@ -231,6 +231,11 @@ namespace storm { |
template <typename ValueType, typename std::enable_if<storm::NumberTraits<ValueType>::SupportsExponential, int>::type> |
void SparseMarkovAutomatonCslHelper::calculateWu(std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> const& relativeReachability, OptimizationDirection dir, uint64_t k, uint64_t node, ValueType lambda, std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& wu, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& fullTransitionMatrix, storm::storage::BitVector const& markovianStates, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, storm::solver::MinMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory<ValueType> const& minMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory){ |
if (wu[k][node]!=-1){return;} //dynamic programming. avoiding multiple calculation.
std::ofstream logfile("U+logfile.txt", std::ios::app); |
auto probabilisticStates = ~markovianStates; |
uint64_t N = wu.size()-1; |
auto const& rowGroupIndices = fullTransitionMatrix.getRowGroupIndices( ); |
@ -255,46 +260,42 @@ namespace storm { |
} |
res+=element.getValue()*wu[k+1][to]; |
} |
wu[k][node]=res; |
} else { |
// applying simpleMDP stuff
auto numberOfStates=relativeReachability[0].size(); |
typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> probMatrix = fullTransitionMatrix.getSubmatrix(true, ~markovianStates , ~markovianStates, true); |
auto probSize = probMatrix.getRowGroupCount(); |
std::vector<ValueType> b(probSize, 0), x(probSize,0); |
std::vector<ValueType> b(probMatrix.getRowCount(), 0), x(probSize,0); |
//calculate b
for (uint64_t i =0 ; i<probSize; i++){ |
auto trueI = transformIndice(~markovianStates, i); |
auto rowStart = rowGroupIndices[trueI]; |
auto rowEnd = rowGroupIndices[trueI+1]; |
res =-1; |
uint64_t lineCounter=0; |
for (int i =0; i<numberOfStates; i++){ |
if (markovianStates[i]){ |
continue; |
} |
auto rowStart = rowGroupIndices[i]; |
auto rowEnd = rowGroupIndices[i+1]; |
for (auto j = rowStart; j<rowEnd; j++){ |
ValueType between =0; |
ValueType res=0; |
for (auto& element:fullTransitionMatrix.getRow(j)){ |
uint64_t to = element.getColumn(); |
if (!markovianStates[to]){ |
auto to = element.getColumn(); |
if (probabilisticStates[to]){ |
continue; |
} |
if (wu[k][to]==-1){ |
calculateWu(relativeReachability, dir, k, to, lambda, wu, fullTransitionMatrix, markovianStates, psiStates, minMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory); |
} |
between+= relativeReachability[j][to]*wu[k][to]; |
res = res + relativeReachability[j][to]*wu[k][to]; |
} |
if (maximize(dir)){ |
res = std::max(res, between); |
} else { |
if (res==-1){ |
res = between; |
} else { |
res =std::min(res,between); |
b[lineCounter]=res; |
lineCounter++; |
} |
} |
logfile << "\nwu reach vector b is \n"; |
for (uint64_t i =0 ; i<probSize; i++){ |
logfile << b[i] << "\n"; |
} |
b[i]=res; |
} |
storm::solver::MinMaxLinearEquationSolverRequirements requirements = minMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory.getRequirements(true, dir); |
@ -344,7 +345,6 @@ namespace storm { |
} |
} */ |
} // end no goal-prob state
wu[k][node]=res; |
} |
template <typename ValueType, typename std::enable_if<storm::NumberTraits<ValueType>::SupportsExponential, int>::type> |
@ -352,6 +352,8 @@ namespace storm { |
std::ofstream logfile("U+logfile.txt", std::ios::app); |
auto probabilisticStates = ~markovianStates; |
if (vd[k][node]!=-1){return;} //dynamic programming. avoiding multiple calculation.
logfile << "calculating vd for k = " << k << " node "<< node << " \t"; |
uint64_t N = vd.size()-1; |
@ -397,41 +399,35 @@ namespace storm { |
auto numberOfStates=relativeReachability[0].size(); |
typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> probMatrix = fullTransitionMatrix.getSubmatrix(true, ~markovianStates , ~markovianStates, true); |
auto probSize = probMatrix.getRowGroupCount(); |
std::vector<ValueType> b(probSize, 0), x(probSize,0); |
std::vector<ValueType> b(probMatrix.getRowCount(), 0), x(probSize,0); |
//calculate b
for (uint64_t i =0 ; i<probSize; i++){ |
auto trueI = transformIndice(~markovianStates, i); |
auto rowStart = rowGroupIndices[trueI]; |
auto rowEnd = rowGroupIndices[trueI+1]; |
res =-1; |
uint64_t lineCounter=0; |
for (int i =0; i<numberOfStates; i++){ |
if (markovianStates[i]){ |
continue; |
} |
auto rowStart = rowGroupIndices[i]; |
auto rowEnd = rowGroupIndices[i+1]; |
for (auto j = rowStart; j<rowEnd; j++){ |
ValueType between =0; |
ValueType res=0; |
for (auto& element:fullTransitionMatrix.getRow(j)){ |
uint64_t to = element.getColumn(); |
if (!markovianStates[to]){ |
auto to = element.getColumn(); |
if (probabilisticStates[to]){ |
continue; |
} |
if (vd[k][to]==-1){ |
calculateVd(relativeReachability, dir, k, to, lambda, vd, fullTransitionMatrix, markovianStates, psiStates, minMaxLinearEquationSolverFactory); |
} |
between+= relativeReachability[j][to]*vd[k][to]; |
} |
if (maximize(dir)){ |
res = std::max(res, between); |
} else { |
if (res==-1){ |
res = between; |
} else { |
res =std::min(res,between); |
res = res + relativeReachability[j][to]*vd[k][to]; |
} |
b[lineCounter]=res; |
lineCounter++; |
} |
} |
b[i]=res; |
} |
logfile << "\nreach vector b is \n"; |
for (uint64_t i =0 ; i<probSize; i++){ |
logfile << "\nvd reach vector b is \n"; |
for (uint64_t i =0 ; i<probMatrix.getRowCount(); i++){ |
logfile << b[i] << "\n"; |
} |
@ -450,8 +446,8 @@ namespace storm { |
solver->solveEquations(dir, x, b); |
logfile << "goal vector x is \n"; |
for (int i =0 ; i<probSize; i++){ |
logfile << "vd goal vector x is \n"; |
for (int i =0 ; i<probMatrix.getRowCount(); i++){ |
logfile << x[i] << "\n"; |
} |