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added function for computation of memory states

hannah 4 years ago
committed by Stefan Pranger
  1. 39
  2. 17


@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ namespace storm {
// Intentionally left empty.
template <typename ValueType, bool Nondeterministic>
uint_fast64_t SparseLTLHelper<ValueType, Nondeterministic>::SparseLTLHelper::getMemoryState(uint_fast64_t daState, uint_fast64_t infSet) {
return (daState * (_infSets.get().size()+1))+ infSet;
template <typename ValueType, bool Nondeterministic>
storm::storage::Scheduler<ValueType> SparseLTLHelper<ValueType, Nondeterministic>::SparseLTLHelper::extractScheduler(storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType> const& model) {
@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Create a memory structure for the MDP scheduler with memory. If hasRelevantStates is set, we only consider initial model states relevant.
auto memoryBuilder = storm::storage::MemoryStructureBuilder<ValueType>(this->_memoryTransitions.get().size(), model, this->hasRelevantStates());
// Build the transitions between the memory states: startState--- modelStates (transitionVector) --->goalState
// Build the transitions between the memory states: startState to goalState using modelStates (transitionVector).
for (storm::storage::sparse::state_type startState = 0; startState < this->_memoryTransitions.get().size(); ++startState) {
for (storm::storage::sparse::state_type goalState = 0; goalState < this->_memoryTransitions.get().size(); ++goalState) {
// Bitvector that represents modelStates the model states that trigger this transition.
@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ namespace storm {
// initialMemoryStates: Assign an initial memory state model states
// InitialMemoryStates: Assign an initial memory state model states
if (this->hasRelevantStates()) {
// Only consider initial model states
for (uint_fast64_t modelState : model.getInitialStates()) {
@ -82,13 +86,13 @@ namespace storm {
for (const auto &choice : this->_producedChoices.get()) {
// <s, q, InfSet> -> choice
storm::storage::sparse::state_type modelState = std::get<0>(choice.first);
storm::storage::sparse::state_type automatonState = std::get<1>(choice.first);
storm::storage::sparse::state_type daState = std::get<1>(choice.first);
uint_fast64_t infSet = std::get<2>(choice.first);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!this->_dontCareStates.get()[(automatonState*(_infSets.get().size()+1))+ infSet].get(modelState), "Tried to set choice for dontCare state.");
scheduler.setChoice(choice.second, modelState, (automatonState*(_infSets.get().size()+1))+ infSet);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!this->_dontCareStates.get()[getMemoryState(daState, infSet)].get(modelState), "Tried to set choice for dontCare state.");
scheduler.setChoice(choice.second, modelState, getMemoryState(daState, infSet));
// Set "don't care" states
// Set "dontCare" states
for (uint_fast64_t memoryState = 0; memoryState < this->_dontCareStates.get().size(); ++memoryState) {
for (auto state : this->_dontCareStates.get()[memoryState]) {
scheduler.setDontCare(state, memoryState);
@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ namespace storm {
} else if (atom.getType() == cpphoafparser::AtomAcceptance::TEMPORAL_FIN) {
// do only sanity checks here
// Do only sanity checks here.
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(atom.isNegated() ? !mec.containsAnyState(~accSet) : !mec.containsAnyState(accSet), "MEC contains Fin-states, which should have been removed");
@ -241,7 +245,7 @@ namespace storm {
// We know the MEC satisfied the conjunction: Save InfSets
// We know the MEC satisfied the conjunction: Save InfSets.
std::set<uint_fast64_t> infSetIds;
for (auto const& literal : conjunction) {
storm::storage::BitVector infSet;
@ -359,7 +363,7 @@ namespace storm {
if (!product->isValidProductState(modelState, automatonState)) {
// If the state <s,q> does not occur in the product model, all the infSet combinations are irrelevant for the scheduler.
for (uint_fast64_t infSet = 0; infSet < _infSets.get().size()+1; ++infSet) {
_dontCareStates.get()[automatonState * (_infSets.get().size() + 1) + infSet].set(modelState, true);
_dontCareStates.get()[getMemoryState(automatonState, infSet)].set(modelState, true);
} else {
auto pState = product->getProductStateIndex(modelState, automatonState);
@ -367,7 +371,7 @@ namespace storm {
// For states in accepting ECs set the missing MEC-scheduler combinations are "dontCare", they are not reachable using the scheduler choices. //TODO is this correct?
for (uint_fast64_t infSet = 0; infSet < _infSets.get().size()+1; ++infSet) {
if (_producedChoices.get().find(std::make_tuple(product->getModelState(pState), product->getAutomatonState(pState), infSet)) == _producedChoices.get().end() ) {
_dontCareStates.get()[(product->getAutomatonState(pState)) * (_infSets.get().size()+1) + infSet].set(product->getModelState(pState), true);
_dontCareStates.get()[getMemoryState(product->getAutomatonState(pState), infSet)].set(product->getModelState(pState), true);
@ -376,14 +380,14 @@ namespace storm {
this->_accInfSets.get()[pState] = {_infSets.get().size()};
if (reachScheduler->isDontCare(pState)) {
// Mark the maybe States of the untilProbability scheduler as "dontCare"
