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Started abstracting LP solvers into a common interface. This way, we have more freedom to target different LP solvers easily and can avoid licensing problems.
Started abstracting LP solvers into a common interface. This way, we have more freedom to target different LP solvers easily and can avoid licensing problems.
Former-commit-id: badba812a1
4 changed files with 383 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ |
#include "src/solver/GurobiLpSolver.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidStateException.h"
#include "src/settings/Settings.h"
#include "log4cplus/logger.h"
#include "log4cplus/loggingmacros.h"
extern log4cplus::Logger logger; |
namespace storm { |
namespace solver { |
GurobiLpSolver::GurobiLpSolver(std::string const& name, ModelSense const& modelSense) : LpSolver(modelSense), env(nullptr), model(nullptr), nextVariableIndex(0), isOptimal(false) { |
// Create the environment.
int error = GRBloadenv(&env, ""); |
if (error || env == NULL) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not initialize Gurobi (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not initialize Gurobi environment (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
// Set some general properties of the environment.
setGurobiEnvironmentProperties(); |
// Create the model.
error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, name.c_str(), 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not initialize Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not initialize Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
// Set the required sense of the model.
this->setModelSense(modelSense); |
} |
GurobiLpSolver::~GurobiLpSolver() { |
GRBfreemodel(model); |
GRBfreeenv(env); |
} |
void GurobiLpSolver::setGurobiEnvironmentProperties() const { |
// Enable the following line to only print the output of Gurobi if the debug flag is set.
// int error = error = GRBsetintparam(env, "OutputFlag", storm::settings::Settings::getInstance()->isSet("debug") ? 1 : 0);
int error = error = GRBsetintparam(env, "OutputFlag", 1); |
// Enable the following line to restrict Gurobi to one thread only.
error = GRBsetintparam(env, "Threads", 1); |
// Enable the following line to force Gurobi to be as precise about the binary variables as required by the given precision option.
error = GRBsetdblparam(env, "IntFeasTol", storm::settings::Settings::getInstance()->getOptionByLongName("precision").getArgument(0).getValueAsDouble()); |
} |
void GurobiLpSolver::updateModel() const { |
int error = GRBupdatemodel(model); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to update Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to update Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
// Since the model changed, we erase the optimality flag.
this->isOptimal = false; |
} |
uint_fast64_t GurobiLpSolver::createContinuousVariable(std::string const& name, VariableType const& variableType, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) { |
int error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, nullptr, nullptr, objectiveFunctionCoefficient, lowerBound, upperBound, GRB_CONTINUOUS, name.c_str()); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create binary Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not create binary Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
++nextVariableIndex; |
this->updateModel(); |
return nextVariableIndex - 1; |
} |
uint_fast64_t GurobiLpSolver::createIntegerVariable(std::string const& name, VariableType const& variableType, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) { |
int error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, nullptr, nullptr, objectiveFunctionCoefficient, lowerBound, upperBound, GRB_INTEGER, name.c_str()); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create binary Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not create binary Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
++nextVariableIndex; |
this->updateModel(); |
return nextVariableIndex - 1; |
} |
uint_fast64_t GurobiLpSolver::createBinaryVariable(std::string const& name, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) { |
int error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, nullptr, nullptr, objectiveFunctionCoefficient, 0.0, 1.0, GRB_BINARY, name.c_str()); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Could not create binary Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Could not create binary Gurobi variable (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
++nextVariableIndex; |
this->updateModel(); |
return nextVariableIndex - 1; |
} |
void GurobiLpSolver::addConstraint(std::string const& name, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& variables, std::vector<double> const& coefficients, BoundType const& boundType, double rightHandSideValue) { |
if (variables.size() != coefficients.size()) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Sizes of variable indices vector and coefficients vector do not match."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Sizes of variable indices vector and coefficients vector do not match."; |
} |
// Convert the uint vector to ints for proper input to Gurobi.
std::vector<int> variablesCopy(variables.begin(), variables.end()); |
// Copy the coefficients, because Gurobi does not take the coefficients as const values. The alternative to this would be casting
// away the constness, which gives undefined behaviour if Gurobi actually modifies something.
std::vector<double> coefficientsCopy(coefficients); |
bool strictBound = boundType == LESS || boundType == GREATER; |
char sense = boundType == LESS || boundType == LESS_EQUAL ? GRB_LESS_EQUAL : GRB_GREATER_EQUAL; |
int error = GRBaddconstr(model, variablesCopy.size(),,, sense, strictBound ? rightHandSideValue : rightHandSideValue + storm::settings::Settings::getInstance()->getOptionByLongName("precision").getArgument(0).getValueAsDouble(), nullptr); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to assert Gurobi constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to assert Gurobi constraint (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
this->updateModel(); |
} |
void GurobiLpSolver::setModelSense(ModelSense const& newModelSense) { |
LpSolver::setModelSense(newModelSense); |
int error = GRBsetintattr(model, "ModelSense", newModelSense == MINIMIZE ? 1 : -1); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to set Gurobi model sense (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to set Gurobi model sense (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
} |
void GurobiLpSolver::optimize() const { |
// First incorporate all recent changes.
this->updateModel(); |
// Then we actually optimize the model.
int error = GRBoptimize(model); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to optimize Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to optimize Gurobi model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
// Finally, we check whether the solution is legal (i.e. bounded, so we can extract values).
int optimalityStatus = 0; |
error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimalityStatus); |
if (optimalityStatus == GRB_INF_OR_UNBD) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to get Gurobi solution from infeasible or unbounded model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to get Gurobi solution from infeasible or unbounded MILP (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} else if (optimalityStatus != GRB_OPTIMAL) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to get Gurobi solution from unoptimized model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to get Gurobi solution from unoptimized model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
this->isOptimal = true; |
} |
int_fast64_t GurobiLpSolver::getIntegerValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const { |
if (!isOptimal) { |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to get Gurobi solution from unoptimized model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
double value = 0; |
int error = GRBgetdblattrelement(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, variableIndex, &value); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to get Gurobi solution (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to get Gurobi solution (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
if (std::abs(value - static_cast<int>(value)) <= storm::settings::Settings::getInstance()->getOptionByLongName("precision").getArgument(0).getValueAsDouble()) { |
// Nothing to do in this case.
} else if (std::abs(value) > storm::settings::Settings::getInstance()->getOptionByLongName("precision").getArgument(0).getValueAsDouble()) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Illegal value for integer variable in Gurobi solution (" << value << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Illegal value for integer variable in Gurobi solution (" << value << ")."; |
} |
return static_cast<int_fast64_t>(value); |
} |
bool GurobiLpSolver::getBinaryValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const { |
if (!isOptimal) { |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to get Gurobi solution from unoptimized model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
double value = 0; |
int error = GRBgetdblattrelement(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, variableIndex, &value); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to get Gurobi solution (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to get Gurobi solution (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
bool returnValue = false; |
if (std::abs(value - 1) <= storm::settings::Settings::getInstance()->getOptionByLongName("precision").getArgument(0).getValueAsDouble()) { |
// Nothing to do in this case.
} else if (std::abs(value) > storm::settings::Settings::getInstance()->getOptionByLongName("precision").getArgument(0).getValueAsDouble()) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Illegal value for binary variable in Gurobi solution (" << value << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Illegal value for binary variable in Gurobi solution (" << value << ")."; |
} |
return static_cast<bool>(value); |
} |
double GurobiLpSolver::getContinuousValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const { |
if (!isOptimal) { |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to get Gurobi solution from unoptimized model (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
double value = 0; |
int error = GRBgetdblattrelement(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, variableIndex, &value); |
if (error) { |
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Unable to get Gurobi solution (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."); |
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Unable to get Gurobi solution (" << GRBgeterrormsg(env) << ")."; |
} |
return value; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ |
#include "src/solver/LpSolver.h" |
// To detect whether the usage of Gurobi is possible, this include is neccessary. |
#include "storm-config.h" |
extern "C" { |
#include "gurobi_c.h" |
int __stdcall GRBislp(GRBenv **, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *); |
} |
#endif |
namespace storm { |
namespace solver { |
class GurobiLpSolver : public LpSolver { |
public: |
GurobiLpSolver(std::string const& name, ModelSense const& modelSense); |
virtual ~GurobiLpSolver(); |
virtual uint_fast64_t createContinuousVariable(std::string const& name, VariableType const& variableType, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) override; |
virtual uint_fast64_t createIntegerVariable(std::string const& name, VariableType const& variableType, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) override; |
virtual uint_fast64_t createBinaryVariable(std::string const& name, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) override; |
virtual void addConstraint(std::string const& name, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& variables, std::vector<double> const& coefficients, BoundType const& boundType, double rightHandSideValue) override; |
virtual void setModelSense(ModelSense const& newModelSense) override; |
virtual void optimize() const override; |
virtual int_fast64_t getIntegerValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const override; |
virtual bool getBinaryValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const override; |
virtual double getContinuousValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const override; |
private: |
void setGurobiEnvironmentProperties() const; |
void updateModel() const; |
// The Gurobi environment. |
GRBenv* env; |
// The Gurobi model. |
GRBmodel* model; |
// A counter that keeps track of the next free variable index. |
uint_fast64_t nextVariableIndex; |
// A flag that stores whether the model was optimized properly. |
mutable bool isOptimal; |
}; |
#else |
// If Gurobi is not available, we provide a stub implementation that emits an error if any of its methods is called. |
class GurobiLpSolver : public LpSolver { |
virtual uint_fast64_t createContinuousVariable(std::string const& name, VariableType const& variableType, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) override { |
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This version of StoRM was compiled without support for Gurobi. Yet, a method was called that requires this support. Please choose a version of support with Gurobi support."; |
} |
virtual uint_fast64_t createIntegerVariable(std::string const& name, VariableType const& variableType, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) override { |
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This version of StoRM was compiled without support for Gurobi. Yet, a method was called that requires this support. Please choose a version of support with Gurobi support."; |
} |
virtual uint_fast64_t createBinaryVariable(std::string const& name, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) override { |
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This version of StoRM was compiled without support for Gurobi. Yet, a method was called that requires this support. Please choose a version of support with Gurobi support."; |
} |
virtual void addConstraint(std::string const& name, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& variables, std::vector<double> const& coefficients, BoundType const& boundType, double rightHandSideValue) override { |
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This version of StoRM was compiled without support for Gurobi. Yet, a method was called that requires this support. Please choose a version of support with Gurobi support."; |
} |
virtual void setModelSense(ModelSense const& newModelSense) { |
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This version of StoRM was compiled without support for Gurobi. Yet, a method was called that requires this support. Please choose a version of support with Gurobi support."; |
} |
virtual void optimize() const override { |
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This version of StoRM was compiled without support for Gurobi. Yet, a method was called that requires this support. Please choose a version of support with Gurobi support."; |
} |
virtual int_fast64_t getIntegerValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const override { |
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This version of StoRM was compiled without support for Gurobi. Yet, a method was called that requires this support. Please choose a version of support with Gurobi support."; |
} |
virtual bool getBinaryValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const override { |
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This version of StoRM was compiled without support for Gurobi. Yet, a method was called that requires this support. Please choose a version of support with Gurobi support."; |
} |
virtual double getContinuousValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const override { |
throw storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException() << "This version of StoRM was compiled without support for Gurobi. Yet, a method was called that requires this support. Please choose a version of support with Gurobi support."; |
} |
}; |
#endif |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
#include <cstdint> |
#include <string> |
#include <vector> |
namespace storm { |
namespace solver { |
class LpSolver { |
public: |
enum VariableType { |
}; |
enum BoundType { |
}; |
enum ModelSense { |
}; |
LpSolver(ModelSense const& modelSense) : modelSense(modelSense) { |
// Intentionally left empty. |
} |
virtual uint_fast64_t createContinuousVariable(std::string const& name, VariableType const& variableType, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) = 0; |
virtual uint_fast64_t createIntegerVariable(std::string const& name, VariableType const& variableType, double lowerBound, double upperBound, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) = 0; |
virtual uint_fast64_t createBinaryVariable(std::string const& name, double objectiveFunctionCoefficient) = 0; |
virtual void addConstraint(std::string const& name, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& variables, std::vector<double> const& coefficients, BoundType const& boundType, double rightHandSideValue) = 0; |
virtual void optimize() const = 0; |
virtual int_fast64_t getIntegerValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const = 0; |
virtual bool getBinaryValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const = 0; |
virtual double getContinuousValue(uint_fast64_t variableIndex) const = 0; |
virtual void setModelSense(ModelSense const& newModelSense) { |
this->modelSense = newModelSense; |
} |
ModelSense getModelSense() const { |
return modelSense; |
} |
private: |
ModelSense modelSense; |
}; |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue