, validator);
return consumer->getDA();
DeterministicAutomaton::ptr DeterministicAutomaton::parseFromFile(const std::string& filename) {
std::ifstream in(filename);
return parse(in);


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include "storm/automata/APSet.h"
namespace storm {
namespace automata {
// fwd
class AcceptanceCondition;
class DeterministicAutomaton {
typedef std::shared_ptr<DeterministicAutomaton> ptr;
DeterministicAutomaton(APSet apSet, std::size_t numberOfStates, std::size_t initialState, std::shared_ptr<AcceptanceCondition> acceptance);
const APSet& getAPSet() const;
std::size_t getInitialState() const;
std::size_t getSuccessor(std::size_t from, APSet::alphabet_element label) const;
void setSuccessor(std::size_t from, APSet::alphabet_element label, std::size_t successor);
std::size_t getNumberOfStates() const;
std::size_t getNumberOfEdgesPerState() const;
std::shared_ptr<AcceptanceCondition> getAcceptance() const;
void printHOA(std::ostream& out) const;
static DeterministicAutomaton::ptr parse(std::istream& in);
static DeterministicAutomaton::ptr parseFromFile(const std::string& filename);
APSet apSet;
std::size_t numberOfStates;
std::size_t initialState;
std::size_t numberOfEdges;
std::size_t edgesPerState;
std::shared_ptr<AcceptanceCondition> acceptance;
std::vector<std::size_t> successors;


@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
#pragma once
#include "storm/automata/APSet.h"
#include "storm/automata/DeterministicAutomaton.h"
#include "storm/automata/HOAConsumerDAHeader.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/OutOfRangeException.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/InvalidOperationException.h"
#include "storm/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "storm/storage/SparseMatrix.h"
#include "storm/storage/expressions/ExpressionManager.h"
#include "storm/solver/SmtSolver.h"
#include "storm/utility/solver.h"
#include "cpphoafparser/consumer/hoa_consumer.hh"
#include "cpphoafparser/util/implicit_edge_helper.hh"
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <exception>
namespace storm {
namespace automata {
class HOAConsumerDA : public HOAConsumerDAHeader {
AcceptanceCondition::ptr acceptance;
DeterministicAutomaton::ptr da;
cpphoafparser::ImplicitEdgeHelper *helper = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<storm::expressions::ExpressionManager> expressionManager;
std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> apVariables;
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::SmtSolver> solver;
storm::storage::BitVector seenEdges;
typedef std::shared_ptr<HOAConsumerDA> ptr;
HOAConsumerDA() : seenEdges(0) {
expressionManager.reset(new storm::expressions::ExpressionManager());
storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory factory;
solver = factory.create(*expressionManager);
~HOAConsumerDA() {
delete helper;
DeterministicAutomaton::ptr getDA() {
return da;
* Called by the parser to notify that the BODY of the automaton has started [mandatory, once].
virtual void notifyBodyStart() {
if (!header.numberOfStates) {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic HOA automaton: Missing number-of-states header");
acceptance = header.getAcceptanceCondition();
da.reset(new DeterministicAutomaton(header.apSet, *header.numberOfStates, *header.startState, acceptance));
helper = new cpphoafparser::ImplicitEdgeHelper(header.apSet.size());
seenEdges.resize(*header.numberOfStates * helper->getEdgesPerState());
for (const std::string& ap : header.apSet.getAPs()) {
* Called by the parser for each "State: ..." item [multiple].
* @param id the identifier for this state
* @param info an optional string providing additional information about the state (empty pointer if not provided)
* @param labelExpr an optional boolean expression over labels (state-labeled) (empty pointer if not provided)
* @param accSignature an optional list of acceptance set indizes (state-labeled acceptance) (empty pointer if not provided)
virtual void addState(unsigned int id, std::shared_ptr<std::string> info, label_expr::ptr labelExpr, std::shared_ptr<int_list> accSignature) {
if (accSignature) {
for (unsigned int accSet : *accSignature) {
if (labelExpr) {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic HOA automaton: State-labeled automata not supported");
* Called by the parser for each implicit edge definition [multiple], i.e.,
* where the edge label is deduced from the index of the edge.
