Browse Source

Added until-model checking for MDPs. Implemented Prob1A algorithm. Added asynchronous leader example.

dehnert 12 years ago
  1. 9
  2. 19
  3. 9
  4. 146
  5. 7
  6. 2
  7. 12
  8. 167
  9. 43
  10. 77
  11. 49


@ -64,6 +64,15 @@ public:
// Intentionally left empty
* Constructor
* @param pathFormula The child node.
ProbabilisticNoBoundOperator(AbstractPathFormula<T>* pathFormula, bool minimumOperator) : NoBoundOperator<T>(pathFormula, minimumOperator) {
// Intentionally left empty
* @returns a string representation of the formula


@ -64,11 +64,28 @@ public:
// Intentionally left empty
* Constructor
* @param pathFormula The child node.
RewardNoBoundOperator(AbstractPathFormula<T>* pathFormula, bool minimumOperator) : NoBoundOperator<T>(pathFormula, minimumOperator) {
// Intentionally left empty
* @returns a string representation of the formula
virtual std::string toString() const {
std::string result = "R = ? [";
std::string result = "R";
if (this->isOptimalityOperator()) {
if (this->isMinimumOperator()) {
result += "min";
} else {
result += "max";
result += "=? [";
result += this->getPathFormula().toString();
result += "]";
return result;


@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public:
// Prepare the right-hand side of the equation system. For entry i this corresponds to
// the accumulated probability of going from state i to some 'yes' state.
std::vector<Type> b(mayBeStatesSetBitCount);
this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getConstrainedRowCountVector(maybeStates, statesWithProbability1, &b);
this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getConstrainedRowSumVector(maybeStates, statesWithProbability1, &b);
// Solve the corresponding system of linear equations.
this->solveLinearEquationSystem(*gmmxxMatrix, x, b);
@ -346,9 +346,10 @@ public:
static void putOptions(boost::program_options::options_description* desc) {
desc->add_options()("lemethod", boost::program_options::value<std::string>()->default_value("bicgstab")->notifier(&validateLeMethod), "Sets the method used for linear equation solving. Must be in {bicgstab, qmr}.");
desc->add_options()("lemaxiter", boost::program_options::value<unsigned>()->default_value(10000), "Sets the maximal number of iterations for iterative linear equation solving.");
desc->add_options()("precision", boost::program_options::value<double>()->default_value(10e-6), "Sets the precision for iterative linear equation solving.");
desc->add_options()("maxiter", boost::program_options::value<unsigned>()->default_value(10000), "Sets the maximal number of iterations for iterative equation solving.");
desc->add_options()("precision", boost::program_options::value<double>()->default_value(1e-6), "Sets the precision for iterative equation solving.");
desc->add_options()("precond", boost::program_options::value<std::string>()->default_value("ilu")->notifier(&validatePreconditioner), "Sets the preconditioning technique for linear equation solving. Must be in {ilu, diagonal, ildlt, none}.");
desc->add_options()("relative", boost::program_options::value<bool>()->default_value(true), "Sets whether the relative or absolute error is considered for detecting convergence.");
@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ private:
// Prepare an iteration object that determines the accuracy, maximum number of iterations
// and the like.
gmm::iteration iter(s->get<double>("precision"), 0, s->get<unsigned>("lemaxiter"));
gmm::iteration iter(s->get<double>("precision"), 0, s->get<unsigned>("maxiter"));
// Now do the actual solving.
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Starting iterative solver.");


@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
* Author: Christian Dehnert
#include <cmath>
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ namespace modelChecker {
* A model checking engine that makes use of the gmm++ backend.
template <class Type>
class GmmxxDtmcPrctlModelChecker : public MdpPrctlModelChecker<Type> {
class GmmxxMdpPrctlModelChecker : public MdpPrctlModelChecker<Type> {
explicit GmmxxDtmcPrctlModelChecker(storm::models::Mdp<Type>& mdp) : MdpPrctlModelChecker<Type>(mdp) { }
explicit GmmxxMdpPrctlModelChecker(storm::models::Mdp<Type>& mdp) : MdpPrctlModelChecker<Type>(mdp) { }
virtual ~GmmxxDtmcPrctlModelChecker() { }
virtual ~GmmxxMdpPrctlModelChecker() { }
virtual std::vector<Type>* checkBoundedUntil(const storm::formula::BoundedUntil<Type>& formula) const {
// First, we need to compute the states that satisfy the sub-formulas of the until-formula.
