Browse Source

Further refactoring of option system.

Former-commit-id: 350ac4c654
dehnert 10 years ago
  1. 8
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  18. 142
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  23. 0


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "src/settings/Argument.h"
namespace storm {
namespace settings {
const std::string Argument::trueString = "true";
const std::string Argument::falseString = "false";


@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace storm {
* to this argument.
* @param isOptional A flag indicating whether the argument is optional.
Argument(std::string const& name, std::string const& description, std::vector<userValidationFunction_t> const& validationFunctions, bool isOptional, T defaultValue): ArgumentBase(argumentName, argumentDescription), argumentValue(), argumentType(ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<T>()), validationFunctions(validationFunctions), isOptional(isOptional), defaultValue(defaultValue), hasDefaultValue(true) {
Argument(std::string const& name, std::string const& description, std::vector<userValidationFunction_t> const& validationFunctions, bool isOptional, T defaultValue): ArgumentBase(name, description), argumentValue(), argumentType(ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<T>()), validationFunctions(validationFunctions), isOptional(isOptional), defaultValue(defaultValue), hasDefaultValue(true) {
// Intentionally left empty.
@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ namespace storm {
bool setFromStringValue(std::string const& fromStringValue) override {
bool conversionOk = false;
T newValue = ArgumentBase::convertFromString(fromStringValue, conversionOk);
T newValue = ArgumentBase::convertFromString<T>(fromStringValue, conversionOk);
if (!conversionOk) {
return false;
return this->fromTypeValue(newValue);
return this->setFromTypeValue(newValue);
bool setFromTypeValue(T const& newValue) {
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ namespace storm {
* @return True iff the given argument is compatible with the current one.
template <typename S>
bool isCompatibleWith(Argument<S> const& other) {
LOG_THROW(this->getArgumentType() == other.getArgumentType(), storm::exceptions::ArgumentUnificationException, "Unable to unify the arguments " << this->getArgumentName() << " and " << other.getArgumentName() << ", because they have different types.");
LOG_THROW(this->getIsOptional() != other.getIsOptional(), storm::exceptions::ArgumentUnificationException, "Unable to unify the arguments " << this->getArgumentName() << " and " << other.getArgumentName() << ", because one of them is optional and the other one is not.");
LOG_THROW(this->getHasDefaultValue() != other.getHasDefaultValue(), storm::exceptions::ArgumentUnificationException, "Unable to unify the arguments " << this->getArgumentName() << " and " << other.getArgumentName() << ", because one of them has a default value and the other one does not.");
bool isCompatibleWith(Argument<S> const& other) const {
LOG_THROW(this->getType() == other.getType(), storm::exceptions::ArgumentUnificationException, "Unable to unify the arguments " << this->getName() << " and " << other.getName() << ", because they have different types.");
LOG_THROW(this->getIsOptional() != other.getIsOptional(), storm::exceptions::ArgumentUnificationException, "Unable to unify the arguments " << this->getName() << " and " << other.getName() << ", because one of them is optional and the other one is not.");
LOG_THROW(this->getHasDefaultValue() != other.getHasDefaultValue(), storm::exceptions::ArgumentUnificationException, "Unable to unify the arguments " << this->getName() << " and " << other.getName() << ", because one of them has a default value and the other one does not.");
return true;
@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ namespace storm {
case ArgumentType::Boolean: {
bool iValue = ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean(ArgumentType::Boolean, this->getArgumentValue());
if (iValue) {
return "true";
return trueString;
} else {
return "false";
return falseString;
default: return ArgumentBase::convertToString(this->argumentValue);
@ -190,6 +190,10 @@ namespace storm {
// A flag indicating whether a default value has been provided.
bool hasDefaultValue;
// Static constants for the string representations of true and false.
static const std::string trueString;
static const std::string falseString;
void setDefaultValue(T const& newDefault) {
LOG_THROW(this->validate(newDefault), storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentValueException, "The default value for the argument did not pass all validation functions.");
this->defaultValue = newDefault;


@ -146,44 +146,56 @@ namespace storm {
* whether the conversion was successful.
template <typename TargetType>
static TargetType convertFromString(std::string const& valueAsString, bool& conversionSuccessful) {
std::istringstream stream(valueAsString);
TargetType t;
conversionSuccessful = (stream >> t) && (stream >> std::ws).eof();
return t;
template <>
static bool convertFromString<bool>(std::string const& s, bool& ok) {
static const std::string lowerTrueString = "true";
static const std::string lowerFalseString = "false";
static const std::string lowerYesString = "yes";
static const std::string lowerNoString = "no";
std::string lowerInput = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(s);
if ( == 0 || == 0) {
ok = true;
return true;
} else if ( == 0 || == 0) {
ok = true;
return false;
std::istringstream stream(s);
bool t;
ok = (stream >> t) && (stream >> std::ws).eof();
return t;
static TargetType convertFromString(std::string const& valueAsString, bool& conversionSuccessful);
* Converts the given value to a string representation.
* @param value The value to convert.
* @return The string representation of the value.
template <typename ValueType>
std::string convertToString(ValueType const& value) const {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << value;
return stream.str();
static std::string convertToString(ValueType const& value);
template <typename TargetType>
TargetType ArgumentBase::convertFromString(std::string const& valueAsString, bool& conversionSuccessful) {
std::istringstream stream(valueAsString);
TargetType t;
conversionSuccessful = (stream >> t) && (stream >> std::ws).eof();
return t;
template <>
bool ArgumentBase::convertFromString<bool>(std::string const& s, bool& ok) {
static const std::string lowerTrueString = "true";
static const std::string lowerFalseString = "false";
static const std::string lowerYesString = "yes";
static const std::string lowerNoString = "no";
std::string lowerInput = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(s);
if ( == 0 || == 0) {
ok = true;
return true;
} else if ( == 0 || == 0) {
ok = true;
return false;
std::istringstream stream(s);
bool t;
ok = (stream >> t) && (stream >> std::ws).eof();
return t;
template <typename ValueType>
std::string ArgumentBase::convertToString(ValueType const& value) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << value;
return stream.str();


