2 changed files with 0 additions and 419 deletions
@ -1,363 +0,0 @@ |
// Created by Florent Delgrange on 2019-05-28.
#include "SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct(SparseModelType const& model, storm::storage::NondeterministicMemoryStructure const& memory, bool forceLabeling) |
: model(model), memory(memory), productStates(model.getNumberOfStates()), forceLabeling(forceLabeling) |
{} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
std::shared_ptr<SparseModelType> SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::build() { |
// For simplicity we first build the 'full' product of model and memory (with model.numStates * memory.numStates states).
storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents<ValueType> components; |
components.transitionMatrix = buildTransitions(); |
components.stateLabeling = buildStateLabeling(); |
components.choiceLabeling = buildChoiceLabeling(components.transitionMatrix); |
// Now delete unreachable states.
storm::storage::BitVector allStates(components.transitionMatrix.getRowGroupCount(), true); |
reachableStates = storm::utility::graph::getReachableStates(components.transitionMatrix, components.stateLabeling.getStates("init"), allStates, ~allStates); |
storm::storage::BitVector enabledActions(components.transitionMatrix.getRowCount()); |
for (uint64_t state : reachableStates) { |
for (uint64_t row = components.transitionMatrix.getRowGroupIndices()[state]; row < components.transitionMatrix.getRowGroupIndices()[state + 1]; ++ row) { |
enabledActions.set(row); |
} |
} |
components.transitionMatrix = components.transitionMatrix.getSubmatrix(true, reachableStates, reachableStates); |
components.stateLabeling = components.stateLabeling.getSubLabeling(reachableStates); |
components.choiceLabeling = components.choiceLabeling->getSubLabeling(enabledActions); |
// build the remaining components
for (auto const& rewModel : model.getRewardModels()) { |
components.rewardModels.emplace(rewModel.first, buildRewardModel(rewModel.second, reachableStates, components.transitionMatrix)); |
} |
// build the offset vector, that allows to maintain getter indices
fullProductStatesOffset = std::move(generateOffsetVector(reachableStates)); |
return std::make_shared<SparseModelType>(std::move(components)); |
} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<typename SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::ValueType> SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::buildTransitions() { |
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& origTransitions = model.getTransitionMatrix(); |
uint64_t numRows = 0; |
uint64_t numEntries = 0; |
uint64_t numberOfStates = model.getNumberOfStates() * memory.getNumberOfStates() * (1 + model.getNumberOfTransitions()); |
productStates[0] = 0; |
for (uint64_t modelState = 0; modelState < model.getNumberOfStates(); ++ modelState) { |
if (modelState < model.getNumberOfStates() - 1) { |
productStates[modelState + 1] = productStates[modelState] + memory.getNumberOfStates() * (1 + origTransitions.getRowGroupEntryCount(modelState)); |
} |
for (uint64_t memState = 0; memState < memory.getNumberOfStates(); ++ memState) { |
for (uint64_t row = origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState]; |
row < origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState + 1]; |
++ row) { |
numRows += 1 + origTransitions.getRow(row).getNumberOfEntries() * memory.getNumberOfOutgoingTransitions(memState); |
numEntries += origTransitions.getRow(row).getNumberOfEntries() * (1 + memory.getNumberOfOutgoingTransitions(memState)); |
} |
} |
} |
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType> builder(numRows, |
numberOfStates, |
numEntries, |
true, |
true, |
numberOfStates); |
uint64_t row = 0; |
for (uint64_t modelState = 0; modelState < model.getNumberOfStates(); ++ modelState) { |
for (uint64_t memState = 0; memState < memory.getNumberOfStates(); ++ memState) { |
builder.newRowGroup(row); |
uint64_t entryCount = 0; |
for (uint64_t origRow = origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState]; origRow < origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState + 1]; ++origRow) { |
for (auto const& entry : origTransitions.getRow(origRow)) { |
uint64_t productState = getProductState(modelState, memState); |
builder.addNextValue(row, productState + 1 + entryCount, entry.getValue()); |
++ entryCount; |
} |
++row; |
} |
// transition states
for (uint64_t origRow = origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState]; origRow < origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState + 1]; ++origRow) { |
for (auto const& entry : origTransitions.getRow(origRow)) { |
builder.newRowGroup(row); |
for (auto const& memStatePrime : memory.getTransitions(memState)) { |
builder.addNextValue(row, getProductState(entry.getColumn(), memStatePrime), storm::utility::one<ValueType>()); |
++row; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return builder.build(); |
} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::buildStateLabeling() const { |
