@ -6,9 +6,12 @@
# include "src/parser/NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser.h"
# include "src/utility/Settings.h"
# include "src/exceptions/FileIoException.h"
# include "src/exceptions/WrongFileFormatException.h"
# include "boost/integer/integer_mask.hpp"
# include <cstdlib>
# include <cstdio>
# include <cstring>
@ -25,34 +28,33 @@
extern log4cplus : : Logger logger ;
namespace storm {
namespace parser {
namespace parser {
* @ brief Perform first pass through the file and obtain number of
* non - zero cells and maximum node id .
* @ brief Perform first pass through the file and obtain overall number of
* choices , number of non - zero cells and maximum node id .
* This method does the first pass through the transition file .
* This method does the first pass through the . tra file and computes
* the number of non - zero elements that are not diagonal elements ,
* which correspondents to the number of transitions that are not
* self - loops .
* ( Diagonal elements are treated in a special way ) .
* It also calculates the maximum node id and stores it in maxnode .
* It also stores the maximum number of nondeterministic choices for a
* single single node in maxchoices .
* It computes the overall number of nondeterministic choices , i . e . the
* number of rows in the matrix that should be created .
* It also calculates the overall number of non - zero cells , i . e . the number
* of elements the matrix has to hold , and the maximum node id , i . e . the
* number of columns of the matrix .
* @ return The number of non - zero elements that are not on the diagonal
* @ param buf Data to scan . Is expected to be some char array .
* @ param choices Overall number of choices .
* @ param maxnode Is set to highest id of all nodes .
* @ return The number of non - zero elements .
std : : unique_ptr < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > > NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser : : firstPass ( char * buf , uint_fast64_t & maxnode , uint_fast64_t & maxchoice ) {
std : : unique_ptr < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > > non_zero = std : : unique_ptr < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > > ( new std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > ( ) ) ;
uint_fast64_t NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser : : firstPass ( char * buf , uint_fast64_t & choices , uint_fast64_t & maxnode ) {
* c heck file header and extract number of transitions
* Check file header and extract number of transitions .
buf = strchr ( buf , ' \n ' ) + 1 ; // skip format hint
if ( strncmp ( buf , " STATES " , 7 ) ! = 0 ) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Expected \" STATES \" but got \" " < < std : : string ( buf , 0 , 16 ) < < " \" . " ) ;
return nullptr ;
return 0 ;
buf + = 7 ; // skip "STATES "
if ( strtol ( buf , & buf , 10 ) = = 0 ) return 0 ;
@ -62,49 +64,79 @@ std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> NonDeterministicSparseTransitionPars
return 0 ;
buf + = 12 ; // skip "TRANSITIONS "
strtol ( buf , & buf , 10 ) ;
* Parse number of transitions .
* We will not actually use this value , but we will compare it to the
* number of transitions we count and issue a warning if this parsed
* vlaue is wrong .
uint_fast64_t parsed_nonzero = strtol ( buf , & buf , 10 ) ;
* check all transitions for non - zero diagonal entrys
* Read all transitions .
uint_fast64_t row , col , ndchoice ;
uint_fast64_t source , target ;
uint_fast64_t lastsource = 0 ;
uint_fast64_t nonzero = 0 ;
double val ;
choices = 0 ;
maxnode = 0 ;
maxchoice = 0 ;
while ( buf [ 0 ] ! = ' \0 ' ) {
* read row and column
* Read source node and choice .
* Check if current source node is larger than current maximum node id .
* Increase number of choices .
* Check if we have skipped any source node , i . e . if any node has no
* outgoing transitions . If so , increase nonzero ( and
* parsed_nonzero ) .
row = checked_strtol ( buf , & buf ) ;
ndchoice = checked_strtol ( buf , & buf ) ;
col = checked_strtol ( buf , & buf ) ;
* check if one is larger than the current maximum id
if ( row > maxnode ) maxnode = row ;
if ( col > maxnode ) maxnode = col ;
* check if nondeterministic choice is larger than current maximum
if ( ndchoice > maxchoice )
maxchoice = ndchoice ;
while ( non_zero - > size ( ) < maxchoice ) non_zero - > push_back ( 0 ) ;
source = checked_strtol ( buf , & buf ) ;
if ( source > maxnode ) maxnode = source ;
choices + + ;
if ( source > lastsource + 1 ) {
nonzero + = source - lastsource - 1 ;
parsed_nonzero + = source - lastsource - 1 ;
buf + = strcspn ( buf , " \t \n \r " ) ; // Skip name of choice.
* read value .
* if row = = col , we have a diagonal element which is treated separately and this non_zero must be decreased .
* Read all targets for this choice .
val = checked_strtod ( buf , & buf ) ;
if ( ( val < 0.0 ) | | ( val > 1.0 ) ) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Expected a positive probability but got \" " < < std : : string ( buf , 0 , 16 ) < < " \" . " ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( row ! = col ) ( * non_zero ) [ ndchoice - 1 ] + + ;
buf = trimWhitespaces ( buf ) ;
while ( buf [ 0 ] = = ' * ' ) {
buf + + ;
* Read target node and transition value .
* Check if current target node is larger than current maximum node id .
* Check if the transition value is a valid probability .
target = checked_strtol ( buf , & buf ) ;
if ( target > maxnode ) maxnode = target ;
val = checked_strtod ( buf , & buf ) ;
if ( ( val < 0.0 ) | | ( val > 1.0 ) ) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Expected a positive probability but got \" " < < std : : string ( buf , 0 , 16 ) < < " \" . " ) ;
return 0 ;
* Increase number of non - zero values .
nonzero + + ;
* Proceed to beginning of next line .
buf = trimWhitespaces ( buf ) ;
return non_zero ;
* Check if the number of transitions given in the file is correct .
if ( nonzero ! = parsed_nonzero ) {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN ( logger , " File states to have " < < parsed_nonzero < < " transitions, but I counted " < < nonzero < < " . Maybe want to fix your file? " ) ;
return nonzero ;
@ -135,12 +167,12 @@ NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser::NonDeterministicSparseTransitionParser(s
* perform first pass , i . e . count entries that are not zero and not on the diagonal
uint_fast64_t maxnode , maxchoices ;
std : : unique_ptr < std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > > non_zero = this - > firstPass ( file . data , maxnode , maxchoices ) ;
uint_fast64_t non_zero = this - > firstPass ( file . data , maxnode , maxchoices ) ;
* if first pass returned zero , the file format was wrong
if ( non_zero = = nullptr )
if ( non_zero = = 0 )
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Error while parsing " < < filename < < " : erroneous file format. " ) ;
throw storm : : exceptions : : WrongFileFormatException ( ) ;