Browse Source

started refactoring DD-interface a bit in an attempt to ease the integration of sylvan

Former-commit-id: 3a90e171b8
dehnert 9 years ago
  1. 8
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "src/storage/dd/Add.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
template class Add<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD, double>;


@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
// Declare Add class so we can then specialize it for the different ADD types.
template<DdType Type> class Add;
template<DdType Type, typename ValueType>
class Add {


@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
#include "src/storage/dd/Bdd.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/Add.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/Odd.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/DdMetaVariable.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/DdManager.h"
#include "src/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType>::Bdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, InternalBdd<LibraryType> const& internalBdd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables) : Dd<LibraryType>(ddManager, containedMetaVariables), internalBdd(internalBdd) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType>::Bdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<LibraryType> const> ddManager, std::vector<double> const& explicitValues, storm::dd::Odd<LibraryType> const& odd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables, storm::logic::ComparisonType comparisonType, double value) {
switch (comparisonType) {
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::Less:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::greater<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::LessEqual:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::greater_equal<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::Greater:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::less<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::GreaterEqual:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::less_equal<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
template<DdType LibraryType>
bool Bdd<LibraryType>::operator==(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const {
return internalBdd == other.internalBdd;
template<DdType LibraryType>
bool Bdd<LibraryType>::operator!=(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const {
return internalBdd != other.internalBdd;
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::ite(Bdd<LibraryType> const& thenBdd, Bdd<LibraryType> const& elseBdd) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> metaVariables = Dd<LibraryType>::joinMetaVariables(*this, thenBdd);
metaVariables.insert(this->getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), this->getContainedMetaVariables().end());
return Bdd<LibraryType>(this->getDdManager(), internalBdd.ite(thenBdd.internalBdd, elseBdd.internalBdd), metaVariables);
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::operator||(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const {
return Bdd<LibraryType>(this->getDdManager(), internalBdd || other.internalBdd, Dd<LibraryType>::joinMetaVariables(*this, other));
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType>& Bdd<LibraryType>::operator|=(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) {
internalBdd |= other.internalBdd;
return *this;
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::operator&&(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const {
return Bdd<LibraryType>(this->getDdManager(), internalBdd && other.internalBdd, Dd<LibraryType>::joinMetaVariables(*this, other));
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType>& Bdd<LibraryType>::operator&=(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) {
internalBdd &= other.internalBdd;
return *this;
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::iff(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const {
return Bdd<LibraryType>(this->getDdManager(), internalBdd.iff(other.internalBdd), Dd<LibraryType>::joinMetaVariables(*this, other));
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::exclusiveOr(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const {
return Bdd<LibraryType>(this->getDdManager(), internalBdd.exclusiveOr(other.internalBdd), Dd<LibraryType>::joinMetaVariables(*this, other));
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::implies(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const {
return Bdd<LibraryType>(this->getDdManager(), internalBdd.implies(other.internalBdd), Dd<LibraryType>::joinMetaVariables(*this, other));
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::operator!() const {
return Bdd<LibraryType>(this->getDdManager(), !internalBdd, this->getContainedMetaVariables());
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType>& Bdd<LibraryType>::complement() {
return *this;
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::existsAbstract(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const {
Bdd<LibraryType> cubeBdd = this->getDdManager()->getBddOne();
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> newMetaVariables = this->getContainedMetaVariables();
for (auto const& metaVariable : metaVariables) {
// First check whether the BDD contains the meta variable and erase it, if this is the case.
STORM_LOG_THROW(this->containsMetaVariable(metaVariable), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot abstract from meta variable '" << metaVariable.getName() << "' that is not present in the DD.");
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& ddMetaVariable = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariable);
cubeBdd &= ddMetaVariable.getCube();
return Bdd<LibraryType>(internalBdd.existsAbstract(cubeBdd));
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::universalAbstract(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const {
InternalBdd<LibraryType> cubeBdd = this->getDdManager()->getBddOne();
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> newMetaVariables = this->getContainedMetaVariables();
for (auto const& metaVariable : metaVariables) {
// First check whether the BDD contains the meta variable and erase it, if this is the case.
STORM_LOG_THROW(this->containsMetaVariable(metaVariable), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot abstract from meta variable '" << metaVariable.getName() << "' that is not present in the DD.");
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& ddMetaVariable = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariable);
cubeBdd &= ddMetaVariable.getCube();
return Bdd<LibraryType>(internalBdd.universalAbstract(cubeBdd));
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::andExists(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& existentialVariables) const {
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> cubeBdd(this->getDdManager()->getBddOne());
for (auto const& metaVariable : existentialVariables) {
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& ddMetaVariable = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariable);
cubeBdd &= ddMetaVariable.getCube();
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> unionOfMetaVariables;
std::set_union(this->getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), this->getContainedMetaVariables().end(), other.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), other.getContainedMetaVariables().end(), std::inserter(unionOfMetaVariables, unionOfMetaVariables.begin()));
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> containedMetaVariables;
std::set_difference(unionOfMetaVariables.begin(), unionOfMetaVariables.end(), existentialVariables.begin(), existentialVariables.end(), std::inserter(containedMetaVariables, containedMetaVariables.begin()));
return Bdd<LibraryType>(internalBdd.andExists(other.internalBdd, cubeBdd));
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::constrain(Bdd<LibraryType> const& constraint) const {
return internalBdd.constraint(constraint.internalBdd);
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::restrict(Bdd<LibraryType> const& constraint) const {
return internalBdd.constraint(constraint.internalBdd);
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::swapVariables(std::vector<std::pair<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Variable>> const& metaVariablePairs) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> newContainedMetaVariables;
std::vector<std::pair<std::reference_wrapper<DdMetaVariable<LibraryType> const>, std::reference_wrapper<DdMetaVariable<LibraryType> const>>> fromTo;
for (auto const& metaVariablePair : metaVariablePairs) {
std::reference_wrapper<DdMetaVariable<LibraryType> const> variable1 = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariablePair.first);
std::reference_wrapper<DdMetaVariable<LibraryType> const> variable2 = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariablePair.second);
fromTo.push_back(std::make_pair(variable1, variable2));
return Bdd<LibraryType>(internalBdd.swapVariables(fromTo));
template<DdType LibraryType>
template<typename ValueType>
Add<LibraryType, ValueType> Bdd<LibraryType>::toAdd() const {
return Add<LibraryType, ValueType>(internalBdd.template toAdd<ValueType>());
template<DdType LibraryType>
storm::storage::BitVector Bdd<LibraryType>::toVector(storm::dd::Odd<LibraryType> const& rowOdd) const {
return internalBdd.toVector(rowOdd);
template<DdType LibraryType>
Bdd<LibraryType> Bdd<LibraryType>::getSupport() const {
return Bdd<LibraryType>(internalBdd.getSupport());
template<DdType LibraryType>
uint_fast64_t Bdd<LibraryType>::getNonZeroCount() const {
std::size_t numberOfDdVariables = 0;
for (auto const& metaVariable : this->getContainedMetaVariables()) {
numberOfDdVariables += this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariable).getNumberOfDdVariables();
return internalBdd.getNonZeroCount(numberOfDdVariables);
template<DdType LibraryType>
uint_fast64_t Bdd<LibraryType>::getLeafCount() const {
return internalBdd.getLeafCount();
template<DdType LibraryType>
uint_fast64_t Bdd<LibraryType>::getNodeCount() const {
return internalBdd.getNodeCount();
template<DdType LibraryType>
uint_fast64_t Bdd<LibraryType>::getIndex() const {
return internalBdd.getIndex();
template<DdType LibraryType>
bool Bdd<LibraryType>::isOne() const {
return internalBdd.isOne();
template<DdType LibraryType>
bool Bdd<LibraryType>::isZero() const {
return internalBdd.isZero();
template<DdType LibraryType>
void Bdd<LibraryType>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename) const {
internalBdd.exportToDot(filename, this->getDdManager()->getDdVariableNames());
template class Bdd<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD>;


