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All methods of GraphAnalyzer:

* commented,
* return values instead of passing result variables by reference.
dehnert 12 years ago
  1. 43


@ -421,13 +421,11 @@ public:
* Performs a decomposition of the given matrix belonging to a nondeterministic model and vector indicating the
* nondeterministic choices into SCCs.
* Performs a decomposition of the given nondetermistic model into its SCCs.
* @param matrix The matrix of the nondeterminstic model to decompose.
* @param nondeterministicChoiceIndices A vector indicating the non-deterministic choices of each state in the matrix.
* @param model The nondeterminstic model to decompose.
* @return A pair whose first component represents the SCCs and whose second component represents the dependency
* transitions of the SCCs.
* graph of the SCCs.
template <typename T>
static std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>>, storm::models::GraphTransitions<T>> performSccDecomposition(storm::models::AbstractNondeterministicModel<T> const& model) {
@ -455,12 +453,13 @@ public:
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> topologicalSort;
// Prepare the stacks needed for recursion.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> recursionStack;
std::vector<typename storm::models::GraphTransitions<T>::stateSuccessorIterator> iteratorRecursionStack;
// Perform a depth-first search over the given transitions and record states in the reverse order they were visited.
storm::storage::BitVector visitedStates(transitions.getNumberOfStates());
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < transitions.getNumberOfStates(); ++state) {
if (!visitedStates.get(state)) {
@ -515,20 +514,28 @@ public:
* Performs an SCC decomposition of the system given by its forward transitions.
* @param forwardTransitions The (forward) transition relation of the model to decompose.
* @return A pair whose first component represents the SCCs and whose second component represents the dependency
* graph of the SCCs.
template <typename T>
static std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>>, storm::models::GraphTransitions<T>> performSccDecomposition(uint_fast64_t numberOfStates, storm::models::GraphTransitions<T> const& forwardTransitions) {
static std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>>, storm::models::GraphTransitions<T>> performSccDecomposition(storm::models::GraphTransitions<T> const& forwardTransitions) {
std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>>, storm::models::GraphTransitions<T>> sccDecomposition;
uint_fast64_t numberOfStates = forwardTransitions.getNumberOfStates();
// Set up the environment of Tarjan's algorithm.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> tarjanStack;
storm::storage::BitVector tarjanStackStates(numberOfStates);
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> stateIndices(numberOfStates);
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> lowlinks(numberOfStates);
storm::storage::BitVector visitedStates(numberOfStates);
std::map<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t> stateToSccMap;
// Start the search for SCCs from every vertex in the graph structure, because there is.
uint_fast64_t currentIndex = 0;
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < numberOfStates; ++state) {
if (!visitedStates.get(state)) {
@ -536,10 +543,26 @@ private:
// Finally, determine the dependency graph over the SCCs and return result.
sccDecomposition.second = storm::models::GraphTransitions<T>(forwardTransitions, sccDecomposition.first, stateToSccMap);
return sccDecomposition;
* Performs an SCC decomposition using Tarjan's algorithm.
* @param startState The state at which the search is started.
* @param currentIndex The index that is to be used as the next free index.
* @param stateIndices The vector that stores the index for each state.
* @param lowlinks A vector that stores the lowlink of each state, i.e. the lowest index of a state reachable from
* a particular state.
* @param tarjanStack A stack used for Tarjan's algorithm.
* @param tarjanStackStates A bit vector that represents all states that are currently contained in tarjanStack.
* @param visitedStates A bit vector that stores all states that have already been visited.
* @param forwardTransitions The (forward) transition relation of the graph structure.
* @param stronglyConnectedComponents A vector of strongly connected components to which newly found SCCs are added.
* @param stateToSccMap A mapping from state indices to SCC indices that maps each state to its SCC.
template <typename T>
static void performSccDecompositionHelper(uint_fast64_t startState, uint_fast64_t& currentIndex, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& stateIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& lowlinks, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& tarjanStack, storm::storage::BitVector& tarjanStackStates, storm::storage::BitVector& visitedStates, storm::models::GraphTransitions<T> const& forwardTransitions, std::vector<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>>& stronglyConnectedComponents, std::map<uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t>& stateToSccMap) {
// Create the stacks needed for turning the recursive formulation of Tarjan's algorithm
