Browse Source

fix for decomposition

dehnert 8 years ago
  1. 16
  2. 20
  3. 140
  4. 5
  5. 2
  6. 2
  7. 4
  8. 139
  9. 3
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  11. 135
  12. 5
  13. 2
  14. 1


@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ namespace storm {
ddVariableIndexToPredicateIndexMap[predicateIdentities.back().getIndex()] = predicateIndex;
@ -224,16 +225,6 @@ namespace storm {
return decodeChoice(valuation, start, end, auxVariables);
template<storm::dd::DdType DdType>
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> AbstractionInformation<DdType>::getPlayer2ZeroCube(uint_fast64_t start, uint_fast64_t end) const {
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> result = ddManager->getBddOne();
for (uint_fast64_t index = start; index < end; ++index) {
result &= !player2VariableBdds[index];
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!result.isZero(), "Zero cube must not be zero.");
return result;
template<storm::dd::DdType DdType>
std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> const& AbstractionInformation<DdType>::getPlayer1Variables() const {
return player1Variables;
@ -284,6 +275,11 @@ namespace storm {
return sourcePredicateVariables;
template<storm::dd::DdType DdType>
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& AbstractionInformation<DdType>::getSuccessorPredicateVariables() const {
return successorPredicateVariables;
template<storm::dd::DdType DdType>
std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> const& AbstractionInformation<DdType>::getOrderedSourcePredicateVariables() const {
return orderedSourcePredicateVariables;


@ -242,16 +242,6 @@ namespace storm {
uint_fast64_t decodeAux(storm::expressions::Valuation const& valuation, uint_fast64_t start, uint_fast64_t end) const;
* Retrieves the cube of player 2 variables in the given range [offset, numberOfVariables).
* @param numberOfVariables The number of variables to use in total. The number of variables in the returned
* cube is the number of variables minus the offset.
* @param offset The first variable of the range to return.
* @return The cube of variables starting from the offset until the given number of variables is reached.
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> getPlayer2ZeroCube(uint_fast64_t numberOfVariables, uint_fast64_t offset) const;
* Retrieves the meta variables associated with the player 1 choices.
@ -348,6 +338,13 @@ namespace storm {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& getSourcePredicateVariables() const;
* Retrieves the set of successor predicate meta variables.
* @return All successor predicate meta variables.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& getSuccessorPredicateVariables() const;
* Retrieves a BDD representing the identities of all predicates.
@ -571,6 +568,9 @@ namespace storm {
/// The set of all source predicate variables.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> sourcePredicateVariables;
/// The set of all successor predicate variables.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> successorPredicateVariables;
/// An ordered collection of the source variables.
std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable> orderedSourcePredicateVariables;