@ -4,10 +4,256 @@
#include "src/storage/dd/Dd.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/DdType.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/cudd/InternalCuddBdd.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
// Declare Bdd class so we can then specialize it for the different BDD types.
template<DdType Type> class Bdd;
template<DdType LibraryType, typename ValueType>
class Add;
template<DdType LibraryType>
class Bdd : public Dd<LibraryType> {
// Instantiate all copy/move constructors/assignments with the default implementation.
Bdd() = default;
Bdd(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) = default;
Bdd& operator=(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) = default;
Bdd(Bdd<LibraryType>&& other) = default;
Bdd& operator=(Bdd<LibraryType>&& other) = default;
* Retrieves whether the two BDDs represent the same function.
* @param other The BDD that is to be compared with the current one.
* @return True if the BDDs represent the same function.
bool operator==(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const;
* Retrieves whether the two BDDs represent different functions.
* @param other The BDD that is to be compared with the current one.
* @return True if the BDDs represent the different functions.
bool operator!=(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const;
* Performs an if-then-else with the given operands, i.e. maps all valuations that are mapped to a non-zero
* function value to the function values specified by the first DD and all others to the function values
* specified by the second DD.
* @param thenBdd The BDD defining the 'then' part.
* @param elseBdd The BDD defining the 'else' part.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<LibraryType> ite(Bdd<LibraryType> const& thenBdd, Bdd<LibraryType> const& elseBdd) const;
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given BDD.
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical or of the operands.
Bdd<LibraryType> operator||(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given BDD and assigns it to the current BDD.
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return A reference to the current BDD after the operation
Bdd<LibraryType>& operator|=(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other);
* Performs a logical and of the current and the given BDD.
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical and of the operands.
Bdd<LibraryType> operator&&(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical and of the current and the given BDD and assigns it to the current BDD.
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return A reference to the current BDD after the operation
Bdd<LibraryType>& operator&=(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other);
* Performs a logical iff of the current and the given BDD.
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical iff of the operands.
Bdd<LibraryType> iff(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical exclusive-or of the current and the given BDD.
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical exclusive-or of the operands.
Bdd<LibraryType> exclusiveOr(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical implication of the current and the given BDD.
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical implication of the operands.
Bdd<LibraryType> implies(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other) const;
* Logically inverts the current BDD.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<LibraryType> operator!() const;
* Logically complements the current BDD.
* @return A reference to the current BDD after the operation.
Bdd<LibraryType>& complement();
* Existentially abstracts from the given meta variables.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables from which to abstract.
Bdd<LibraryType> existsAbstract(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const;
* Universally abstracts from the given meta variables.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables from which to abstract.
Bdd<LibraryType> universalAbstract(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const;
* Computes the logical and of the current and the given BDD and existentially abstracts from the given set
* of variables.
* @param other The second BDD for the logical and.
* @param existentialVariables The variables from which to existentially abstract.
* @return A BDD representing the result.
Bdd<LibraryType> andExists(Bdd<LibraryType> const& other, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& existentialVariables) const;
* Computes the constraint of the current BDD with the given constraint. That is, the function value of the
* resulting BDD will be the same as the current ones for all assignments mapping to one in the constraint
* and may be different otherwise.
* @param constraint The constraint to use for the operation.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<LibraryType> constrain(Bdd<LibraryType> const& constraint) const;
* Computes the restriction of the current BDD with the given constraint. That is, the function value of the
* resulting DD will be the same as the current ones for all assignments mapping to one in the constraint
* and may be different otherwise.
* @param constraint The constraint to use for the operation.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<LibraryType> restrict(Bdd<LibraryType> const& constraint) const;
* Swaps the given pairs of meta variables in the BDD. The pairs of meta variables must be guaranteed to have
* the same number of underlying BDD variables.
* @param metaVariablePairs A vector of meta variable pairs that are to be swapped for one another.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<LibraryType> swapVariables(std::vector<std::pair<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Variable>> const& metaVariablePairs) const;
* Retrieves whether this DD represents the constant one function.
* @return True if this DD represents the constant one function.
bool isOne() const;
* Retrieves whether this DD represents the constant zero function.
* @return True if this DD represents the constant zero function.
bool isZero() const;
* Converts a BDD to an equivalent ADD.
* @return The corresponding ADD.
template<typename ValueType>
Add<LibraryType, ValueType> toAdd() const;
* Converts the BDD to a bit vector. The given offset-labeled DD is used to determine the correct row of
* each entry.
* @param rowOdd The ODD used for determining the correct row.
* @return The bit vector that is represented by this BDD.
storm::storage::BitVector toVector(storm::dd::Odd<LibraryType> const& rowOdd) const;
virtual Bdd<LibraryType> getSupport() const override;
virtual uint_fast64_t getNonZeroCount() const override;
virtual uint_fast64_t getLeafCount() const override;
virtual uint_fast64_t getNodeCount() const override;
virtual uint_fast64_t getIndex() const override;
virtual void exportToDot(std::string const& filename) const override;
* Creates a DD that encapsulates the given CUDD ADD.
* @param ddManager The manager responsible for this DD.
* @param cuddBdd The CUDD BDD to store.
* @param containedMetaVariables The meta variables that appear in the DD.
Bdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, InternalBdd<LibraryType> const& internalBdd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables = std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>());
* Constructs a BDD representation of all encodings that are in the requested relation with the given value.
* @param ddManager The DD manager responsible for the resulting BDD.
* @param explicitValues The explicit values to compare to the given value.
* @param odd The ODD used for the translation from the explicit representation to a symbolic one.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables to use for the symbolic encoding.
* @param comparisonType The relation that needs to hold for the values (wrt. to the given value).
* @param value The value to compare with.
Bdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<LibraryType> const> ddManager, std::vector<double> const& explicitValues, storm::dd::Odd<LibraryType> const& odd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables, storm::logic::ComparisonType comparisonType, double value);
* Builds a BDD representing the values that make the given filter function evaluate to true.
* @param ddManager The manager responsible for the BDD.
* @param values The values that are to be checked against the filter function.
* @param odd The ODD used for the translation.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables used for the translation.
* @param filter The filter that evaluates whether an encoding is to be mapped to 0 or 1.
* @return The resulting (CUDD) BDD.
template<typename ValueType>
static BDD fromVector(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, std::vector<ValueType> const& values, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& odd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables, std::function<bool (ValueType const&)> const& filter);
// The internal BDD that depends on the chosen library.
InternalBdd<LibraryType> internalBdd;


