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Added time bounded operators for CSL.

Lanchid 12 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 133
  3. 101
  4. 168


@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
#include "SteadyStateNoBoundOperator.h"
#include "SteadyStateBoundOperator.h"
#include "TimeBoundedUntil.h"
#include "TimeBoundedEventually.h"
#include "AbstractFormula.h"
#include "AbstractPathFormula.h"
#include "AbstractStateFormula.h"


@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
* TimeBoundedEventually.h
* Created on: 10.04.2013
* Author: thomas
#include "TimeBoundedOperator.h"
#include "AbstractStateFormula.h"
namespace storm {
namespace formula {
template<class T> class TimeBoundedEventually;
* @brief Interface class for model checkers that support TimeBoundedEventually.
* All model checkers that support the formula class BoundedEventually must inherit
* this pure virtual class.
template <class T>
class ITimeBoundedEventuallyModelChecker {
* @brief Evaluates TimeBoundedUntil formula within a model checker.
* @param obj Formula object with subformulas.
* @return Result of the formula for every node.
virtual std::vector<T>* checkTimeBoundedEventually(const TimeBoundedEventually<T>& obj, bool qualitative) const = 0;
template<class T>
class TimeBoundedEventually: public storm::formula::TimeBoundedOperator<T> {
* Simple constructor: Only sets the bounds
* @param lowerBound
* @param upperBound
TimeBoundedEventually(T lowerBound, T upperBound) : TimeBoundedOperator<T>(lowerBound, upperBound) {
child = nullptr;
TimeBoundedEventually(T lowerBound, T upperBound, AbstractStateFormula<T>* child) :
TimeBoundedOperator<T>(lowerBound, upperBound) {
this->child = child;
virtual ~TimeBoundedEventually() {
if (child != nullptr) {
delete child;
* @returns the child node
const AbstractStateFormula<T>& getChild() const {
return *child;
* Sets the subtree
* @param child the new child node
void setChild(AbstractStateFormula<T>* child) {
this->child = child;
* @returns a string representation of the formula
virtual std::string toString() const {
std::string result = "F";
result += TimeBoundedOperator<T>::toString();
result += " ";
result += child->toString();
return result;
* Clones the called object.
* Performs a "deep copy", i.e. the subtrees of the new object are clones of the original ones
* @returns a new BoundedUntil-object that is identical the called object.
virtual AbstractPathFormula<T>* clone() const {
TimeBoundedEventually<T>* result = new TimeBoundedEventually<T>(this->getLowerBound(), this->getUpperBound());
if (child != nullptr) {
return result;
* Calls the model checker to check this formula.
* Needed to infer the correct type of formula class.
* @note This function should only be called in a generic check function of a model checker class. For other uses,
* the methods of the model checker should be used.
* @returns A vector indicating the probability that the formula holds for each state.
virtual std::vector<T>* check(const storm::modelchecker::AbstractModelChecker<T>& modelChecker, bool qualitative) const {
return modelChecker.template as<ITimeBoundedEventuallyModelChecker>()->checkTimeBoundedEventually(*this, qualitative);
* @brief Checks if the subtree conforms to some logic.
* @param checker Formula checker object.
* @return true iff the subtree conforms to some logic.
virtual bool conforms(const AbstractFormulaChecker<T>& checker) const {
return checker.conforms(this->child);
AbstractStateFormula<T>* child;
} /* namespace formula */
} /* namespace storm */


@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
* TimeBoundedOperator.h
* Created on: 10.04.2013
* Author: thomas
#include "AbstractPathFormula.h"
#include "exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace formula {
* @brief
* Class for a Abstract formula tree with a operator node as root that uses a time interval
* (with upper and lower bound)
* This class does not provide support for sub formulas; this has to be done in concretizations of this abstract class.
* @see AbstractStateFormula
* @see AbstractPathFormula
* @see AbstractFormula
template<class T>
class TimeBoundedOperator: public storm::formula::AbstractPathFormula<T> {
* Constructor
* @param lowerBound The lower bound
* @param upperBound The upper bound
* @throw InvalidArgumentException if the lower bound is larger than the upper bound.
TimeBoundedOperator(T lowerBound, T upperBound) {
setInterval(lowerBound, upperBound);
* Destructor
virtual ~TimeBoundedOperator() {
// Intentionally left empty
* Getter for lowerBound attribute
* @return lower bound of the operator.
T getLowerBound() const {
return lowerBound;
* Getter for upperBound attribute
* @return upper bound of the operator.
T getUpperBound() const {
return upperBound;
* Set the time interval for the time bounded operator
* @param lowerBound
* @param upperBound
* @throw InvalidArgumentException if the lower bound is larger than the upper bound.
void setInterval(T lowerBound, T upperBound) {
if (lowerBound > upperBound) {
throw new storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException("Lower bound is larger than upper bound");
this->lowerBound = lowerBound;
this->upperBound = upperBound;
* @returns a string representation of the Interval of the formula
* May be used in subclasses to simplify string output.
virtual std::string toString() const {
std::string result = "[";
result += std::to_string(lowerBound);
result += ";";
result += "]";
return result;
T lowerBound, upperBound;
} /* namespace formula */
} /* namespace storm */


@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
* TimeBoundedUntil.h
* Created on: 10.04.2013
* Author: thomas
#include "TimeBoundedOperator.h"
namespace storm {
namespace formula {
template <class T> class TimeBoundedUntil;
* @brief Interface class for model checkers that support TimeBoundedUntil.
* All model checkers that support the formula class BoundedEventually must inherit
* this pure virtual class.
template <class T>
class ITimeBoundedUntilModelChecker {
* @brief Evaluates TimeBoundedUntil formula within a model checker.
* @param obj Formula object with subformulas.
* @return Result of the formula for every node.
virtual std::vector<T>* checkTimeBoundedUntil(const TimeBoundedUntil<T>& obj, bool qualitative) const = 0;
template <class T>
class TimeBoundedUntil: public storm::formula::TimeBoundedOperator<T> {
* Constructor providing bounds only;
* Sub formulas are set to null.
* @param lowerBound
* @param upperBound
TimeBoundedUntil(T lowerBound, T upperBound) :
TimeBoundedOperator<T>(lowerBound, upperBound) {
this->left = nullptr;
this->right = nullptr;
* Full constructor
* @param lowerBound
* @param upperBound
* @param left
* @param right
TimeBoundedUntil(T lowerBound, T upperBound, AbstractStateFormula<T>* left, AbstractStateFormula<T>* right) :
TimeBoundedOperator<T>(lowerBound, upperBound) {
this->left = left;
this->right = right;
virtual ~TimeBoundedUntil() {
if (left != nullptr) {
delete left;
if (right != nullptr) {
delete right;
* Sets the left child node.
* @param newLeft the new left child.
void setLeft(AbstractStateFormula<T>* newLeft) {
left = newLeft;
* Sets the right child node.
* @param newRight the new right child.
void setRight(AbstractStateFormula<T>* newRight) {
right = newRight;
* @returns a pointer to the left child node
const AbstractStateFormula<T>& getLeft() const {
return *left;
* @returns a pointer to the right child node
const AbstractStateFormula<T>& getRight() const {
return *right;
* @returns a string representation of the formula
virtual std::string toString() const {
std::string result = left->toString();
result += " U";
result += TimeBoundedOperator<T>::toString();
result += " ";
result += right->toString();
return result;
* Clones the called object.
* Performs a "deep copy", i.e. the subtrees of the new object are clones of the original ones
* @returns a new BoundedUntil-object that is identical the called object.
virtual AbstractPathFormula<T>* clone() const {
TimeBoundedUntil<T>* result = new TimeBoundedUntil<T>(this->getLowerBound(), this->getUpperBound());
if (left != nullptr) {
if (right != nullptr) {
return result;
* Calls the model checker to check this formula.
* Needed to infer the correct type of formula class.
* @note This function should only be called in a generic check function of a model checker class. For other uses,
* the methods of the model checker should be used.
* @returns A vector indicating the probability that the formula holds for each state.
virtual std::vector<T>* check(const storm::modelchecker::AbstractModelChecker<T>& modelChecker, bool qualitative) const {
return modelChecker.template as<ITimeBoundedUntilModelChecker>()->checkTimeBoundedUntil(*this, qualitative);
* @brief Checks if the subtree conforms to some logic.
* @param checker Formula checker object.
* @return true iff the subtree conforms to some logic.
virtual bool conforms(const AbstractFormulaChecker<T>& checker) const {
return checker.conforms(this->left) && checker.conforms(this->right);
AbstractStateFormula<T>* left;
AbstractStateFormula<T>* right;
} /* namespace formula */
} /* namespace storm */