@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
#include "storm/abstraction/MenuGameAbstractor.h"
#include "storm/abstraction/AbstractionInformation.h"
#include "storm/storage/dd/Add.h"
#include "storm/storage/dd/Bdd.h"
#include "storm/utility/dd.h"
#include "storm-config.h"
#include "storm/adapters/CarlAdapter.h"
namespace storm {
namespace abstraction {
template <typename ValueType>
std::string getStateName(std::pair<storm::expressions::SimpleValuation, ValueType> const& stateValue, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& locationVariables, std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& predicateVariables, storm::expressions::Variable const& bottomVariable) {
std::stringstream stateName;
if (!locationVariables.empty()) {
stateName << "loc";
for (auto const& variable : locationVariables) {
stateName << stateValue.first.getIntegerValue(variable);
if (!locationVariables.empty() && !predicateVariables.empty()) {
stateName << "_";
for (auto const& variable : predicateVariables) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(variable)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(bottomVariable)) {
stateName << "bot";
return stateName.str();
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType>
void MenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot(storm::abstraction::MenuGame<DdType, ValueType> const& currentGame, std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStatesBdd, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const {
std::ofstream out(filename);
AbstractionInformation<DdType> const& abstractionInformation = this->getAbstractionInformation();
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> filteredTransitions = filter.template toAdd<ValueType>() * currentGame.getTransitionMatrix();
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredTransitionsBdd = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame.getNondeterminismVariables());
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredReachableStates = storm::utility::dd::computeReachableStates(currentGame.getInitialStates(), filteredTransitionsBdd, currentGame.getRowVariables(), currentGame.getColumnVariables());
filteredTransitions *= filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>();
// Determine all initial states so we can color them blue.
std::unordered_set<std::string> initialStates;
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> initialStatesAsAdd = currentGame.getInitialStates().template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : initialStatesAsAdd) {
initialStates.insert(getStateName(stateValue, abstractionInformation.getSourceLocationVariables(), abstractionInformation.getSourcePredicateVariables(), abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true)));
// Determine all highlight states so we can color them red.
std::unordered_set<std::string> highlightStates;
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> highlightStatesAdd = highlightStatesBdd.template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : highlightStatesAdd) {
highlightStates.insert(getStateName(stateValue, abstractionInformation.getSourceLocationVariables(), abstractionInformation.getSourcePredicateVariables(), abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true)));
out << "digraph game {" << std::endl;
// Create the player 1 nodes.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> statesAsAdd = filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : statesAsAdd) {
out << "\tpl1_";
std::string stateName = getStateName(stateValue, abstractionInformation.getSourceLocationVariables(), abstractionInformation.getSourcePredicateVariables(), abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true));
out << stateName;
out << " [ label=\"";
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true))) {
out << "*\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"none\"";
} else {
out << stateName << "\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"oval\"";
bool isInitial = initialStates.find(stateName) != initialStates.end();
bool isHighlight = highlightStates.find(stateName) != highlightStates.end();
if (isInitial && isHighlight) {
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"";
} else if (isInitial) {
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"blue\"";
} else if (isHighlight) {
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"red\"";
out << " ];" << std::endl;
// Create the nodes of the second player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> player2States = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame.getColumnVariables()).existsAbstract(currentGame.getPlayer2Variables()).template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : player2States) {
out << "\tpl2_";
std::string stateName = getStateName(stateValue, abstractionInformation.getSourceLocationVariables(), abstractionInformation.getSourcePredicateVariables(), abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true));
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount());
out << stateName << "_" << index;
out << " [ shape=\"square\", width=0, height=0, margin=0, label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl;
out << "\tpl1_" << stateName << " -> " << "pl2_" << stateName << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl;
// Create the nodes of the probabilistic player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> playerPStates = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame.getColumnVariables()).template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : playerPStates) {
out << "\tplp_";
std::stringstream stateNameStream;
stateNameStream << getStateName(stateValue, abstractionInformation.getSourceLocationVariables(), abstractionInformation.getSourcePredicateVariables(), abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true));
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount());
stateNameStream << "_" << index;
std::string stateName = stateNameStream.str();
index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame.getPlayer2Variables().size());
out << stateName << "_" << index;
out << " [ shape=\"point\", label=\"\" ];" << std::endl;
out << "\tpl2_" << stateName << " -> " << "plp_" << stateName << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl;
for (auto stateValue : filteredTransitions) {
std::string sourceStateName = getStateName(stateValue, abstractionInformation.getSourceLocationVariables(), abstractionInformation.getSourcePredicateVariables(), abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true));
std::string successorStateName = getStateName(stateValue, abstractionInformation.getSuccessorLocationVariables(), abstractionInformation.getSuccessorPredicateVariables(), abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(false));
uint_fast64_t pl1Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount());
uint_fast64_t pl2Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame.getPlayer2Variables().size());
out << "\tplp_" << sourceStateName << "_" << pl1Index << "_" << pl2Index << " -> pl1_" << successorStateName << " [ label=\"" << stateValue.second << "\"];" << std::endl;
out << "}" << std::endl;
template class MenuGameAbstractor<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD, double>;
template class MenuGameAbstractor<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, double>;
template class MenuGameAbstractor<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, storm::RationalFunction>;


@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ namespace storm {
virtual void refine(RefinementCommand const& command) = 0;
/// Exports a representation of the current abstraction state in the dot format.
virtual void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const = 0;
virtual void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStatesBdd, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const = 0;
void exportToDot(storm::abstraction::MenuGame<DdType, ValueType> const& currentGame, std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStatesBdd, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const;


@ -438,6 +438,7 @@ namespace storm {
std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Variable> oldToNewVariables;
for (auto const& variable : oldVariables) {
std::cout << "got old variable " << variable.getName() << std::endl;
oldToNewVariables[variable] = expressionManager.getVariable(variable.getName());
std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> lastSubstitution;
@ -470,6 +471,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Retrieve the variable updates that the predecessor needs to perform to get to the current state.
auto variableUpdates = abstractor.get().getVariableUpdates(std::get<1>(decodedPredecessor), std::get<2>(decodedPredecessor));
for (auto const& update : variableUpdates) {
std::cout << "looking up old variable " << update.first.getName() << std::endl;
storm::expressions::Variable newVariable =;
if (update.second.hasBooleanType()) {
predicates.back().push_back(storm::expressions::iff(, update.second.changeManager(expressionManager).substitute(substitution)));


@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace storm {
// DDs use the same amount DD variable encoding the choices of player 2.
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> result = this->getAbstractionInformation().getDdManager().getBddZero();
for (auto const& edgeDd : edgeDdsAndUsedOptionVariableCounts) {
result |= edgeDd.bdd && this->getAbstractionInformation().getPlayer2ZeroCube(edgeDd.numberOfPlayer2Variables, maximalNumberOfUsedOptionVariables);
result |= edgeDd.bdd && this->getAbstractionInformation().encodePlayer2Choice(1, edgeDd.numberOfPlayer2Variables, maximalNumberOfUsedOptionVariables);
return GameBddResult<DdType>(result, maximalNumberOfUsedOptionVariables);


@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType>
void EdgeAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::recomputeCachedBddWithDecomposition() {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Recomputing BDD for edge with guard " << edge.get().getGuard() << " using the decomposition.");
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Recomputing BDD for edge with id " << edgeId << " and guard " << edge.get().getGuard() << " using the decomposition.");
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// compute a decomposition of the command
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType>
void EdgeAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::recomputeCachedBddWithoutDecomposition() {
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Recomputing BDD for edge with guard " << edge.get().getGuard());
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Recomputing BDD for edge with id " << edgeId << " and guard " << edge.get().getGuard());
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// Create a mapping from source state DDs to their distributions.