@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#include "src/storage/dd/Dd.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "src/storage/dd/DdManager.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
template<DdType LibraryType>
Dd<LibraryType>::Dd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<LibraryType> const> ddManager, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables) : ddManager(ddManager), containedMetaVariables(containedMetaVariables) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<DdType LibraryType>
bool Dd<LibraryType>::containsMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable) const {
return containedMetaVariables.find(metaVariable) != containedMetaVariables.end();
template<DdType LibraryType>
bool Dd<LibraryType>::containsMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const {
return std::includes(containedMetaVariables.begin(), containedMetaVariables.end(), metaVariables.begin(), metaVariables.end());
template<DdType LibraryType>
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& Dd<LibraryType>::getContainedMetaVariables() const {
return this->containedMetaVariables;
template<DdType LibraryType>
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>& Dd<LibraryType>::getContainedMetaVariables() {
return this->containedMetaVariables;
template<DdType LibraryType>
std::shared_ptr<DdManager<LibraryType> const> Dd<LibraryType>::getDdManager() const {
return this->ddManager;
template<DdType LibraryType>
void Dd<LibraryType>::addMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> result;
std::set_union(containedMetaVariables.begin(), containedMetaVariables.end(), metaVariables.begin(), metaVariables.end(), std::inserter(result, result.begin()));
containedMetaVariables = std::move(result);
template<DdType LibraryType>
void Dd<LibraryType>::addMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable) {
template<DdType LibraryType>
void Dd<LibraryType>::removeMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable) {
template<DdType LibraryType>
void Dd<LibraryType>::removeMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> result;
std::set_difference(containedMetaVariables.begin(), containedMetaVariables.end(), metaVariables.begin(), metaVariables.end(), std::inserter(result, result.begin()));
containedMetaVariables = std::move(result);
template<DdType LibraryType>
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> Dd<LibraryType>::getSortedVariableIndices() const {
return getSortedVariableIndices(*this->getDdManager(), this->getContainedMetaVariables());
template<DdType LibraryType>
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> Dd<LibraryType>::getSortedVariableIndices(DdManager<LibraryType> const& manager, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) {
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> ddVariableIndices;
for (auto const& metaVariableName : metaVariables) {
auto const& metaVariable = manager.getMetaVariable(metaVariableName);
for (auto const& ddVariable : metaVariable.getDdVariables()) {
// Next, we need to sort them, since they may be arbitrarily ordered otherwise.
std::sort(ddVariableIndices.begin(), ddVariableIndices.end());
return ddVariableIndices;
template<DdType LibraryType>
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> Dd<LibraryType>::joinMetaVariables(storm::dd::Dd<LibraryType> const& first, storm::dd::Dd<LibraryType> const& second) {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> metaVariables;
std::set_union(first.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), first.getContainedMetaVariables().end(), second.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), second.getContainedMetaVariables().end(), std::inserter(metaVariables, metaVariables.begin()));
return metaVariables;
template class Dd<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD>;


@ -1,12 +1,180 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include "src/storage/dd/DdType.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/Variable.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
// Declare Dd class so we can then specialize it for the different DD types.
template<DdType Type> class Dd;
// Forward-declare some classes.
template<DdType LibraryType> class DdManager;
template<DdType LibraryType> class Bdd;
template<DdType LibraryType>
class Dd {
// Declare the DdManager so it can access the internals of a DD.
friend class DdManager<LibraryType>;
// Instantiate all copy/move constructors/assignments with the default implementation.
Dd() = default;
Dd(Dd<LibraryType> const& other) = default;
Dd& operator=(Dd<LibraryType> const& other) = default;
Dd(Dd<LibraryType>&& other) = default;
Dd& operator=(Dd<LibraryType>&& other) = default;
* Retrieves the support of the current DD.
* @return The support represented as a BDD.
virtual Bdd<LibraryType> getSupport() const = 0;
* Retrieves the number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
* @return The number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
virtual uint_fast64_t getNonZeroCount() const = 0;
* Retrieves the number of leaves of the DD.
* @return The number of leaves of the DD.
virtual uint_fast64_t getLeafCount() const = 0;
* Retrieves the number of nodes necessary to represent the DD.
* @return The number of nodes in this DD.
virtual uint_fast64_t getNodeCount() const = 0;
* Retrieves the index of the topmost variable in the DD.
* @return The index of the topmost variable in DD.
virtual uint_fast64_t getIndex() const = 0;
* Retrieves whether the given meta variable is contained in the DD.
* @param metaVariable The meta variable for which to query membership.
* @return True iff the meta variable is contained in the DD.
bool containsMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable) const;
* Retrieves whether the given meta variables are all contained in the DD.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables for which to query membership.
* @return True iff all meta variables are contained in the DD.
bool containsMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const;
* Retrieves the set of all meta variables contained in the DD.
* @return The set of all meta variables contained in the DD.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& getContainedMetaVariables() const;
* Exports the DD to the given file in the dot format.
* @param filename The name of the file to which the DD is to be exported.
virtual void exportToDot(std::string const& filename) const = 0;
* Retrieves the manager that is responsible for this DD.
* A pointer to the manager that is responsible for this DD.
std::shared_ptr<DdManager<LibraryType> const> getDdManager() const;
* Retrieves the set of all meta variables contained in the DD.
* @return The set of all meta variables contained in the DD.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>& getContainedMetaVariables();
* Retrieves the (sorted) list of the variable indices of DD variables contained in this DD.
* @return The sorted list of variable indices.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> getSortedVariableIndices() const;
* Retrieves the (sorted) list of the variable indices of the DD variables given by the meta variable set.
* @param manager The manager responsible for the DD.
* @param metaVariable The set of meta variables for which to retrieve the index list.
* @return The sorted list of variable indices.
static std::vector<uint_fast64_t> getSortedVariableIndices(DdManager<LibraryType> const& manager, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables);
* Adds the given set of meta variables to the DD.
* @param metaVariables The set of meta variables to add.
void addMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables);
* Adds the given meta variable to the set of meta variables that are contained in this DD.
* @param metaVariable The name of the meta variable to add.
void addMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable);
* Removes the given meta variable to the set of meta variables that are contained in this DD.
* @param metaVariable The name of the meta variable to remove.
void removeMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable);
* Removes the given set of meta variables from the DD.
* @param metaVariables The set of meta variables to remove.
void removeMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables);
* Creates a DD with the given manager and meta variables.
* @param ddManager The manager responsible for this DD.
* @param containedMetaVariables The meta variables that appear in the DD.
Dd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<LibraryType> const> ddManager, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables = std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>());
* Retrieves the set of meta variables contained in both DDs.
* @param first The first DD.
* @param second The second DD.
* @return The set of all contained meta variables.
static std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> joinMetaVariables(storm::dd::Dd<LibraryType> const& first, storm::dd::Dd<LibraryType> const& second);
// A pointer to the manager responsible for this DD.
std::shared_ptr<DdManager<LibraryType> const> ddManager;
// The meta variables that appear in this DD.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> containedMetaVariables;



@ -2,11 +2,19 @@
#include "src/storage/dd/DdType.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/DdMetaVariable.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/Variable.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
// Declare DdManager class so we can then specialize it for the different DD types.
template<DdType Type> class DdManager;
template<DdType LibraryType>
class DdManager {
Bdd<LibraryType> getBddOne() const;
Bdd<LibraryType> getBddZero() const;
DdMetaVariable<LibraryType> const& getMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) const;


@ -6,7 +6,11 @@
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
// Declare DdMetaVariable class so we can then specialize it for the different DD types.
template<DdType Type> class DdMetaVariable;
template<DdType LibraryType>
class DdMetaVariable {
InternalBdd<LibraryType> getCube() const;


@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
enum class DdType {


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "src/storage/dd/DdType.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
template <storm::dd::DdType LibraryType, typename ValueType>
class InternalAdd;


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "src/storage/dd/DdType.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
template <storm::dd::DdType LibraryType>
class InternalBdd;