@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ public:
// Create vector for result of multiplication, which is reduced to the result vector after
// each multiplication.
std::vector<Type>* multiplyResult = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix().getRowCount());
std::vector<Type>* multiplyResult = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getRowCount());
// Now perform matrix-vector multiplication as long as we meet the bound of the formula.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < formula.getBound(); ++i) {
gmm::mult(*gmmxxMatrix, *result, *multiplyResult);
if ( {
if (this-> {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMin(*multiplyResult, result, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
} else {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMax(*multiplyResult, result, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public:
delete nextStates;
// Create resulting vector.
std::vector<Type>* temporaryResult = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix().getRowCount());
std::vector<Type>* temporaryResult = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getRowCount());
// Perform the actual computation, namely matrix-vector multiplication.
gmm::mult(*gmmxxMatrix, *result, *temporaryResult);
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public:
// vector properly.
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> nondeterministicChoiceIndices = this->getModel().getNondeterministicChoiceIndices();
if ( {
if (this-> {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMin(*temporaryResult, result, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
} else {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMax(*temporaryResult, result, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public:
// all states that have probability 0 and 1 of satisfying the until-formula.
storm::storage::BitVector statesWithProbability0(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
storm::storage::BitVector statesWithProbability1(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
if ( {
if (this-> {
storm::utility::GraphAnalyzer::performProb01Min(this->getModel(), *leftStates, *rightStates, &statesWithProbability0, &statesWithProbability1);
} else {
storm::utility::GraphAnalyzer::performProb01Max(this->getModel(), *leftStates, *rightStates, &statesWithProbability0, &statesWithProbability1);
@ -152,32 +152,36 @@ public:
std::vector<Type>* result = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
// Only try to solve system if there are states for which the probability is unknown.
uint_fast64_t mayBeStatesSetBitCount = maybeStates.getNumberOfSetBits();
if (mayBeStatesSetBitCount > 0) {
// Now we can eliminate the rows and columns from the original transition probability matrix.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<Type>* submatrix = this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getSubmatrix(maybeStates);
uint_fast64_t maybeStatesSetBitCount = maybeStates.getNumberOfSetBits();
if (maybeStatesSetBitCount > 0) {
// First, we can eliminate the rows and columns from the original transition probability matrix for states
// whose probabilities are already known.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<Type>* submatrix = this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getSubmatrix(maybeStates, *this->getModel().getNondeterministicChoiceIndices());
// Transform the submatrix to the gmm++ format to use its solvers.
// Get the "new" nondeterministic choice indices for the submatrix.
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> subNondeterministicChoiceIndices = this->computeNondeterministicChoiceIndicesForConstraint(maybeStates);
// Transform the submatrix to the gmm++ format to use its capabilities.
gmm::csr_matrix<Type>* gmmxxMatrix = storm::adapters::GmmxxAdapter::toGmmxxSparseMatrix<Type>(*submatrix);
delete submatrix;
// Initialize the x vector with 0.5 for each element. This is the initial guess for
// iteratively solving the equations.
std::vector<Type> x(mayBeStatesSetBitCount, Type(0.5));
// Create vector for results for maybe states.
std::vector<Type>* x = new std::vector<Type>(maybeStatesSetBitCount);
// Prepare the right-hand side of the equation system. For entry i this corresponds to
// the accumulated probability of going from state i to some 'yes' state.
std::vector<Type> b(mayBeStatesSetBitCount);
this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getConstrainedRowCountVector(maybeStates, statesWithProbability1, &b);
std::vector<Type> b(submatrix->getRowCount());
this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getConstrainedRowSumVector(maybeStates, *this->getModel().getNondeterministicChoiceIndices(), statesWithProbability1, &b);
delete submatrix;
// Solve the corresponding system of linear equations.
this->solveEquationSystem(*gmmxxMatrix, x, b);
// Solve the corresponding system of equations.
this->solveEquationSystem(*gmmxxMatrix, x, b, *subNondeterministicChoiceIndices);
// Set values of resulting vector according to result.
storm::utility::setVectorValues<Type>(result, maybeStates, x);
storm::utility::setVectorValues<Type>(result, maybeStates, *x);
// Delete temporary matrix.
// Delete temporary matrix and vector.
delete gmmxxMatrix;
delete x;
// Set values of resulting vector that are known exactly.
@ -272,7 +276,8 @@ public:
// Determine which states have a reward of infinity by definition.
storm::storage::BitVector infinityStates(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
storm::storage::BitVector trueStates(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates(), true);
storm::utility::GraphAnalyzer::performProb1(this->getModel(), trueStates, *targetStates, &infinityStates);
// TODO: just commented out to make it compile
//storm::utility::GraphAnalyzer::performProb1(this->getModel(), trueStates, *targetStates, &infinityStates);
// Create resulting vector.
@ -325,7 +330,8 @@ public:
// Solve the corresponding system of linear equations.
this->solveLinearEquationSystem(*gmmxxMatrix, x, *b);
// TODO: just commented out to make it compile
// this->solveEquationSystem(*gmmxxMatrix, x, *b);
// Set values of resulting vector according to result.
storm::utility::setVectorValues<Type>(result, maybeStates, x);
@ -344,31 +350,6 @@ public:
return result;
* Returns the name of this module.
* @return The name of this module.
static std::string getModuleName() {
return "gmm++nondet";
* Returns a trigger such that if the option "matrixlib" is set to "gmm++", this model checker
* is to be used.
* @return An option trigger for this module.
static std::pair<std::string, std::string> getOptionTrigger() {
return std::pair<std::string, std::string>("matrixlib", "gmm++");
* Registers all options associated with the gmm++ matrix library.
static void putOptions(boost::program_options::options_description* desc) {
desc->add_options()("lemaxiter", boost::program_options::value<unsigned>()->default_value(10000), "Sets the maximal number of iterations for iterative equation solving.");
desc->add_options()("precision", boost::program_options::value<double>()->default_value(10e-6), "Sets the precision for iterative linear equation solving.");
* Solves the given equation system under the given parameters using the power method.
@ -380,25 +361,70 @@ private:
* @return The solution of the system of linear equations in form of the elements of the vector
* x.
void solveLinearEquationSystem(gmm::csr_matrix<Type> const& A, std::vector<Type>& x, std::vector<Type> const& b) const {
// Get the settings object to customize linear solving.
void solveEquationSystem(gmm::csr_matrix<Type> const& A, std::vector<Type>* x, std::vector<Type> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices) const {
// Get the settings object to customize solving.
storm::settings::Settings* s = storm::settings::instance();
// Get relevant user-defined settings for solving the equations
double precison = s->get<double>("precision");
unsigned maxIterations = s->get<unsigned>("lemaxiter");
// Get relevant user-defined settings for solving the equations.
double precision = s->get<double>("precision");
unsigned maxIterations = s->get<unsigned>("maxiter");
bool relative = s->get<bool>("relative");
// Set up the environment for the power method.
std::vector<Type>* temporaryResult = new std::vector<Type>(b.size());
std::vector<Type>* newX = new std::vector<Type>(x->size());
std::vector<Type>* swap = nullptr;
bool converged = false;
uint_fast64_t iterations = 0;
// Proceed with the iterations as long as the method did not converge or reach the
// user-specified maximum number of iterations.
while (!converged && iterations < maxIterations) {
// Compute x' = A*x + b.
gmm::mult(A, *x, *temporaryResult);
gmm::add(b, *temporaryResult);
// Reduce the vector x' by applying min/max for all non-deterministic choices.
if (this-> {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMin(*temporaryResult, newX, nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
} else {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMax(*temporaryResult, newX, nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
// Determine whether the method converged.
converged = storm::utility::equalModuloPrecision(*x, *newX, precision, relative);
// Update environment variables.
swap = x;
x = newX;
newX = swap;
delete temporaryResult;
// Check if the solver converged and issue a warning otherwise.
