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All tests working with (partially) new sparse matrix implementation/interface.

Former-commit-id: 0272dd3524
dehnert 11 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 10
  3. 2
  4. 60
  5. 32
  6. 8


@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Finalize the resulting matrices.
// Now build the state labeling.
modelComponents.stateLabeling = buildStateLabeling(program, variableInformation, stateInformation);


@ -160,8 +160,7 @@ class AbstractModel: public std::enable_shared_from_this<AbstractModel<T>> {
// The resulting sparse matrix will have as many rows/columns as there are blocks in the partition.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> dependencyGraph(numberOfStates);
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> dependencyGraph(numberOfStates, numberOfStates);
for (uint_fast64_t currentBlockIndex = 0; currentBlockIndex < decomposition.size(); ++currentBlockIndex) {
// Get the next block.
@ -170,9 +169,8 @@ class AbstractModel: public std::enable_shared_from_this<AbstractModel<T>> {
// Now, we determine the blocks which are reachable (in one step) from the current block.
storm::storage::VectorSet<uint_fast64_t> allTargetBlocks;
for (auto state : block) {
typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::Rows rows = this->getRows(state);
for (auto& transition : rows) {
uint_fast64_t targetBlock = stateToBlockMap[transition.column()];
for (auto const& transitionEntry : this->getRows(state)) {
uint_fast64_t targetBlock = stateToBlockMap[transitionEntry.column()];
// We only need to consider transitions that are actually leaving the SCC.
if (targetBlock != currentBlockIndex) {
@ -183,7 +181,7 @@ class AbstractModel: public std::enable_shared_from_this<AbstractModel<T>> {
// Now we can just enumerate all the target SCCs and insert the corresponding transitions.
for (auto targetBlock : allTargetBlocks) {
dependencyGraph.insertNextValue(currentBlockIndex, targetBlock, true);
dependencyGraph.addNextValue(currentBlockIndex, targetBlock, storm::utility::constantOne<T>());


@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double> DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
* The number of non-zero elements is computed by firstPass().
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Attempting to create matrix of size " << (maxStateId+1) << " x " << (maxStateId+1) << ".");
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double> resultMatrix(maxStateId + 1, nonZeroEntryCount);
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double> resultMatrix(maxStateId + 1, maxStateId + 1, nonZeroEntryCount);
int_fast64_t row, lastRow = -1, col;
double val;


@ -101,25 +101,21 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename T>
SparseMatrix<T>::SparseMatrix(uint_fast64_t rows, uint_fast64_t columns, uint_fast64_t entries) : rowCount(rows), columnCount(columns), entryCount(entries), valueStorage(), columnIndications(), rowIndications(), internalStatus(UNINITIALIZED), currentEntryCount(0), lastRow(0), lastColumn(0) {
storagePreallocated = rows != 0 && columns != 0 && entries != 0;
SparseMatrix<T>::SparseMatrix(uint_fast64_t rows, uint_fast64_t columns, uint_fast64_t entries) : rowCountSet(rows != 0), rowCount(rows), columnCountSet(columns != 0), columnCount(columns), entryCount(entries), storagePreallocated(rows != 0 && columns != 0 && entries != 0), valueStorage(), columnIndications(), rowIndications(), internalStatus(UNINITIALIZED), currentEntryCount(0), lastRow(0), lastColumn(0) {
template<typename T>
SparseMatrix<T>::SparseMatrix(uint_fast64_t size, uint_fast64_t entries) : SparseMatrix(size, size, entries) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<typename T>
SparseMatrix<T>::SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix<T> const& other) : rowCount(other.rowCount), columnCount(other.columnCount), entryCount(other.entryCount), storagePreallocated(other.storagePreallocated), valueStorage(other.valueStorage), columnIndications(other.columnIndications), rowIndications(other.rowIndications), internalStatus(other.internalStatus), currentEntryCount(other.currentEntryCount), lastRow(other.lastRow), lastColumn(other.lastColumn) {
SparseMatrix<T>::SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix<T> const& other) : rowCountSet(other.rowCountSet), rowCount(other.rowCount), columnCountSet(other.columnCountSet), columnCount(other.columnCount), entryCount(other.entryCount), storagePreallocated(other.storagePreallocated), valueStorage(other.valueStorage), columnIndications(other.columnIndications), rowIndications(other.rowIndications), internalStatus(other.internalStatus), currentEntryCount(other.currentEntryCount), lastRow(other.lastRow), lastColumn(other.lastColumn) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<typename T>
SparseMatrix<T>::SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix<T>&& other) : rowCount(other.rowCount), columnCount(other.columnCount), entryCount(other.entryCount), storagePreallocated(other.storagePreallocated), valueStorage(std::move(other.valueStorage)), columnIndications(std::move(other.columnIndications)), rowIndications(std::move(other.rowIndications)), internalStatus(other.internalStatus), currentEntryCount(other.currentEntryCount), lastRow(other.lastRow), lastColumn(other.lastColumn) {
SparseMatrix<T>::SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix<T>&& other) : rowCountSet(other.rowCountSet), rowCount(other.rowCount), columnCountSet(other.columnCountSet), columnCount(other.columnCount), entryCount(other.entryCount), storagePreallocated(other.storagePreallocated), valueStorage(std::move(other.valueStorage)), columnIndications(std::move(other.columnIndications)), rowIndications(std::move(other.rowIndications)), internalStatus(other.internalStatus), currentEntryCount(other.currentEntryCount), lastRow(other.lastRow), lastColumn(other.lastColumn) {
// Now update the source matrix
other.rowCountSet = false;
other.rowCount = 0;
other.columnCountSet = false;
other.columnCount = 0;
other.entryCount = 0;
other.storagePreallocated = false;
@ -143,7 +139,9 @@ namespace storm {
SparseMatrix<T>& SparseMatrix<T>::operator=(SparseMatrix<T> const& other) {
// Only perform assignment if source and target are not the same.
if (this != &other) {
rowCountSet = other.rowCountSet;
rowCount = other.rowCount;
columnCountSet = other.columnCountSet;
columnCount = other.columnCount;
entryCount = other.entryCount;
@ -164,7 +162,9 @@ namespace storm {
SparseMatrix<T>& SparseMatrix<T>::operator=(SparseMatrix<T>&& other) {
// Only perform assignment if source and target are not the same.
if (this != &other) {
rowCountSet = other.rowCountSet;
rowCount = other.rowCount;
columnCountSet = other.columnCountSet;
columnCount = other.columnCount;
entryCount = other.entryCount;
@ -187,9 +187,17 @@ namespace storm {
// differently.
if (storagePreallocated) {
// Check whether the given row and column positions are valid and throw error otherwise.
if (row > rowCount || column > columnCount) {
if (row >= rowCount || column >= columnCount) {
throw storm::exceptions::OutOfRangeException() << "Illegal call to SparseMatrix::addNextValue: adding entry at out-of-bounds position (" << row << ", " << column << ") in matrix of size (" << rowCount << ", " << columnCount << ").";
} else if (rowCountSet) {
if (row >= rowCount) {
throw storm::exceptions::OutOfRangeException() << "Illegal call to SparseMatrix::addNextValue: adding entry at out-of-bounds row " << row << " in matrix with " << rowCount << " rows.";
} else if (columnCountSet) {
if (column >= columnCount) {
throw storm::exceptions::OutOfRangeException() << "Illegal call to SparseMatrix::addNextValue: adding entry at out-of-bounds column " << column << " in matrix with " << columnCount << " columns.";
// Check that we did not move backwards wrt. the row.
@ -225,18 +233,21 @@ namespace storm {
if (storagePreallocated) {
valueStorage[currentEntryCount] = value;
columnIndications[currentEntryCount] = column;
} else {
columnCount = column + 1;
rowCount = row + 1;
if (!columnCountSet) {
columnCount = column + 1;
if (!rowCountSet) {
rowCount = row + 1;
template<typename T>
void SparseMatrix<T>::finalize() {
void SparseMatrix<T>::finalize(uint_fast64_t overriddenRowCount, uint_fast64_t overridenColumnCount) {
// Check whether it's safe to finalize the matrix and throw error otherwise.
if (internalStatus == INITIALIZED) {
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Illegal call to SparseMatrix::finalize: finalizing an initialized matrix is forbidden.";
@ -249,6 +260,9 @@ namespace storm {
rowIndications[i] = currentEntryCount;
} else {
if (!rowCountSet) {
rowCount = std::max(overriddenRowCount, rowCount);
for (uint_fast64_t i = lastRow + 1; i < rowCount; ++i) {
@ -258,11 +272,15 @@ namespace storm {
// as now the indices of row i are always between rowIndications[i] and rowIndications[i + 1], also for
// the first and last row.
if (storagePreallocated) {
rowIndications[rowCount] = entryCount;
rowIndications[rowCount] = currentEntryCount;
} else {
if (!columnCountSet) {
columnCount = std::max(columnCount, overridenColumnCount);
entryCount = currentEntryCount;
internalStatus = INITIALIZED;
@ -383,7 +401,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Create and initialize resulting matrix.
SparseMatrix result(constraint.getNumberOfSetBits(), subEntries);
SparseMatrix result(constraint.getNumberOfSetBits(), constraint.getNumberOfSetBits(), subEntries);
// Create a temporary vecotr that stores for each index whose bit is set to true the number of bits that
// were set before that particular index.
@ -834,7 +852,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename T>
bool SparseMatrix<T>::isSubmatrixOf(SparseMatrix<T> const& matrix) const {
bool SparseMatrix<T>::isSubmatrixOf(SparseMatrix<T> const& matrix) const {
// Check for matching sizes.
if (this->getRowCount() != matrix.getRowCount()) return false;
if (this->getColumnCount() != matrix.getColumnCount()) return false;
@ -914,6 +932,8 @@ namespace storm {
valueStorage = std::vector<T>(entryCount, storm::utility::constantZero<T>());
columnIndications = std::vector<uint_fast64_t>(entryCount, 0);
rowIndications = std::vector<uint_fast64_t>(rowCount + 1, 0);
} else {


