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Added reward parsing:

* Transition-based rewards are parsed using the existing (Deterministic)SparseTransitionsParser.
* State-based rewards are parsed using a new SparseStateRewardParser that parses lines consisting of a state and an associated reward.
* The Dtmc class now stores the two reward models.
* The DtmcParser class now parses up to one transition-based and one state-based reward file. They may, however, be omitted in which case the respective reward model is set to null.
dehnert 12 years ago
  1. 10
  2. 34
  3. 24
  4. 3
  5. 2


@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include "src/modelChecker/DtmcPrctlModelChecker.h"
#include "src/solver/GraphAnalyzer.h"
#include "src/utility/Vector.h"
#include "src/utility/ConstTemplates.h"
#include "src/utility/Settings.h"
#include "gmm/gmm_matrix.h"
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
// Create the vector with which to multiply.
std::vector<Type>* result = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
mrmc::utility::setVectorValues(result, *rightStates, static_cast<Type>(1.0));
mrmc::utility::setVectorValues(result, *rightStates, mrmc::utility::constGetOne<Type>());
// Now perform matrix-vector multiplication as long as we meet the bound of the formula.
std::vector<Type>* swap = nullptr;
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public:
// Create the vector with which to multiply and initialize it correctly.
std::vector<Type> x(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
mrmc::utility::setVectorValues(&x, *nextStates, static_cast<Type>(1.0));
mrmc::utility::setVectorValues(&x, *nextStates, mrmc::utility::constGetOne<Type>());
// Delete obsolete sub-result.
delete nextStates;
@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ public:
// Set values of resulting vector that are known exactly.
mrmc::utility::setVectorValues<Type>(result, notExistsPhiUntilPsiStates, static_cast<Type>(0));
mrmc::utility::setVectorValues<Type>(result, alwaysPhiUntilPsiStates, static_cast<Type>(1.0));
mrmc::utility::setVectorValues<Type>(result, notExistsPhiUntilPsiStates, mrmc::utility::constGetZero<Type>());
mrmc::utility::setVectorValues<Type>(result, alwaysPhiUntilPsiStates, mrmc::utility::constGetOne<Type>());
return result;


@ -39,8 +39,13 @@ public:
* @param stateLabeling The labeling that assigns a set of atomic
* propositions to each state.
Dtmc(std::shared_ptr<mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<T>> probabilityMatrix, std::shared_ptr<mrmc::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling> stateLabeling)
: probabilityMatrix(probabilityMatrix), stateLabeling(stateLabeling), backwardTransitions(nullptr) {
Dtmc(std::shared_ptr<mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<T>> probabilityMatrix,
std::shared_ptr<mrmc::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling> stateLabeling,
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<T>> stateRewards = nullptr,
std::shared_ptr<mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<T>> transitionRewardMatrix = nullptr)
: probabilityMatrix(probabilityMatrix), stateLabeling(stateLabeling),
stateRewards(stateRewards), transitionRewardMatrix(transitionRewardMatrix),
backwardTransitions(nullptr) {
if (!this->checkValidityProbabilityMatrix()) {
std::cerr << "Probability matrix is invalid" << std::endl;
@ -52,7 +57,8 @@ public:
* @param dtmc A reference to the DTMC that is to be copied.
Dtmc(const Dtmc<T> &dtmc) : probabilityMatrix(dtmc.probabilityMatrix),
stateLabeling(dtmc.stateLabeling) {
stateLabeling(dtmc.stateLabeling), stateRewards(dtmc.stateRewards),
transitionRewardMatrix(dtmc.transitionRewardMatrix) {
if (dtmc.backardTransitions != nullptr) {
this->backwardTransitions = new mrmc::models::GraphTransitions<T>(*dtmc.backwardTransitions);
@ -108,6 +114,22 @@ public:
return this->probabilityMatrix;
* Returns a pointer to the matrix representing the transition rewards.
* @return A pointer to the matrix representing the transition rewards.
std::shared_ptr<mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<T>> getTransitionRewardMatrix() const {
return this->transitionRewardMatrix;
* Returns a pointer to the vector representing the state rewards.
* @return A pointer to the vector representing the state rewards.
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<T>> getStateRewards() const {
return this->stateRewards;
@ -170,6 +192,12 @@ private:
/*! The labeling of the states of the DTMC. */
std::shared_ptr<mrmc::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling> stateLabeling;
/*! The state-based rewards of the DTMC. */
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<T>> stateRewards;
/*! The transition-based rewards of the DTMC. */
std::shared_ptr<mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<T>> transitionRewardMatrix;
* A data structure that stores the predecessors for all states. This is
* needed for backwards directed searches.


@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "DtmcParser.h"
#include "DeterministicSparseTransitionParser.h"
#include "AtomicPropositionLabelingParser.h"
#include "SparseStateRewardParser.h"
namespace mrmc {
namespace parser {
@ -19,15 +20,30 @@ namespace parser {
* @param transitionSystemFile String containing the location of the transition file (....tra)
* @param labelingFile String containing the location of the labeling file (....lab)
* @param stateRewardFile String containing the location of the state reward file (...srew)
* @param transitionRewardFile String containing the location of the transition reward file (...trew)
DtmcParser::DtmcParser(std::string const & transitionSystemFile, std::string const & labelingFile) {
DtmcParser::DtmcParser(std::string const & transitionSystemFile, std::string const & labelingFile,
std::string const & stateRewardFile, std::string const & transitionRewardFile) {
mrmc::parser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser tp(transitionSystemFile);
uint_fast64_t nodeCount = tp.getMatrix()->getRowCount();
uint_fast64_t stateCount = tp.getMatrix()->getRowCount();
mrmc::parser::AtomicPropositionLabelingParser lp(nodeCount, labelingFile);
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<double>> stateRewards = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<mrmc::storage::SquareSparseMatrix<double>> transitionRewards = nullptr;
dtmc = std::shared_ptr<mrmc::models::Dtmc<double> >(new mrmc::models::Dtmc<double>(tp.getMatrix(), lp.getLabeling()));
mrmc::parser::AtomicPropositionLabelingParser lp(stateCount, labelingFile);
if (stateRewardFile != "") {
mrmc::parser::SparseStateRewardParser srp(stateCount, stateRewardFile);
stateRewards = srp.getStateRewards();
if (transitionRewardFile != "") {
mrmc::parser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser trp(transitionRewardFile);
transitionRewards = trp.getMatrix();
dtmc = std::shared_ptr<mrmc::models::Dtmc<double>>(new mrmc::models::Dtmc<double>(tp.getMatrix(), lp.getLabeling(), stateRewards, transitionRewards));
} /* namespace parser */
} /* namespace mrmc */


@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ namespace parser {
class DtmcParser: public mrmc::parser::Parser {
DtmcParser(std::string const & transitionSystemFile, std::string const & labelingFile);
DtmcParser(std::string const & transitionSystemFile, std::string const & labelingFile,
std::string const & stateRewardFile = "", std::string const & transitionRewardFile = "");
std::shared_ptr<mrmc::models::Dtmc<double>> getDtmc() {
return this->dtmc;


@ -130,6 +130,8 @@ void Settings::initDescriptions() {
("test-prctl", bpo::value<std::string>(), "name of prctl file")
("trafile", bpo::value<std::string>()->required(), "name of the .tra file")
("labfile", bpo::value<std::string>()->required(), "name of the .lab file")
("transrew", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "name of transition reward file")
("staterew", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "name of state reward file")