* If the edges are provided in implicit form, after every `addState()` there should be 2^|AP| calls to
* `addEdgeImplicit`. The corresponding boolean expression over labels / BitSet
* can be obtained by calling BooleanExpression.fromImplicit(i-1) for the i-th call of this function per state.
* @param stateId the index of the 'from' state
* @param conjSuccessors a list of successor state indizes, interpreted as a conjunction
* @param accSignature an optional list of acceptance set indizes (transition-labeled acceptance) (empty pointer if not provided)
virtual void addEdgeImplicit(unsigned int stateId, const int_list& conjSuccessors, std::shared_ptr<int_list> accSignature) {
std::size_t edgeIndex = helper->nextImplicitEdge();
if (conjSuccessors.size() != 1) {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic HOA automaton: Does not support alternation (conjunction of successor states)");
if (accSignature) {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic HOA automaton: Does not support transition-based acceptance");
da->setSuccessor(stateId, edgeIndex,;
markEdgeAsSeen(stateId, edgeIndex);
* Called by the parser for each explicit edge definition [optional, multiple], i.e.,
* where the label is either specified for the edge or as a state-label.
* <br/>
* @param stateId the index of the 'from' state
* @param labelExpr a boolean expression over labels (empty pointer if none provided, only in case of state-labeled states)
* @param conjSuccessors a list of successors state indizes, interpreted as a conjunction
* @param accSignature an optional list of acceptance set indizes (transition-labeled acceptance) (empty pointer if none provided)
virtual void addEdgeWithLabel(unsigned int stateId, label_expr::ptr labelExpr, const int_list& conjSuccessors, std::shared_ptr<int_list> accSignature) {
if (conjSuccessors.size() != 1) {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic HOA automaton: Does not support alternation (conjunction of successor states)");
if (accSignature) {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic HOA automaton: Does not support transition-based acceptance");
std::size_t successor =;
[this, stateId, successor] (storm::expressions::SimpleValuation& valuation) {
// construct edge index from valuation
APSet::alphabet_element edgeIndex = header.apSet.elementAllFalse();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < apVariables.size(); i++) {
if (valuation.getBooleanValue(apVariables[i])) {
edgeIndex = header.apSet.elementAddAP(edgeIndex, i);
// require: edge already exists -> same successor
STORM_LOG_THROW(!alreadyHaveEdge(stateId, edgeIndex) || da->getSuccessor(stateId, edgeIndex) == successor,
storm::exceptions::InvalidOperationException, "HOA automaton: multiple definitions of successor for state " << stateId << " and edge " << edgeIndex);
// std::cout << stateId << " -(" << edgeIndex << ")-> " << successor << std::endl;
da->setSuccessor(stateId, edgeIndex, successor);
markEdgeAsSeen(stateId, edgeIndex);
// continue with next valuation
return true;
* Called by the parser to notify the consumer that the definition for state `stateId`
* has ended [multiple].
virtual void notifyEndOfState(unsigned int stateId) {
* Called by the parser to notify the consumer that the automata definition has ended [mandatory, once].
virtual void notifyEnd() {
// require that we have seen all edges, i.e., that the automaton is complete
storm::exceptions::InvalidOperationException, "HOA automaton has mismatch in number of edges, not complete?");
* Called by the parser to notify the consumer that an "ABORT" message has been encountered
* (at any time, indicating error, the automaton should be discarded).
virtual void notifyAbort() {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic automaton: Automaton is incomplete (abort)");
* Is called whenever a condition is encountered that merits a (non-fatal) warning.
