Browse Source

Started to implement the algorithm more close to the one mentioned in the paper (in particular to make things more clean and to allow more than 2 dimensions.

Tim Quatmann 6 years ago
  1. 127
  2. 53
  3. 184
  4. 7


@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
#include "storm/modelchecker/prctl/helper/rewardbounded/CostLimitClosure.h"
#include "storm/utility/macros.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/IllegalArgumentException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace modelchecker {
namespace helper {
namespace rewardbounded {
CostLimit::CostLimit(uint64_t const &costLimit) : value(costLimit) {
// Intentionally left empty
bool CostLimit::isInfinity() const {
return value == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
uint64_t const& CostLimit::get() const {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!isInfinity(), "Tried to get an infinite cost limit as int.");
return value;
uint64_t& CostLimit::get() {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!isInfinity(), "Tried to get an infinite cost limit as int.");
return value;
bool CostLimit::operator<(CostLimit const& other) const {
// Since infinity is represented by the max integer, we can compare this way.
return value < other.value;
bool CostLimit::operator==(CostLimit const& other) const {
return value == other.value;
CostLimit CostLimit::infinity() {
return CostLimit(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
bool CostLimitClosure::CostLimitsCompare::operator()(storm::modelchecker::helper::rewardbounded::CostLimits const& lhs, storm::modelchecker::helper::rewardbounded::CostLimits const& rhs) const {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < lhs.size(); ++i) {
if (lhs[i] < rhs[i]) {
return true;
} else if (rhs[i] < lhs[i]) {
return false;
return false;
CostLimitClosure::CostLimitClosure(storm::storage::BitVector const &downwardDimensions)
: downwardDimensions(downwardDimensions) {
// Intentionally left empty
bool CostLimitClosure::insert(CostLimits const& costLimits) {
// Iterate over all points in the generator and check whether they dominate the given point or vice versa
// TODO: make this more efficient by exploiting the order of the generator set.
std::vector<CostLimits> pointsToErase;
for (auto const& b : generator) {
if (dominates(b, costLimits)) {
// The given point is already contained in this closure.
// Since domination is transitive, this should not happen:
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(pointsToErase.empty(), "Inconsistent generator of CostLimitClosure.");
return false;
if (dominates(costLimits, b)) {
// b will be dominated by the new point so we erase it later.
// Note that b != newPoint holds if we reach this point
for (auto const& b : pointsToErase) {
return true;
bool CostLimitClosure::contains(CostLimits const& costLimits) const {
// Iterate over all points in the generator and check whether they dominate the given point.
// TODO: make this more efficient by exploiting the order of the generator set.
for (auto const&b : generator) {
if (dominates(b,costLimits)) {
return true;
return false;
bool CostLimitClosure::dominates(CostLimits const& lhs, CostLimits const& rhs) const {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < lhs.size(); ++i) {
if (downwardDimensions.get(i)) {
if (lhs[i] < rhs[i]) {
return false;
} else {
if (rhs[i] < lhs[i]) {
return false;
return true;
std::vector<CostLimits> CostLimitClosure::getDominatingCostLimits(CostLimits const& costLimits) const {
std::vector<CostLimits> result;
for (auto const &b : generator) {
if (dominates(b, costLimits)) {
return result;
typename CostLimitClosure::GeneratorType const &CostLimitClosure::getGenerator() const {
return generator;
uint64_t CostLimitClosure::dimension() const {
return downwardDimensions.size();


@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "storm/storage/BitVector.h"
namespace storm {
namespace modelchecker {
namespace helper {
namespace rewardbounded {
class CostLimit {
CostLimit(uint64_t const& costLimit);
bool isInfinity() const;
uint64_t const& get() const;
uint64_t& get();
bool operator<(CostLimit const& other) const;
bool operator==(CostLimit const& other) const;
static CostLimit infinity();
uint64_t value;
typedef std::vector<CostLimit> CostLimits;
class CostLimitClosure {
struct CostLimitsCompare {
bool operator() (CostLimits const& lhs, CostLimits const& rhs) const;
typedef std::set<CostLimits, CostLimitsCompare> GeneratorType;
explicit CostLimitClosure(storm::storage::BitVector const& downwardDimensions);
bool insert(CostLimits const& costLimits);
bool contains(CostLimits const& costLimits) const;
bool dominates(CostLimits const& lhs, CostLimits const& rhs) const;
std::vector<CostLimits> getDominatingCostLimits(CostLimits const& costLimits) const;
GeneratorType const& getGenerator() const;
uint64_t dimension() const;
/// The dimensions that are downwards closed, i.e., if x is in the closure, then also all y <= x
storm::storage::BitVector downwardDimensions;
GeneratorType generator;


