6 changed files with 341 additions and 8 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ |
#include "src/storage/bisimulation/NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition.h"
#include "src/models/sparse/Mdp.h"
#include "src/models/sparse/StandardRewardModel.h"
#include "src/utility/graph.h"
#include "src/exceptions/IllegalFunctionCallException.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
using namespace bisimulation; |
template<typename ModelType> |
NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition(ModelType const& model, typename BisimulationDecomposition<ModelType, NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition::BlockDataType>::Options const& options) : BisimulationDecomposition<ModelType, NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition::BlockDataType>(model, model.getTransitionMatrix().transpose(false), options), choiceToStateMapping(model.getNumberOfChoices()), probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter(model.getNumberOfChoices(), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(options.type == BisimulationType::Strong, storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException, "Weak bisimulation is currently not supported for nondeterministic models."); |
this->createChoiceToStateMapping(); |
} |
template<typename ModelType> |
std::pair<storm::storage::BitVector, storm::storage::BitVector> NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::getStatesWithProbability01() { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(static_cast<bool>(this->options.optimalityType), storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException, "Can only compute states with probability 0/1 with an optimization direction (min/max)."); |
if (this->options.optimalityType.get() == OptimizationDirection::Minimize) { |
return storm::utility::graph::performProb01Min(this->model.getTransitionMatrix(), this->model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices(), this->model.getBackwardTransitions(), this->options.phiStates.get(), this->options.psiStates.get()); |
} else { |
return storm::utility::graph::performProb01Max(this->model.getTransitionMatrix(), this->model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices(), this->model.getBackwardTransitions(), this->options.phiStates.get(), this->options.psiStates.get()); |
} |
} |
template<typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::createChoiceToStateMapping() { |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> nondeterministicChoiceIndices = this->model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices(); |
for (storm::storage::sparse::state_type state = 0; state < this->model.getNumberOfStates(); ++state) { |
for (uint_fast64_t choice = nondeterministicChoiceIndices[state]; choice < nondeterministicChoiceIndices[state + 1]; ++choice) { |
choiceToStateMapping[choice] = state; |
} |
} |
} |
template<typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::buildQuotient() { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(false, "Not yet implemented"); |
} |
template<typename ModelType> |
bool NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::possiblyNeedsRefinement(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType> const& predecessorBlock) const { |
return predecessorBlock.getNumberOfStates() > 1 && !predecessorBlock.data().absorbing(); |
} |
template<typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::clearProbabilitiesToSplitter(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) { |
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> nondeterministicChoiceIndices = this->model.getTransitionMatrix().getRowGroupIndices(); |
for (uint_fast64_t choice = nondeterministicChoiceIndices[state]; choice < nondeterministicChoiceIndices[state + 1]; ++choice) { |
probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter[choice] = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); |
} |
} |
template<typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::increaseProbabilityToSplitter(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state, uint_fast64_t choice, bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType> const& predecessorBlock, ValueType const& value) { |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessorPosition = this->partition.getPosition(state); |
// If the position of the state is to the right of marker1, we have not seen it before. That means we need to
// clear the probability associated with all choices of the given state.
if (predecessorPosition >= predecessorBlock.data().marker1()) { |
clearProbabilitiesToSplitter(state); |
} |
// Now increase the probability of the given choice of the given state.
probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter[choice] += value; |
} |
template <typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::moveStateToMarker1(storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor, bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock) { |
this->partition.swapStates(predecessor, this->partition.getState(predecessorBlock.data().marker1())); |
predecessorBlock.data().incrementMarker1(); |
} |
template <typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::moveStateToMarker2(storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor, bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock) { |
this->partition.swapStates(predecessor, this->partition.getState(predecessorBlock.data().marker2())); |
predecessorBlock.data().incrementMarker2(); |
} |
template <typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::moveStateInSplitter(storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor, bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock, storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentPositionInSplitter, uint_fast64_t& elementsToSkip) { |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessorPosition = this->partition.getPosition(predecessor); |
// If the predecessors of the given predecessor were already explored, we can move it easily.
if (predecessorPosition <= currentPositionInSplitter + elementsToSkip) { |
this->partition.swapStates(predecessor, this->partition.getState(predecessorBlock.data().marker1())); |
predecessorBlock.data().incrementMarker1(); |
} else { |
// Otherwise, we need to move the predecessor, but we need to make sure that we explore its
// predecessors later. We do this by moving it to a range at the beginning of the block that will hold
// all predecessors in the splitter whose predecessors have yet to be explored.