* The consumer is free to handle this situation as it wishes.
virtual void notifyWarning(const std::string& warning) {
storm::expressions::Expression labelToStormExpression(label_expr::ptr labelExpr) {
switch (labelExpr->getType()) {
case label_expr::EXP_AND:
return labelToStormExpression(labelExpr->getLeft()) && labelToStormExpression(labelExpr->getRight());
case label_expr::EXP_OR:
return labelToStormExpression(labelExpr->getLeft()) || labelToStormExpression(labelExpr->getRight());
case label_expr::EXP_NOT:
return !labelToStormExpression(labelExpr->getLeft());
case label_expr::EXP_TRUE:
return expressionManager->boolean(true);
case label_expr::EXP_FALSE:
return expressionManager->boolean(false);
case label_expr::EXP_ATOM: {
unsigned int apIndex = labelExpr->getAtom().getAPIndex();
STORM_LOG_THROW(apIndex < apVariables.size(),
storm::exceptions::OutOfRangeException, "HOA automaton refers to non-existing atomic proposition");
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown label expression operator");
bool alreadyHaveEdge(std::size_t stateId, std::size_t edgeIndex) {
return seenEdges.get(stateId * helper->getEdgesPerState() + edgeIndex);
void markEdgeAsSeen(std::size_t stateId, std::size_t edgeIndex) {
seenEdges.set(stateId * helper->getEdgesPerState() + edgeIndex);


@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
#pragma once
#include "storm/automata/APSet.h"
#include "storm/automata/DeterministicAutomaton.h"
#include "storm/automata/HOAHeader.h"
#include "storm/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "storm/storage/SparseMatrix.h"
#include "cpphoafparser/consumer/hoa_consumer.hh"
#include "cpphoafparser/util/implicit_edge_helper.hh"
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <exception>
namespace storm {
namespace automata {
class HOAConsumerDAHeader : public cpphoafparser::HOAConsumer {
HOAHeader header;
typedef std::shared_ptr<HOAConsumerDAHeader> ptr;
struct header_parsing_done : public std::exception {};
HOAHeader& getHeader() {
return header;
virtual bool parserResolvesAliases() {
return true;
/** Called by the parser for the "HOA: version" item [mandatory, once]. */
virtual void notifyHeaderStart(const std::string& version) {
// TODO: Check version
/** Called by the parser for the "States: int(numberOfStates)" item [optional, once]. */
virtual void setNumberOfStates(unsigned int numberOfStates) {
header.numberOfStates = numberOfStates;
* Called by the parser for each "Start: state-conj" item [optional, multiple].
* @param stateConjunction a list of state indizes, interpreted as a conjunction
virtual void addStartStates(const int_list& stateConjunction) {
if (header.startState) {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic HOA automaton: Nondeterministic choice of start states not supported");
if (stateConjunction.size() != 1) {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic HOA automaton: Conjunctive choice of start states not supported");
header.startState =;
* Called by the parser for the "AP: ap-def" item [optional, once].
* @param aps the list of atomic propositions
virtual void setAPs(const std::vector<std::string>& aps) {
for (const std::string& ap : aps) {
* Called by the parser for the "Acceptance: acceptance-def" item [mandatory, once].
* @param numberOfSets the number of acceptance sets used to tag state / transition acceptance
* @param accExpr a boolean expression over acceptance atoms
virtual void setAcceptanceCondition(unsigned int numberOfSets, acceptance_expr::ptr accExpr) {
header.numberOfAcceptanceSets = numberOfSets;
header.acceptance_expression = accExpr;
* Called by the parser for each "acc-name: ..." item [optional, multiple].
* @param name the provided name
* @param extraInfo the additional information for this item
* */
virtual void provideAcceptanceName(const std::string& name, const std::vector<cpphoafparser::IntOrString>& extraInfo) {
header.accName = name;
header.accNameExtraInfo = extraInfo;
* Called by the parser for each "Alias: alias-def" item [optional, multiple].
* Will be called no matter the return value of `parserResolvesAliases()`.
* @param name the alias name (without @)
* @param labelExpr a boolean expression over labels
virtual void addAlias(const std::string& name, label_expr::ptr labelExpr) {
* Called by the parser for the "name: ..." item [optional, once].
virtual void setName(const std::string& name) {
* Called by the parser for the "tool: ..." item [optional, once].
* @param name the tool name
* @param version the tool version (option, empty pointer if not provided)
virtual void setTool(const std::string& name, std::shared_ptr<std::string> version) {
* Called by the parser for the "properties: ..." item [optional, multiple].