@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The builder of the argument.
static ArgumentBuilder createStringArgument(std::string const& name, std::string const& description) {
ArgumentBuilder ab(ArgumentType::String, name, argumentDescription);
ArgumentBuilder ab(ArgumentType::String, name, description);
return ab;
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ namespace storm {
#define PPCAT_NX(A, B) A ## B
#define PPCAT(A, B) PPCAT_NX(A, B)
#define MACROaddValidationFunction(funcName, funcType) ArgumentBuilder& PPCAT(addValidationFunction, funcName) (storm::settings::Argument< funcType >::userValidationFunction_t userValidationFunction) { \
LOG_THROW(this->argumentType == ArgumentType::funcName, storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException, "Illegal validation function for argument, because it takes arguments of different type.") \
( PPCAT(this->userValidationFunction_, funcName) ).push_back(userValidationFunction); \
LOG_THROW(this->type == ArgumentType::funcName, storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException, "Illegal validation function for argument, because it takes arguments of different type.") \
( PPCAT(this->userValidationFunctions_, funcName) ).push_back(userValidationFunction); \
return *this; \
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ return *this; \
#define MACROsetDefaultValue(funcName, funcType) ArgumentBuilder& PPCAT(setDefaultValue, funcName) (funcType const& defaultValue) { \
LOG_THROW(this->argumentType == ArgumentType::funcName, storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException, "Illegal default value for argument" << this->argumentName << ", because it is of different type.") \
LOG_THROW(this->type == ArgumentType::funcName, storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException, "Illegal default value for argument" << this->name << ", because it is of different type.") \
PPCAT(this->defaultValue_, funcName) = defaultValue; \
this->hasDefaultValue = true; \
return *this; \
@ -138,41 +138,41 @@ return *this; \
std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase> build() {
LOG_THROW(!this->hasBeenBuilt, storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException, "Cannot rebuild argument with builder that was already used to build an argument.");
this->hasBeenBuilt = true;
switch (this->argumentType) {
switch (this->type) {
case ArgumentType::String: {
if (this->hasDefaultValue) {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<std::string>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_String, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_String));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<std::string>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_String, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_String));
} else {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<std::string>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_String));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<std::string>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_String));
case ArgumentType::Integer:
if (this->hasDefaultValue) {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<int_fast64_t>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_Integer, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_Integer));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<int_fast64_t>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_Integer, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_Integer));
} else {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<int_fast64_t>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_Integer));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<int_fast64_t>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_Integer));
case ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger:
if (this->hasDefaultValue) {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<uint_fast64_t>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_UnsignedInteger, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_UnsignedInteger));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<uint_fast64_t>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_UnsignedInteger, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_UnsignedInteger));
} else {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<uint_fast64_t>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_UnsignedInteger));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<uint_fast64_t>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_UnsignedInteger));
case ArgumentType::Double:
if (this->hasDefaultValue) {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<double>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_Double, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_Double));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<double>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_Double, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_Double));
} else {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<double>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_Double));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<double>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_Double));
case ArgumentType::Boolean:
if (this->hasDefaultValue) {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<bool>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_Boolean, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_Boolean));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<bool>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_Boolean, this->isOptional, this->defaultValue_Boolean));
} else {
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<bool>(this->argumentName, this->argumentDescription, userValidationFunction_Boolean));
return std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(new Argument<bool>(this->name, this->description, userValidationFunctions_Boolean));


@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#include "src/settings/ArgumentTypeInferationHelper.h"
namespace storm {
namespace settings {
template <typename T>
ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType() {
LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer type of argument.");
template <>
ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<std::string>() {
return ArgumentType::String;
template <>
ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<int_fast64_t>() {
return ArgumentType::Integer;
template <>
ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<uint_fast64_t>() {
return ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger;
template <>
ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<double>() {
return ArgumentType::Double;
template <>
ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<bool>() {
return ArgumentType::Boolean;
template <typename T>
std::string const& ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value) {
LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer string from non-string argument value.");
template <>
std::string const& ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString<std::string>(ArgumentType const& argumentType, std::string const& value) {
LOG_THROW(argumentType == ArgumentType::String, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer string from non-string argument.");
return value;
template <typename T>
int_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value) {
LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer integer from non-integer argument value.");
template <>
int_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger<int_fast64_t>(ArgumentType const& argumentType, int_fast64_t const& value) {
LOG_THROW(argumentType == ArgumentType::Integer, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer integer from non-integer argument.");
return value;
template <typename T>
uint_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value) {
LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer unsigned integer from non-unsigned argument value.");
template <>
uint_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger<uint_fast64_t>(ArgumentType const& argumentType, uint_fast64_t const& value) {
LOG_THROW(argumentType == ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer integer from non-integer argument.");
return value;
template <typename T>
double ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value) {
LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer double from non-double argument value.");
template <>
double ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble<double>(ArgumentType const& argumentType, double const& value) {
LOG_THROW(argumentType == ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer double from non-double argument.");
return value;
template <typename T>
bool ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value) {
LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer boolean from non-boolean argument value.");
template <>
bool ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean<bool>(ArgumentType const& argumentType, bool const& value) {
LOG_THROW(argumentType == ArgumentType::Boolean, storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException, "Unable to infer boolean from non-boolean argument.");
return value;