if (predecessorBlock.data().marker2() == predecessorBlock.data().marker1()) { |
this->partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorBlock.data().marker2(), predecessorPosition); |
this->partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorPosition, currentPositionInSplitter + elementsToSkip + 1); |
} else { |
this->partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorBlock.data().marker2(), predecessorPosition); |
this->partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorPosition, predecessorBlock.data().marker1()); |
this->partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorPosition, currentPositionInSplitter + elementsToSkip + 1); |
} |
// Since we had to move an already explored state to the right of the current position,
++elementsToSkip; |
predecessorBlock.data().incrementMarker1(); |
predecessorBlock.data().incrementMarker2(); |
} |
} |
template<typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::insertIntoPredecessorList(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock, std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& predecessorBlocks) { |
// Insert the block into the list of blocks to refine (if that has not already happened).
if (!predecessorBlock.data().needsRefinement()) { |
predecessorBlocks.emplace_back(&predecessorBlock); |
predecessorBlock.data().setNeedsRefinement(); |
} |
} |
template <typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::exploreRemainingStatesOfSplitter(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& splitter, std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& predecessorBlocks) { |
for (auto splitterIt = this->partition.begin(splitter), splitterIte = this->partition.begin(splitter) + (splitter.data().marker2() - splitter.getBeginIndex()); splitterIt != splitterIte; ++splitterIt) { |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentState = *splitterIt; |
for (auto const& predecessorEntry : this->backwardTransitions.getRow(currentState)) { |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type choice = predecessorEntry.getColumn(); |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor = choiceToStateMapping[choice]; |
Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock = this->partition.getBlock(predecessor); |
// If the block does not need to be refined, we skip it.
if (!possiblyNeedsRefinement(predecessorBlock)) { |
continue; |
} |
// We keep track of the probability of the predecessor moving to the splitter.
increaseProbabilityToSplitter(predecessor, choice, predecessorBlock, predecessorEntry.getValue()); |
// Only move the state if it has not been seen as a predecessor before.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessorPosition = this->partition.getPosition(predecessor); |
if (predecessorPosition >= predecessorBlock.data().marker1()) { |
moveStateToMarker1(predecessor, predecessorBlock); |
} |
insertIntoPredecessorList(predecessorBlock, predecessorBlocks); |
} |
} |
// Finally, we can reset the second marker.
splitter.data().setMarker2(splitter.getBeginIndex()); |
} |
template<typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitter(std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*> const& predecessorBlocks, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue) { |
} |
template<typename ModelType> |
void NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::refinePartitionBasedOnSplitter(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& splitter, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue) { |
// The outline of the refinement is as follows.
// We iterate over all states of the splitter and determine for each predecessor the state the probability
// entering the splitter. These probabilities are written to a member vector so that after the iteration
// process we have the probabilities of all predecessors of the splitter of entering the splitter in one
// step. To directly separate the states having a transition into the splitter from the ones who do not,
// we move the states to certain locations. That is, on encountering a predecessor of the splitter, it is
// moved to the beginning of its block. If the predecessor is in the splitter itself, we have to be a bit
// careful about where to move states.
// After this iteration, there may be states of the splitter whose predecessors have not yet been explored,
// so this needs to be done now.
// Finally, we use the information obtained in the first part for the actual splitting process in which all
// predecessor blocks of the splitter are split based on the probabilities computed earlier.
std::list<Block<BlockDataType>*> predecessorBlocks; |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentPosition = splitter.getBeginIndex(); |
bool splitterIsPredecessorBlock = false; |
for (auto splitterIt = this->partition.begin(splitter), splitterIte = this->partition.end(splitter); splitterIt != splitterIte; ++splitterIt, ++currentPosition) { |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentState = *splitterIt; |
uint_fast64_t elementsToSkip = 0; |
for (auto const& predecessorEntry : this->backwardTransitions.getRow(currentState)) { |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type choice = predecessorEntry.getColumn(); |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor = choiceToStateMapping[choice]; |
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessorPosition = this->partition.getPosition(predecessor); |
Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock = this->partition.getBlock(predecessor); |
// If the block does not need to be refined, we skip it.
if (!possiblyNeedsRefinement(predecessorBlock)) { |
continue; |
} |
// We keep track of the probability of the predecessor moving to the splitter.