* @param properties a list of properties
virtual void addProperties(const std::vector<std::string>& properties) {
// TODO: check supported
* Called by the parser for each unknown header item [optional, multiple].
* @param name the name of the header (without ':')
* @param content a list of extra information provided by the header
virtual void addMiscHeader(const std::string& name, const std::vector<cpphoafparser::IntOrString>& content) {
// TODO: Check semantic headers
* Called by the parser to notify that the BODY of the automaton has started [mandatory, once].
virtual void notifyBodyStart() {
throw header_parsing_done();
* Called by the parser for each "State: ..." item [multiple].
* @param id the identifier for this state
* @param info an optional string providing additional information about the state (empty pointer if not provided)
* @param labelExpr an optional boolean expression over labels (state-labeled) (empty pointer if not provided)
* @param accSignature an optional list of acceptance set indizes (state-labeled acceptance) (empty pointer if not provided)
virtual void addState(unsigned int id, std::shared_ptr<std::string> info, label_expr::ptr labelExpr, std::shared_ptr<int_list> accSignature) {
* Called by the parser for each implicit edge definition [multiple], i.e.,
* where the edge label is deduced from the index of the edge.
* If the edges are provided in implicit form, after every `addState()` there should be 2^|AP| calls to
* `addEdgeImplicit`. The corresponding boolean expression over labels / BitSet
* can be obtained by calling BooleanExpression.fromImplicit(i-1) for the i-th call of this function per state.
* @param stateId the index of the 'from' state
* @param conjSuccessors a list of successor state indizes, interpreted as a conjunction
* @param accSignature an optional list of acceptance set indizes (transition-labeled acceptance) (empty pointer if not provided)
virtual void addEdgeImplicit(unsigned int stateId, const int_list& conjSuccessors, std::shared_ptr<int_list> accSignature) {
* Called by the parser for each explicit edge definition [optional, multiple], i.e.,
* where the label is either specified for the edge or as a state-label.
* <br/>
* @param stateId the index of the 'from' state
* @param labelExpr a boolean expression over labels (empty pointer if none provided, only in case of state-labeled states)
* @param conjSuccessors a list of successors state indizes, interpreted as a conjunction
* @param accSignature an optional list of acceptance set indizes (transition-labeled acceptance) (empty pointer if none provided)
virtual void addEdgeWithLabel(unsigned int stateId, label_expr::ptr labelExpr, const int_list& conjSuccessors, std::shared_ptr<int_list> accSignature) {
* Called by the parser to notify the consumer that the definition for state `stateId`
* has ended [multiple].
virtual void notifyEndOfState(unsigned int stateId) {
* Called by the parser to notify the consumer that the automata definition has ended [mandatory, once].
virtual void notifyEnd() {
* Called by the parser to notify the consumer that an "ABORT" message has been encountered
* (at any time, indicating error, the automaton should be discarded).
virtual void notifyAbort() {
throw std::runtime_error("Parsing deterministic automaton: Automaton is incomplete (abort)");
* Is called whenever a condition is encountered that merits a (non-fatal) warning.
* The consumer is free to handle this situation as it wishes.
virtual void notifyWarning(const std::string& warning) {


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#pragma once
#include "storm/automata/APSet.h"
#include "cpphoafparser/consumer/hoa_consumer.hh"
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
namespace storm {
namespace automata {
class HOAHeader {
boost::optional<unsigned int> startState;
boost::optional<unsigned int> numberOfStates;
APSet apSet;
boost::optional<unsigned int> numberOfAcceptanceSets;
cpphoafparser::HOAConsumer::acceptance_expr::ptr acceptance_expression;
boost::optional<std::string> accName;
boost::optional<std::vector<cpphoafparser::IntOrString>> accNameExtraInfo;
AcceptanceCondition::ptr getAcceptanceCondition() {
return AcceptanceCondition::ptr(new AcceptanceCondition(*numberOfStates, *numberOfAcceptanceSets, acceptance_expression));