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& origTransitions = model.getTransitionMatrix(); |
// storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> backwardTransitions = origTransitions.transpose(true);
uint64_t numberOfStates = model.getNumberOfStates() * memory.getNumberOfStates() * (1 + model.getNumberOfTransitions()); |
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling labeling(numberOfStates); |
for (auto const& labelName : model.getStateLabeling().getLabels()) { |
storm::storage::BitVector newStates(numberOfStates, false); |
// The init label is only assigned to Product states with the initial memory state
if (labelName == "init") { |
for (auto const& modelState : model.getStateLabeling().getStates(labelName)) { |
uint64_t nextProductState = getProductState(modelState, memory.getInitialState() + 1); //memory.getInitialState() < memory.getNumberOfStates() - 1 ? getProductState(modelState, memory.getInitialState() + 1) : getProductState(modelState + 1, 0);
// by assuming that all states between (s, m) and (s, m + 1) are labeled with s
for (uint64_t productState = getProductState(modelState, memory.getInitialState()); productState < nextProductState; ++ productState) { |
newStates.set(productState); |
} |
} |
} else { |
for (auto const& modelState : model.getStateLabeling().getStates(labelName)) { |
// by assuming that all states between (s, 0) and (s + 1, 0) are labeled with labels of s
for (uint64_t productState = getProductState(modelState, 0); productState < getProductState(modelState, memory.getNumberOfStates()); ++ productState) { |
newStates.set(productState); |
} |
} |
} |
labeling.addLabel(labelName, std::move(newStates)); |
} |
auto addLabel = [&] (std::string const& labelName, uint64_t state) -> void { |
if (not labeling.containsLabel(labelName)) { |
labeling.addLabel(labelName); |
} |
labeling.addLabelToState(labelName, state); |
}; |
for (uint64_t modelState = 0; modelState < model.getNumberOfStates(); ++ modelState) { |
if (forceLabeling) { |
for (uint64_t memoryState = 0; memoryState < memory.getNumberOfStates(); ++ memoryState) { |
if (labeling.getLabelsOfState(getProductState(modelState, memoryState)).empty()) { |
std::ostringstream stream; |
stream << "s" << modelState; |
std::string labelName = stream.str(); |
addLabel(labelName, getProductState(modelState, memoryState)); |
} |
{ |
std::ostringstream stream; |
stream << "m" << memoryState; |
std::string labelName = stream.str(); |
addLabel(labelName, getProductState(modelState, memoryState)); |
} |
} |
} |
uint64_t entryCount = 0; |
for (uint64_t row = origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState]; row < origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState + 1]; ++ row) { |
for (auto const& entry : origTransitions.getRow(row)) { |
uint64_t const& successor = entry.getColumn(); |
for (uint64_t memoryState = 0; memoryState < memory.getNumberOfStates(); ++ memoryState) { |
uint64_t productState = getProductState(modelState, memoryState) + 1 + entryCount; |
// origin state
if ( model.getStateLabeling().getLabelsOfState(modelState).empty() or |
(model.getStateLabeling().getLabelsOfState(modelState).size() == 1 and model.getStateLabeling().getStateHasLabel("init", modelState) |
and not labeling.getStateHasLabel("init", productState)) ){ |
if (forceLabeling) { |
std::ostringstream stream; |
stream << "s" << modelState; |
std::string labelName = stream.str(); |
addLabel(labelName, productState); |
} |
} else { |
for (auto const& labelName : model.getStateLabeling().getLabelsOfState(modelState)) { |
if (labelName != "init") { |
addLabel(labelName, productState); |
} |
} |
} |
// memory labeling
if (forceLabeling) { |
std::ostringstream stream; |
stream << "m" << memoryState; |
std::string labelName = stream.str(); |
addLabel(labelName, productState); |
} |
// action labeling
if (forceLabeling and (not model.getOptionalChoiceLabeling() |
or model.getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(row).empty())) { |
std::ostringstream stream; |
stream << "a" << row; |
std::string labelName = stream.str(); |
addLabel(labelName, productState); |
} else if (model.getOptionalChoiceLabeling()) { |
for (auto const &labelName : model.getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(row)) { |
addLabel(labelName, productState); |
} |
} |
// arrival state
if ( model.getStateLabeling().getLabelsOfState(successor).empty() or |
(model.getStateLabeling().getLabelsOfState(successor).size() == 1 and model.getStateLabeling().getStateHasLabel("init", successor) |
and not labeling.getStateHasLabel("init", productState)) ){ |
if (forceLabeling) { |
std::ostringstream stream; |
stream << "s" << successor; |
std::string labelName = stream.str(); |
addLabel(labelName, productState); |
} |
} else { |
for (auto const& labelName : model.getStateLabeling().getLabelsOfState(successor)) { |
if (labelName != "init") { |
addLabel(labelName, productState); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
++ entryCount; |
} |
} |
} |
return labeling; |
} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