increaseProbabilityToSplitter(predecessor, choice, predecessorBlock, predecessorEntry.getValue()); |
// We only need to move the predecessor if its not already known as a predecessor already.
if (predecessorPosition >= predecessorBlock.data().marker1()) { |
// If the predecessor block is not the splitter, we can move the state easily.
if (predecessorBlock != splitter) { |
moveStateToMarker1(predecessor, predecessorBlock); |
} else { |
// If the predecessor is in the splitter, we need to be a bit more careful.
splitterIsPredecessorBlock = true; |
moveStateInSplitter(predecessor, predecessorBlock, currentPosition, elementsToSkip); |
} |
insertIntoPredecessorList(predecessorBlock, predecessorBlocks); |
} |
} |
// If, as a consequence of shifting states, we need to skip some elements, do so now.
splitterIt += elementsToSkip; |
currentPosition += elementsToSkip; |
} |
// If the splitter was a predecessor block of itself, we potentially need to explore some states that have
// not been explored yet.
if (splitterIsPredecessorBlock) { |
exploreRemainingStatesOfSplitter(splitter, predecessorBlocks); |
} |
// Finally, we split the block based on the precomputed probabilities and the chosen bisimulation type.
refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitter(predecessorBlocks, splitterQueue); |
} |
template class NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<storm::models::sparse::Mdp<double>>; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
#include "src/storage/bisimulation/BisimulationDecomposition.h" |
#include "src/storage/bisimulation/DeterministicBlockData.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace utility { |
template <typename ValueType> class ConstantsComparator; |
} |
namespace storage { |
/*! |
* This class represents the decomposition of a nondeterministic model into its bisimulation quotient. |
*/ |
template<typename ModelType> |
class NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition : public BisimulationDecomposition<ModelType, bisimulation::DeterministicBlockData> { |
public: |
typedef bisimulation::DeterministicBlockData BlockDataType; |
typedef typename ModelType::ValueType ValueType; |
typedef typename ModelType::RewardModelType RewardModelType; |
/*! |
* Computes the bisimulation relation for the given model. Which kind of bisimulation is computed, is |
* customizable via the given options. |
* |
* @param model The model to decompose. |
* @param options The options that customize the computed bisimulation. |
*/ |
NondeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition(ModelType const& model, typename BisimulationDecomposition<ModelType, BlockDataType>::Options const& options = typename BisimulationDecomposition<ModelType, BlockDataType>::Options()); |
protected: |
virtual std::pair<storm::storage::BitVector, storm::storage::BitVector> getStatesWithProbability01() override; |
virtual void buildQuotient() override; |
virtual void refinePartitionBasedOnSplitter(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& splitter, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue) override; |
private: |
// Creates the mapping from the choice indices to the states. |
void createChoiceToStateMapping(); |
// Retrieves whether the given predecessor of the splitters possibly needs refinement. |
bool possiblyNeedsRefinement(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType> const& predecessorBlock) const; |
// Increases the probability of moving to the current splitter for the given choice of the given state. |
void increaseProbabilityToSplitter(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state, uint_fast64_t choice, bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType> const& predecessorBlock, ValueType const& value); |
// Clears the probabilities of all choices of the given state. |
void clearProbabilitiesToSplitter(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state); |
// Moves the given state to the position marked by marker1 moves the marker one step further. |
void moveStateToMarker1(storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor, bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock); |
// Moves the given state to the position marked by marker2 the marker one step further. |
void moveStateToMarker2(storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor, bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock); |
// Moves the given state to a proper place in the splitter, depending on where the predecessor is located. |
void moveStateInSplitter(storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor, bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock, storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentPositionInSplitter, uint_fast64_t& elementsToSkip); |
// Inserts the block into the list of predecessors if it is not already contained. |
void insertIntoPredecessorList(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& predecessorBlock, std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& predecessorBlocks); |
// Explores the remaining states of the splitter. |
void exploreRemainingStatesOfSplitter(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& splitter, std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& predecessorBlocks); |
// Refines the predecessor blocks wrt. strong bisimulation. |
void refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitter(std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*> const& predecessorBlocks, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue); |
// A mapping from choice indices to the state state that has this choice. |
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type> choiceToStateMapping; |
// A vector that holds the probabilities for all nondeterministic choices of all states of going into the |
// splitter. This is used by the method that refines a block based on probabilities. |
std::vector<ValueType> probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter; |
}; |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue