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Ongoing refactoring work on ExplicitModelAdapter.

Former-commit-id: 1212f84aad
dehnert 12 years ago
  1. 252
  2. 893
  3. 32
  4. 4


@ -22,10 +22,6 @@
#include <sstream>
#include <ostream>
#include "log4cplus/logger.h"
#include "log4cplus/loggingmacros.h"
extern log4cplus::Logger logger;
bool ExplicitModelAdapterOptionsRegistered = storm::settings::Settings::registerNewModule([] (storm::settings::Settings* instance) -> bool {
instance->addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("ExplicitModelAdapter", "constants", "", "Specifies the constant replacements to use in Explicit Models").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("constantString", "A comma separated list of constants and their value, e.g. a=1,b=2,c=3").setDefaultValueString("").build()).build());
return true;
@ -33,160 +29,9 @@ bool ExplicitModelAdapterOptionsRegistered = storm::settings::Settings::register
namespace storm {
namespace adapters {
void ExplicitModelAdapter::defineUndefinedConstants(storm::ir::Program& program, std::string const& constantDefinitionString) {
if (!constantDefinitionString.empty()) {
// Parse the string that defines the undefined constants of the model and make sure that it contains exactly
// one value for each undefined constant of the model.
std::vector<std::string> definitions;
boost::split(definitions, constantDefinitionString, boost::is_any_of(","));
for (auto& definition : definitions) {
// Check whether the token could be a legal constant definition.
uint_fast64_t positionOfAssignmentOperator = definition.find('=');
if (positionOfAssignmentOperator == std::string::npos) {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Illegal constant definition string: syntax error.";
// Now extract the variable name and the value from the string.
std::string constantName = definition.substr(0, positionOfAssignmentOperator);
std::string value = definition.substr(positionOfAssignmentOperator + 1);
// Check whether the constant is a legal undefined constant of the program and if so, of what type it is.
if (program.hasUndefinedBooleanConstant(constantName)) {
if (value == "true") {
} else if (value == "false") {
} else {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Illegal value for boolean constant: " << value << ".";
} else if (program.hasUndefinedIntegerConstant(constantName)) {
try {
int_fast64_t integerValue = std::stoi(value);
} catch (std::invalid_argument const&) {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Illegal value of integer constant: " << value << ".";
} catch (std::out_of_range const&) {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Illegal value of integer constant: " << value << " (value too big).";
} else if (program.hasUndefinedDoubleConstant(constantName)) {
try {
double doubleValue = std::stod(value);
} catch (std::invalid_argument const&) {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Illegal value of double constant: " << value << ".";
} catch (std::out_of_range const&) {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Illegal value of double constant: " << value << " (value too big).";
} else {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Illegal constant definition string: unknown undefined constant " << constantName << ".";
void ExplicitModelAdapter::undefineUndefinedConstants(storm::ir::Program& program) {
for (auto nameExpressionPair : program.getBooleanUndefinedConstantExpressionsMap()) {
for (auto nameExpressionPair : program.getIntegerUndefinedConstantExpressionsMap()) {
for (auto nameExpressionPair : program.getDoubleUndefinedConstantExpressionsMap()) {
ExplicitModelAdapter::StateInformation ExplicitModelAdapter::exploreReachableStateSpace(storm::ir::Program const& program) {
StateInformation stateInformation;
// Initialize a queue, insert the starting state and explore the current state until there is no more reachable state.
return stateInformation;
ExplicitModelAdapter::ModelComponents ExplicitModelAdapter::buildModelComponents(storm::ir::Program const& program, std::string const& rewardModelName) {
ModelComponents modelComponents;
// Start by exploring the state space.
StateInformation stateInformation = exploreReachableStateSpace(program);
// Then build the transition matrix for the reachable states.
// Now build the state labeling.
// Finally, construct the state rewards.
return modelComponents;
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>> ExplicitModelAdapter::translateProgram(storm::ir::Program program, std::string const& constantDefinitionString, std::string const& rewardModelName) {
// Start by defining the undefined constants in the model.
defineUndefinedConstants(program, constantDefinitionString);
ModelComponents modelComponents = buildModelComponents(program, rewardModelName);
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>> result;
switch (program.getModelType()) {
case storm::ir::Program::DTMC:
result = std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>>(new storm::models::Dtmc<double>(std::move(modelComponents.transitionMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling), std::move(modelComponents.stateRewards), std::move(modelComponents.transitionRewardMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.choiceLabeling)));
case storm::ir::Program::CTMC:
result = std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>>(new storm::models::Ctmc<double>(std::move(modelComponents.transitionMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling), std::move(modelComponents.stateRewards), std::move(modelComponents.transitionRewardMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.choiceLabeling)));
case storm::ir::Program::MDP:
result = std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>>(new storm::models::Mdp<double>(std::move(modelComponents.transitionMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling), std::move(modelComponents.nondeterministicChoiceIndices), std::move(modelComponents.stateRewards), std::move(modelComponents.transitionRewardMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.choiceLabeling)));
case storm::ir::Program::CTMDP:
result = std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>>(new storm::models::Ctmdp<double>(std::move(modelComponents.transitionMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.stateLabeling), std::move(modelComponents.nondeterministicChoiceIndices), std::move(modelComponents.stateRewards), std::move(modelComponents.transitionRewardMatrix), std::move(modelComponents.choiceLabeling)));
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Error while creating model from probabilistic program: cannot handle this model type.");
throw storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException() << "Error while creating model from probabilistic program: cannot handle this model type.";
// Undefine the constants so that the program can be used again somewhere else.
return result;
void ExplicitModelAdapter::setValue(StateType* state, uint_fast64_t index, bool value) {
std::get<0>(*state)[index] = value;
void ExplicitModelAdapter::setValue(StateType* state, uint_fast64_t index, int_fast64_t value) {
std::get<1>(*state)[index] = value;
std::string ExplicitModelAdapter::toString(StateType const* state) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < state->first.size(); i++) ss << state->first[i] << "\t";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < state->second.size(); i++) ss << state->second[i] << "\t";
return ss.str();
StateType* ExplicitModelAdapter::applyUpdate(storm::ir::Program const& program, StateType const* state, storm::ir::Update const& update) {
return applyUpdate(program, state, state, update);
StateType* ExplicitModelAdapter::applyUpdate(storm::ir::Program const& program, StateType const* state, StateType const* baseState, storm::ir::Update const& update) {
StateType* newState = new StateType(*state);
for (auto variableAssignmentPair : update.getBooleanAssignments()) {
setValue(newState, program.getGlobalIndexOfBooleanVariable(variableAssignmentPair.first), variableAssignmentPair.second.getExpression()->getValueAsBool(baseState));
for (auto variableAssignmentPair : update.getIntegerAssignments()) {
setValue(newState, program.getGlobalIndexOfIntegerVariable(variableAssignmentPair.first), variableAssignmentPair.second.getExpression()->getValueAsInt(baseState));
return newState;
// std::vector<double> ExplicitModelAdapter::getStateRewards(std::vector<storm::ir::StateReward> const& rewards) {
// std::vector<double> result(this->allStates.size());
@ -227,48 +72,6 @@ namespace storm {
// return results;
// }
// void ExplicitModelAdapter::initializeVariables() {
// uint_fast64_t numberOfIntegerVariables = 0;
// uint_fast64_t numberOfBooleanVariables = 0;
// // Count number of variables.
// numberOfBooleanVariables += program.getNumberOfGlobalBooleanVariables();
// numberOfIntegerVariables += program.getNumberOfGlobalIntegerVariables();
// for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < program.getNumberOfModules(); ++i) {
// numberOfBooleanVariables += program.getModule(i).getNumberOfBooleanVariables();
// numberOfIntegerVariables += program.getModule(i).getNumberOfIntegerVariables();
// }
// this->booleanVariables.resize(numberOfBooleanVariables);
// this->integerVariables.resize(numberOfIntegerVariables);
// // Create variables.
// for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < program.getNumberOfGlobalBooleanVariables(); ++i) {
// storm::ir::BooleanVariable var = program.getGlobalBooleanVariable(i);
// this->booleanVariables[var.getGlobalIndex()] = var;
// this->booleanVariableToIndexMap[var.getName()] = var.getGlobalIndex();
// }
// for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < program.getNumberOfGlobalIntegerVariables(); ++i) {
// storm::ir::IntegerVariable var = program.getGlobalIntegerVariable(i);
// this->integerVariables[var.getGlobalIndex()] = var;
// this->integerVariableToIndexMap[var.getName()] = var.getGlobalIndex();
// }
// for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < program.getNumberOfModules(); ++i) {
// storm::ir::Module const& module = program.getModule(i);
// for (uint_fast64_t j = 0; j < module.getNumberOfBooleanVariables(); ++j) {
// storm::ir::BooleanVariable var = module.getBooleanVariable(j);
// this->booleanVariables[var.getGlobalIndex()] = var;
// this->booleanVariableToIndexMap[var.getName()] = var.getGlobalIndex();
// }
// for (uint_fast64_t j = 0; j < module.getNumberOfIntegerVariables(); ++j) {
// storm::ir::IntegerVariable var = module.getIntegerVariable(j);
// this->integerVariables[var.getGlobalIndex()] = var;
// this->integerVariableToIndexMap[var.getName()] = var.getGlobalIndex();
// }
// }
// }
// boost::optional<std::vector<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>> ExplicitModelAdapter::getActiveCommandsByAction(StateType const* state, std::string const& action) {
// boost::optional<std::vector<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>> result((std::vector<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>()));
@ -303,57 +106,6 @@ namespace storm {
// return result;
// }
// static StateType* ExplicitModelAdapter::getInitialState() {
// StateType* initialState = new StateType();
// initialState->first.resize(this->booleanVariables.size());
// initialState->second.resize(this->integerVariables.size());
// // Start with boolean variables.
// for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < this->booleanVariables.size(); ++i) {
// // Check if an initial value is given
// if (this->booleanVariables[i].getInitialValue().get() == nullptr) {
// // If no initial value was given, we assume that the variable is initially false.
// std::get<0>(*initialState)[i] = false;
// } else {
// // Initial value was given.
// bool initialValue = this->booleanVariables[i].getInitialValue()->getValueAsBool(nullptr);
// std::get<0>(*initialState)[i] = initialValue;
// }
// }
// // Now process integer variables.
// for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < this->integerVariables.size(); ++i) {
// // Check if an initial value was given.
// if (this->integerVariables[i].getInitialValue().get() == nullptr) {
// // No initial value was given, so we assume that the variable initially has the least value it can take.
// std::get<1>(*initialState)[i] = this->integerVariables[i].getLowerBound()->getValueAsInt(nullptr);
// } else {
// // Initial value was given.
// int_fast64_t initialValue = this->integerVariables[i].getInitialValue()->getValueAsInt(nullptr);
// std::get<1>(*initialState)[i] = initialValue;
// }
// }
// LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "Generated initial state.");
// return initialState;
// }
// static uint_fast64_t ExplicitModelAdapter::getOrAddStateIndex(StateType* state) {
// // Check, if the state was already registered.
// auto indexIt = this->stateToIndexMap.find(state);
// if (indexIt == this->stateToIndexMap.end()) {
// // The state has not been seen, yet, so add it to the list of all reachable states.
// allStates.push_back(state);
// stateToIndexMap[state] = allStates.size() - 1;
// return allStates.size() - 1;
// } else {
// // The state was already encountered. Delete the copy of the old state and return its index.
// delete state;
// return indexIt->second;
// }
// }
// void ExplicitModelAdapter::addUnlabeledTransitions(uint_fast64_t stateIndex, std::list<std::pair<std::pair<std::string, std::list<uint_fast64_t>>, std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>>>& transitionList) {
// StateType const* state = this->allStates[stateIndex];
@ -468,7 +220,7 @@ namespace storm {
// // contains all target states and their respective probabilities. That means we are now ready to
// // add the choice to the list of transitions.
// transitionList.emplace_back(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(action, std::list<uint_fast64_t>()), std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>()));
// // Add the commands that were involved in creating this distribution to the labeling.
// for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < iteratorList.size(); ++i) {
// transitionList.back().first.second.push_back(iteratorList[i]->getGlobalIndex());

File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File


@ -88,6 +88,38 @@ public:
singleLabelings(std::move(atomicPropositionsLabeling.singleLabelings)) {
// Intentionally left empty.
* Assignment operator that copies the contents of the right-hand-side to the current labeling.
* @param other The atomic propositions labeling to copy.
AtomicPropositionsLabeling& operator=(AtomicPropositionsLabeling const& other) {
if (this != &other) {
this->stateCount = other.stateCount;
this->apCountMax = other.apCountMax;
this->apsCurrent = other.apsCurrent;
this->nameToLabelingMap = other.nameToLabelingMap;
this->singleLabelings = other.singleLabelings;
return *this;
* Assignment operator that moves the contents of the right-hand-side to the current labeling.
* @param other The atomic propositions labeling to move.
AtomicPropositionsLabeling& operator=(AtomicPropositionsLabeling&& other) {
if (this != &other) {
this->stateCount = other.stateCount;
this->apCountMax = other.apCountMax;
this->apsCurrent = other.apsCurrent;
this->nameToLabelingMap = std::move(other.nameToLabelingMap);
this->singleLabelings = std::move(other.singleLabelings);
return *this;
* (Empty) destructor.


@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ int main(const int argc, const char* argv[]) {
} else if (s->isSet("symbolic")) {
std::string const& programFile = s->getOptionByLongName("symbolic").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
std::string const& constants = s->getOptionByLongName("constants").getArgument(0).getValueAsString();
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>> model = storm::adapters::ExplicitModelAdapter::translateProgram(storm::parser::PrismParserFromFile(programFile), constants);
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::AbstractModel<double>> model = storm::adapters::ExplicitModelAdapter<double>::translateProgram(storm::parser::PrismParserFromFile(programFile), constants);
// model->printModelInformationToStream(std::cout);
// Enable the following lines to test the MinimalLabelSetGenerator.
// if (model->getType() == storm::models::MDP) {