@ -1,167 +1,38 @@
* ArgumentTypeInferationHelper.h
* Created on: 19.07.2013
* Author: Philipp Berger
* Static Lookup Helper that detects whether the given Template Type is valid.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include "ArgumentType.h"
#include "src/settings/ArgumentType.h"
#include "src/exceptions/ExceptionMacros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InternalTypeErrorException.h"
#include "log4cplus/logger.h"
#include "log4cplus/loggingmacros.h"
extern log4cplus::Logger logger;
namespace storm {
namespace settings {
* This class serves as a helper class to infer the types of arguments.
class ArgumentTypeInferation {
// Specialized function template that infers the Type of T to our local enum
* This function infers the type in our enum of possible types from the template parameter.
* @return The argument type that has been inferred.
template <typename T>
static ArgumentType inferToEnumType();
// Specialized function templates that allow casting using the Enum Class as Target
template <typename T> static std::string inferToString(ArgumentType argumentType, T value);
template <typename T> static int_fast64_t inferToInteger(ArgumentType argumentType, T value);
template <typename T> static uint_fast64_t inferToUnsignedInteger(ArgumentType argumentType, T value);
template <typename T> static double inferToDouble(ArgumentType argumentType, T value);
template <typename T> static bool inferToBoolean(ArgumentType argumentType, T value);
// Specialized function templates that allow casting the given value to the correct type. If the conversion
// fails, an exception is thrown.
template <typename T> static std::string const& inferToString(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value);
template <typename T> static int_fast64_t inferToInteger(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value);
template <typename T> static uint_fast64_t inferToUnsignedInteger(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value);
template <typename T> static double inferToDouble(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value);
template <typename T> static bool inferToBoolean(ArgumentType const& argumentType, T const& value);
* All functions related to the EnumType Inferation from the Template Parameter
template <typename T>
ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType() {
// "Missing Template Specialization Case in ArgumentTypeInferation"
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType: Missing a template specialization case in the ArgumentTypeInferationHelper.");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Missing a template specialization case in the ArgumentTypeInferationHelper.";
return ArgumentType::Invalid;
template <> inline ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<std::string>() {
return ArgumentType::String;
template <> inline ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<int_fast64_t>() {
return ArgumentType::Integer;
template <> inline ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<uint_fast64_t>() {
return ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger;
template <> inline ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<double>() {
return ArgumentType::Double;
template <> inline ArgumentType ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToEnumType<bool>() {
return ArgumentType::Boolean;
* All functions related to the conversion to std::string based on the Template and Enum Type
template <typename T>
std::string ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString: Unable to perform inferToString on a non-string template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToString on a non-string template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return std::string();
template <> inline std::string ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString<std::string>(ArgumentType argumentType, std::string value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::String) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToString: Unable to perform inferToString on a non-string template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToString on a non-string template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
return value;
* All functions related to the conversion to int_fast64_t based on the Template and Enum Type
template <typename T>
int_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger: Unable to perform inferToInteger on a non-int_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToInteger on a non-int_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return 0;
template <> inline int_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger<int_fast64_t>(ArgumentType argumentType, int_fast64_t value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::Integer) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToInteger: Unable to perform inferToInteger on a non-int_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToInteger on a non-int_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << "!";
return value;
* All functions related to the conversion to uint_fast64_t based on the Template and Enum Type
template <typename T>
uint_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger: Unable to perform inferToUnsignedInteger on a non-uint_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToUnsignedInteger on a non-uint_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return 0;
template <> inline uint_fast64_t ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger<uint_fast64_t>(ArgumentType argumentType, uint_fast64_t value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToUnsignedInteger: Unable to perform inferToUnsignedInteger on a non-uint_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToUnsignedInteger on a non-uint_fast64_t template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return value;
* All functions related to the conversion to double based on the Template and Enum Type
template <typename T>
double ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble: Unable to perform inferToDouble on a non-double template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToDouble on a non-double template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return 0.0;
template <> inline double ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble<double>(ArgumentType argumentType, double value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::Double) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToDouble: Unable to perform inferToDouble on a double template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToDouble on a double template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return value;
* All functions related to the conversion to bool based on the Template and Enum Type
template <typename T>
bool ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean(ArgumentType argumentType, T value) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean: Unable to perform inferToBoolean on a non-bool template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToBoolean on a non-bool template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return false;
template <> inline bool ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean<bool>(ArgumentType argumentType, bool value) {
if (argumentType != ArgumentType::Boolean) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "ArgumentTypeInferation::inferToBoolean: Unable to perform inferToBoolean on a non-bool template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".");
throw storm::exceptions::InternalTypeErrorException() << "Unable to perform inferToBoolean on a non-bool template object to cast to " << ArgumentTypeHelper::toString(argumentType) << ".";
return value;
} // namespace settings
} // namespace storm


@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#include <string>
#include "src/settings/Argument.h"
#include "src/exceptions/ExceptionMacros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace settings {
@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param upperBound The upper bound of the valid range.
* @return The resulting validation function.
static std::function<bool (int_fast64_t const&)> integerRangeValidatorIncluding(int_fast64_t const lowerBound, int_fast64_t const upperBound) {
static std::function<bool (int_fast64_t const&)> integerRangeValidatorIncluding(int_fast64_t lowerBound, int_fast64_t upperBound) {
return rangeValidatorIncluding<int_fast64_t>(lowerBound, upperBound);
@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param upperBound The upper bound of the valid range.
* @return The resulting validation function.
static std::function<bool (int_fast64_t const&)> integerRangeValidatorExcluding(int_fast64_t const lowerBound, int_fast64_t const upperBound) {
static std::function<bool (int_fast64_t const&)> integerRangeValidatorExcluding(int_fast64_t lowerBound, int_fast64_t upperBound) {
return rangeValidatorExcluding<int_fast64_t>(lowerBound, upperBound);
@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param upperBound The upper bound of the valid range.
* @return The resulting validation function.
static std::function<bool (uint_fast64_t const&)> unsignedIntegerRangeValidatorIncluding(uint_fast64_t const lowerBound, uint_fast64_t const upperBound) {
static std::function<bool (uint_fast64_t const&)> unsignedIntegerRangeValidatorIncluding(uint_fast64_t lowerBound, uint_fast64_t upperBound) {
return rangeValidatorIncluding<uint_fast64_t>(lowerBound, upperBound);
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param upperBound The upper bound of the valid range.
* @return The resulting validation function.
static std::function<bool (uint_fast64_t const&)> unsignedIntegerRangeValidatorExcluding(uint_fast64_t const lowerBound, uint_fast64_t const upperBound) {
static std::function<bool (uint_fast64_t const&)> unsignedIntegerRangeValidatorExcluding(uint_fast64_t lowerBound, uint_fast64_t upperBound) {
return rangeValidatorExcluding<uint_fast64_t>(lowerBound, upperBound);
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param upperBound The upper bound of the valid range.
* @return The resulting validation function.
static std::function<bool (double const&)> doubleRangeValidatorIncluding(double const lowerBound, double const upperBound) {
static std::function<bool (double const&)> doubleRangeValidatorIncluding(double lowerBound, double upperBound) {
return rangeValidatorIncluding<double>(lowerBound, upperBound);
@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param upperBound The upper bound of the valid range.
* @return The resulting validation function.
static std::function<bool (double const&)> doubleRangeValidatorExcluding(double const lowerBound, double const upperBound) {
static std::function<bool (double const&)> doubleRangeValidatorExcluding(double lowerBound, double upperBound) {
return rangeValidatorExcluding<double>(lowerBound, upperBound);
@ -106,11 +108,9 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The resulting validation function.
static std::function<bool (std::string const&)> stringInListValidator(std::vector<std::string> const& list) {
return [list] (std::string const inputString) -> bool {
std::string lowerInputString = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(inputString);
return [list] (std::string const& inputString) -> bool {
for (auto const& validString : list) {
std::string lowerValidString = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(validString);
if (lowerInputString == lowerValidString) {
if (inputString == validString) {
return true;
@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The resulting validation function.
template<typename T>
static std::function<bool (T const)> rangeValidatorIncluding(T const lowerBound, T const upperBound) {
return std::bind([](T const& lowerBound, T const& upperBound, T const& value) -> bool {
LOG_THROW(lowerBound <= value && value <= upperBound, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Value " << value " is out range.");
static std::function<bool (T const&)> rangeValidatorIncluding(T lowerBound, T upperBound) {
return std::bind([](T lowerBound, T upperBound, T value) -> bool {
LOG_THROW(lowerBound <= value && value <= upperBound, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Value " << value << " is out range.");
return true;
}, lowerBound, upperBound, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
}, lowerBound, upperBound, std::placeholders::_1);
@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The resulting validation function.
template<typename T>
static std::function<bool (T const)> rangeValidatorExcluding(T const& lowerBound, T const& upperBound) {
return std::bind([](T const& lowerBound, T const& upperBound, T const& value) -> bool {
LOG_THROW(lowerBound < value && value < upperBound, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Value " << value " is out range.");
static std::function<bool (T const&)> rangeValidatorExcluding(T lowerBound, T upperBound) {
return std::bind([](T lowerBound, T upperBound, T value) -> bool {
LOG_THROW(lowerBound < value && value < upperBound, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Value " << value << " is out range.");
return true;
}, lowerBound, upperBound, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
}, lowerBound, upperBound, std::placeholders::_1);


@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include "ArgumentBase.h"
#include "Argument.h"
#include "src/utility/StringHelper.h"
#include "src/exceptions/ExceptionMacros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/IllegalArgumentException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/OptionUnificationException.h"
@ -22,13 +21,16 @@
namespace storm {
namespace settings {
// Forward-declare settings manager class.
class SettingsManager;
* This class represents one command-line option.
class Option {
// (Forward-)declare settings manager class as friend.
friend class storm::settings::SettingsManager;
// Declare settings manager class as friend.
friend class SettingsManager;
* Creates an option with the given parameters.
@ -74,23 +76,23 @@ namespace storm {
ArgumentBase const& firstArgument = this->getArgument(i);
ArgumentBase const& secondArgument = other.getArgument(i);
LOG_THROW(firstArgument.getArgumentType() == secondArgument.getArgumentType(), storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException, "Unable to unify two options, because their arguments are incompatible.");
LOG_THROW(firstArgument.getType() == secondArgument.getType(), storm::exceptions::OptionUnificationException, "Unable to unify two options, because their arguments are incompatible.");
switch (firstArgument->getArgumentType()) {
switch (firstArgument.getType()) {
case ArgumentType::String:
static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<std::string> const&>(firstArgument).isCompatibleWith(static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<std::string> const&>(secondArgument));
case ArgumentType::Integer:
static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<int_fast64_t> const&>(firstArgument).isCompatibleWith(static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<int_fast64_t> const&>(secondArgument));
case ArgumentType::UnsignedInteger:
static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<uint_fast64_t> const&>(firstArgument).isCompatibleWith(static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<uint_fast64_t> const&>(secondArgument));
case ArgumentType::Double:
static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<double> const&>(firstArgument).isCompatibleWith(static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<double> const&>(secondArgument));
case ArgumentType::Boolean:
static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<bool> const&>(firstArgument).isCompatibleWith(static_cast<storm::settings::Argument<bool> const&>(secondArgument));
@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The i-th argument of this option.
ArgumentBase const& getArgument(uint_fast64_t argumentIndex) const {
LOG_THROW(argumentIndex < this->getArgumentCount(), storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException, "Index of argument is out of bounds.")
LOG_THROW(argumentIndex < this->getArgumentCount(), storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException, "Index of argument is out of bounds.");
return *this->;
@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return The argument with the given name.
ArgumentBase const& getArgumentByName(std::string const& argumentName) const {
auto argumentIterator = this->argumentNameMap.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(argumentName));
auto argumentIterator = this->argumentNameMap.find(argumentName);
LOG_THROW(argumentIterator != this->argumentNameMap.end(), storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException, "Unable to retrieve argument with unknown name " << argumentName << ".");
return *argumentIterator->second;
@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Then index all arguments.
for (auto const& argument : arguments) {
argumentNameMap.emplace(lowerArgumentName, std::shared_ptr<ArgumentBase>(*i));
argumentNameMap.emplace(argument->getName(), argument);


@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace storm {
LOG_THROW(this->arguments.empty() || !argument->getIsOptional() || this->arguments.back()->getIsOptional(), storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException, "Unable to add non-optional argument after an option that is optional.");
std::string lowerArgumentName = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(argument->getName());
LOG_THROW(argumentNamSet.find(lowerArgumentName) == argumentNameSet.end(), storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException, "Unable to add argument to option, because it already has an argument with the same name.");
LOG_THROW(argumentNameSet.find(lowerArgumentName) == argumentNameSet.end(), storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException, "Unable to add argument to option, because it already has an argument with the same name.");


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "src/settings/Option.h"
#include "src/settings/OptionBuilder.h"
#include "src/settings/ArgumentBase.h"
@ -28,28 +27,14 @@
#include "src/settings/modules/GlpkSettings.h"
#include "src/settings/modules/GurobiSettings.h"
// Exceptions that should be catched when performing a parsing run
#include "src/exceptions/ExceptionMacros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/OptionParserException.h"
#include "log4cplus/logger.h"
#include "log4cplus/loggingmacros.h"
extern log4cplus::Logger logger;
namespace storm {
* @brief Contains Settings class and associated methods.
namespace settings {
typedef bool (*stringValidationFunction_t)(const std::string);
typedef bool (*integerValidationFunction_t)(const int_fast64_t);
typedef bool (*unsignedIntegerValidationFunction_t)(const uint_fast64_t);
typedef bool (*doubleValidationFunction_t)(const double);
typedef bool (*booleanValidationFunction_t)(const bool);
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> stringPair_t;
typedef std::pair<bool, std::string> fromStringAssignmentResult_t;
class InternalOptionMemento;
@ -226,7 +211,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return bool true iff there is an option with the specified longName
bool containsLongName(std::string const& longName) const {
return (this->options.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(longName)) != this->options.end());
return (this->options.find(longName) != this->options.end());
@ -234,7 +219,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @return bool true iff there is an option with the specified shortName
bool containsShortName(std::string const& shortName) const {
return (this->shortNames.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(shortName)) != this->shortNames.end());
return (this->shortNames.find(shortName) != this->shortNames.end());
@ -243,7 +228,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
Option& getByLongName(std::string const& longName) const {
auto longNameIterator = this->options.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(longName));
auto longNameIterator = this->options.find(longName);
if (longNameIterator == this->options.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getByLongName: This program does not contain an option named \"" << longName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an option named \"" << longName << "\".";
@ -257,7 +242,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
Option* getPtrByLongName(std::string const& longName) const {
auto longNameIterator = this->options.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(longName));
auto longNameIterator = this->options.find(longName);
if (longNameIterator == this->options.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getPtrByLongName: This program does not contain an option named \"" << longName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an option named \"" << longName << "\".";
@ -271,7 +256,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
Option& getByShortName(std::string const& shortName) const {
auto shortNameIterator = this->shortNames.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(shortName));
auto shortNameIterator = this->shortNames.find(shortName);
if (shortNameIterator == this->shortNames.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getByShortName: This program does not contain an option named \"" << shortName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an option named \"" << shortName << "\"";
@ -285,7 +270,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
Option* getPtrByShortName(std::string const& shortName) const {
auto shortNameIterator = this->shortNames.find(storm::utility::StringHelper::stringToLower(shortName));
auto shortNameIterator = this->shortNames.find(shortName);
if (shortNameIterator == this->shortNames.end()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Settings::getPtrByShortName: This program does not contain an option named \"" << shortName << "\".");
throw storm::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException() << "This program does not contain an option named \"" << shortName << "\".";
@ -317,4 +302,4 @@ namespace storm {
} // namespace settings
} // namespace storm
#endif //


@ -6,16 +6,25 @@ namespace storm {
namespace settings {
namespace modules {
const std::string CounterexampleGeneratorSettings::moduleName = "counterexample";
const std::string CounterexampleGeneratorSettings::minimalCommandSetOptionName = "mincmd";
const std::string CounterexampleGeneratorSettings::encodeReachabilityOptionName = "encreach";
const std::string CounterexampleGeneratorSettings::schedulerCutsOptionName = "schedcuts";
const std::string CounterexampleGeneratorSettings::statisticsOptionName = "stats";
CounterexampleGeneratorSettings::CounterexampleGeneratorSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager) : ModuleSettings(settingsManager) {
std::vector<std::string> techniques;
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("CounterexampleGenerator", "mincmd", "", "Computes a counterexample for the given symbolic model in terms of a minimal command set.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("propertyFile", "The file containing the properties for which counterexamples are to be generated.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build())
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("method", "Sets which technique is used to derive the counterexample. Must be either \"milp\" or \"sat\".").setDefaultValueString("sat").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(techniques)).build()).build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("CounterexampleGenerator", "stats", "", "Sets whether to display statistics for certain functionalities.").build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("CounterexampleGenerator", "encreach", "", "Sets whether to encode reachability for SAT-based minimal command counterexample generation.").build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("CounterexampleGenerator", "schedcuts", "", "Sets whether to add the scheduler cuts for MILP-based minimal command counterexample generation.").build());
// First, we need to create all options of this module.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Option>> options;
std::vector<std::string> techniques = {"sat", "milp"};
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, minimalCommandSetOptionName, true, "Computes a counterexample for the given model in terms of a minimal command set. Note that this requires the model to be given in a symbolic format.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The file containing the properties for which counterexamples are to be generated.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build())
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("method", "Sets which technique is used to derive the counterexample. Available are {milp, maxsat}").setDefaultValueString("maxsat").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(techniques)).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, statisticsOptionName, true, "Sets whether to display statistics for counterexample generation.").build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, encodeReachabilityOptionName, true, "Sets whether to encode reachability for MAXSAT-based minimal command counterexample generation.").build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, schedulerCutsOptionName, true, "Sets whether to add the scheduler cuts for MILP-based minimal command counterexample generation.").build());
// Finally, register all options that we just created.
settingsManager.registerModule(moduleName, options);
} // namespace modules


@ -12,7 +12,72 @@ namespace storm {
class CounterexampleGeneratorSettings : public ModuleSettings {
* Creates a new set of counterexample settings that is managed by the given manager.
* @param settingsManager The responsible manager.
CounterexampleGeneratorSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager);
* Retrieves whether the option to generate a minimal command set was set.
* @return True iff a minimal command set counterexample is to be generated.
bool isMinimalCommandGenerationSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the properties for which a minimal command set
* counterexample is to be generated if the option to generate such a counterexample was set.
* @return The name of the file that contains the properties.
std::string minimalCommandSetPropertyFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the MILP-based technique is to be used to generate a minimal command set
* counterexample.
* @return True iff the MILP-based technique is to be used.
bool useMilpBasedMinimalCommandSetGeneration() const;
* Retrieves whether the MAXSAT-based technique is to be used to generate a minimal command set
* counterexample.
* @return True iff the MAXSAT-based technique is to be used.
bool useMaxSatBasedMinimalCommandSetGeneration() const;
* Retrieves whether reachability of a target state is to be encoded if the MAXSAT-based technique is
* used to generate a minimal command set counterexample.
* @return True iff reachability of a target state is to be encoded.
bool isEncodeReachabilitySet() const;
* Retrieves whether scheduler cuts are to be used if the MAXSAT-based technique is used to generate a
* minimal command set counterexample
bool useSchedulerCuts() const;
* Retrieves whether statistics are to be shown for counterexample generation.
* @return True iff statistics are to be shown for counterexample generation.
bool showStatistics() const;
// Define the string names of the options as constants.
static const std::string moduleName;
static const std::string minimalCommandSetOptionName;
static const std::string encodeReachabilityOptionName;
static const std::string schedulerCutsOptionName;
static const std::string statisticsOptionName;
} // namespace modules


@ -6,13 +6,18 @@ namespace storm {
namespace settings {
namespace modules {
const std::string moduleName = "cudd";
const std::string precisionOptionName = "precision";
const std::string maximalMemoryOptionName = "maxmem";
const std::string reorderOptionName = "reorder";
CuddSettings::CuddSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager) : ModuleSettings(settingsManager) {
// Set up options for precision and maximal memory available to Cudd.
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("Cudd", "cuddprec", "", "Sets the precision used by Cudd.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createDoubleArgument("value", "The precision up to which to constants are considered to be different.").setDefaultValueDouble(1e-15).addValidationFunctionDouble(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::doubleRangeValidatorExcluding(0.0, 1.0)).build()).build());
// First, we need to create all options of this module.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Option>> options;
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, precisionOptionName, true, "Sets the precision used by Cudd.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createDoubleArgument("value", "The precision up to which to constants are considered to be different.").setDefaultValueDouble(1e-15).addValidationFunctionDouble(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::doubleRangeValidatorExcluding(0.0, 1.0)).build()).build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("Cudd", "cuddmaxmem", "", "Sets the upper bound of memory available to Cudd in MB.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createUnsignedIntegerArgument("mb", "The memory available to Cudd (0 means unlimited).").setDefaultValueUnsignedInteger(2048).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, maximalMemoryOptionName, true, "Sets the upper bound of memory available to Cudd in MB.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createUnsignedIntegerArgument("mb", "The memory available to Cudd (0 means unlimited).").setDefaultValueUnsignedInteger(2048).build()).build());
// Set up option for reordering.
std::vector<std::string> reorderingTechniques;
@ -32,7 +37,10 @@ namespace storm {
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("Cudd", "reorder", "", "Sets the reordering technique used by Cudd.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("method", "Sets which technique is used by Cudd's reordering routines. Must be in {\"none\", \"random\", \"randompivot\", \"sift\", \"siftconv\", \"ssift\", \"ssiftconv\", \"gsift\", \"gsiftconv\", \"win2\", \"win2conv\", \"win3\", \"win3conv\", \"win4\", \"win4conv\", \"annealing\", \"genetic\", \"exact\"}.").setDefaultValueString("gsift").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(reorderingTechniques)).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, reorderOptionName, true, "Sets the reordering technique used by Cudd.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("method", "Sets which technique is used by Cudd's reordering routines. Must be in {none, random, randompivot, sift, siftconv, ssift, ssiftconv, gsift, gsiftconv, win2, win2conv, win3, win3conv, win4, win4conv, annealing, genetic, exact}.").setDefaultValueString("gsift").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(reorderingTechniques)).build()).build());
// Finally, register all options that we just created.
settingsManager.registerModule(moduleName, options);
} // namespace modules


@ -12,7 +12,43 @@ namespace storm {
class CuddSettings : public ModuleSettings {
// An enumeration of all available reordering techniques of CUDD.
enum class ReorderingTechnique { None, Random, RandomPivot, Sift, SiftConv, SymmetricSift, SymmetricSiftConv, GroupSift, GroupSiftConv, Win2, Win2Conv, Win3, Win3Conv, Win4, Win4Conv, Annealing, Genetic, Exact };
* Creates a new set of CUDD settings that is managed by the given manager.
* @param settingsManager The responsible manager.
CuddSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager);
* Retrieves the precision that CUDD is supposed to use for distinguishing constants.
* @return The desired precision of CUDD.
double getConstantPrecision() const;
* Retrieves the maximal amount of memory (in megabytes) that CUDD can occupy.
* @return The maximal amount of memory to use.
uint_fast64_t getMaximalMemory() const;
* Retrieves the reordering technique that CUDD is supposed to use.
* @return The reordering technique to use.
ReorderingTechnique getReorderingTechnique() const;
// Define the string names of the options as constants.
static const std::string moduleName;
static const std::string precisionOptionName;
static const std::string maximalMemoryOptionName;
static const std::string reorderOptionName;
} // namespace modules


@ -6,11 +6,22 @@ namespace storm {
namespace settings {
namespace modules {
const std::string DebugSettings::moduleName = "debug";
const std::string DebugSettings::debugOptionName = "debug";
const std::string DebugSettings::traceOptionName = "trace";
const std::string DebugSettings::logfileOptionName = "logfile";
const std::string DebugSettings::logfileOptionShortName = "l";
DebugSettings::DebugSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager) : ModuleSettings(settingsManager) {
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("debug", "debug", "", "Be very verbose (intended for debugging).").build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("debug", "trace", "", "Be extremly verbose (intended for debugging, heavy performance impacts).").build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("debug", "logfile", "l", "If specified, the log output will also be written to this file.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("logFileName", "The path and name of the file to write to.").build()).build());
// First, we need to create all options of this module.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Option>> options;
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, debugOptionName, false, "Print debug output.").build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, traceOptionName, false, "Print even more debug output.").build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, logfileOptionName, false, "If specified, the log output will also be written to this file.").setShortName(logfileOptionShortName)
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The name of the file to write the log.").build()).build());
// Finally, register all options that we just created.
settingsManager.registerModule(moduleName, options);
} // namespace modules


@ -12,7 +12,48 @@ namespace storm {
class DebugSettings : public ModuleSettings {
* Creates a new set of debug settings that is managed by the given manager.
* @param settingsManager The responsible manager.
DebugSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager);
* Retrieves whether the debug option was set.
* @return True iff the debug option was set.
bool isDebugSet() const;
* Retrieves whether the trace option was set.
* @return True iff the trace option was set.
bool isTraceSet() const;
* Retrieves whether the logfile option was set.
* @return True iff the logfile option was set.
bool isLogfileSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the log file if the logfile option was set.
* @return The name of the log file.
std::string getLogfilename() const;
// Define the string names of the options as constants.
static const std::string moduleName;
static const std::string debugOptionName;
static const std::string traceOptionName;
static const std::string logfileOptionName;
static const std::string logfileOptionShortName;
} // namespace modules


@ -36,48 +36,44 @@ namespace storm {
GeneralSettings::GeneralSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager) : ModuleSettings(settingsManager) {
// First, we need to create all options of this module.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Option>> options;
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, helpOptionName, helpOptionShortName, "Shows all available options, arguments and descriptions.").build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, verboseOptionName, verboseOptionShortName, "Enables more verbose output.").build());
std::vector<std::string> moduleNames = {"all", "general", "debug", "cudd", "counterexample", "glpk", "gurobi", "gmm++", "native"};
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, helpOptionName, false, "Shows all available options, arguments and descriptions.").setShortName(helpOptionShortName)
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("module", "The module for which to show the help or 'all' for all modules.").setDefaultValueString("all").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(moduleNames)).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, verboseOptionName, false, "Enables more verbose output.").setShortName(verboseOptionShortName).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, exportDotOptionName, "", "If given, the loaded model will be written to the specified file in the dot format.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The name of the file to which the model is to be written.").build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, configOptionName, configOptionShortName, "If given, this file will be read and parsed for additional configuration settings.")
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, configOptionName, false, "If given, this file will be read and parsed for additional configuration settings.").setShortName(configOptionShortName)
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The name of the file from which to read the configuration.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, explicitOptionName, explicitOptionShortName, "Parses the model given in an explicit (sparse) representation.")
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, explicitOptionName, false, "Parses the model given in an explicit (sparse) representation.").setShortName(explicitOptionShortName)
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The name of the file from which to read the transitions.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build())
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The name of the file from which to read the state labeling.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, symbolicOptionName, symbolicOptionShortName, "Parses the model given in a symbolic representation.")
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, symbolicOptionName, false, "Parses the model given in a symbolic representation.").setShortName(symbolicOptionShortName)
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The name of the file from which to read the symbolic model.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, pctlOptionName, "", "Specifies the PCTL formulas that are to be checked on the model.")
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, pctlOptionName, false, "Specifies the PCTL formulas that are to be checked on the model.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The file from which to read the PCTL formulas.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, cslOptionName, "", "Specifies the CSL formulas that are to be checked on the model.")
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, cslOptionName, false, "Specifies the CSL formulas that are to be checked on the model.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The file from which to read the CSL formulas.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, ltlOptionName, "", "Specifies the LTL formulas that are to be checked on the model.")
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, ltlOptionName, false, "Specifies the LTL formulas that are to be checked on the model.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The file from which to read the LTL formulas.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, counterexampleOptionName, "", "Generates a counterexample for the given PRCTL formulas if not satisfied by the model")
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, counterexampleOptionName, false, "Generates a counterexample for the given PRCTL formulas if not satisfied by the model")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The name of the file to which the counterexample is to be written.").build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, transitionRewardsOptionName, "", "If given, the transition rewards are read from this file and added to the explicit model. Note that this requires the model to be given as an explicit model (i.e., via --" + explicitOptionName + ").")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The file from which to read the transition rewards.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, stateRewardsOptionName, "", "If given, the state rewards are read from this file and added to the explicit model. Note that this requires the model to be given as an explicit model (i.e., via --" + explicitOptionName + ").");
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, stateRewardsOptionName, false, "If given, the state rewards are read from this file and added to the explicit model. Note that this requires the model to be given as an explicit model (i.e., via --" + explicitOptionName + ").")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("filename", "The file from which to read the state rewards.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::existingReadableFileValidator()).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, fixDeadlockOptionName, fixDeadlockOptionShortName, "If the model contains deadlock states, they need to be fixed by setting this option.").build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, fixDeadlockOptionName, false, "If the model contains deadlock states, they need to be fixed by setting this option.").setShortName(fixDeadlockOptionShortName).build());
std::vector<std::string> linearEquationSolver;
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, eqSolverOptionName, "", "Sets which solver is preferred for solving systems of linear equations.")
std::vector<std::string> linearEquationSolver = {"gmm++", "native"};
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, eqSolverOptionName, false, "Sets which solver is preferred for solving systems of linear equations.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("name", "The name of the solver to prefer. Available are: gmm++ and native.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(linearEquationSolver)).setDefaultValueString("gmm++").build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, timeoutOptionName, timeoutOptionShortName, "If given, computation will abort after the timeout has been reached.")
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, timeoutOptionName, false, "If given, computation will abort after the timeout has been reached.").setShortName(timeoutOptionShortName)
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createUnsignedIntegerArgument("time", "The number of seconds after which to timeout.").setDefaultValueUnsignedInteger(0).build()).build());
std::vector<std::string> lpSolvers;
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, lpSolverOptionName, "", "Sets which LP solver is preferred.")
std::vector<std::string> lpSolvers = {"gurobi", "glpk"};
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, lpSolverOptionName, false, "Sets which LP solver is preferred.")
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("name", "The name of an LP solver. Available are: gurobi and glpk.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(lpSolvers)).setDefaultValueString("glpk").build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, constantsOptionName, constantsOptionShortName, "Specifies the constant replacements to use in symbolic models. Note that Note that this requires the model to be given as an symbolic model (i.e., via --" + symbolicOptionName + ").")
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, constantsOptionName, false, "Specifies the constant replacements to use in symbolic models. Note that Note that this requires the model to be given as an symbolic model (i.e., via --" + symbolicOptionName + ").").setShortName(constantsOptionShortName)
.addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("values", "A comma separated list of constants and their value, e.g. a=1,b=2,c=3.").setDefaultValueString("").build()).build());
// Finally, register all options that we just created.