storm::models::sparse::ChoiceLabeling SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::buildChoiceLabeling(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& transitions) const { |
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& origTransitions = model.getTransitionMatrix(); |
storm::models::sparse::ChoiceLabeling labeling(transitions.getRowCount()); |
auto addLabel = [&] (std::string const& labelName, uint64_t row) -> void { |
if (not labeling.containsLabel(labelName)) { |
labeling.addLabel(labelName); |
} |
labeling.addLabelToChoice(labelName, row); |
}; |
uint64_t row = 0; |
for (uint64_t modelState = 0; modelState < model.getNumberOfStates(); ++ modelState) { |
for (uint64_t memState = 0; memState < memory.getNumberOfStates(); ++ memState) { |
for (uint64_t origRow = origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState]; origRow < origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState + 1]; ++origRow) { |
if (forceLabeling and (not model.getOptionalChoiceLabeling() |
or model.getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(origRow).empty())) { |
std::ostringstream stream; |
stream << "a" << origRow; |
std::string labelName = stream.str(); |
addLabel(labelName, row); |
} else if (model.getOptionalChoiceLabeling()) { |
for (auto const &labelName : model.getChoiceLabeling().getLabelsOfChoice(origRow)) { |
addLabel(labelName, row); |
} |
} |
++row; |
} |
// transition states
for (uint64_t origRow = origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState]; origRow < origTransitions.getRowGroupIndices()[modelState + 1]; ++origRow) { |
for (auto const& entry : origTransitions.getRow(origRow)) { |
for (auto const& memStatePrime : memory.getTransitions(memState)) { |
if (forceLabeling) { |
std::ostringstream stream; |
stream << "m" << memStatePrime; |
std::string labelName = stream.str(); |
addLabel(labelName, row); |
} |
++row; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return labeling; |
} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<typename SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::ValueType> SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::buildRewardModel(storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<ValueType> const& rewardModel, storm::storage::BitVector const& reachableStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& resultTransitionMatrix) const { |
boost::optional<std::vector<ValueType>> stateRewards, actionRewards; |
if (rewardModel.hasStateRewards()) { |
stateRewards = std::vector<ValueType>(); |
stateRewards->reserve(resultTransitionMatrix.getRowGroupCount()); |
for (uint64_t modelState = 0; modelState < model.getNumberOfStates(); ++ modelState) { |
for (uint64_t memState = 0; memState < memory.getNumberOfStates(); ++ memState) { |
if (reachableStates.get(getProductState(modelState, memState))) { |
stateRewards->push_back(rewardModel.getStateReward(modelState)); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (rewardModel.hasStateActionRewards()) { |
actionRewards = std::vector<ValueType>(); |
actionRewards->reserve(resultTransitionMatrix.getRowCount()); |
for (uint64_t modelState = 0; modelState < model.getNumberOfStates(); ++ modelState) { |
uint64_t numberOfModelOutgoingTransitions = model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupEntryCount(modelState); |
for (uint64_t memState = 0; memState < memory.getNumberOfStates(); ++ memState) { |
uint64_t numberOfMemoryOutgoingTransitions = memory.getNumberOfOutgoingTransitions(memState); |
if (reachableStates.get(getProductState(modelState, memState))) { |
for (uint64_t origRow = model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[modelState]; origRow < model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices()[modelState + 1]; ++ origRow) { |
ValueType const& actionReward = rewardModel.getStateActionReward(origRow); |
// push the reward of choosing a in (s, m)
actionRewards->push_back(actionReward); |
} |
// note that all outgoing model states are reachable by definition
actionRewards->insert(actionRewards->end(), numberOfModelOutgoingTransitions * numberOfMemoryOutgoingTransitions, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
STORM_LOG_THROW(!rewardModel.hasTransitionRewards(), storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Transition rewards are currently not supported."); |
return storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<ValueType>(std::move(stateRewards), std::move(actionRewards)); |
} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
std::vector<uint64_t> SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::generateOffsetVector(storm::storage::BitVector const& reachableStates) { |
uint64_t numberOfStates = model.getNumberOfStates() * memory.getNumberOfStates() * (1 + model.getNumberOfTransitions()); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(reachableStates.size() == numberOfStates, "vector reachableStates has wrong size"); |
uint64_t state = 0; |
uint64_t offset = 0; |
std::vector<uint64_t> offsetVector(numberOfStates); |
while (state < numberOfStates) { |
