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EndComponentEliminatorTest: Made the test more stable with respect to different orders in the result.

Tim Quatmann 6 years ago
  1. 89


@ -51,32 +51,91 @@ TEST(NeutralECRemover, SimpleModelTest) {
auto res = storm::transformer::EndComponentEliminator<double>::transform(matrix, subsystem, possibleEcRows, allowEmptyRows);
// Expected data
// State 0 is a singleton EC that is replaced by state 2
// States 1,4 build an EC that will be eliminated and replaced by state 1.
// State 2 is not part of the subsystem and thus disregarded
// State 3 is the only state that is kept as it is (except of the transition to 2) and will now be represented by state 0
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<double> expectedBuilder(8, 3, 8, true, true, 3);
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(0, 2, 1.0));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(0, 1, 1.0));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(2, 0, 1.0));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(3, 0, 0.4));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(3, 2, 0.5));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(3, 0, 0.3));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(3, 1, 0.7));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(4, 1, 1.0));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(5, 0, 1.0));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(6, 0, 0.3));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(6, 2, 0.7));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(7, 2, 1.0));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(6, 0, 0.4));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedBuilder.addNextValue(6, 1, 0.5));
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double> expectedMatrix;
ASSERT_NO_THROW(expectedMatrix =;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> expectedNewToOldRowMapping = {6,7,8,2,3,11,1,0};
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> expectedOldToNewStateMapping = {2,1,std::numeric_limits<uint_fast64_t>::max(), 0, 1};
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> expectedNewToOldRowMapping = {6,7,8,1,0,11,2,3};
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> expectedOldToNewStateMapping = {1,2,std::numeric_limits<uint_fast64_t>::max(), 0, 2};
//std::cout << "Original matrix:" << std::endl << matrix << std::endl << std::endl << "Computation Result: " << std::endl << res.matrix << std::endl<< std::endl << "expected Matrix" << std::endl<< expectedMatrix << std::endl;
// Note that there are other possible solutions that yield equivalent matrices / vectors.
// In particular, the ordering within the row groups depends on the MEC decomposition implementation.
// However, this is not checked here...
EXPECT_EQ(expectedMatrix, res.matrix);
EXPECT_EQ(expectedNewToOldRowMapping, res.newToOldRowMapping);
EXPECT_EQ(expectedOldToNewStateMapping, res.oldToNewStateMapping);
//std::cout << "Original matrix:" << std::endl << matrix << std::endl << std::endl << "Computation Result: " << std::endl << res.matrix << std::endl<< std::endl << "expected Matrix" << std::endl<< expectedMatrix << std::endl;
// Hence, we can not do this:
// EXPECT_EQ(expectedMatrix, res.matrix);
// EXPECT_EQ(expectedNewToOldRowMapping, res.newToOldRowMapping);
// EXPECT_EQ(expectedOldToNewStateMapping, res.oldToNewStateMapping);
// Instead, we try to find a mapping from the actual solution to the expected solution
EXPECT_EQ(expectedMatrix.getRowCount(), res.matrix.getRowCount());
EXPECT_EQ(expectedMatrix.getRowGroupCount(), res.matrix.getRowGroupCount());
EXPECT_EQ(expectedMatrix.getColumnCount(), res.matrix.getColumnCount());
EXPECT_EQ(expectedNewToOldRowMapping.size(), res.newToOldRowMapping.size());
EXPECT_EQ(expectedOldToNewStateMapping.size(), res.oldToNewStateMapping.size());
std::vector<uint64_t> actualToExpectedStateMapping(res.matrix.getRowGroupCount());
for (uint64_t oldState = 0; oldState < expectedOldToNewStateMapping.size(); ++oldState) {
uint64_t expectedNewState = expectedOldToNewStateMapping[oldState];
uint64_t actualNewState = res.oldToNewStateMapping[oldState];
ASSERT_EQ(actualNewState < std::numeric_limits<uint_fast64_t>::max(), expectedNewState < std::numeric_limits<uint_fast64_t>::max()) << " Mapping does not match for oldState " << oldState;
actualToExpectedStateMapping[actualNewState] = expectedNewState;
std::vector<uint64_t> actualToExpectedRowMapping;
for (uint64_t actualRow = 0; actualRow < res.matrix.getRowCount(); ++actualRow) {
bool found = false;
for (uint64_t expectedRow = 0; expectedRow < expectedMatrix.getRowCount(); ++expectedRow) {
if (res.newToOldRowMapping[actualRow] == expectedNewToOldRowMapping[expectedRow]) {
EXPECT_FALSE(found) << "Found multiple matching rows";
found = true;
EXPECT_TRUE(found) << "Could not find matching expected row for result row " << actualRow;
for (uint64_t oldState = 0; oldState < expectedOldToNewStateMapping.size(); ++oldState) {
uint64_t expectedNewState = expectedOldToNewStateMapping[oldState];
uint64_t actualNewState = res.oldToNewStateMapping[oldState];
if (actualNewState < std::numeric_limits<uint_fast64_t>::max()) {
for (uint64_t actualRow = res.matrix.getRowGroupIndices()[actualNewState]; actualRow < res.matrix.getRowGroupIndices()[actualNewState + 1]; ++actualRow) {
uint64_t expectedRow = actualToExpectedRowMapping[actualRow];
EXPECT_EQ(res.newToOldRowMapping[actualRow], expectedNewToOldRowMapping[expectedRow]);
// Check whether the expectedRow belongs to the row group of the expectedState
EXPECT_GE(expectedRow, expectedMatrix.getRowGroupIndices()[expectedNewState]);
EXPECT_LT(expectedRow, expectedMatrix.getRowGroupIndices()[expectedNewState + 1]);
// Check whether the two rows are equal
EXPECT_EQ(expectedMatrix.getRow(expectedRow).getNumberOfEntries(), res.matrix.getRow(actualRow).getNumberOfEntries());
for (auto const& expectedEntry : expectedMatrix.getRow(expectedRow)) {
bool foundEqualEntry = false;
for (auto const& actualEntry : res.matrix.getRow(actualRow)) {
if (expectedEntry.getValue() == actualEntry.getValue() && expectedEntry.getColumn() == actualToExpectedStateMapping[actualEntry.getColumn()]) {
EXPECT_FALSE(foundEqualEntry) << "Found multiple equal entries.";
foundEqualEntry = true;
EXPECT_TRUE(foundEqualEntry) << "Could not matching entry for expected entry'" << expectedEntry.getValue() << " (row " << expectedRow << ", column " << expectedEntry.getColumn() << "). Was searching at row " << actualRow << " of actual matrix " << std::endl << res.matrix << ".";