@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
// Declare Odd class so we can then specialize it for the different DD types.
template<DdType Type> class Odd;
template<DdType Type>
class Odd {


@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include "src/storage/dd/cudd/CuddAdd.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/cudd/CuddBdd.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/cudd/CuddOdd.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/cudd/CuddDdManager.h"
#include "src/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "src/logic/ComparisonType.h"
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::Bdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, BDD cuddBdd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables) : Dd<DdType::CUDD>(ddManager, containedMetaVariables), cuddBdd(cuddBdd) {
// Intentionally left empty.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::Bdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, std::vector<double> const& explicitValues, storm::dd::Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& odd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables, storm::logic::ComparisonType comparisonType, double value) : Dd<DdType::CUDD>(ddManager, metaVariables) {
switch (comparisonType) {
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::Less:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::greater<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::LessEqual:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::greater_equal<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::Greater:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::less<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::GreaterEqual:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::less_equal<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
Add<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::toAdd() const {
return Add<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Add(), this->getContainedMetaVariables());
BDD Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::getCuddBdd() const {
return this->cuddBdd;
DdNode* Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::getCuddDdNode() const {
return this->getCuddBdd().getNode();
bool Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator==(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
return this->getCuddBdd() == other.getCuddBdd();
bool Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator!=(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::ite(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& thenDd, Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& elseDd) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> metaVariableNames;
std::set_union(thenDd.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), thenDd.getContainedMetaVariables().end(), elseDd.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), elseDd.getContainedMetaVariables().end(), std::inserter(metaVariableNames, metaVariableNames.begin()));
metaVariableNames.insert(this->getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), this->getContainedMetaVariables().end());
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Ite(thenDd.getCuddBdd(), elseDd.getCuddBdd()), metaVariableNames);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator!() const {
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> result(*this);
return result;
Bdd<DdType::CUDD>& Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::complement() {
this->cuddBdd = ~this->getCuddBdd();
return *this;
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator&&(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> result(*this);
result &= other;
return result;
Bdd<DdType::CUDD>& Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator&=(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) {
this->cuddBdd = this->getCuddBdd() & other.getCuddBdd();
return *this;
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator||(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> result(*this);
result |= other;
return result;
Bdd<DdType::CUDD>& Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator|=(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) {
this->cuddBdd = this->getCuddBdd() | other.getCuddBdd();
return *this;
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::iff(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> metaVariables(this->getContainedMetaVariables());
metaVariables.insert(other.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), other.getContainedMetaVariables().end());
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Xnor(other.getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::exclusiveOr(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> metaVariables(this->getContainedMetaVariables());
metaVariables.insert(other.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), other.getContainedMetaVariables().end());
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Xor(other.getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::implies(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> metaVariables(this->getContainedMetaVariables());
metaVariables.insert(other.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), other.getContainedMetaVariables().end());
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Ite(other.getCuddBdd(), this->getDdManager()->getBddOne().getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::existsAbstract(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const {
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> cubeBdd = this->getDdManager()->getBddOne();
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> newMetaVariables = this->getContainedMetaVariables();
for (auto const& metaVariable : metaVariables) {
// First check whether the BDD contains the meta variable and erase it, if this is the case.
STORM_LOG_THROW(this->containsMetaVariable(metaVariable), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot abstract from meta variable '" << metaVariable.getName() << "' that is not present in the DD.");
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& ddMetaVariable = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariable);
cubeBdd &= ddMetaVariable.getCube();
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().ExistAbstract(cubeBdd.getCuddBdd()), newMetaVariables);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::universalAbstract(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const {
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> cubeBdd = this->getDdManager()->getBddOne();
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> newMetaVariables = this->getContainedMetaVariables();
for (auto const& metaVariable : metaVariables) {
// First check whether the BDD contains the meta variable and erase it, if this is the case.
STORM_LOG_THROW(this->containsMetaVariable(metaVariable), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot abstract from meta variable '" << metaVariable.getName() << "' that is not present in the DD.");
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& ddMetaVariable = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariable);
cubeBdd &= ddMetaVariable.getCube();
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().UnivAbstract(cubeBdd.getCuddBdd()), newMetaVariables);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::swapVariables(std::vector<std::pair<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Variable>> const& metaVariablePairs) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> newContainedMetaVariables;
std::vector<BDD> from;
std::vector<BDD> to;
for (auto const& metaVariablePair : metaVariablePairs) {
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& variable1 = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariablePair.first);
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& variable2 = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariablePair.second);
// Check if it's legal so swap the meta variables.
STORM_LOG_THROW(variable1.getNumberOfDdVariables() == variable2.getNumberOfDdVariables(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Unable to swap meta variables with different size.");
// Keep track of the contained meta variables in the DD.
if (this->containsMetaVariable(metaVariablePair.first)) {
if (this->containsMetaVariable(metaVariablePair.second)) {
// Add the variables to swap to the corresponding vectors.
for (auto const& ddVariable : variable1.getDdVariables()) {
for (auto const& ddVariable : variable2.getDdVariables()) {
// Finally, call CUDD to swap the variables.
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().SwapVariables(from, to), newContainedMetaVariables);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::andExists(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& existentialVariables) const {
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> cubeBdd(this->getDdManager()->getBddOne());
for (auto const& metaVariable : existentialVariables) {
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& ddMetaVariable = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariable);
cubeBdd &= ddMetaVariable.getCube();
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> unionOfMetaVariables;
std::set_union(this->getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), this->getContainedMetaVariables().end(), other.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), other.getContainedMetaVariables().end(), std::inserter(unionOfMetaVariables, unionOfMetaVariables.begin()));
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> containedMetaVariables;
std::set_difference(unionOfMetaVariables.begin(), unionOfMetaVariables.end(), existentialVariables.begin(), existentialVariables.end(), std::inserter(containedMetaVariables, containedMetaVariables.begin()));
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().AndAbstract(other.getCuddBdd(), cubeBdd.getCuddBdd()), containedMetaVariables);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::constrain(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& constraint) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> metaVariables;
std::set_union(this->getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), this->getContainedMetaVariables().end(), constraint.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), constraint.getContainedMetaVariables().end(), std::inserter(metaVariables, metaVariables.begin()));
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Constrain(constraint.getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::restrict(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& constraint) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> metaVariables;
std::set_union(this->getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), this->getContainedMetaVariables().end(), constraint.getContainedMetaVariables().begin(), constraint.getContainedMetaVariables().end(), std::inserter(metaVariables, metaVariables.begin()));
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Restrict(constraint.getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::getSupport() const {
return Bdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Support(), this->getContainedMetaVariables());
uint_fast64_t Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::getNonZeroCount() const {
std::size_t numberOfDdVariables = 0;
for (auto const& metaVariable : this->getContainedMetaVariables()) {
numberOfDdVariables += this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(metaVariable).getNumberOfDdVariables();
return static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(this->getCuddBdd().CountMinterm(static_cast<int>(numberOfDdVariables)));
uint_fast64_t Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::getLeafCount() const {
return static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(this->getCuddBdd().CountLeaves());
uint_fast64_t Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::getNodeCount() const {
return static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(this->getCuddBdd().nodeCount());
bool Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::isOne() const {
return this->getCuddBdd().IsOne();
bool Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::isZero() const {
return this->getCuddBdd().IsZero();
uint_fast64_t Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::getIndex() const {
return static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(this->getCuddBdd().NodeReadIndex());
void Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename) const {
if (filename.empty()) {
std::vector<BDD> cuddBddVector = { this->getCuddBdd() };
} else {
// Build the name input of the DD.
std::vector<char*> ddNames;
std::string ddName("f");
ddNames.push_back(new char[ddName.size() + 1]);
std::copy(ddName.c_str(), ddName.c_str() + 2, ddNames.back());
// Now build the variables names.
std::vector<std::string> ddVariableNamesAsStrings = this->getDdManager()->getDdVariableNames();
std::vector<char*> ddVariableNames;
for (auto const& element : ddVariableNamesAsStrings) {
ddVariableNames.push_back(new char[element.size() + 1]);
std::copy(element.c_str(), element.c_str() + element.size() + 1, ddVariableNames.back());
// Open the file, dump the DD and close it again.
FILE* filePointer = fopen(filename.c_str() , "w");
std::vector<BDD> cuddBddVector = { this->getCuddBdd() };
this->getDdManager()->getCuddManager().DumpDot(cuddBddVector, &ddVariableNames[0], &ddNames[0], filePointer);
// Finally, delete the names.
for (char* element : ddNames) {
delete element;
for (char* element : ddVariableNames) {
delete element;
template<typename ValueType>
BDD Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::fromVector(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, std::vector<ValueType> const& values, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& odd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables, std::function<bool (ValueType const&)> const& filter) {
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> ddVariableIndices = getSortedVariableIndices(*ddManager, metaVariables);
uint_fast64_t offset = 0;
return BDD(ddManager->getCuddManager(), fromVectorRec(ddManager->getCuddManager().getManager(), offset, 0, ddVariableIndices.size(), values, odd, ddVariableIndices, filter));
template<typename ValueType>
DdNode* Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::fromVectorRec(::DdManager* manager, uint_fast64_t& currentOffset, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, std::vector<ValueType> const& values, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, std::function<bool (ValueType const&)> const& filter) {
if (currentLevel == maxLevel) {
// If we are in a terminal node of the ODD, we need to check whether the then-offset of the ODD is one
// (meaning the encoding is a valid one) or zero (meaning the encoding is not valid). Consequently, we
// need to copy the next value of the vector iff the then-offset is greater than zero.
if (odd.getThenOffset() > 0) {
if (filter(values[currentOffset++])) {
return Cudd_ReadOne(manager);
} else {
return Cudd_ReadLogicZero(manager);
} else {
return Cudd_ReadZero(manager);
} else {
// If the total offset is zero, we can just return the constant zero DD.
if (odd.getThenOffset() + odd.getElseOffset() == 0) {
return Cudd_ReadZero(manager);
// Determine the new else-successor.
DdNode* elseSuccessor = nullptr;
if (odd.getElseOffset() > 0) {
elseSuccessor = fromVectorRec(manager, currentOffset, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, values, odd.getElseSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices, filter);
} else {
elseSuccessor = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(manager);
// Determine the new then-successor.
DdNode* thenSuccessor = nullptr;
if (odd.getThenOffset() > 0) {
thenSuccessor = fromVectorRec(manager, currentOffset, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, values, odd.getThenSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices, filter);
} else {
thenSuccessor = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(manager);
// Create a node representing ITE(currentVar, thenSuccessor, elseSuccessor);
DdNode* result = Cudd_bddIthVar(manager, static_cast<int>(ddVariableIndices[currentLevel]));
DdNode* newResult = Cudd_bddIte(manager, result, thenSuccessor, elseSuccessor);
// Dispose of the intermediate results
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(manager, result);
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(manager, thenSuccessor);
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(manager, elseSuccessor);
// Before returning, we remove the protection imposed by the previous call to Cudd_Ref.
return newResult;
storm::storage::BitVector Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::toVector(storm::dd::Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd) const {
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> ddVariableIndices = this->getSortedVariableIndices();
storm::storage::BitVector result(rowOdd.getTotalOffset());
this->toVectorRec(this->getCuddDdNode(), this->getDdManager()->getCuddManager(), result, rowOdd, Cudd_IsComplement(this->getCuddDdNode()), 0, ddVariableIndices.size(), 0, ddVariableIndices);
return result;
void Bdd<DdType::CUDD>::toVectorRec(DdNode const* dd, Cudd const& manager, storm::storage::BitVector& result, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd, bool complement, uint_fast64_t currentRowLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, uint_fast64_t currentRowOffset, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices) const {
// If there are no more values to select, we can directly return.
if (dd == Cudd_ReadLogicZero(manager.getManager()) && !complement) {
} else if (dd == Cudd_ReadOne(manager.getManager()) && complement) {
// If we are at the maximal level, the value to be set is stored as a constant in the DD.
if (currentRowLevel == maxLevel) {
result.set(currentRowOffset, true);
} else if (ddRowVariableIndices[currentRowLevel] < dd->index) {
toVectorRec(dd, manager, result, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), complement, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, ddRowVariableIndices);
toVectorRec(dd, manager, result, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), complement, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices);
} else {
// Otherwise, we compute the ODDs for both the then- and else successors.
DdNode* elseDdNode = Cudd_E(dd);
DdNode* thenDdNode = Cudd_T(dd);
// Determine whether we have to evaluate the successors as if they were complemented.
bool elseComplemented = Cudd_IsComplement(elseDdNode) ^ complement;
bool thenComplemented = Cudd_IsComplement(thenDdNode) ^ complement;
toVectorRec(Cudd_Regular(elseDdNode), manager, result, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), elseComplemented, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, ddRowVariableIndices);
toVectorRec(Cudd_Regular(thenDdNode), manager, result, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), thenComplemented, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Bdd<DdType::CUDD>& bdd) {
return out;