if (iter.converged()) {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Iterative solver converged after " << iter.get_iteration() << " iterations.");
if (converged) {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Iterative solver converged after " << iterations << " iterations.");
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Iterative solver did not converge.");
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> computeNondeterministicChoiceIndicesForConstraint(storm::storage::BitVector constraint) const {
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> nondeterministicChoiceIndices = this->getModel().getNondeterministicChoiceIndices();
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> subNondeterministicChoiceIndices(new std::vector<uint_fast64_t>(constraint.getNumberOfSetBits() + 1));
uint_fast64_t currentRowCount = 0;
uint_fast64_t currentIndexCount = 1;
(*subNondeterministicChoiceIndices)[0] = 0;
for (auto index : constraint) {
(*subNondeterministicChoiceIndices)[currentIndexCount] = currentRowCount + (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[index + 1] - (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[index];
currentRowCount += (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[index + 1] - (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[index];
(*subNondeterministicChoiceIndices)[constraint.getNumberOfSetBits()] = currentRowCount;
return subNondeterministicChoiceIndices;
@ -406,4 +432,4 @@ private:
} //namespace storm


@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "src/utility/Vector.h"
#include "src/modelchecker/AbstractModelChecker.h"
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include "log4cplus/logger.h"
#include "log4cplus/loggingmacros.h"
@ -361,11 +362,11 @@ public:
virtual std::vector<Type>* checkReachabilityReward(const storm::formula::ReachabilityReward<Type>& formula) const = 0;
std::stack<bool> minimumOperatorStack;
storm::models::Mdp<Type>& model;
mutable std::stack<bool> minimumOperatorStack;
} //namespace modelChecker


@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ private:
// Now we are ready to actually fill in the list of predecessors for
// every state. Again, we start by considering all but the last row.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < numberOfStates; i++) {
for (uint_fast64_t j = choiceIndices->at(i); j < choiceIndices->at(i + 1); ++j) {
for (uint_fast64_t j = (*choiceIndices)[i]; j < (*choiceIndices)[i + 1]; ++j) {
for (auto rowIt = transitionMatrix->beginConstColumnIterator(j); rowIt != transitionMatrix->endConstColumnIterator(j); ++rowIt) {
this->successorList[nextIndicesList[*rowIt]++] = i;


@ -131,9 +131,17 @@ uint_fast64_t NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, uint_
// The PRISM output format lists the name of the transition in the fourth column,
// but omits the fourth column if it is an internal action. In either case, however, the third column
// is followed by a space. We need to skip over that space first (instead of trimming whitespaces),
// before we can skip to the line end, because trimming the white spaces will proceed to the next line
// in case there is no action label in the fourth column.
* Proceed to beginning of next line.
buf += strcspn(buf, " \t\n\r");
buf = trimWhitespaces(buf);
@ -277,10 +285,12 @@ NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser(s
* Proceed to beginning of next line in file and next row in matrix.
buf += strcspn(buf, " \t\n\r");
buf = trimWhitespaces(buf);
this->rowMapping->at(maxnode+1) = curRow;
this->rowMapping->at(maxnode+1) = curRow + 1;
if (!fixDeadlocks && hadDeadlocks) throw storm::exceptions::WrongFileFormatException() << "Some of the nodes had deadlocks. You can use --fix-deadlocks to insert self-loops on the fly.";


@ -668,7 +668,6 @@ public:
uint_fast64_t rowEnd = rowIndications[row + 1];
if (rowStart >= rowEnd) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Cannot make row absorbing, because there is no entry in this row.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException("Cannot make row absorbing, because there is no entry in this row.");
@ -722,13 +721,30 @@ public:
* @param resultVector A pointer to the resulting vector that has at least
* as many elements as there are bits set to true in the constraint.
void getConstrainedRowCountVector(const storm::storage::BitVector& rowConstraint, const storm::storage::BitVector& columnConstraint, std::vector<T>* resultVector) const {
void getConstrainedRowSumVector(const storm::storage::BitVector& rowConstraint, const storm::storage::BitVector& columnConstraint, std::vector<T>* resultVector) const {
uint_fast64_t currentRowCount = 0;
for (auto row : rowConstraint) {
(*resultVector)[currentRowCount++] = getConstrainedRowSum(row, columnConstraint);
* Computes a vector in which each element is the sum of those elements in the
* corresponding row whose column bits are set to one in the given constraint.
