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Typo in DTMC, tried to use same approach for MDPs, which won't work.

Former-commit-id: 5c1e835d09
David_Korzeniewski 10 years ago
  1. 6
  2. 68


@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ namespace storm {
for (uint_fast64_t currentBsccIndex = 0; currentBsccIndex < bsccDecomposition.size(); ++currentBsccIndex) {
storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponent const& bscc = bsccDecomposition[currentBsccIndex];
storm::storage::BitVector statesInThisBsccs(numOfStates);
storm::storage::BitVector statesInThisBscc(numOfStates);
for (auto const& state : bscc) {
ValueType lraForThisBscc = this->computeLraForBSCC(transitionMatrix, psiStates, bscc);
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ namespace storm {
//thus we add Prob(Eventually statesInThisBscc) * lraForThisBscc to the result vector
//the reachability probabilities will be zero in other BSCCs, thus we can set the left operand of the until formula to statesNotInBsccs as an optimization
std::vector<ValueType> reachProbThisBscc = this->computeUntilProbabilitiesHelper(statesNotInBsccs, statesInThisBsccs, false);
std::vector<ValueType> reachProbThisBscc = this->computeUntilProbabilitiesHelper(statesNotInBsccs, statesInThisBscc, false);
storm::utility::vector::scaleVectorInPlace<ValueType>(reachProbThisBscc, lraForThisBscc);
storm::utility::vector::addVectorsInPlace<ValueType>(result, reachProbThisBscc);


@ -339,61 +339,45 @@ namespace storm {
// Get some data members for convenience.
typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& transitionMatrix = this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix();
// Now start with compute the long-run average for all end components in isolation.
std::vector<ValueType> lraValuesForEndComponents;
// While doing so, we already gather some information for the following steps.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> stateToMecIndexMap(numOfStates);
storm::storage::BitVector statesInMecs(numOfStates);
// First we check which states are in MECs. We use this later to speed up reachability analysis
storm::storage::BitVector statesNotInMecs(numOfStates, true);
for (uint_fast64_t currentMecIndex = 0; currentMecIndex < mecDecomposition.size(); ++currentMecIndex) {
storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec = mecDecomposition[currentMecIndex];
// Gather information for later use.
for (auto const& stateChoicesPair : mec) {
uint_fast64_t state = stateChoicesPair.first;
stateToMecIndexMap[state] = currentMecIndex;
statesInMecs.set(stateChoicesPair.first, false);
// Compute the LRA value for the current MEC.
lraValuesForEndComponents.push_back(this->computeLraForMaximalEndComponent(minimize, transitionMatrix, psiStates, mec));
// For fast transition rewriting, we build some auxiliary data structures.
storm::storage::BitVector statesNotContainedInAnyMec = ~statesInMecs;
// Prepare result vector.
std::vector<ValueType> result(numOfStates);
//Set the values for all states in MECs.
for (auto state : statesInMecs) {
result[state] = lraValuesForEndComponents[stateToMecIndexMap[state]];
//FIXME: This doesn't work for MDP. Simple counterexample, an MPD with precisely two MECs, both with LRA of 1. Max Reach Prob for both is 1 from the initial state
// Then this approach would yield an LRA value of 2 for the initial state, which is incorrect.
//for all states not in any mec set the result to the minimal/maximal value of the reachable MECs
//there might be a more efficient way to do this...
for (auto state : statesNotContainedInAnyMec){
//calculate what result values the reachable states in MECs have
storm::storage::BitVector currentState(numOfStates);
storm::storage::BitVector reachableStates = storm::utility::graph::getReachableStates(
transitionMatrix, currentState, storm::storage::BitVector(numOfStates, true), statesInMecs
storm::storage::BitVector reachableMecStates = statesInMecs & reachableStates;
std::vector<ValueType> reachableResults(reachableMecStates.getNumberOfSetBits());
storm::utility::vector::selectVectorValues(reachableResults, reachableMecStates, result);
//now select the minimal/maximal element
if (minimize){
result[state] = *std::min_element(reachableResults.begin(), reachableResults.end());
} else {
result[state] = *std::max_element(reachableResults.begin(), reachableResults.end());
////now we calculate the long run average for each MEC in isolation and compute the weighted contribution of the MEC to the LRA value of all states
//for (uint_fast64_t currentMecIndex = 0; currentMecIndex < mecDecomposition.size(); ++currentMecIndex) {
// storm::storage::MaximalEndComponent const& mec = mecDecomposition[currentMecIndex];
// storm::storage::BitVector statesInThisMec(numOfStates);
// for (auto const& state : bscc) {
// statesInThisMec.set(state);
// }
// // Compute the LRA value for the current MEC.
// lraValuesForEndComponents.push_back(this->computeLraForMaximalEndComponent(minimize, transitionMatrix, psiStates, mec));
// //the LRA value of a MEC contributes to the LRA value of a state with the probability of reaching that MEC from that state
// //thus we add Min/MaxProb(Eventually statesInThisBscc) * lraForThisBscc to the result vector
// //the reachability probabilities will be zero in other MECs, thus we can set the left operand of the until formula to statesNotInMecs as an optimization
// std::vector<ValueType> reachProbThisBscc = this->computeUntilProbabilitiesHelper(minimize, statesNotInMecs, statesInThisMec, false);
// storm::utility::vector::scaleVectorInPlace<ValueType>(reachProbThisBscc, lraForThisBscc);
// storm::utility::vector::addVectorsInPlace<ValueType>(result, reachProbThisBscc);
return result;
