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Make quick power iteration respect the relevant Values

TimQu 7 years ago
  1. 94


@ -555,8 +555,6 @@ namespace storm {
return converged;
template<typename ValueType>
bool NativeLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>::solveEquationsQuickSoundPower(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b) const {
STORM_LOG_INFO("Solving linear equation system (" << x.size() << " rows) with NativeLinearEquationSolver (QuickPower)");
@ -577,53 +575,94 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<ValueType>* tmp = &x;
bool converged = false;
bool terminate = false;
uint64_t iterations = 0;
ValueType precision = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(env.solver().native().getPrecision());
ValueType lowerValueBound, upperValueBound;
bool relative = env.solver().native().getRelativeTerminationCriterion();
if (!relative) {
precision *= storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0);
uint64_t maxIter = env.solver().native().getMaximalNumberOfIterations();
//std::cout << *this->A << std::endl;
//std::cout << storm::utility::vector::toString(b) << std::endl;
//std::cout << "solving eq sys.. " << std::endl;
uint64_t iterations = 0;
bool converged = false;
bool terminate = false;
ValueType minValueBound, maxValueBound;
uint64_t minIndex(0), maxIndex(0);
uint64_t firstStayProb1Index = 0;
uint64_t firstIndexViolatingConvergence = this->hasRelevantValues() ? this->getRelevantValues().getNextSetIndex(0) : 0;
uint64_t firstProb1Entry = 0;
while (!converged && !terminate && iterations < maxIter) {
// Apply step
this->multiplier.multAdd(*this->A, *stepBoundedValues, &b, *tmp);
std::swap(tmp, stepBoundedValues);
this->multiplier.multAdd(*this->A, *stepBoundedStayProbabilities, nullptr, *tmp);
std::swap(tmp, stepBoundedStayProbabilities);
for (; firstProb1Entry != stepBoundedStayProbabilities->size(); ++firstProb1Entry) {
//std::cout << "Iteration " << iterations << std::endl;
//std::cout << "x: " << storm::utility::vector::toString(*stepBoundedValues) << std::endl;
//std::cout << "y: " << storm::utility::vector::toString(*stepBoundedStayProbabilities) << std::endl;
// Check for convergence
// Phase 1: the probability to 'stay within the matrix' has to be < 1 at every state
for (; firstStayProb1Index != stepBoundedStayProbabilities->size(); ++firstStayProb1Index) {
static_assert(NumberTraits<ValueType>::IsExact || std::is_same<ValueType, double>::value, "Considered ValueType not handled.");
if (NumberTraits<ValueType>::IsExact) {
if (storm::utility::isOne(stepBoundedStayProbabilities->at(firstProb1Entry))) {
if (storm::utility::isOne(stepBoundedStayProbabilities->at(firstStayProb1Index))) {
} else {
if (storm::utility::isAlmostOne(storm::utility::convertNumber<double>(stepBoundedStayProbabilities->at(firstProb1Entry)))) {
if (storm::utility::isAlmostOne(storm::utility::convertNumber<double>(stepBoundedStayProbabilities->at(firstStayProb1Index)))) {
// std::cout << "In Phase 1" << std::endl;
if (firstProb1Entry == stepBoundedStayProbabilities->size()) {
auto valIt = stepBoundedValues->begin();
auto valIte = stepBoundedValues->end();
auto probIt = stepBoundedStayProbabilities->begin();
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!storm::utility::isOne(*probIt), "Did not expect staying-probability 1 at this point.");
lowerValueBound = *valIt / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - *probIt);
upperValueBound = lowerValueBound;
ValueType largestStayProb = *probIt;
for (; valIt != valIte; ++valIt, ++probIt) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!storm::utility::isOne(*probIt), "Did not expect staying-probability 1 at this point.");
ValueType currentBound = *valIt / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - *probIt);
lowerValueBound = std::min(lowerValueBound, currentBound);
upperValueBound = std::max(upperValueBound, currentBound);
largestStayProb = std::max(largestStayProb, *probIt);
if (firstStayProb1Index == stepBoundedStayProbabilities->size()) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!std::any_of(stepBoundedStayProbabilities->begin(), stepBoundedStayProbabilities->end(), [](ValueType value){return storm::utility::isOne(value);}), "Did not expect staying-probability 1 at this point.");
// Phase 2: the difference between lower and upper bound has to be < precision at every (relevant) value
// std::cout << "In Phase 2" << std::endl;
// First check with (possibly too tight) bounds from a previous iteration. Only compute the actual bounds if this first check passes.
minValueBound = stepBoundedValues->at(minIndex) / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - stepBoundedStayProbabilities->at(minIndex));
maxValueBound = stepBoundedValues->at(maxIndex) / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - stepBoundedStayProbabilities->at(maxIndex));
ValueType const& stayProb = stepBoundedStayProbabilities->at(firstIndexViolatingConvergence);
if (stayProb * (maxValueBound - minValueBound) < precision) {
// Compute the actual bounds now
auto valIt = stepBoundedValues->begin();
auto valIte = stepBoundedValues->end();
auto probIt = stepBoundedStayProbabilities->begin();
for (uint64_t index = 0; valIt != valIte; ++valIt, ++probIt, ++index) {
ValueType currentBound = *valIt / (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - *probIt);
if (currentBound < minValueBound) {
minIndex = index;
minValueBound = std::move(currentBound);
} else if (currentBound > maxValueBound) {
maxIndex = index;
maxValueBound = std::move(currentBound);
if (stayProb * (maxValueBound - minValueBound) < precision) {
// The current index satisfies the desired bound. We now move to the next index that violates it
do {
if (this->hasRelevantValues()) {
firstIndexViolatingConvergence = this->getRelevantValues().getNextSetIndex(firstIndexViolatingConvergence);
if (firstIndexViolatingConvergence == stepBoundedStayProbabilities->size()) {
converged = true;
} else if (stepBoundedStayProbabilities->at(firstIndexViolatingConvergence) * (maxValueBound - minValueBound) >= precision) {
// not converged yet
} while (true);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!relative, "Relative termination criterion not implemented currently.");
converged = largestStayProb * (upperValueBound - lowerValueBound) < precision;
STORM_LOG_INFO_COND(!converged, "Lower value bound: " << lowerValueBound << " Upper value bound: " << upperValueBound << " Largest stay prob.: " << largestStayProb);
// Potentially show progress.
@ -635,7 +674,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Finally set up the solution vector
ValueType meanBound = (upperValueBound - lowerValueBound) / storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0);
ValueType meanBound = (maxValueBound + minValueBound) / storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0);
storm::utility::vector::applyPointwise(*stepBoundedValues, *stepBoundedStayProbabilities, x, [&meanBound] (ValueType const& v, ValueType const& p) { return v + p * meanBound; });
if (!this->isCachingEnabled()) {
@ -643,6 +682,7 @@ namespace storm {
this->logIterations(converged, terminate, iterations);
STORM_LOG_INFO("Quick Power Iteration terminated with lower value bound " << minValueBound << " and upper value bound " << maxValueBound << ".");
return converged;