@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include "src/storage/dd/cudd/CuddDd.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/cudd/CuddDdManager.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
Dd<DdType::CUDD>::Dd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables) : ddManager(ddManager), containedMetaVariables(containedMetaVariables) {
// Intentionally left empty.
bool Dd<DdType::CUDD>::containsMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable) const {
return containedMetaVariables.find(metaVariable) != containedMetaVariables.end();
bool Dd<DdType::CUDD>::containsMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const {
return std::includes(containedMetaVariables.begin(), containedMetaVariables.end(), metaVariables.begin(), metaVariables.end());
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& Dd<DdType::CUDD>::getContainedMetaVariables() const {
return this->containedMetaVariables;
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>& Dd<DdType::CUDD>::getContainedMetaVariables() {
return this->containedMetaVariables;
std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> Dd<DdType::CUDD>::getDdManager() const {
return this->ddManager;
void Dd<DdType::CUDD>::addMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> result;
std::set_union(containedMetaVariables.begin(), containedMetaVariables.end(), metaVariables.begin(), metaVariables.end(), std::inserter(result, result.begin()));
containedMetaVariables = std::move(result);
void Dd<DdType::CUDD>::addMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable) {
void Dd<DdType::CUDD>::removeMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable) {
void Dd<DdType::CUDD>::removeMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> result;
std::set_difference(containedMetaVariables.begin(), containedMetaVariables.end(), metaVariables.begin(), metaVariables.end(), std::inserter(result, result.begin()));
containedMetaVariables = std::move(result);
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> Dd<DdType::CUDD>::getSortedVariableIndices() const {
return getSortedVariableIndices(*this->getDdManager(), this->getContainedMetaVariables());
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> Dd<DdType::CUDD>::getSortedVariableIndices(DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const& manager, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) {
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> ddVariableIndices;
for (auto const& metaVariableName : metaVariables) {
auto const& metaVariable = manager.getMetaVariable(metaVariableName);
for (auto const& ddVariable : metaVariable.getDdVariables()) {
// Next, we need to sort them, since they may be arbitrarily ordered otherwise.
std::sort(ddVariableIndices.begin(), ddVariableIndices.end());
return ddVariableIndices;


@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#include "src/storage/dd/Dd.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/Variable.h"
#include "src/utility/OsDetection.h"
// Include the C++-interface of CUDD.
#include "cuddObj.hh"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
// Forward-declare some classes.
template<DdType Type> class DdManager;
template<DdType Type> class Odd;
template<DdType Type> class Bdd;
class Dd<DdType::CUDD> {
// Declare the DdManager so it can access the internals of a DD.
friend class DdManager<DdType::CUDD>;
// Instantiate all copy/move constructors/assignments with the default implementation.
Dd() = default;
Dd(Dd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) = default;
Dd& operator=(Dd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) = default;
#ifndef WINDOWS
Dd(Dd<DdType::CUDD>&& other) = default;
Dd& operator=(Dd<DdType::CUDD>&& other) = default;
* Retrieves the support of the current DD.
* @return The support represented as a BDD.
virtual Bdd<DdType::CUDD> getSupport() const = 0;
* Retrieves the number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
* @return The number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
virtual uint_fast64_t getNonZeroCount() const = 0;
* Retrieves the number of leaves of the DD.
* @return The number of leaves of the DD.
virtual uint_fast64_t getLeafCount() const = 0;
* Retrieves the number of nodes necessary to represent the DD.
* @return The number of nodes in this DD.
virtual uint_fast64_t getNodeCount() const = 0;
* Retrieves the index of the topmost variable in the DD.
* @return The index of the topmost variable in DD.
virtual uint_fast64_t getIndex() const = 0;
* Retrieves whether the given meta variable is contained in the DD.
* @param metaVariable The meta variable for which to query membership.
* @return True iff the meta variable is contained in the DD.
bool containsMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable) const;
* Retrieves whether the given meta variables are all contained in the DD.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables for which to query membership.
* @return True iff all meta variables are contained in the DD.
bool containsMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const;
* Retrieves the set of all meta variables contained in the DD.
* @return The set of all meta variables contained in the DD.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& getContainedMetaVariables() const;
* Exports the DD to the given file in the dot format.
* @param filename The name of the file to which the DD is to be exported.
virtual void exportToDot(std::string const& filename = "") const = 0;
* Retrieves the manager that is responsible for this DD.
* A pointer to the manager that is responsible for this DD.
std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> getDdManager() const;
* Retrieves the set of all meta variables contained in the DD.
* @return The set of all meta variables contained in the DD.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>& getContainedMetaVariables();
* Retrieves the (sorted) list of the variable indices of DD variables contained in this DD.
* @return The sorted list of variable indices.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> getSortedVariableIndices() const;
* Retrieves the (sorted) list of the variable indices of the DD variables given by the meta variable set.
* @param manager The manager responsible for the DD.
* @param metaVariable The set of meta variables for which to retrieve the index list.
* @return The sorted list of variable indices.
static std::vector<uint_fast64_t> getSortedVariableIndices(DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const& manager, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables);
* Adds the given set of meta variables to the DD.
* @param metaVariables The set of meta variables to add.
void addMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables);
* Adds the given meta variable to the set of meta variables that are contained in this DD.
* @param metaVariable The name of the meta variable to add.
void addMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable);
* Removes the given meta variable to the set of meta variables that are contained in this DD.
* @param metaVariable The name of the meta variable to remove.
void removeMetaVariable(storm::expressions::Variable const& metaVariable);
* Removes the given set of meta variables from the DD.
* @param metaVariables The set of meta variables to remove.
void removeMetaVariables(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables);
* Creates a DD with the given manager and meta variables.
* @param ddManager The manager responsible for this DD.
* @param containedMetaVariables The meta variables that appear in the DD.
Dd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables = std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>());
// A pointer to the manager responsible for this DD.
std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager;
// The meta variables that appear in this DD.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> containedMetaVariables;


@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
#include "src/storage/dd/cudd/InternalCuddBdd.h"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
bool InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator==(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
return this->getCuddBdd() == other.getCuddBdd();
bool InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator!=(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::ite(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& thenDd, InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& elseDd) const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Ite(thenDd.getCuddBdd(), elseDd.getCuddBdd()), metaVariableNames);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator||(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> result(*this);
result |= other;
return result;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>& InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator|=(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) {
this->cuddBdd = this->getCuddBdd() | other.getCuddBdd();
return *this;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator&&(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> result(*this);
result &= other;
return result;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>& InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator&=(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) {
this->cuddBdd = this->getCuddBdd() & other.getCuddBdd();
return *this;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::iff(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Xnor(other.getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::exclusiveOr(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Xor(other.getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::implies(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Ite(other.getCuddBdd(), this->getDdManager()->getBddOne().getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::operator!() const {
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> result(*this);
return result;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>& InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::complement() {
this->cuddBdd = ~this->getCuddBdd();
return *this;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::existsAbstract(InternalBdd<DdType> const& cube) const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().ExistAbstract(cube.getCuddBdd()), newMetaVariables);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::universalAbstract(InternalBdd<DdType> const& cube) const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().UnivAbstract(cube.getCuddBdd()), newMetaVariables);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::andExists(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other, InternalBdd<DdType> const& cube) const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().AndAbstract(other.getCuddBdd(), cube.getCuddBdd()), containedMetaVariables);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::constrain(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& constraint) const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Constrain(constraint.getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::restrict(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& constraint) const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Restrict(constraint.getCuddBdd()), metaVariables);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::swapVariables(std::vector<std::pair<std::reference_wrapper<DdMetaVariable<LibraryType> const>, std::reference_wrapper<DdMetaVariable<LibraryType> const>>> const& fromTo) const {
std::vector<BDD> fromBdd;
std::vector<BDD> toBdd;
for (auto const& metaVariablePair : fromTo) {
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& variable1 = metaVariablePair.first.get();
DdMetaVariable<DdType::CUDD> const& variable2 = metaVariablePair.second.get();
// Add the variables to swap to the corresponding vectors.
for (auto const& ddVariable : variable1.getDdVariables()) {
for (auto const& ddVariable : variable2.getDdVariables()) {
// Finally, call CUDD to swap the variables.
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().SwapVariables(fromBdd, toBdd), newContainedMetaVariables);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::getSupport() const {
return InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Support(), this->getContainedMetaVariables());
uint_fast64_t InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::getNonZeroCount(uint_fast64_t numberOfDdVariables) const {
return static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(this->getCuddBdd().CountMinterm(static_cast<int>(numberOfDdVariables)));
uint_fast64_t InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::getLeafCount() const {
return static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(this->getCuddBdd().CountLeaves());
uint_fast64_t InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::getNodeCount() const {
return static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(this->getCuddBdd().nodeCount());
bool InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::isOne() const {
return this->getCuddBdd().IsOne();
bool InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::isZero() const {
return this->getCuddBdd().IsZero();
uint_fast64_t InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::getIndex() const {
return static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(this->getCuddBdd().NodeReadIndex());
void InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename, std::vector<std::string> const& ddVariableNamesAsStrings) const {
// Build the name input of the DD.
std::vector<char*> ddNames;
std::string ddName("f");
ddNames.push_back(new char[ddName.size() + 1]);
std::copy(ddName.c_str(), ddName.c_str() + 2, ddNames.back());
// Now build the variables names.
std::vector<char*> ddVariableNames;
for (auto const& element : ddVariableNamesAsStrings) {
ddVariableNames.push_back(new char[element.size() + 1]);
std::copy(element.c_str(), element.c_str() + element.size() + 1, ddVariableNames.back());
// Open the file, dump the DD and close it again.
FILE* filePointer = fopen(filename.c_str() , "w");
std::vector<BDD> cuddBddVector = { this->getCuddBdd() };
this->getDdManager()->getCuddManager().DumpDot(cuddBddVector, &ddVariableNames[0], &ddNames[0], filePointer);
// Finally, delete the names.
for (char* element : ddNames) {
delete element;
for (char* element : ddVariableNames) {
delete element;
BDD InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::getCuddBdd() const {
return this->cuddBdd;
DdNode* InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::getCuddDdNode() const {
return this->getCuddBdd().getNode();
Add<DdType::CUDD> InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::toAdd() const {
return Add<DdType::CUDD>(this->getDdManager(), this->getCuddBdd().Add(), this->getContainedMetaVariables());
template<typename ValueType>
BDD InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::fromVector(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, std::vector<ValueType> const& values, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& odd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables, std::function<bool (ValueType const&)> const& filter) {
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> ddVariableIndices = getSortedVariableIndices(*ddManager, metaVariables);
uint_fast64_t offset = 0;
return BDD(ddManager->getCuddManager(), fromVectorRec(ddManager->getCuddManager().getManager(), offset, 0, ddVariableIndices.size(), values, odd, ddVariableIndices, filter));
template<typename ValueType>
DdNode* InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::fromVectorRec(::DdManager* manager, uint_fast64_t& currentOffset, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, std::vector<ValueType> const& values, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, std::function<bool (ValueType const&)> const& filter) {
if (currentLevel == maxLevel) {
// If we are in a terminal node of the ODD, we need to check whether the then-offset of the ODD is one
// (meaning the encoding is a valid one) or zero (meaning the encoding is not valid). Consequently, we
// need to copy the next value of the vector iff the then-offset is greater than zero.
if (odd.getThenOffset() > 0) {
if (filter(values[currentOffset++])) {
return Cudd_ReadOne(manager);
} else {
return Cudd_ReadLogicZero(manager);
} else {
return Cudd_ReadZero(manager);
} else {
// If the total offset is zero, we can just return the constant zero DD.
if (odd.getThenOffset() + odd.getElseOffset() == 0) {
return Cudd_ReadZero(manager);
// Determine the new else-successor.
DdNode* elseSuccessor = nullptr;
if (odd.getElseOffset() > 0) {
elseSuccessor = fromVectorRec(manager, currentOffset, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, values, odd.getElseSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices, filter);
} else {
elseSuccessor = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(manager);
// Determine the new then-successor.
DdNode* thenSuccessor = nullptr;
if (odd.getThenOffset() > 0) {
thenSuccessor = fromVectorRec(manager, currentOffset, currentLevel + 1, maxLevel, values, odd.getThenSuccessor(), ddVariableIndices, filter);
} else {
thenSuccessor = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(manager);
// Create a node representing ITE(currentVar, thenSuccessor, elseSuccessor);
DdNode* result = Cudd_bddIthVar(manager, static_cast<int>(ddVariableIndices[currentLevel]));
DdNode* newResult = Cudd_bddIte(manager, result, thenSuccessor, elseSuccessor);
// Dispose of the intermediate results
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(manager, result);
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(manager, thenSuccessor);
Cudd_RecursiveDeref(manager, elseSuccessor);
// Before returning, we remove the protection imposed by the previous call to Cudd_Ref.
return newResult;
storm::storage::BitVector InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::toVector(storm::dd::Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd) const {
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> ddVariableIndices = this->getSortedVariableIndices();
storm::storage::BitVector result(rowOdd.getTotalOffset());
this->toVectorRec(this->getCuddDdNode(), this->getDdManager()->getCuddManager(), result, rowOdd, Cudd_IsComplement(this->getCuddDdNode()), 0, ddVariableIndices.size(), 0, ddVariableIndices);
return result;
void InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::toVectorRec(DdNode const* dd, Cudd const& manager, storm::storage::BitVector& result, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd, bool complement, uint_fast64_t currentRowLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, uint_fast64_t currentRowOffset, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices) const {
// If there are no more values to select, we can directly return.
if (dd == Cudd_ReadLogicZero(manager.getManager()) && !complement) {
} else if (dd == Cudd_ReadOne(manager.getManager()) && complement) {
// If we are at the maximal level, the value to be set is stored as a constant in the DD.
if (currentRowLevel == maxLevel) {
result.set(currentRowOffset, true);
} else if (ddRowVariableIndices[currentRowLevel] < dd->index) {
toVectorRec(dd, manager, result, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), complement, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, ddRowVariableIndices);
toVectorRec(dd, manager, result, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), complement, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices);
} else {
// Otherwise, we compute the ODDs for both the then- and else successors.
DdNode* elseDdNode = Cudd_E(dd);
DdNode* thenDdNode = Cudd_T(dd);
// Determine whether we have to evaluate the successors as if they were complemented.
bool elseComplemented = Cudd_IsComplement(elseDdNode) ^ complement;
bool thenComplemented = Cudd_IsComplement(thenDdNode) ^ complement;
toVectorRec(Cudd_Regular(elseDdNode), manager, result, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), elseComplemented, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, ddRowVariableIndices);
toVectorRec(Cudd_Regular(thenDdNode), manager, result, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), thenComplemented, currentRowLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::InternalBdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, BDD cuddBdd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables) : Dd<DdType::CUDD>(ddManager, containedMetaVariables), cuddBdd(cuddBdd) {
// Intentionally left empty.
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>::InternalBdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, std::vector<double> const& explicitValues, storm::dd::Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& odd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables, storm::logic::ComparisonType comparisonType, double value) : Dd<DdType::CUDD>(ddManager, metaVariables) {
switch (comparisonType) {
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::Less:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::greater<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::LessEqual:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::greater_equal<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::Greater:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::less<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));
case storm::logic::ComparisonType::GreaterEqual:
this->cuddBdd = fromVector<double>(ddManager, explicitValues, odd, metaVariables, std::bind(std::less_equal<double>(), value, std::placeholders::_1));

src/storage/dd/cudd/CuddBdd.h → src/storage/dd/cudd/InternalCuddBdd.h

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include "src/storage/dd/Bdd.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/cudd/CuddDd.h"
#include "src/utility/OsDetection.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/DdType.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/InternalBdd.h"
#include "src/storage/dd/InternalAdd.h"
// Include the C++-interface of CUDD.
#include "cuddObj.hh"
@ -20,18 +20,13 @@ namespace storm {
namespace storage {
class BitVector;
namespace dd {
// Forward-declare some classes.
template<DdType Type> class DdManager;
template<DdType Type> class Odd;
template<DdType Type> class Add;
template<DdType Type> class DdForwardIterator;
template<storm::dd::DdType LibraryType>
class Odd;
class Bdd<DdType::CUDD> : public Dd<DdType::CUDD> {
class InternalBdd<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD> {
* Constructs a BDD representation of all encodings that are in the requested relation with the given value.
@ -43,30 +38,22 @@ namespace storm {
* @param comparisonType The relation that needs to hold for the values (wrt. to the given value).
* @param value The value to compare with.
Bdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, std::vector<double> const& explicitValues, storm::dd::Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& odd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables, storm::logic::ComparisonType comparisonType, double value);
// Declare the DdManager and DdIterator class as friend so it can access the internals of a DD.
friend class DdManager<DdType::CUDD>;
friend class DdForwardIterator<DdType::CUDD>;
friend class Add<DdType::CUDD>;
friend class Odd<DdType::CUDD>;
InternalBdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, std::vector<double> const& explicitValues, storm::dd::Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& odd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables, storm::logic::ComparisonType comparisonType, double value);
// Instantiate all copy/move constructors/assignments with the default implementation.
Bdd() = default;
Bdd(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) = default;
Bdd& operator=(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) = default;
#ifndef WINDOWS
Bdd(Bdd<DdType::CUDD>&& other) = default;
Bdd& operator=(Bdd<DdType::CUDD>&& other) = default;
InternalBdd() = default;
InternalBdd(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) = default;
InternalBdd& operator=(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) = default;
InternalBdd(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>&& other) = default;
InternalBdd& operator=(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>&& other) = default;
* Retrieves whether the two BDDs represent the same function.
* @param other The BDD that is to be compared with the current one.
* @return True if the BDDs represent the same function.
bool operator==(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
bool operator==(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
* Retrieves whether the two BDDs represent different functions.
@ -74,7 +61,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param other The BDD that is to be compared with the current one.
* @return True if the BDDs represent the different functions.
bool operator!=(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
bool operator!=(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
* Performs an if-then-else with the given operands, i.e. maps all valuations that are mapped to a non-zero
@ -85,7 +72,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param elseBdd The BDD defining the 'else' part.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> ite(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& thenBdd, Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& elseBdd) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> ite(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& thenBdd, InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& elseBdd) const;
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given BDD.
@ -93,7 +80,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical or of the operands.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> operator||(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> operator||(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given BDD and assigns it to the current BDD.
@ -101,7 +88,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return A reference to the current BDD after the operation
Bdd<DdType::CUDD>& operator|=(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>& operator|=(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other);
* Performs a logical and of the current and the given BDD.
@ -109,7 +96,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical and of the operands.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> operator&&(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> operator&&(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical and of the current and the given BDD and assigns it to the current BDD.
@ -117,7 +104,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return A reference to the current BDD after the operation
Bdd<DdType::CUDD>& operator&=(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other);
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>& operator&=(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other);
* Performs a logical iff of the current and the given BDD.
@ -125,7 +112,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical iff of the operands.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> iff(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> iff(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical exclusive-or of the current and the given BDD.
@ -133,7 +120,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical exclusive-or of the operands.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> exclusiveOr(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> exclusiveOr(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
* Performs a logical implication of the current and the given BDD.
@ -141,35 +128,35 @@ namespace storm {
* @param other The second BDD used for the operation.
* @return The logical implication of the operands.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> implies(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> implies(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other) const;
* Logically inverts the current BDD.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> operator!() const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> operator!() const;
* Logically complements the current BDD.
* @return A reference to the current BDD after the operation.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD>& complement();
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>& complement();
* Existentially abstracts from the given meta variables.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables from which to abstract.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> existsAbstract(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> existsAbstract(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& cube) const;
* Universally abstracts from the given meta variables.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables from which to abstract.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> universalAbstract(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& metaVariables) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> universalAbstract(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& cube) const;
* Swaps the given pairs of meta variables in the BDD. The pairs of meta variables must be guaranteed to have
@ -178,8 +165,8 @@ namespace storm {
* @param metaVariablePairs A vector of meta variable pairs that are to be swapped for one another.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> swapVariables(std::vector<std::pair<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Variable>> const& metaVariablePairs) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> swapVariables(std::vector<std::pair<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Variable>> const& metaVariablePairs) const;
* Computes the logical and of the current and the given BDD and existentially abstracts from the given set
* of variables.
@ -188,7 +175,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param existentialVariables The variables from which to existentially abstract.
* @return A BDD representing the result.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> andExists(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& existentialVariables) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> andExists(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& existentialVariables) const;
* Computes the constraint of the current BDD with the given constraint. That is, the function value of the
@ -198,7 +185,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param constraint The constraint to use for the operation.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> constrain(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& constraint) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> constrain(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& constraint) const;
* Computes the restriction of the current BDD with the given constraint. That is, the function value of the
@ -208,35 +195,35 @@ namespace storm {
* @param constraint The constraint to use for the operation.
* @return The resulting BDD.
Bdd<DdType::CUDD> restrict(Bdd<DdType::CUDD> const& constraint) const;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> restrict(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& constraint) const;
* Retrieves the support of the current BDD.
* @return The support represented as a BDD.
virtual Bdd<DdType::CUDD> getSupport() const override;
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> getSupport() const;
* Retrieves the number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
* @return The number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
virtual uint_fast64_t getNonZeroCount() const override;
uint_fast64_t getNonZeroCount() const;
* Retrieves the number of leaves of the DD.
* @return The number of leaves of the DD.
virtual uint_fast64_t getLeafCount() const override;
uint_fast64_t getLeafCount() const;
* Retrieves the number of nodes necessary to represent the DD.
* @return The number of nodes in this DD.
virtual uint_fast64_t getNodeCount() const override;
uint_fast64_t getNodeCount() const;
* Retrieves whether this DD represents the constant one function.
@ -257,23 +244,22 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The index of the topmost variable in BDD.
virtual uint_fast64_t getIndex() const override;
uint_fast64_t getIndex() const;
* Exports the BDD to the given file in the dot format.
* @param filename The name of the file to which the BDD is to be exported.
virtual void exportToDot(std::string const& filename = "") const override;
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Bdd<DdType::CUDD>& bdd);
void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, std::vector<std::string> const& ddVariableNamesAsStrings) const;
* Converts a BDD to an equivalent ADD.
* @return The corresponding ADD.
Add<DdType::CUDD> toAdd() const;
template<typename ValueType>
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> toAdd() const;
* Converts the BDD to a bit vector. The given offset-labeled DD is used to determine the correct row of
@ -285,20 +271,6 @@ namespace storm {
storm::storage::BitVector toVector(storm::dd::Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd) const;
* Retrieves the CUDD BDD object associated with this DD.
* @return The CUDD BDD object associated with this DD.
BDD getCuddBdd() const;
* Retrieves the raw DD node of CUDD associated with this BDD.
* @return The DD node of CUDD associated with this BDD.
DdNode* getCuddDdNode() const;
* Creates a DD that encapsulates the given CUDD ADD.
@ -306,7 +278,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param cuddBdd The CUDD BDD to store.
* @param containedMetaVariables The meta variables that appear in the DD.
Bdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, BDD cuddBdd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables = std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>());
InternalBdd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> ddManager, BDD cuddBdd, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& containedMetaVariables = std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>());
* Builds a BDD representing the values that make the given filter function evaluate to true.
@ -351,10 +323,23 @@ namespace storm {
void toVectorRec(DdNode const* dd, Cudd const& manager, storm::storage::BitVector& result, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd, bool complement, uint_fast64_t currentRowLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, uint_fast64_t currentRowOffset, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices) const;
// The BDD created by CUDD.
* Retrieves the CUDD BDD object associated with this DD.
* @return The CUDD BDD object associated with this DD.
BDD getCuddBdd() const;
* Retrieves the raw DD node of CUDD associated with this BDD.
* @return The DD node of CUDD associated with this BDD.
DdNode* getCuddDdNode() const;
BDD cuddBdd;