@ -245,16 +245,8 @@ namespace storm {
* @param columns The number of columns of the matrix.
* @param entries The number of entries of the matrix.
SparseMatrix(uint_fast64_t rows, uint_fast64_t columns, uint_fast64_t entries);
* Constructs a square sparse matrix object with the given number rows and entries.
* @param size The number of rows and columns of the matrix.
* @param entries The number of entries of the matrix.
SparseMatrix(uint_fast64_t size = 0, uint_fast64_t entries = 0);
SparseMatrix(uint_fast64_t rows = 0, uint_fast64_t columns = 0, uint_fast64_t entries = 0);
* Constructs a sparse matrix by performing a deep-copy of the given matrix.
@ -316,13 +308,23 @@ namespace storm {
* @param column The column in which the matrix entry is to be set.
* @param value The value that is to be set at the specified row and column.
void addNextValue(uint_fast64_t row, uint_fast64_t column, T const& value);
void addNextValue(uint_fast64_t row, uint_fast64_t column,T const& value);
* Finalizes the sparse matrix to indicate that initialization process has been completed and the matrix
* may now be used. This must be called after all entries have been added to the matrix via addNextValue.
* @param overriddenRowCount If this is set to a value that is greater than the current number of rows,
* this will cause the finalize method to add empty rows at the end of the matrix until the given row count
* has been matched. Note that this will *not* override the row count that has been given upon construction
* (if any), but will only take effect if the matrix has been created without the number of rows given.
* @param overriddenColumnCount If this is set to a value that is greater than the current number of columns,
* this will cause the finalize method to set the number of columns to the given value. Note that this will
* *not* override the column count that has been given upon construction (if any), but will only take effect
* if the matrix has been created without the number of columns given. By construction, the matrix will have
* no entries in the columns that have been added this way.
void finalize();
void finalize(uint_fast64_t overriddenRowCount = 0, uint_fast64_t overriddenColumnCount = 0);
* Returns the number of rows of the matrix.
@ -633,9 +635,15 @@ namespace storm {
void prepareInternalStorage();
// A flag indicating whether the number of rows was set upon construction.
bool rowCountSet;
// The number of rows of the matrix.
uint_fast64_t rowCount;
// A flag indicating whether the number of columns was set upon construction.
bool columnCountSet;
// The number of columns of the matrix.
uint_fast64_t columnCount;


@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ TEST(GraphTest, PerformSCCDecompositionAndGetDependencyGraph) {
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double> sccDependencyGraph(std::move(dtmc->extractPartitionDependencyGraph(sccDecomposition)));
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Done.");
ASSERT_EQ(sccDependencyGraph.getNonZeroEntryCount(), 1371253ull);
ASSERT_EQ(sccDependencyGraph.getEntryCount(), 1371253ull);
dtmc = nullptr;
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ TEST(GraphTest, PerformSCCDecompositionAndGetDependencyGraph) {
sccDependencyGraph = std::move(dtmc2->extractPartitionDependencyGraph(sccDecomposition));
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Done.");
ASSERT_EQ(sccDependencyGraph.getNonZeroEntryCount(), 1535367ull);
ASSERT_EQ(sccDependencyGraph.getEntryCount(), 1535367ull);
dtmc2 = nullptr;
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ TEST(GraphTest, PerformSCCDecompositionAndGetDependencyGraph) {
sccDependencyGraph = std::move(mdp->extractPartitionDependencyGraph(sccDecomposition));
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Done.");
ASSERT_EQ(sccDependencyGraph.getNonZeroEntryCount(), 489918ull);
ASSERT_EQ(sccDependencyGraph.getEntryCount(), 489918ull);
mdp = nullptr;
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ TEST(GraphTest, PerformSCCDecompositionAndGetDependencyGraph) {
sccDependencyGraph = std::move(mdp2->extractPartitionDependencyGraph(sccDecomposition));
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Done.");
ASSERT_EQ(sccDependencyGraph.getNonZeroEntryCount(), 7888ull);
ASSERT_EQ(sccDependencyGraph.getEntryCount(), 7888ull);
mdp2 = nullptr;