_dontCareStates.get()[(product->getAutomatonState(pState)) * (_infSets.get().size()+1) + _infSets.get().size()].set(product->getModelState(pState), true);
_dontCareStates.get()[getMemoryState(product->getAutomatonState(pState), _infSets.get().size())].set(product->getModelState(pState), true);
} else {
// Set choice For non-accepting states that are not in any accepting EC
// All other InfSet combinations are unreachable (dontCare)
for (uint_fast64_t infSet = 0; infSet < _infSets.get().size(); ++infSet) {
_dontCareStates.get()[(product->getAutomatonState(pState)) * (_infSets.get().size()+1) + infSet].set(product->getModelState(pState), true);
_dontCareStates.get()[getMemoryState(product->getAutomatonState(pState), infSet)].set(product->getModelState(pState), true);
@ -411,14 +415,14 @@ namespace storm {
if (_accInfSets.get()[product->getProductStateIndex(modelState, automatonTo)].get().count(infSet) == 0) {
// the state is is in a different accepting MEC with a different accepting conjunction of InfSets.
auto newInfSet = _accInfSets.get()[product->getProductStateIndex(modelState, automatonTo)].get().begin();
_memoryTransitions.get()[(automatonFrom * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + infSet][(automatonTo * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + *newInfSet].set(modelState);
_memoryTransitions.get()[getMemoryState(automatonFrom, infSet)][getMemoryState(automatonTo, *newInfSet)].set(modelState);
} else {
// Continue looking for any accepting EC (if we haven't reached one yet) or stay in the corresponding accepting EC, test whether we have reached the next infSet.
if (infSet == _infSets.get().size() || !(_infSets.get()[infSet].get(product->getProductStateIndex(modelState, automatonTo)))) {
// <modelState, automatonTo> is not in any accepting EC or does not satisfy the InfSet, we stay there.
// Add modelState to the transition from <automatonFrom, InfSet> to <automatonTo, InfSet>
_memoryTransitions.get()[(automatonFrom * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + infSet][(automatonTo * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + infSet].set(modelState);
_memoryTransitions.get()[getMemoryState(automatonFrom, infSet)][getMemoryState(automatonTo, infSet)].set(modelState);
} else {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(_accInfSets.get()[product->getProductStateIndex(modelState, automatonTo)] != boost::none, "The list of InfSets for the product state <" <<modelState<< ", " << automatonTo<<"> is undefined.");
@ -431,7 +435,7 @@ namespace storm {
nextInfSet = _accInfSets.get()[product->getProductStateIndex(modelState, automatonTo)].get().begin();
// Add modelState to the transition from <automatonFrom <mec, InfSet>> to <automatonTo, <mec, NextInfSet>>.
_memoryTransitions.get()[(automatonFrom * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + infSet][(automatonTo * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + *nextInfSet].set(modelState);
_memoryTransitions.get()[getMemoryState(automatonFrom, infSet)][getMemoryState(automatonTo, *nextInfSet)].set(modelState);
@ -452,14 +456,13 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(_accInfSets.get()[product->getProductStateIndex(modelState, automatonState)] != boost::none, "The list of InfSets for the product state <" <<modelState<< ", " << automatonState<<"> is undefined.");
// If <s, q> is an accepting state start in the first InfSet of <s, q>.
auto infSet = _accInfSets.get()[product->getProductStateIndex(modelState, automatonState)].get().begin();
_memoryInitialStates.get()[modelState] = (automatonState * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + *infSet;
_memoryInitialStates.get()[modelState] = getMemoryState(automatonState, *infSet);
} else {
_memoryInitialStates.get()[modelState] = (automatonState * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + _infSets.get().size();
_memoryInitialStates.get()[modelState] = getMemoryState(automatonState, _infSets.get().size());
// Finished creation of initial states.


@ -93,13 +93,22 @@ namespace storm {
* Helper function, extracts scheduler choices and creates the memory structure for the LTL-Scheduler.
* @param
* @param
* @param the scheduler enuring to reach some acceptingState, defined on the model-DA product
* @param
* @param number of DA-states
* @param states in accepting end components of the model-DA product
* @param the scheduler ensuring to reach some acceptingState, defined on the model-DA product
* @param the product builder
* @param the model-DA product
* @param relevant states of the model
void prepareScheduler(uint_fast64_t numDaStates, storm::storage::BitVector const& acceptingProductStates, std::unique_ptr<storm::storage::Scheduler<ValueType>> reachScheduler, transformer::DAProductBuilder const& productBuilder, typename transformer::DAProduct<productModelType>::ptr product, storm::storage::BitVector const& modelStatesOfInterest);
* Helper function, computes the memory state for a given DA-state and infSet ID.
* Encoded as (DA-state * (numberOfInfSets+1)) + infSet. (+1 because an additional "copy" of the DA is used for states outside accepting ECs)
* @param DA-state
* @param infSet ID
uint_fast64_t getMemoryState(uint_fast64_t daState, uint_fast64_t infSet);
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& _transitionMatrix;