if (reachableStates[state]) { |
offsetVector[state] = offset; |
++ state; |
} |
else { |
uint64_t nextState = reachableStates.getNextSetIndex(state); |
offset += nextState - state; |
for (; state < nextState; ++ state) { |
offsetVector[state] = offset; |
} |
} |
} |
return std::move(offsetVector); |
} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
uint64_t SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::getProductState(uint64_t modelState, uint64_t memoryState) const { |
uint64_t index = productStates[modelState] + memoryState * (1 + model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupEntryCount(modelState)); |
return index - (fullProductStatesOffset.empty() ? 0 : fullProductStatesOffset[index]); |
} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
bool SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::isProductStateReachable(uint64_t modelState, uint64_t memoryState) const { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(not fullProductStatesOffset.empty(), "The product is not yet built"); |
uint64_t index = productStates[modelState] + memoryState * (1 + model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupEntryCount(modelState)); |
return reachableStates[index]; |
} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
uint64_t SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::getModelState(uint64_t productState) const { |
uint64_t productStateWithOffset = productState + (fullProductStatesOffset.empty() ? 0 : fullProductStatesOffset[productState]); |
// binary search in the vector containing the product states indices
auto search = std::upper_bound(productStates.begin(), productStates.end(), productStateWithOffset); |
return search - productStates.begin() - 1; |
} |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
uint64_t SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<SparseModelType>::getMemoryState(uint64_t productState) const { |
uint64_t productStateWithOffset = productState + (fullProductStatesOffset.empty() ? 0 : fullProductStatesOffset[productState]); |
// binary search in the vector containing the product states indices
uint64_t modelState = std::upper_bound(productStates.begin(), productStates.end(), productStateWithOffset) - productStates.begin() - 1; |
uint64_t offset = productStateWithOffset - productStates[modelState]; |
return offset / (1 + model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupEntryCount(modelState)); |
} |
template class SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<storm::models::sparse::Mdp<double>>; |
template class SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct<storm::models::sparse::Mdp<storm::RationalNumber>>; |
} |
} |
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ |
// |
// Created by Florent Delgrange on 2019-05-28. |
// |
#include <storm/models/sparse/StateLabeling.h> |
#include <storm/storage/SparseMatrix.h> |
#include <storm/models/sparse/StandardRewardModel.h> |
#include <storm/storage/memorystructure/NondeterministicMemoryStructure.h> |
#include <storm/storage/sparse/ModelComponents.h> |
#include <storm/utility/graph.h> |
#include <storm/exceptions/NotSupportedException.h> |
#include <storm/models/sparse/Mdp.h> |
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
template<typename SparseModelType> |
class SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct { |
public: |
typedef typename SparseModelType::ValueType ValueType; |
SparseModelNondeterministicTransitionsBasedMemoryProduct(SparseModelType const& model, storm::storage::NondeterministicMemoryStructure const& memory, bool forceLabeling = false); |
std::shared_ptr<SparseModelType> build(); |
uint64_t getProductState(uint64_t modelState, uint64_t memoryState) const; |
uint64_t getModelState(uint64_t productState) const; |
uint64_t getMemoryState(uint64_t productState) const; |
bool isProductStateReachable(uint64_t modelState, uint64_t memoryState) const; |
private: |
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> buildTransitions(); |
storm::models::sparse::StateLabeling buildStateLabeling() const; |
storm::models::sparse::ChoiceLabeling buildChoiceLabeling(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& transitions) const; |
storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<ValueType> buildRewardModel(storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<ValueType> const& rewardModel, storm::storage::BitVector const& reachableStates, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& resultTransitionMatrix) const; |
std::vector<uint64_t> generateOffsetVector(storm::storage::BitVector const& reachableStates); |
SparseModelType const& model; |
storm::storage::NondeterministicMemoryStructure const& memory; |
std::vector<uint64_t> productStates; // has a size equals to the number of states of the original model |
std::vector<uint64_t> fullProductStatesOffset; // has a size equal to the number of states of the full product |
storm::storage::BitVector reachableStates; |
bool forceLabeling; |
}; |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue