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OVI: seperated implementation from header file. Use a separate helper for computing the upper bounds.
OVI: seperated implementation from header file. Use a separate helper for computing the upper bounds.
4 changed files with 449 additions and 291 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ |
#include "OptimisticValueIterationHelper.h"
#include "storm/utility/vector.h"
#include "storm/utility/SignalHandler.h"
#include "storm/environment/solver/OviSolverEnvironment.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/NotSupportedException.h"
#include "storm/utility/macros.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace solver { |
namespace helper { |
namespace oviinternal { |
template<typename ValueType> |
ValueType computeMaxAbsDiff(std::vector<ValueType> const& allOldValues, std::vector<ValueType> const& allNewValues, storm::storage::BitVector const& relevantValues) { |
ValueType result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); |
for (auto value : relevantValues) { |
result = storm::utility::max<ValueType>(result, storm::utility::abs<ValueType>(allNewValues[value] - allOldValues[value])); |
} |
return result; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
ValueType computeMaxAbsDiff(std::vector<ValueType> const& allOldValues, std::vector<ValueType> const& allNewValues) { |
ValueType result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); |
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < allOldValues.size(); ++i) { |
result = storm::utility::max<ValueType>(result, storm::utility::abs<ValueType>(allNewValues[i] - allOldValues[i])); |
} |
return result; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
ValueType computeMaxRelDiff(std::vector<ValueType> const& allOldValues, std::vector<ValueType> const& allNewValues, storm::storage::BitVector const& relevantValues) { |
ValueType result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); |
for (auto const& i : relevantValues) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!storm::utility::isZero(allNewValues[i]) || storm::utility::isZero(allOldValues[i]), "Unexpected entry in iteration vector."); |
if (!storm::utility::isZero(allNewValues[i])) { |
result = storm::utility::max<ValueType>(result, storm::utility::abs<ValueType>(allNewValues[i] - allOldValues[i]) / allNewValues[i]); |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
ValueType computeMaxRelDiff(std::vector<ValueType> const& allOldValues, std::vector<ValueType> const& allNewValues) { |
ValueType result = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); |
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < allOldValues.size(); ++i) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!storm::utility::isZero(allNewValues[i]) || storm::utility::isZero(allOldValues[i]), "Unexpected entry in iteration vector."); |
if (!storm::utility::isZero(allNewValues[i])) { |
result = storm::utility::max<ValueType>(result, storm::utility::abs<ValueType>(allNewValues[i] - allOldValues[i]) / allNewValues[i]); |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
ValueType updateIterationPrecision(storm::Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType> const& currentX, std::vector<ValueType> const& newX, bool const& relative, boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> const& relevantValues) { |
auto factor = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(env.solver().ovi().getPrecisionUpdateFactor()); |
bool useRelevant = relevantValues.is_initialized() && env.solver().ovi().useRelevantValuesForPrecisionUpdate(); |
if (relative) { |
return (useRelevant ? computeMaxRelDiff(newX, currentX, relevantValues.get()) : computeMaxRelDiff(newX, currentX)) * factor; |
} else { |
return (useRelevant ? computeMaxAbsDiff(newX, currentX, relevantValues.get()) : computeMaxAbsDiff(newX, currentX)) * factor; |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void guessUpperBoundRelative(std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> &target, ValueType const& relativeBoundGuessingScaler) { |
storm::utility::vector::applyPointwise<ValueType, ValueType>(x, target, [&relativeBoundGuessingScaler] (ValueType const& argument) -> ValueType { return argument * relativeBoundGuessingScaler; }); |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
void guessUpperBoundAbsolute(std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> &target, ValueType const& precision) { |
storm::utility::vector::applyPointwise<ValueType, ValueType>(x, target, [&precision] (ValueType const& argument) -> ValueType { return argument + precision; }); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::UpperBoundIterator(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix) { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) > matrix.getRowCount() + 1, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Matrix dimensions too large."); |
STORM_LOG_THROW(static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) > matrix.getEntryCount(), storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Matrix dimensions too large."); |
matrixValues.reserve(matrix.getNonzeroEntryCount()); |
matrixColumns.reserve(matrix.getColumnCount()); |
rowIndications.reserve(matrix.getRowCount() + 1); |
rowIndications.push_back(0); |
for (IndexType r = 0; r < static_cast<IndexType>(matrix.getRowCount()); ++r) { |
for (auto const& entry : matrix.getRow(r)) { |
matrixValues.push_back(entry.getValue()); |
matrixColumns.push_back(entry.getColumn()); |
} |
rowIndications.push_back(matrixValues.size()); |
} |
if (!matrix.hasTrivialRowGrouping()) { |
rowGroupIndices = &matrix.getRowGroupIndices(); |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
typename UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::iterate(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew) { |
return iterateInternal<false, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, takeMinOfOldAndNew); |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
typename UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::iterate(storm::solver::OptimizationDirection const& dir, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew) { |
if (minimize(dir)) { |
return iterateInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Minimize>(x, b, takeMinOfOldAndNew); |
} else { |
return iterateInternal<true, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection::Maximize>(x, b, takeMinOfOldAndNew); |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
template<bool HasRowGroups, storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir> |
typename UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::iterateInternal(std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, bool takeMinOfOldAndNew) { |
// For each row compare the new upper bound candidate with the old one
bool newUpperBoundAlwaysHigherEqual = true; |
bool newUpperBoundAlwaysLowerEqual = true; |
// Do a backwards gauss-seidel style iteration
for (IndexType i = x.size(); i > 0;) { |
--i; |
ValueType newXi = HasRowGroups ? multiplyRowGroup<Dir>(i, b, x) : multiplyRow(i, b[i], x); |
ValueType& oldXi = x[i]; |
if (newXi > oldXi) { |
newUpperBoundAlwaysLowerEqual = false; |
if (!takeMinOfOldAndNew) { |
oldXi = newXi; |
} |
} else if (newXi != oldXi) { |
assert(newXi < oldXi); |
newUpperBoundAlwaysHigherEqual = false; |
oldXi = newXi; |
} |
} |
// Return appropriate result
if (newUpperBoundAlwaysLowerEqual) { |
if (newUpperBoundAlwaysHigherEqual) { |
return IterateResult::Equal; |
} else { |
return IterateResult::AlwaysLowerOrEqual; |
} |
} else { |
if (newUpperBoundAlwaysHigherEqual) { |
return IterateResult::AlwaysHigherOrEqual; |
} else { |
return IterateResult::Incomparable; |
} |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
ValueType UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::multiplyRow(IndexType const& rowIndex, ValueType const& bi, std::vector<ValueType> const& x) { |
assert(rowIndex < rowIndications.size()); |
ValueType xRes = bi; |
auto entryIt = matrixValues.begin() + rowIndications[rowIndex]; |
auto entryItE = matrixValues.begin() + rowIndications[rowIndex + 1]; |
auto colIt = matrixColumns.begin() + rowIndications[rowIndex]; |
for (; entryIt != entryItE; ++entryIt, ++colIt) { |
xRes += *entryIt * x[*colIt]; |
} |
return xRes; |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
template<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection Dir> |
ValueType UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::multiplyRowGroup(IndexType const& rowGroupIndex, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, std::vector<ValueType> const& x) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(rowGroupIndices != nullptr, "No row group indices available."); |
auto row = (*rowGroupIndices)[rowGroupIndex]; |
auto const& groupEnd = (*rowGroupIndices)[rowGroupIndex + 1]; |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(row < groupEnd, "Empty row group not expected."); |
ValueType xRes = multiplyRow(row, b[row], x); |
for (++row; row < groupEnd; ++row) { |
ValueType xCur = multiplyRow(row, b[row], x); |
xRes = minimize(Dir) ? std::min(xRes, xCur) : std::max(xRes, xCur); |
} |
return xRes; |
} |
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>::OptimisticValueIterationHelper(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix) : upperBoundIterator(matrix) { |
// Intentionally left empty.
} |
template<typename ValueType> |
std::pair<SolverStatus, uint64_t> OptimisticValueIterationHelper<ValueType>::solveEquationsOptimisticValueIteration(Environment const& env, std::vector<ValueType>* lowerX, std::vector<ValueType>* upperX, std::vector<ValueType>* auxVector, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, ValueIterationCallBackType const& valueIterationCallback, SingleIterationCallBackType const& singleIterationCallback, bool relative, ValueType precision, uint64_t maxOverallIterations, boost::optional<storm::solver::OptimizationDirection> dir, boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> relevantValues) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(lowerX->size() == upperX->size(), "Dimension missmatch."); |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(lowerX->size() == auxVector->size(), "Dimension missmatch."); |
// As we will shuffle pointers around, let's store the original positions here.
std::vector<ValueType>* initLowerX = lowerX; |
std::vector<ValueType>* initUpperX = upperX; |
std::vector<ValueType>* initAux = auxVector; |
uint64_t overallIterations = 0; |
uint64_t lastValueIterationIterations = 0; |
uint64_t currentVerificationIterations = 0; |
uint64_t valueIterationInvocations = 0; |
// Get some parameters for the algorithm
// 2
ValueType two = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(2.0); |
// Use no termination guaranteed upper bound iteration method
bool noTerminationGuarantee = env.solver().ovi().useNoTerminationGuaranteeMinimumMethod(); |
// Desired max difference between upperX and lowerX
ValueType doublePrecision = precision * two; |
// Upper bound only iterations
uint64_t upperBoundOnlyIterations = env.solver().ovi().getUpperBoundOnlyIterations(); |
ValueType relativeBoundGuessingScaler = (storm::utility::one<ValueType>() + storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(env.solver().ovi().getUpperBoundGuessingFactor()) * precision); |
// Initial precision for the value iteration calls
ValueType iterationPrecision = precision; |
SolverStatus status = SolverStatus::InProgress; |
while (status == SolverStatus::InProgress && overallIterations < maxOverallIterations) { |
// Perform value iteration until convergence
++valueIterationInvocations; |
auto result = valueIterationCallback(lowerX, auxVector, iterationPrecision, relative, overallIterations, maxOverallIterations); |
lastValueIterationIterations = result.first; |
overallIterations += result.first; |
if (result.second != SolverStatus::Converged) { |
status = result.second; |
} else { |
bool intervalIterationNeeded = false; |
currentVerificationIterations = 0; |
if (relative) { |
oviinternal::guessUpperBoundRelative(*lowerX, *upperX, relativeBoundGuessingScaler); |
} else { |
oviinternal::guessUpperBoundAbsolute(*lowerX, *upperX, precision); |
} |
bool cancelGuess = false; |
while (status == SolverStatus::InProgress && overallIterations < maxOverallIterations) { |
++overallIterations; |
++currentVerificationIterations; |
// Perform value iteration stepwise for lower bound and guessed upper bound
// Upper bound iteration
auto upperBoundIterResult = dir ? upperBoundIterator.iterate(dir.get(), *upperX, b, !noTerminationGuarantee) : upperBoundIterator.iterate(*upperX, b, !noTerminationGuarantee); |
if (upperBoundIterResult == oviinternal::UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult::AlwaysHigherOrEqual) { |
// All values moved up (and did not stay the same)
// That means the guess for an upper bound is actually a lower bound
iterationPrecision = oviinternal::updateIterationPrecision(env, *auxVector, *upperX, relative, relevantValues); |
// We assume to have a single fixed point. We can thus safely set the new lower bound, to the wrongly guessed upper bound
// Set lowerX to the upper bound candidate
std::swap(lowerX, upperX); |
break; |
} else if (upperBoundIterResult == oviinternal::UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult::AlwaysLowerOrEqual) { |
// All values moved down (and stayed not the same)
// This is a valid upper bound. We still need to check the precision.
// We can safely use twice the requested precision, as we calculate the center of both vectors
bool reachedPrecision; |
if (relevantValues) { |
reachedPrecision = storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision(*lowerX, *upperX, relevantValues.get(), doublePrecision, relative); |
} else { |
reachedPrecision = storm::utility::vector::equalModuloPrecision(*lowerX, *upperX, doublePrecision, relative); |
} |
if (reachedPrecision) { |
status = SolverStatus::Converged; |
break; |
} else { |
// From now on, we keep updating both bounds
intervalIterationNeeded = true; |
} |
// The following case below covers that both vectors (old and new) are equal.
// Theoretically, this means that the precise fixpoint has been reached. However, numerical instabilities can be tricky and this detection might be incorrect (see the haddad-monmege model).
// We therefore disable it. It is very unlikely that we guessed the right fixpoint anyway.
//} else if (upperBoundIterResult == oviinternal::UpperBoundIterator<ValueType>::IterateResult::Equal) {
// In this case, the guessed upper bound is the precise fixpoint
// status = SolverStatus::Converged;
// std::swap(lowerX, auxVector);
// break;
} |
// Check whether we tried this guess for too long
ValueType scaledIterationCount = storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(currentVerificationIterations) * storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(env.solver().ovi().getMaxVerificationIterationFactor()); |
if (!intervalIterationNeeded && scaledIterationCount >= storm::utility::convertNumber<ValueType>(lastValueIterationIterations)) { |
cancelGuess = true; |
// In this case we will make one more iteration on the lower bound (mainly to obtain a new iterationPrecision)
} |
// Lower bound iteration (only if needed)
if (cancelGuess || intervalIterationNeeded || currentVerificationIterations > upperBoundOnlyIterations) { |
singleIterationCallback(lowerX, auxVector, overallIterations); |
// At this point, auxVector contains the old values for the lower bound whereas lowerX contains the new ones.
// Check whether the upper and lower bounds have crossed, i.e., the upper bound is smaller than the lower bound.
bool valuesCrossed = false; |
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < lowerX->size(); ++i) { |
if ((*upperX)[i] < (*lowerX)[i]) { |
valuesCrossed = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (cancelGuess || valuesCrossed) { |
// A new guess is needed.
iterationPrecision = oviinternal::updateIterationPrecision(env, *auxVector, *lowerX, relative, relevantValues); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (storm::utility::resources::isTerminate()) { |
status = SolverStatus::Aborted; |
} |
} |
} // end while
// Swap the results into the output vectors.
if (initLowerX == lowerX) { |
// lowerX is already at the correct position. We still have to care for upperX
if (initUpperX != upperX) { |
// UpperX is not at the correct position. It has to be at the auxVector
assert(initAux == upperX); |
std::swap(*initUpperX, *initAux); |
} |
} else if (initUpperX == upperX) { |
// UpperX is already at the correct position.
// We already know that lowerX is at the wrong position. It has to be at the auxVector
assert(initAux == lowerX); |
std::swap(*initLowerX, *initAux); |
} else if (initAux == auxVector) { |
// We know that upperX and lowerX are swapped.
assert(initLowerX == upperX); |
assert(initUpperX == lowerX); |
std::swap(*initUpperX, *initLowerX); |
} else { |
// Now we know that all vectors are at the wrong position. There are only two possibilities left
if (initLowerX == upperX) { |
assert(initUpperX == auxVector); |
assert(initAux == lowerX); |
std::swap(*initLowerX, *initAux); |
std::swap(*initUpperX, *initAux); |
} else { |
assert(initLowerX == auxVector); |
assert(initUpperX == lowerX); |
assert (initAux == upperX); |
std::swap(*initUpperX, *initAux); |
std::swap(*initLowerX, *initAux); |
} |
} |
if (overallIterations > maxOverallIterations) { |
status = SolverStatus::MaximalIterationsExceeded; |
} |
return {status, overallIterations}; |
} |
template class OptimisticValueIterationHelper<double>; |
template class OptimisticValueIterationHelper<storm::RationalNumber>; |
} |
} |
} |
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