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possibly skip undefined choices in schedulers

Stefan Pranger 4 years ago
  1. 92
  2. 146
  3. 6


@ -100,62 +100,66 @@ namespace storm {
uint_fast64_t numOfSkippedStatesWithUniqueChoice = 0;
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << "model state:" << " " << (isMemorylessScheduler() ? "" : " memory: ") << "choice(s)" << std::endl;
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < schedulerChoiceMapping.front().size(); ++state) {
// Print the state info
if (stateValuationsGiven) {
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << (std::to_string(state) + ": " + model->getStateValuations().getStateInfo(state));
std::stringstream stateString;
// Print the state info
if (stateValuationsGiven) {
stateString << std::setw(widthOfStates) << (std::to_string(state) + ": " + model->getStateValuations().getStateInfo(state));
} else {
stateString << std::setw(widthOfStates) << state;
stateString << " ";
bool firstChoiceIndex = true;
for(uint choiceIndex = 0; choiceIndex < schedulerChoiceMapping[0][state].size(); choiceIndex++) {
SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& choice = schedulerChoiceMapping[0][state][choiceIndex];
if(firstChoiceIndex) {
firstChoiceIndex = false;
stateString << std::to_string(choiceIndex) << ": ";
} else {
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << state;
stateString << std::setw(widthOfStates + 5) << std::to_string(choiceIndex) << ": ";
out << " ";
bool firstChoiceIndex = true;
for(uint choiceIndex = 0; choiceIndex < schedulerChoiceMapping[0][state].size(); choiceIndex++) {
SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& choice = schedulerChoiceMapping[0][state][choiceIndex];
if(firstChoiceIndex) {
firstChoiceIndex = false;
out << std::to_string(choiceIndex) << ": ";
if (choice.isDefined()) {
if (choice.isDeterministic()) {
if (choiceOriginsGiven) {
stateString << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
} else {
stateString << choice.getDeterministicChoice();
if (choiceLabelsGiven) {
auto choiceLabels = model->getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
stateString << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
} else {
out << std::setw(widthOfStates + 5) << std::to_string(choiceIndex) << ": ";
if (choice.isDefined()) {
if (choice.isDeterministic()) {
bool firstChoice = true;
for (auto const& choiceProbPair : choice.getChoiceAsDistribution()) {
if (firstChoice) {
firstChoice = false;
} else {
stateString << " + ";
stateString << choiceProbPair.second << ": (";
if (choiceOriginsGiven) {
out << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
stateString << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choiceProbPair.first);
} else {
out << choice.getDeterministicChoice();
stateString << choiceProbPair.first;
if (choiceLabelsGiven) {
auto choiceLabels = model->getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
out << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
} else {
bool firstChoice = true;
for (auto const& choiceProbPair : choice.getChoiceAsDistribution()) {
if (firstChoice) {
firstChoice = false;
} else {
out << " + ";
out << choiceProbPair.second << ": (";
if (choiceOriginsGiven) {
out << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choiceProbPair.first);
} else {
out << choiceProbPair.first;
if (choiceLabelsGiven) {
auto choiceLabels = model->getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
out << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
out << ")";
stateString << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
stateString << ")";
} else {
out << "undefined.";
// Todo: print memory updates
out << std::endl;
} else {
if(!this->printUndefinedChoices) goto skipStatesWithUndefinedChoices;
stateString << "undefined.";
// Todo: print memory updates
stateString << std::endl;
out << stateString.str();
// jump to label if we find one undefined choice.


@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
namespace storm {
namespace storage {
template <typename ValueType>
Scheduler<ValueType>::Scheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure> const& memoryStructure) : memoryStructure(memoryStructure) {
uint_fast64_t numOfMemoryStates = memoryStructure ? memoryStructure->getNumberOfStates() : 1;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace storm {
numOfUndefinedChoices = numOfMemoryStates * numberOfModelStates;
numOfDeterministicChoices = 0;
template <typename ValueType>
Scheduler<ValueType>::Scheduler(uint_fast64_t numberOfModelStates, boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure>&& memoryStructure) : memoryStructure(std::move(memoryStructure)) {
uint_fast64_t numOfMemoryStates = this->memoryStructure ? this->memoryStructure->getNumberOfStates() : 1;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace storm {
numOfUndefinedChoices = numOfMemoryStates * numberOfModelStates;
numOfDeterministicChoices = 0;
template <typename ValueType>
void Scheduler<ValueType>::setChoice(SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& choice, uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(memoryState < getNumberOfMemoryStates(), "Illegal memory state index");
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace storm {
schedulerChoice = choice;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(modelState < schedulerChoices[memoryState].size(), "Illegal model state index");
setChoice(SchedulerChoice<ValueType>(), modelState, memoryState);
template <typename ValueType>
SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& Scheduler<ValueType>::getChoice(uint_fast64_t modelState, uint_fast64_t memoryState) const {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(memoryState < getNumberOfMemoryStates(), "Illegal memory state index");
@ -96,17 +96,17 @@ namespace storm {
return result;
template <typename ValueType>
bool Scheduler<ValueType>::isPartialScheduler() const {
return numOfUndefinedChoices != 0;
template <typename ValueType>
bool Scheduler<ValueType>::isDeterministicScheduler() const {
return numOfDeterministicChoices == (schedulerChoices.size() * schedulerChoices.begin()->size()) - numOfUndefinedChoices;
template <typename ValueType>
bool Scheduler<ValueType>::isMemorylessScheduler() const {
return getNumberOfMemoryStates() == 1;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename ValueType>
void Scheduler<ValueType>::printToStream(std::ostream& out, std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> model, bool skipUniqueChoices) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(model == nullptr || model->getNumberOfStates() == schedulerChoices.front().size(), storm::exceptions::InvalidOperationException, "The given model is not compatible with this scheduler.");
bool const stateValuationsGiven = model != nullptr && model->hasStateValuations();
bool const choiceLabelsGiven = model != nullptr && model->hasChoiceLabeling();
bool const choiceOriginsGiven = model != nullptr && model->hasChoiceOrigins();
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ namespace storm {
widthOfStates = std::max(widthOfStates, (uint_fast64_t)12);
uint_fast64_t numOfSkippedStatesWithUniqueChoice = 0;
out << "___________________________________________________________________" << std::endl;
out << (isPartialScheduler() ? "Partially" : "Fully") << " defined ";
out << (isMemorylessScheduler() ? "memoryless " : "");
@ -146,76 +146,79 @@ namespace storm {
out << ":" << std::endl;
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(!(skipUniqueChoices && model == nullptr), "Can not skip unique choices if the model is not given.");
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << "model state:" << " " << (isMemorylessScheduler() ? "" : " memory: ") << "choice(s)" << std::endl;
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < schedulerChoices.front().size(); ++state) {
// Check whether the state is skipped
if (skipUniqueChoices && model != nullptr && model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupSize(state) == 1) {
// Print the state info
if (stateValuationsGiven) {
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << (std::to_string(state) + ": " + model->getStateValuations().getStateInfo(state));
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < schedulerChoices.front().size(); ++state) {
std::stringstream stateString;
// Check whether the state is skipped
if (skipUniqueChoices && model != nullptr && model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupSize(state) == 1) {
// Print the state info
if (stateValuationsGiven) {
stateString << std::setw(widthOfStates) << (std::to_string(state) + ": " + model->getStateValuations().getStateInfo(state));
} else {
stateString << std::setw(widthOfStates) << state;
stateString << " ";
bool firstMemoryState = true;
for (uint_fast64_t memoryState = 0; memoryState < getNumberOfMemoryStates(); ++memoryState) {
// Indent if this is not the first memory state
if (firstMemoryState) {
firstMemoryState = false;
} else {
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << state;
stateString << std::setw(widthOfStates) << "";
stateString << " ";
out << " ";
bool firstMemoryState = true;
for (uint_fast64_t memoryState = 0; memoryState < getNumberOfMemoryStates(); ++memoryState) {
// Indent if this is not the first memory state
if (firstMemoryState) {
firstMemoryState = false;
// Print the memory state info
if (!isMemorylessScheduler()) {
stateString << "m" << std::setw(8) << memoryState;
// Print choice info
SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& choice = schedulerChoices[memoryState][state];
if (choice.isDefined()) {
if (choice.isDeterministic()) {
if (choiceOriginsGiven) {
stateString << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
} else {
stateString << choice.getDeterministicChoice();
if (choiceLabelsGiven) {
auto choiceLabels = model->getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
stateString << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
} else {
out << std::setw(widthOfStates) << "";
out << " ";
// Print the memory state info
if (!isMemorylessScheduler()) {
out << "m" << std::setw(8) << memoryState;
// Print choice info
SchedulerChoice<ValueType> const& choice = schedulerChoices[memoryState][state];
if (choice.isDefined()) {
if (choice.isDeterministic()) {
bool firstChoice = true;
for (auto const& choiceProbPair : choice.getChoiceAsDistribution()) {
if (firstChoice) {
firstChoice = false;
} else {
stateString << " + ";
stateString << choiceProbPair.second << ": (";
if (choiceOriginsGiven) {
out << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
stateString << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choiceProbPair.first);
} else {
out << choice.getDeterministicChoice();
stateString << choiceProbPair.first;
if (choiceLabelsGiven) {
auto choiceLabels = model->getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
out << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
} else {
bool firstChoice = true;
for (auto const& choiceProbPair : choice.getChoiceAsDistribution()) {
if (firstChoice) {
firstChoice = false;
} else {
out << " + ";
out << choiceProbPair.second << ": (";
if (choiceOriginsGiven) {
out << model->getChoiceOrigins()->getChoiceInfo(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choiceProbPair.first);
} else {
out << choiceProbPair.first;
if (choiceLabelsGiven) {
auto choiceLabels = model->getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(model->getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[state] + choice.getDeterministicChoice());
out << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
out << ")";
stateString << " {" << boost::join(choiceLabels, ", ") << "}";
stateString << ")";
} else {
out << "undefined.";
// Todo: print memory updates
out << std::endl;
} else {
if(!printUndefinedChoices) continue;
stateString << "undefined.";
// Todo: print memory updates
out << stateString.str();
out << std::endl;
if (numOfSkippedStatesWithUniqueChoice > 0) {
out << "Skipped " << numOfSkippedStatesWithUniqueChoice << " deterministic states with unique choice." << std::endl;
@ -271,10 +274,15 @@ namespace storm {
out << output.dump(4);
template <typename ValueType>
void Scheduler<ValueType>::setPrintUndefinedChoices(bool value) {
printUndefinedChoices = value;
template class Scheduler<double>;
template class Scheduler<float>;
template class Scheduler<storm::RationalNumber>;
template class Scheduler<storm::RationalFunction>;


@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <sstream>
#include "storm/storage/memorystructure/MemoryStructure.h"
#include "storm/storage/SchedulerChoice.h"
@ -117,10 +119,14 @@ namespace storm {
void printJsonToStream(std::ostream& out, std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> model = nullptr, bool skipUniqueChoices = false) const;
void setPrintUndefinedChoices(bool value = true);
boost::optional<storm::storage::MemoryStructure> memoryStructure;
std::vector<std::vector<SchedulerChoice<ValueType>>> schedulerChoices;
bool printUndefinedChoices = false;
uint_fast64_t numOfUndefinedChoices;
uint_fast64_t numOfDeterministicChoices;