* @param rowConstraint A bit vector that indicates for which rows to perform summation.
* @param columnConstraint A bit vector that indicates which columns to add.
* @param resultVector A pointer to the resulting vector that has at least
* as many elements as there are bits set to true in the constraint.
void getConstrainedRowSumVector(const storm::storage::BitVector& rowConstraint, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, const storm::storage::BitVector& columnConstraint, std::vector<T>* resultVector) const {
uint_fast64_t currentRowCount = 0;
for (auto index : rowConstraint) {
for (uint_fast64_t row = nondeterministicChoiceIndices[index]; row < nondeterministicChoiceIndices[index + 1]; ++row) {
(*resultVector)[currentRowCount++] = getConstrainedRowSum(row, columnConstraint);
* Creates a sub-matrix of the current matrix by dropping all rows and
* columns whose bits are not set to one in the given bit vector.
@ -761,7 +777,7 @@ public:
// Create a temporary array that stores for each index whose bit is set
// to true the number of bits that were set before that particular index.
uint_fast64_t* bitsSetBeforeIndex = new uint_fast64_t[rowCount];
uint_fast64_t* bitsSetBeforeIndex = new uint_fast64_t[colCount];
uint_fast64_t lastIndex = 0;
uint_fast64_t currentNumberOfSetBits = 0;
for (auto index : constraint) {
@ -792,6 +808,70 @@ public:
return result;
SparseMatrix* getSubmatrix(storm::storage::BitVector& constraint, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& rowIndices) const {
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Creating a sub-matrix (of unknown size).");
// Check for valid constraint.
if (constraint.getNumberOfSetBits() == 0) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Trying to create a sub-matrix of size 0.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException("Trying to create a sub-matrix of size 0.");
// First, we need to determine the number of non-zero entries and the number of rows of the
// sub-matrix.
uint_fast64_t subNonZeroEntries = 0;
uint_fast64_t subRowCount = 0;
for (auto index : constraint) {
subRowCount += rowIndices[index + 1] - rowIndices[index];
for (uint_fast64_t i = rowIndices[index]; i < rowIndices[index + 1]; ++i) {
for (uint_fast64_t j = rowIndications[i]; j < rowIndications[i + 1]; ++j) {
if (constraint.get(columnIndications[j])) {
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Determined size of submatrix to be " << subRowCount << "x" << constraint.getNumberOfSetBits() << ".");
// Create and initialize resulting matrix.
SparseMatrix* result = new SparseMatrix(subRowCount, constraint.getNumberOfSetBits());
// Create a temporary array that stores for each index whose bit is set
// to true the number of bits that were set before that particular index.
uint_fast64_t* bitsSetBeforeIndex = new uint_fast64_t[colCount];
uint_fast64_t lastIndex = 0;
uint_fast64_t currentNumberOfSetBits = 0;
for (auto index : constraint) {
while (lastIndex <= index) {
bitsSetBeforeIndex[lastIndex++] = currentNumberOfSetBits;
// Copy over selected entries.
uint_fast64_t rowCount = 0;
for (auto index : constraint) {
for (uint_fast64_t i = rowIndices[index]; i < rowIndices[index + 1]; ++i) {
for (uint_fast64_t j = rowIndications[i]; j < rowIndications[i + 1]; ++j) {
if (constraint.get(columnIndications[j])) {
result->addNextValue(rowCount, bitsSetBeforeIndex[columnIndications[j]], valueStorage[j]);
// Dispose of the temporary array.
delete[] bitsSetBeforeIndex;
// Finalize sub-matrix and return result.
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Done creating sub-matrix.");
return result;
void convertToEquationSystem() {
@ -1005,11 +1085,82 @@ public:
return true;
void print() const {
std::cout << "entries in (" << rowCount << "x" << colCount << " matrix):" << std::endl;
std::cout << rowIndications << std::endl;
std::cout << columnIndications << std::endl;
std::cout << valueStorage << std::endl;
* Retrieves a compressed string representation of the matrix.
* @return a compressed string representation of the matrix.
std::string toStringCompressed() const {
std::stringstream result;
result << rowIndications << std::endl;
result << columnIndications << std::endl;
result << valueStorage << std::endl;
return result.str();
* Retrieves a (non-compressed) string representation of the matrix.