@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ namespace storm {
// Only > and <= are supported for upper bounds. This is to make sure that Pr>0.7 [F "goal"] holds iff Pr>0.7 [F<=B "goal"] holds for some B.
// Only >= and < are supported for lower bounds. (EC construction..)
// Fix precision increasing
// Multiple quantile formulas in the same file yield constants def clash
// Bounds are either constants or variables that are declared in the quantile formula.
// Prop op has optimality type
// No Prmin with lower cost bounds: Ec construction fails. In single obj we would do 1-Prmax[F "nonRewOrNonGoalEC"] but this invalidates other lower/upper cost bounds.
@ -229,6 +231,184 @@ namespace storm {
return result;
template<typename ModelType>
std::pair<CostLimitClosure, std::vector<typename QuantileHelper<ModelType>::ValueType>> QuantileHelper<ModelType>::computeQuantile(Environment& env, storm::storage::BitVector const& consideredDimensions) const {
// Todo: ask the cache first
auto boundedUntilOp = transformBoundedUntilOperator(quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula(), std::vector<BoundTransformation>(getDimension(), BoundTransformation::None));
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> infinityVariables;
storm::storage::BitVector lowerBoundedDimensions(getDimension());
storm::storage::BitVector downwardClosedDimensions(getDimension());
for (auto const& d : getOpenDimensions()) {
if (consideredDimensions.get(d)) {
bool hasLowerCostBound = boundedUntilOp->getSubformula().asBoundedUntilFormula().hasLowerBound(d);
lowerBoundedDimensions.set(d, hasLowerCostBound);
bool hasLowerValueBound = storm::logic::isLowerBound(boundedUntilOp->getComparisonType());
downwardClosedDimensions.set(d, hasLowerCostBound == hasLowerValueBound);
} else {
downwardClosedDimensions = downwardClosedDimensions % consideredDimensions;
CostLimitClosure satCostLimits(downwardClosedDimensions), unsatCostLimits(~downwardClosedDimensions);
// Loop until the goal precision is reached.
while (true) {
// initialize Reward unfolding and data that will be needed for each epoch
MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding<ValueType, true> rewardUnfolding(model, boundedUntilOp, infinityVariables);
if (computeQuantile(env, consideredDimensions, lowerBoundedDimensions, satCostLimits, unsatCostLimits, rewardUnfolding)) {
std::vector<ValueType> scalingFactors;
for (auto const& dim : consideredDimensions) {
return {satCostLimits, scalingFactors};
bool getNextCandidateCostLimit(CostLimit const& maxCostLimit, CostLimits& current) {
if (maxCostLimit.get() == 0) {
return false;
storm::storage::BitVector nonMaxEntries = storm::utility::vector::filter<CostLimit>(current, [&maxCostLimit] (CostLimit const& value) -> bool { return value < maxCostLimit; });
bool allZero = true;
for (auto const& entry : nonMaxEntries) {
if (current[entry].get() > 0) {
allZero = false;
} else {
current[entry] = CostLimit(maxCostLimit.get() - 1);
if (allZero) {
if (nonMaxEntries.full()) {
return false;
current = CostLimits(current.size(), maxCostLimit);
storm::utility::vector::setVectorValues(current, nonMaxEntries, CostLimit(maxCostLimit.get() - 1));
return true;
bool unionContainsAllCostLimits(CostLimitClosure const& lhs, CostLimitClosure const& rhs) {
bool translateEpochToCostLimits(EpochManager::Epoch const& epoch, EpochManager::Epoch const& startEpoch,storm::storage::BitVector const& consideredDimensions, storm::storage::BitVector const& lowerBoundedDimensions, EpochManager const& epochManager, CostLimits& epochAsCostLimits) {
for (uint64_t dim = 0; dim < consideredDimensions.size(); ++dim) {
if (consideredDimensions.get(dim)) {
if (lowerBoundedDimensions.get(dim)) {
if (epochManager.isBottomDimension(epoch, dim)) {
} else {
epochAsCostLimits.push_back(CostLimit(epochManager.getDimensionOfEpoch(epoch, dim) + 1));
} else {
if (epochManager.isBottomDimension(epoch, dim)) {
return false;
} else {
epochAsCostLimits.push_back(CostLimit(epochManager.getDimensionOfEpoch(epoch, dim)));
} else {
if (epochManager.isBottomDimension(epoch, dim)) {
if (!epochManager.isBottomDimension(startEpoch, dim)) {
return false;
} else if (epochManager.getDimensionOfEpoch(epoch, dim) != epochManager.getDimensionOfEpoch(startEpoch, dim)) {
return false;
return true;
template<typename ModelType>
bool QuantileHelper<ModelType>::computeQuantile(Environment& env, storm::storage::BitVector const& consideredDimensions, storm::storage::BitVector const& lowerBoundedDimensions, CostLimitClosure& satCostLimits, CostLimitClosure& unsatCostLimits, MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding<ValueType, true>& rewardUnfolding) const {
auto lowerBound = rewardUnfolding.getLowerObjectiveBound();
auto upperBound = rewardUnfolding.getUpperObjectiveBound();
std::vector<ValueType> x, b;
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>> minMaxSolver;
std::set<EpochManager::Epoch> checkedEpochs;
CostLimit currentMaxCostLimit(0);
for (CostLimit currentMaxCostLimit(0); !unionContainsAllCostLimits(satCostLimits, unsatCostLimits); ++currentMaxCostLimit.get()) {
CostLimits currentCandidate(satCostLimits.dimension(), currentMaxCostLimit);
do {
if (!satCostLimits.contains(currentCandidate) && !unsatCostLimits.contains(currentCandidate)) {
// Transform candidate cost limits to an appropriate start epoch
auto startEpoch = rewardUnfolding.getStartEpoch(true);
auto costLimitIt = currentCandidate.begin();
for (auto const& dim : consideredDimensions) {
if (lowerBoundedDimensions.get(dim)) {
if (costLimitIt->get() > 0) {
rewardUnfolding.getEpochManager().setDimensionOfEpoch(startEpoch, dim, costLimitIt->get() - 1);
} else {
rewardUnfolding.getEpochManager().setBottomDimension(startEpoch, dim);
} else {
rewardUnfolding.getEpochManager().setDimensionOfEpoch(startEpoch, dim, costLimitIt->get());
auto epochSequence = rewardUnfolding.getEpochComputationOrder(startEpoch);
for (auto const& epoch : epochSequence) {
if (checkedEpochs.count(epoch) == 0) {
auto& epochModel = rewardUnfolding.setCurrentEpoch(epoch);
rewardUnfolding.setSolutionForCurrentEpoch(epochModel.analyzeSingleObjective(env, quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula().getOptimalityType(), x, b, minMaxSolver, lowerBound, upperBound));
CostLimits epochAsCostLimits;
if (translateEpochToCostLimits(epoch, startEpoch, consideredDimensions, lowerBoundedDimensions, rewardUnfolding.getEpochManager(), epochAsCostLimits)) {
ValueType currValue = rewardUnfolding.getInitialStateResult(epoch);
bool propertySatisfied;
if (env.solver().isForceSoundness()) {
auto lowerUpperValue = getLowerUpperBound(env, currValue);
propertySatisfied = quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula().getBound().isSatisfied(lowerUpperValue.first);
if (propertySatisfied != quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula().getBound().isSatisfied(lowerUpperValue.second)) {
// unclear result due to insufficient precision.
return false;
} else {
propertySatisfied = quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula().getBound().isSatisfied(currValue);
if (propertySatisfied) {
} else {
} while (getNextCandidateCostLimit(currentMaxCostLimit, currentCandidate));
return true;
template<typename ValueType>
void filterDominatedPoints(std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& points, std::vector<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection> const& dirs) {
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> result;
@ -351,13 +531,13 @@ namespace storm {
MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding<ValueType, true> rewardUnfolding(model, transformBoundedUntilOperator(quantileFormula.getSubformula().asProbabilityOperatorFormula(), std::vector<BoundTransformation>(getDimension(), BoundTransformation::None)));
// initialize data that will be needed for each epoch
auto lowerBound = rewardUnfolding.getLowerObjectiveBound();
auto upperBound = rewardUnfolding.getUpperObjectiveBound();
std::vector<ValueType> x, b;
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>> minMaxSolver;
if (currentEpochValues[0] < 0 && currentEpochValues[1] < 0) {
// This case can only happen in these cases:


@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
#include "storm/logic/QuantileFormula.h"
#include "boost/optional.hpp"
#include "storm/modelchecker/prctl/helper/rewardbounded/CostLimitClosure.h"
#include "storm/modelchecker/prctl/helper/rewardbounded/MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding.h"
namespace storm {
class Environment;
@ -23,6 +25,11 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> computeQuantile(Environment const& env) const;
std::pair<CostLimitClosure, std::vector<ValueType>> computeQuantile(Environment& env, storm::storage::BitVector const& consideredDimensions) const;
bool computeQuantile(Environment& env, storm::storage::BitVector const& consideredDimensions, storm::storage::BitVector const& lowerBoundedDimensions, CostLimitClosure& satCostLimits, CostLimitClosure& unsatCostLimits, MultiDimensionalRewardUnfolding<ValueType, true>& rewardUnfolding);
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> computeTwoDimensionalQuantile(Environment& env) const;
bool exploreTwoDimensionalQuantile(Environment const& env, std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, typename ModelType::ValueType>> const& startEpochValues, std::vector<int64_t>& currentEpochValues, std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& resultPoints) const;