@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace storm {
using storm::settings::modules::AbstractionSettings;
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType>
JaniMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::JaniMenuGameAbstractor(storm::jani::Model const& model, std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> const& smtSolverFactory) : model(model), smtSolverFactory(smtSolverFactory), abstractionInformation(model.getManager(), model.getAllExpressionVariables(), smtSolverFactory->create(model.getManager())), automata(), initialStateAbstractor(abstractionInformation, {model.getInitialStatesExpression()}, this->smtSolverFactory), validBlockAbstractor(abstractionInformation, smtSolverFactory), currentGame(nullptr), refinementPerformed(true) {
JaniMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::JaniMenuGameAbstractor(storm::jani::Model const& model, std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> const& smtSolverFactory) : model(model), smtSolverFactory(smtSolverFactory), abstractionInformation(model.getManager(), model.getAllExpressionVariables(), smtSolverFactory->create(model.getManager())), automata(), initialStateAbstractor(abstractionInformation, {model.getInitialStatesExpression({model.getAutomaton(0)})}, this->smtSolverFactory), validBlockAbstractor(abstractionInformation, smtSolverFactory), currentGame(nullptr), refinementPerformed(true) {
// For now, we assume that there is a single module. If the program has more than one module, it needs
// to be flattened before the procedure.
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType>
storm::expressions::Expression JaniMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::getInitialExpression() const {
return model.get().getInitialStatesExpression();
return model.get().getInitialStatesExpression({model.get().getAutomaton(0)});
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType>
@ -199,139 +199,8 @@ namespace storm {
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType>
void JaniMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStatesBdd, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const {
std::ofstream out(filename);
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> filteredTransitions = filter.template toAdd<ValueType>() * currentGame->getTransitionMatrix();
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredTransitionsBdd = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getNondeterminismVariables());
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredReachableStates = storm::utility::dd::computeReachableStates(currentGame->getInitialStates(), filteredTransitionsBdd, currentGame->getRowVariables(), currentGame->getColumnVariables());
filteredTransitions *= filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>();
// Determine all initial states so we can color them blue.
std::unordered_set<std::string> initialStates;
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> initialStatesAsAdd = currentGame->getInitialStates().template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : initialStatesAsAdd) {
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
// Determine all highlight states so we can color them red.
std::unordered_set<std::string> highlightStates;
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> highlightStatesAdd = highlightStatesBdd.template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : highlightStatesAdd) {
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
out << "digraph game {" << std::endl;
// Create the player 1 nodes.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> statesAsAdd = filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : statesAsAdd) {
out << "\tpl1_";
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
std::string stateNameAsString = stateName.str();
out << stateNameAsString;
out << " [ label=\"";
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true))) {
out << "*\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"none\"";
} else {
out << stateName.str() << "\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"oval\"";
bool isInitial = initialStates.find(stateNameAsString) != initialStates.end();
bool isHighlight = highlightStates.find(stateNameAsString) != highlightStates.end();
if (isInitial && isHighlight) {
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"";
} else if (isInitial) {
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"blue\"";
} else if (isHighlight) {
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"red\"";
out << " ];" << std::endl;
// Create the nodes of the second player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> player2States = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getColumnVariables()).existsAbstract(currentGame->getPlayer2Variables()).template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : player2States) {
out << "\tpl2_";
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount());
out << stateName.str() << "_" << index;
out << " [ shape=\"square\", width=0, height=0, margin=0, label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl;
out << "\tpl1_" << stateName.str() << " -> " << "pl2_" << stateName.str() << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl;
// Create the nodes of the probabilistic player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> playerPStates = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getColumnVariables()).template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : playerPStates) {
out << "\tplp_";
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount());
stateName << "_" << index;
index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame->getPlayer2Variables().size());
out << stateName.str() << "_" << index;
out << " [ shape=\"point\", label=\"\" ];" << std::endl;
out << "\tpl2_" << stateName.str() << " -> " << "plp_" << stateName.str() << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl;
for (auto stateValue : filteredTransitions) {
std::stringstream sourceStateName;
std::stringstream successorStateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
sourceStateName << "1";
} else {
sourceStateName << "0";
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getColumnVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
successorStateName << "1";
} else {
successorStateName << "0";
uint_fast64_t pl1Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount());
uint_fast64_t pl2Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame->getPlayer2Variables().size());
out << "\tplp_" << sourceStateName.str() << "_" << pl1Index << "_" << pl2Index << " -> pl1_" << successorStateName.str() << " [ label=\"" << stateValue.second << "\"];" << std::endl;
out << "}" << std::endl;
void JaniMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const {
this->exportToDot(*currentGame, filename, highlightStates, filter);
// Explicitly instantiate the class.


@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ namespace storm {
void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const override;
using MenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot;
* Builds the stochastic game representing the abstraction of the program.


@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace storm {
// DDs use the same amount DD variable encoding the choices of player 2.
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> result = this->getAbstractionInformation().getDdManager().getBddZero();
for (auto const& commandDd : commandDdsAndUsedOptionVariableCounts) {
result |= commandDd.bdd && this->getAbstractionInformation().getPlayer2ZeroCube(commandDd.numberOfPlayer2Variables, maximalNumberOfUsedOptionVariables);
result |= commandDd.bdd && this->getAbstractionInformation().encodePlayer2Choice(1, commandDd.numberOfPlayer2Variables, maximalNumberOfUsedOptionVariables);
return GameBddResult<DdType>(result, maximalNumberOfUsedOptionVariables);


@ -199,139 +199,8 @@ namespace storm {
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType>
void PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStatesBdd, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const {
std::ofstream out(filename);
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> filteredTransitions = filter.template toAdd<ValueType>() * currentGame->getTransitionMatrix();
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredTransitionsBdd = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getNondeterminismVariables());
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredReachableStates = storm::utility::dd::computeReachableStates(currentGame->getInitialStates(), filteredTransitionsBdd, currentGame->getRowVariables(), currentGame->getColumnVariables());
filteredTransitions *= filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>();
// Determine all initial states so we can color them blue.
std::unordered_set<std::string> initialStates;
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> initialStatesAsAdd = currentGame->getInitialStates().template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : initialStatesAsAdd) {
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
// Determine all highlight states so we can color them red.
std::unordered_set<std::string> highlightStates;
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> highlightStatesAdd = highlightStatesBdd.template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : highlightStatesAdd) {
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
out << "digraph game {" << std::endl;
// Create the player 1 nodes.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> statesAsAdd = filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : statesAsAdd) {
out << "\tpl1_";
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
std::string stateNameAsString = stateName.str();
out << stateNameAsString;
out << " [ label=\"";
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true))) {
out << "*\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"none\"";
} else {
out << stateName.str() << "\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"oval\"";
bool isInitial = initialStates.find(stateNameAsString) != initialStates.end();
bool isHighlight = highlightStates.find(stateNameAsString) != highlightStates.end();
if (isInitial && isHighlight) {
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\"";
} else if (isInitial) {
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"blue\"";
} else if (isHighlight) {
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"red\"";
out << " ];" << std::endl;
// Create the nodes of the second player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> player2States = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getColumnVariables()).existsAbstract(currentGame->getPlayer2Variables()).template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : player2States) {
out << "\tpl2_";
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount());
out << stateName.str() << "_" << index;
out << " [ shape=\"square\", width=0, height=0, margin=0, label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl;
out << "\tpl1_" << stateName.str() << " -> " << "pl2_" << stateName.str() << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl;
// Create the nodes of the probabilistic player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> playerPStates = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getColumnVariables()).template toAdd<ValueType>();
for (auto stateValue : playerPStates) {
out << "\tplp_";
std::stringstream stateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
stateName << "1";
} else {
stateName << "0";
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount());
stateName << "_" << index;
index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame->getPlayer2Variables().size());
out << stateName.str() << "_" << index;
out << " [ shape=\"point\", label=\"\" ];" << std::endl;
out << "\tpl2_" << stateName.str() << " -> " << "plp_" << stateName.str() << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl;
for (auto stateValue : filteredTransitions) {
std::stringstream sourceStateName;
std::stringstream successorStateName;
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
sourceStateName << "1";
} else {
sourceStateName << "0";
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getColumnVariables()) {
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) {
successorStateName << "1";
} else {
successorStateName << "0";
uint_fast64_t pl1Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount());
uint_fast64_t pl2Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame->getPlayer2Variables().size());
out << "\tplp_" << sourceStateName.str() << "_" << pl1Index << "_" << pl2Index << " -> pl1_" << successorStateName.str() << " [ label=\"" << stateValue.second << "\"];" << std::endl;
out << "}" << std::endl;
void PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const {
this->exportToDot(*currentGame, filename, highlightStates, filter);
// Explicitly instantiate the class.


@ -107,7 +107,10 @@ namespace storm {
* @param highlightStates A BDD characterizing states that will be highlighted.
* @param filter A filter that is applied to select which part of the game to export.
void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const override;
virtual void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const override;
using MenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot;


@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ namespace storm {
// #ifdef LOCAL_DEBUG
// abstractor->exportToDot("game" + std::to_string(iterations) + ".dot", targetStates, game.getManager().getBddOne());
abstractor->exportToDot("game" + std::to_string(iterations) + ".dot", targetStates, game.getManager().getBddOne());
// #endif
// (3) compute all states with probability 0/1 wrt. to the two different player 2 goals (min/max).


@ -1032,7 +1032,6 @@ namespace storm {
while (!solutionStatesDone) {
// Start by computing the transitions that have only maybe states as successors. Note that at
// this point, there may be illegal transitions.
// FIXME: use getIllegalSuccessorMask instead of !transitionMatrix?
storm::dd::Bdd<Type> distributionsStayingInMaybe = (!transitionMatrix || maybePlayer1States.swapVariables(model.getRowColumnMetaVariablePairs())).universalAbstract(model.getColumnVariables());
// Then, determine all distributions that have at least one successor in the states that have