* Note: the matrix is presented densely. That is, all zeros are filled in and are part of the string
* representation.
* @param nondeterministicChoiceIndices A vector indicating which rows belong together. If given, rows belonging
* to separate groups will be separated by a dashed line.
* @return a (non-compressed) string representation of the matrix.
std::string toString(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::uint_fast64_t>> nondeterministicChoiceIndices) const {
std::stringstream result;
uint_fast64_t currentNondeterministicChoiceIndex = 0;
// Print column numbers in header.
result << "\t\t";
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < colCount; ++i) {
result << i << "\t";
result << std::endl;
// Iterate over all rows.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i) {
uint_fast64_t nextIndex = rowIndications[i];
// If we need to group of rows, print a dashed line in case we have moved to the next group of rows.
if (nondeterministicChoiceIndices != nullptr) {
if (i == (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[currentNondeterministicChoiceIndex]) {
if (i != 0) {
result << "\t(\t";
for (uint_fast64_t j = 0; j < colCount - 2; ++j) {
result << "----";
if (j == 1) {
result << "\t" << currentNondeterministicChoiceIndex << "\t";
result << "\t)" << std::endl;
// Print the actual row.
result << i << "\t(\t";
uint_fast64_t currentRealIndex = 0;
while (currentRealIndex < colCount) {
if (currentRealIndex == columnIndications[nextIndex] && nextIndex < rowIndications[i + 1]) {
result << valueStorage[nextIndex] << "\t";
} else {
result << "0\t";
result << "\t)\t" << i << std::endl;
// Print column numbers in footer.
result << "\t\t";
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < colCount; ++i) {
result << i << "\t";
result << std::endl;
// Return final result.
return result.str();


@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "src/models/AtomicPropositionsLabeling.h"
#include "src/modelchecker/EigenDtmcPrctlModelChecker.h"
#include "src/modelchecker/GmmxxDtmcPrctlModelChecker.h"
#include "src/modelchecker/GmmxxMdpPrctlModelChecker.h"
#include "src/parser/AutoParser.h"
#include "src/parser/PrctlParser.h"
#include "src/utility/Settings.h"
@ -125,6 +126,10 @@ bool parseOptions(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
return true;
void setUp() {
* Function to perform some cleanup.
@ -206,18 +211,36 @@ void testCheckingSynchronousLeader(storm::models::Dtmc<double>& dtmc, uint_fast6
void testCheckingDice(storm::models::Mdp<double>& mdp) {
storm::storage::BitVector* targetStates = mdp.getLabeledStates(std::string("two"));
*targetStates |= *mdp.getLabeledStates(std::string("three"));
storm::formula::Ap<double>* threeFormula = new storm::formula::Ap<double>("three");
storm::formula::Eventually<double>* eventuallyFormula = new storm::formula::Eventually<double>(threeFormula);
storm::formula::ProbabilisticNoBoundOperator<double>* probFormula = new storm::formula::ProbabilisticNoBoundOperator<double>(eventuallyFormula, false);
storm::modelChecker::GmmxxMdpPrctlModelChecker<double>* mc = new storm::modelChecker::GmmxxMdpPrctlModelChecker<double>(mdp);
delete probFormula;
delete mc;
void testCheckingAsynchLeader(storm::models::Mdp<double>& mdp) {
storm::formula::Ap<double>* electedFormula = new storm::formula::Ap<double>("elected");
storm::formula::Eventually<double>* eventuallyFormula = new storm::formula::Eventually<double>(electedFormula);
storm::formula::ProbabilisticNoBoundOperator<double>* probMaxFormula = new storm::formula::ProbabilisticNoBoundOperator<double>(eventuallyFormula, false);
storm::storage::BitVector* trueStates = new storm::storage::BitVector(mdp.getNumberOfStates(), true);
storm::storage::BitVector* statesWithProbability0 = new storm::storage::BitVector(mdp.getNumberOfStates());
storm::storage::BitVector* statesWithProbability1 = new storm::storage::BitVector(mdp.getNumberOfStates());
storm::modelChecker::GmmxxMdpPrctlModelChecker<double>* mc = new storm::modelChecker::GmmxxMdpPrctlModelChecker<double>(mdp);
storm::utility::GraphAnalyzer::performProb01Max(mdp, *trueStates, *targetStates, statesWithProbability0, statesWithProbability1);
delete probMaxFormula;
delete statesWithProbability0;
delete statesWithProbability1;
delete trueStates;
electedFormula = new storm::formula::Ap<double>("elected");
eventuallyFormula = new storm::formula::Eventually<double>(electedFormula);
storm::formula::ProbabilisticNoBoundOperator<double>* probMinFormula = new storm::formula::ProbabilisticNoBoundOperator<double>(eventuallyFormula, true);
delete probMinFormula;
delete mc;
@ -240,6 +263,7 @@ void testChecking() {
// testCheckingDice(*mdp);
// testCheckingAsynchLeader(*mdp);
} else {
std::cout << "Input is neither a DTMC nor an MDP." << std::endl;
@ -253,6 +277,7 @@ int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
if (!parseOptions(argc, argv)) {
return 0;
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "StoRM was invoked.");
printHeader(argc, argv);


@ -232,13 +232,12 @@ public:
for(auto it = backwardTransitions.beginStateSuccessorsIterator(currentState); it != backwardTransitions.endStateSuccessorsIterator(currentState); ++it) {
if (phiStates.get(*it) && !nextStates->get(*it)) {
// Check whether the predecessor has at only successors in the current state set for one of the
// Check whether the predecessor has only successors in the current state set for one of the
// nondeterminstic choices.
for (auto rowIt = nondeterministicChoiceIndices->begin() + *it; rowIt != nondeterministicChoiceIndices->begin() + *it + 1; ++rowIt) {
for (uint_fast64_t row = (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[*it]; row < (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[*it + 1]; ++row) {
bool allSuccessorsInCurrentStates = true;
for (auto colIt = transitionMatrix->beginConstColumnIterator(*rowIt); colIt != transitionMatrix->endConstColumnIterator(*rowIt); ++colIt) {
if (currentStates->get(*colIt)) {
for (auto colIt = transitionMatrix->beginConstColumnIterator(row); colIt != transitionMatrix->endConstColumnIterator(row); ++colIt) {
if (!currentStates->get(*colIt)) {
allSuccessorsInCurrentStates = false;
@ -316,7 +315,6 @@ public:
for(auto it = backwardTransitions.beginStateSuccessorsIterator(currentState); it != backwardTransitions.endStateSuccessorsIterator(currentState); ++it) {
if (phiStates.get(*it) && !statesWithProbability0->get(*it)) {
// Check whether the predecessor has at least one successor in the current state
// set for every nondeterministic choice.
bool addToStatesWithProbability0 = true;
@ -349,9 +347,70 @@ public:
template <class T>
static void performProb1A(storm::models::AbstractNondeterministicModel<T>& model, storm::storage::BitVector const& phiStates, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, storm::storage::BitVector* statesWithProbability1) {
// This result is a rough guess and does not compute all states with probability 1.
// TODO: Check whether it makes sense to implement the precise but complicated algorithm here.
*statesWithProbability1 = psiStates;
// Check for valid parameters.
if (statesWithProbability1 == nullptr) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Parameter 'statesWithProbability1' must not be null.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException("Parameter 'statesWithProbability1' must not be null.");
// Get some temporaries for convenience.
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> transitionMatrix = model.getTransitionMatrix();
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> nondeterministicChoiceIndices = model.getNondeterministicChoiceIndices();
// Get the backwards transition relation from the model to ease the search.
storm::models::GraphTransitions<T> backwardTransitions(model.getTransitionMatrix(), model.getNondeterministicChoiceIndices(), false);
storm::storage::BitVector* currentStates = new storm::storage::BitVector(model.getNumberOfStates(), true);
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> stack;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
storm::storage::BitVector* nextStates = new storm::storage::BitVector(psiStates);
while (!stack.empty()) {
uint_fast64_t currentState = stack.back();
for(auto it = backwardTransitions.beginStateSuccessorsIterator(currentState); it != backwardTransitions.endStateSuccessorsIterator(currentState); ++it) {
if (phiStates.get(*it) && !nextStates->get(*it)) {
// Check whether the predecessor has only successors in the current state set for all of the
// nondeterminstic choices.
bool allSuccessorsInCurrentStatesForAllChoices = true;
for (uint_fast64_t row = (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[*it]; row < (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[*it + 1]; ++row) {
for (auto colIt = transitionMatrix->beginConstColumnIterator(row); colIt != transitionMatrix->endConstColumnIterator(row); ++colIt) {
if (!currentStates->get(*colIt)) {
allSuccessorsInCurrentStatesForAllChoices = false;
goto afterCheckLoop;
// If all successors for all nondeterministic choices are in the current state set, we
// add it to the set of states for the next iteration and perform a backward search from
// that state.
if (allSuccessorsInCurrentStatesForAllChoices) {
nextStates->set(*it, true);
// Check whether we need to perform an additional iteration.
if (*currentStates == *nextStates) {
done = true;
} else {
*currentStates = *nextStates;
*statesWithProbability1 = *currentStates;
delete currentStates;


@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
#include "ConstTemplates.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "log4cplus/logger.h"
#include "log4cplus/loggingmacros.h"
extern log4cplus::Logger logger;
namespace storm {
namespace utility {
@ -56,20 +61,19 @@ void subtractFromConstantOneVector(std::vector<T>* vector) {
template<class T>
void reduceVectorMin(std::vector<T> const& source, std::vector<T>* target, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& filter) {
uint_fast64_t currentSourceRow = 0;
uint_fast64_t currentTargetRow = 0;
for (auto it = source->cbegin(); it != source->cend(); ++it, ++currentSourceRow) {
// Check whether we have considered all from rows for the current to row.
if (filter[currentTargetRow + 1] <= currentSourceRow) {
uint_fast64_t currentTargetRow = -1;
for (auto it = source.cbegin(); it != source.cend(); ++it, ++currentSourceRow) {
// Check whether we have considered all source rows for the current target row.
if (filter[currentTargetRow + 1] <= currentSourceRow || currentSourceRow == 0) {
(*target)[currentTargetRow] = (*source)[currentSourceRow];
(*target)[currentTargetRow] = source[currentSourceRow];
// We have to minimize the value, so only overwrite the current value if the
// value is actually lower.
if (*it < (*target)[currentTargetRow]) {
(*source)[currentTargetRow] = *it;
(*target)[currentTargetRow] = *it;
@ -77,22 +81,39 @@ void reduceVectorMin(std::vector<T> const& source, std::vector<T>* target, std::
template<class T>
void reduceVectorMax(std::vector<T> const& source, std::vector<T>* target, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& filter) {
uint_fast64_t currentSourceRow = 0;
uint_fast64_t currentTargetRow = 0;
for (auto it = source->cbegin(); it != source->cend(); ++it, ++currentSourceRow) {
// Check whether we have considered all from rows for the current to row.
if (filter[currentTargetRow + 1] <= currentSourceRow) {
uint_fast64_t currentTargetRow = -1;
for (auto it = source.cbegin(); it != source.cend(); ++it, ++currentSourceRow) {
// Check whether we have considered all source rows for the current target row.
if (filter[currentTargetRow + 1] <= currentSourceRow || currentSourceRow == 0) {
(*target)[currentTargetRow] = (*source)[currentSourceRow];
(*target)[currentTargetRow] = source[currentSourceRow];
// We have to maximize the value, so only overwrite the current value if the
// value is actually greater.
if (*it > (*target)[currentTargetRow]) {
(*source)[currentTargetRow] = *it;
(*target)[currentTargetRow] = *it;
template<class T>
bool equalModuloPrecision(std::vector<T> const& vectorLeft, std::vector<T> const& vectorRight, T precision, bool relativeError) {
if (vectorLeft.size() != vectorRight.size()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Length of vectors does not match and makes comparison impossible.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Length of vectors does not match and makes comparison impossible.";
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < vectorLeft.size(); ++i) {
if (relativeError) {
if (std::abs(vectorLeft[i] - vectorRight[i])/vectorRight[i] > precision) return false;
} else {
if (std::abs(vectorLeft[i] - vectorRight[i]) > precision) return false;
return true;
} //namespace utility
