@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# include "storm/solver/IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver.h"
# include "storm/utility/ConstantsComparator.h"
# include "storm/settings/SettingsManager.h"
# include "storm/settings/modules/GeneralSettings.h"
# include "storm/settings/modules/MinMaxEquationSolverSettings.h"
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@
# include "storm/exceptions/InvalidSettingsException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/InvalidStateException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/UnmetRequirementException.h"
# include "storm/exceptions/NotSupportedException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace solver {
@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ namespace storm {
case MinMaxMethod : : ValueIteration : this - > solutionMethod = SolutionMethod : : ValueIteration ; break ;
case MinMaxMethod : : PolicyIteration : this - > solutionMethod = SolutionMethod : : PolicyIteration ; break ;
case MinMaxMethod : : Acyclic : this - > solutionMethod = SolutionMethod : : Acyclic ; break ;
case MinMaxMethod : : RationalSearch : this - > solutionMethod = SolutionMethod : : RationalSearch ; break ;
default :
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidSettingsException , " Unsupported technique for iterative MinMax linear equation solver. " ) ;
@ -128,6 +132,8 @@ namespace storm {
return solveEquationsPolicyIteration ( dir , x , b ) ;
case IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolverSettings < ValueType > : : SolutionMethod : : Acyclic :
return solveEquationsAcyclic ( dir , x , b ) ;
case IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolverSettings < ValueType > : : SolutionMethod : : RationalSearch :
return solveEquationsRationalSearch ( dir , x , b ) ;
default :
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidSettingsException , " This solver does not implement the selected solution method " ) ;
@ -287,6 +293,46 @@ namespace storm {
return requirements ;
template < typename ValueType >
typename IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : ValueIterationResult IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : performValueIteration ( OptimizationDirection dir , std : : vector < ValueType > * & currentX , std : : vector < ValueType > * & newX , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b , ValueType const & precision , bool relative , SolverGuarantee const & guarantee , uint64_t currentIterations ) const {
// Get handle to linear equation solver.
storm : : solver : : LinearEquationSolver < ValueType > const & linearEquationSolver = * this - > linEqSolverA ;
// Allow aliased multiplications.
bool useGaussSeidelMultiplication = linearEquationSolver . supportsGaussSeidelMultiplication ( ) & & settings . getValueIterationMultiplicationStyle ( ) = = storm : : solver : : MultiplicationStyle : : GaussSeidel ;
// Proceed with the iterations as long as the method did not converge or reach the maximum number of iterations.
uint64_t iterations = currentIterations ;
Status status = Status : : InProgress ;
while ( status = = Status : : InProgress ) {
// Compute x' = min/max(A*x + b).
if ( useGaussSeidelMultiplication ) {
// Copy over the current vector so we can modify it in-place.
* newX = * currentX ;
linearEquationSolver . multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel ( dir , this - > A - > getRowGroupIndices ( ) , * newX , & b ) ;
} else {
linearEquationSolver . multiplyAndReduce ( dir , this - > A - > getRowGroupIndices ( ) , * currentX , & b , * newX ) ;
// Determine whether the method converged.
if ( storm : : utility : : vector : : equalModuloPrecision < ValueType > ( * currentX , * newX , precision , relative ) ) {
status = Status : : Converged ;
// Potentially show progress.
this - > showProgressIterative ( iterations ) ;
// Update environment variables.
std : : swap ( currentX , newX ) ;
+ + iterations ;
status = updateStatusIfNotConverged ( status , * currentX , iterations , guarantee ) ;
return ValueIterationResult ( iterations , status ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
bool IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsValueIteration ( OptimizationDirection dir , std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
if ( ! this - > linEqSolverA ) {
@ -327,44 +373,18 @@ namespace storm {
if ( dir = = storm : : OptimizationDirection : : Minimize ) {
guarantee = SolverGuarantee : : GreaterOrEqual ;
} else {
// If no initial scheduler is given, we start from the lower bound.
this - > createLowerBoundsVector ( x ) ;
// Allow aliased multiplications.
bool useGaussSeidelMultiplication = this - > linEqSolverA - > supportsGaussSeidelMultiplication ( ) & & settings . getValueIterationMultiplicationStyle ( ) = = storm : : solver : : MultiplicationStyle : : GaussSeidel ;
std : : vector < ValueType > * newX = auxiliaryRowGroupVector . get ( ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > * currentX = & x ;
// Proceed with the iterations as long as the method did not converge or reach the maximum number of iterations.
uint64_t iterations = 0 ;
this - > startMeasureProgress ( ) ;
Status status = Status : : InProgress ;
while ( status = = Status : : InProgress ) {
// Compute x' = min/max(A*x + b).
if ( useGaussSeidelMultiplication ) {
// Copy over the current vector so we can modify it in-place.
* newX = * currentX ;
this - > linEqSolverA - > multiplyAndReduceGaussSeidel ( dir , this - > A - > getRowGroupIndices ( ) , * newX , & b ) ;
} else {
this - > linEqSolverA - > multiplyAndReduce ( dir , this - > A - > getRowGroupIndices ( ) , * currentX , & b , * newX ) ;
// Determine whether the method converged.
if ( storm : : utility : : vector : : equalModuloPrecision < ValueType > ( * currentX , * newX , this - > getSettings ( ) . getPrecision ( ) , this - > getSettings ( ) . getRelativeTerminationCriterion ( ) ) ) {
status = Status : : Converged ;
// Potentially show progress.
this - > showProgressIterative ( iterations ) ;
// Update environment variables.
std : : swap ( currentX , newX ) ;
+ + iterations ;
status = updateStatusIfNotConverged ( status , * currentX , iterations , guarantee ) ;
reportStatus ( status , iterations ) ;
ValueIterationResult result = performValueIteration ( dir , currentX , newX , b , this - > getSettings ( ) . getPrecision ( ) , this - > getSettings ( ) . getRelativeTerminationCriterion ( ) , guarantee , 0 ) ;
reportStatus ( result . status , result . iterations ) ;
// If we performed an odd number of iterations, we need to swap the x and currentX, because the newest result
// is currently stored in currentX, but x is the output vector.
@ -377,12 +397,12 @@ namespace storm {
this - > schedulerChoices = std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > ( this - > A - > getRowGroupCount ( ) ) ;
this - > linEqSolverA - > multiplyAndReduce ( dir , this - > A - > getRowGroupIndices ( ) , x , & b , * currentX , & this - > schedulerChoices . get ( ) ) ;
if ( ! this - > isCachingEnabled ( ) ) {
clearCache ( ) ;
return status = = Status : : Converged | | status = = Status : : TerminatedEarly ;
return result . status = = Status : : Converged | | result . status = = Status : : TerminatedEarly ;
template < typename ValueType >
@ -409,6 +429,12 @@ namespace storm {
return result ;
* This version of value iteration is sound , because it approaches the solution from below and above . This
* technique is due to Haddad and Monmege ( Interval iteration algorithm for MDPs and IMDPs , TCS 2017 ) and was
* extended to rewards by Baier , Klein , Leuschner , Parker and Wunderlich ( Ensuring the Reliability of Your
* Model Checker : Interval Iteration for Markov Decision Processes , CAV 2017 ) .
template < typename ValueType >
bool IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsSoundValueIteration ( OptimizationDirection dir , std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( this - > hasUpperBound ( ) , storm : : exceptions : : UnmetRequirementException , " Solver requires upper bound, but none was given. " ) ;
@ -580,6 +606,225 @@ namespace storm {
return status = = Status : : Converged ;
template < typename ValueType >
bool IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : isSolution ( storm : : OptimizationDirection dir , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & matrix , std : : vector < ValueType > const & values , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) {
storm : : utility : : ConstantsComparator < ValueType > comparator ;
auto valueIt = values . begin ( ) ;
auto bIt = b . begin ( ) ;
for ( uint64_t group = 0 ; group < matrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) ; + + group , + + valueIt ) {
ValueType groupValue = * bIt ;
uint64_t row = matrix . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ group ] ;
groupValue + = matrix . multiplyRowWithVector ( row , values ) ;
+ + row ;
+ + bIt ;
for ( auto endRow = matrix . getRowGroupIndices ( ) [ group + 1 ] ; row < endRow ; + + row , + + bIt ) {
ValueType newValue = * bIt ;
newValue + = matrix . multiplyRowWithVector ( row , values ) ;
if ( ( dir = = storm : : OptimizationDirection : : Minimize & & newValue < groupValue ) | | ( dir = = storm : : OptimizationDirection : : Maximize & & newValue > groupValue ) ) {
groupValue = newValue ;
// If the value does not match the one in the values vector, the given vector is not a solution.
if ( ! comparator . isEqual ( groupValue , * valueIt ) ) {
return false ;
// Checked all values at this point.
return true ;
template < typename ValueType >
std : : pair < ValueType , ValueType > findRational ( ValueType const & alpha , ValueType const & beta , ValueType const & gamma , ValueType const & delta ) {
ValueType alphaDivBeta = alpha / beta ;
ValueType alphaDivBetaFloor = storm : : utility : : floor ( alphaDivBeta ) ;
ValueType gammaDivDeltaFloor = storm : : utility : : floor < ValueType > ( gamma / delta ) ;
if ( alphaDivBetaFloor = = gammaDivDeltaFloor & & ! storm : : utility : : isInteger ( alphaDivBeta ) ) {
std : : pair < ValueType , ValueType > subresult = findRational ( delta , storm : : utility : : mod ( gamma , delta ) , beta , storm : : utility : : mod ( alpha , beta ) ) ;
auto result = std : : make_pair ( alphaDivBetaFloor * subresult . first + subresult . second , subresult . first ) ;
return result ;
} else {
auto result = std : : make_pair ( storm : : utility : : ceil ( alphaDivBeta ) , storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) ) ;
return result ;
template < typename ValueType >
ValueType truncateToRational ( double const & value , uint64_t precision ) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( precision < 16 , " Truncating via double is not sound. " ) ;
auto powerOfTen = std : : pow ( 10 , precision ) ;
double truncated = std : : trunc ( value * powerOfTen ) ;
return storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType > ( truncated ) / storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType > ( powerOfTen ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
ValueType findRational ( uint64_t precision , double const & value ) {
ValueType truncatedFraction = truncateToRational < ValueType > ( value , precision ) ;
ValueType ten = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < ValueType > ( 10 ) ;
ValueType powerOfTen = storm : : utility : : pow < ValueType > ( ten , precision ) ;
ValueType multiplier = powerOfTen / storm : : utility : : denominator ( truncatedFraction ) ;
ValueType numerator = storm : : utility : : numerator ( truncatedFraction ) * multiplier ;
std : : pair < ValueType , ValueType > result = findRational < ValueType > ( numerator , powerOfTen , numerator + storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) , powerOfTen ) ;
return result . first / result . second ;
template < typename ValueType >
bool IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : sharpen ( storm : : OptimizationDirection dir , uint64_t precision , storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > const & A , std : : vector < double > const & x , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > const & b , std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > & tmp ) {
for ( uint64_t p = 1 ; p < precision ; + + p ) {
for ( uint64_t state = 0 ; state < x . size ( ) ; + + state ) {
storm : : RationalNumber rationalX = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < storm : : RationalNumber , double > ( x [ state ] ) ;
storm : : RationalNumber integer = storm : : utility : : floor ( rationalX ) ;
storm : : RationalNumber fraction = rationalX - integer ;
tmp [ state ] = integer + findRational < storm : : RationalNumber > ( p , storm : : utility : : convertNumber < double , storm : : RationalNumber > ( fraction ) ) ;
if ( IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < storm : : RationalNumber > : : isSolution ( dir , A , tmp , b ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
template < typename ValueType >
void IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : createLinearEquationSolver ( ) const {
this - > linEqSolverA = this - > linearEquationSolverFactory - > create ( * this - > A ) ;
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename ImpreciseValueType >
std : : enable_if < std : : is_same < ValueType , ImpreciseValueType > : : value , bool > IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper ( OptimizationDirection dir , std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename ImpreciseValueType >
std : : enable_if < ! std : : is_same < ValueType , ImpreciseValueType > : : value , bool > IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper ( OptimizationDirection dir , std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
template < typename ValueType >
bool IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsRationalSearch ( OptimizationDirection dir , std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
if ( this - > getSettings ( ) . getForceSoundness ( ) ) {
solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper < ValueType > ( dir , x , b ) ;
} else {
solveEquationsRationalSearchHelper < double > ( dir , x , b ) ;
// Create an imprecise solver with caching enabled.
IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < double > impreciseSolver ( std : : make_unique < storm : : solver : : GeneralLinearEquationSolverFactory < double > > ( ) ) ;
impreciseSolver . setMatrix ( this - > A - > template toValueType < double > ( ) ) ;
impreciseSolver . createLinearEquationSolver ( ) ;
impreciseSolver . setCachingEnabled ( true ) ;
std : : vector < double > impreciseX ( x . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > tmp ( x . size ( ) ) ;
this - > createLowerBoundsVector ( tmp ) ;
auto targetIt = impreciseX . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto sourceIt = tmp . begin ( ) ; targetIt ! = impreciseX . end ( ) ; + + targetIt , + + sourceIt ) {
* targetIt = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < double , ValueType > ( * sourceIt ) ;
std : : vector < double > impreciseTmpX ( x . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < double > impreciseB ( b . size ( ) ) ;
auto targetIt = impreciseB . begin ( ) ;
for ( auto sourceIt = b . begin ( ) ; targetIt ! = impreciseB . end ( ) ; + + targetIt , + + sourceIt ) {
* targetIt = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < double , ValueType > ( * sourceIt ) ;
std : : vector < double > * currentX = & impreciseX ;
std : : vector < double > * newX = & impreciseTmpX ;
Status status = Status : : InProgress ;
uint64_t overallIterations = 0 ;
ValueType precision = this - > getSettings ( ) . getPrecision ( ) ;
impreciseSolver . startMeasureProgress ( ) ;
while ( status = = Status : : InProgress & & overallIterations < this - > getSettings ( ) . getMaximalNumberOfIterations ( ) ) {
// Perform value iteration with the current precision.
IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < double > : : ValueIterationResult result = impreciseSolver . performValueIteration ( dir , currentX , newX , impreciseB , storm : : utility : : convertNumber < double , ValueType > ( precision ) , this - > getSettings ( ) . getRelativeTerminationCriterion ( ) , SolverGuarantee : : LessOrEqual , overallIterations ) ;
// Count the iterations.
overallIterations + = result . iterations ;
// Try to sharpen the result.
uint64_t p = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < uint64_t > ( storm : : utility : : ceil ( storm : : utility : : log10 < ValueType > ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) / precision ) ) ) ;
bool foundSolution = sharpen ( dir , p , * this - > A , * currentX , b , x ) ;
if ( foundSolution ) {
status = Status : : Converged ;
} else {
precision = precision / 10 ;
reportStatus ( status , overallIterations ) ;
if ( ! this - > isCachingEnabled ( ) ) {
clearCache ( ) ;
return status = = Status : : Converged | | status = = Status : : TerminatedEarly ;
template < >
bool IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < double > : : solveEquationsRationalSearch ( OptimizationDirection dir , std : : vector < double > & x , std : : vector < double > const & b ) const {
// Create a rational representation of the input so we can check for a proper solution later.
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < storm : : RationalNumber > rationalA = this - > A - > toValueType < storm : : RationalNumber > ( ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > rationalX ( x . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : RationalNumber > rationalB = storm : : utility : : vector : : convertNumericVector < storm : : RationalNumber > ( b ) ;
if ( ! this - > linEqSolverA ) {
this - > linEqSolverA = this - > linearEquationSolverFactory - > create ( * this - > A ) ;
this - > linEqSolverA - > setCachingEnabled ( true ) ;
if ( ! auxiliaryRowGroupVector ) {
auxiliaryRowGroupVector = std : : make_unique < std : : vector < double > > ( this - > A - > getRowGroupCount ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < double > * newX = auxiliaryRowGroupVector . get ( ) ;
std : : vector < double > * currentX = & x ;
Status status = Status : : InProgress ;
uint64_t overallIterations = 0 ;
double precision = this - > getSettings ( ) . getPrecision ( ) ;
this - > startMeasureProgress ( ) ;
while ( status = = Status : : InProgress & & overallIterations < this - > getSettings ( ) . getMaximalNumberOfIterations ( ) ) {
// Perform value iteration with the current precision.
ValueIterationResult result = performValueIteration ( dir , currentX , newX , b , precision , this - > getSettings ( ) . getRelativeTerminationCriterion ( ) , SolverGuarantee : : LessOrEqual , overallIterations ) ;
// Count the iterations.
overallIterations + = result . iterations ;
// Try to sharpen the result.
uint64_t p = storm : : utility : : convertNumber < uint64_t > ( storm : : utility : : ceil ( storm : : utility : : log10 < storm : : RationalNumber > ( storm : : utility : : one < storm : : RationalNumber > ( ) / storm : : utility : : convertNumber < storm : : RationalNumber > ( precision ) ) ) ) ;
bool foundSolution = sharpen ( dir , p , rationalA , * currentX , rationalB , rationalX ) ;
if ( foundSolution ) {
status = Status : : Converged ;
} else {
precision = precision / 10 ;
reportStatus ( status , overallIterations ) ;
if ( ! this - > isCachingEnabled ( ) ) {
clearCache ( ) ;
return status = = Status : : Converged | | status = = Status : : TerminatedEarly ;
template < typename ValueType >
bool IterativeMinMaxLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsAcyclic ( OptimizationDirection dir , std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
uint64_t numGroups = this - > A - > getRowGroupCount ( ) ;