@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ namespace storm {
class GeneralSettings : public ModuleSettings {
* Creates a new set of general settings that is managed by the given manager.
* @param settingsManager The responsible manager.
GeneralSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager);
@ -21,6 +26,14 @@ namespace storm {
bool isHelpSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the module for which to show the help or "all" to indicate that the full help
* needs to be shown.
* @return The name of the module for which to show the help or "all".
std::string getHelpModuleName() const;
* Retrieves whether the verbose option was set.
@ -35,6 +48,13 @@ namespace storm {
bool isExportDotSet() const;
* Retrieves the name in which to write the model in dot format, if the export-to-dot option was set.
* @return The name of the file in which to write the exported model.
std::string getExportDotFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the config option was set.
@ -42,19 +62,50 @@ namespace storm {
bool isConfigSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that is to be scanned for settings.
* @return The name of the file that is to be scanned for settings.
std::string getConfigFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the explicit option was set.
* @return True if the explicit option was set.
bool isExplicitSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the transitions if the model was given using the explicit
* option.
* @return The name of the file that contains the transitions.
std::string getTransitionFilename() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the state labeling if the model was given using the
* explicit option.
* @return The name of the file that contains the state labeling.
std::string getLabelingFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the symbolic option was set.
* @return True if the symbolic option was set.
bool isSymbolicSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the symbolic model specification if the model was given
* using the symbolic option.
* @return The name of the file that contains the symbolic model specification.
std::string getSymbolicModelFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the pctl option was set.
@ -62,6 +113,13 @@ namespace storm {
* @return True if the pctl option was set.
bool isPctlSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the PCTL properties to be checked on the model.
* @return The name of the file that contains the PCTL properties to be checked on the model.
std::string getPctlPropertiesFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the csl option was set.
@ -70,6 +128,13 @@ namespace storm {
bool isCslSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the CSL properties to be checked on the model.
* @return The name of the file that contains the CSL properties to be checked on the model.
std::string getCslPropertiesFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the ltl option was set.
@ -77,6 +142,13 @@ namespace storm {
bool isLtlSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the LTL properties to be checked on the model.
* @return The name of the file that contains the LTL properties to be checked on the model.
std::string getLtlPropertiesFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the transition reward option was set.
@ -84,6 +156,14 @@ namespace storm {
bool isTransitionRewardsSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the transition rewards if the model was given using the
* explicit option.
* @return The name of the file that contains the transition rewards.
std::string getTransitionRewardsFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the state reward option was set.
@ -91,6 +171,14 @@ namespace storm {
bool isStateRewardsSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file that contains the state rewards if the model was given using the
* explicit option.
* @return The name of the file that contains the state rewards.
std::string getStateRewardsFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the counterexample option was set.
@ -98,6 +186,14 @@ namespace storm {
bool isCounterexampleSet() const;
* Retrieves the name of the file to which the counterexample is to be written if the counterexample
* option was set.
* @return The name of the file to which the counterexample is to be written.
std::string getCounterexampleFilename() const;
* Retrieves whether the fix-deadlocks option was set.
@ -111,6 +207,13 @@ namespace storm {
* @return True if the timeout option was set.
bool isTimeoutSet() const;
* Retrieves the time after which the computation has to be aborted in case the timeout option was set.
* @return The number of seconds after which to timeout.
uint_fast64_t getTimeoutInSeconds() const;
* Retrieves whether the eqsolver option was set.
@ -120,12 +223,40 @@ namespace storm {
bool isEqSolverSet() const;
* Retrieves whether the export-to-dot option was set.
* Retrieves whether the gmm++ equation solver is to be used.
* @return True if the export-to-dot option was set.
* @return True iff the gmm++ equation solver is to be used.
bool useGmmxxEquationSolver() const;
* Retrieves whether the native equation solver is to be used.
* @return True iff the native equation solver is to be used.
bool useNativeEquationSolver() const;
* Retrieves whether the lpsolver option was set.
* @return True if the lpsolver option was set.
bool isLpSolverSet() const;
* Retrieves whether glpk is to be used.
* @return True iff glpk is to be used.
bool useGlpk() const;
* Retrieves whether Gurobi is to be used.
* @return True iff Gurobi is to be used.
bool useGurobi() const;
* Retrieves whether the export-to-dot option was set.
@ -133,6 +264,13 @@ namespace storm {
bool isConstantsSet() const;
* Retrieves the string that defines the constants of a symbolic model (given via the symbolic option).
* @return The string that defines the constants of a symbolic model.
std::string getConstantDefinitionString() const;
// Define the string names of the options as constants.
static const std::string moduleName;


@ -6,8 +6,16 @@ namespace storm {
namespace settings {
namespace modules {
const std::string GlpkSettings::moduleName = "glpk";
const std::string GlpkSettings::outputOptionName = "output";
GlpkSettings::GlpkSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager) : ModuleSettings(settingsManager) {
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GlpkLpSolver", "glpkoutput", "", "If set, the glpk output will be printed to the command line.").build());
// First, we need to create all options of this module.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Option>> options;
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, outputOptionName, true, "If set, the glpk output will be printed to the command line.").build());
// Finally, register all options that we just created.
settingsManager.registerModule(moduleName, options);
} // namespace modules


@ -12,7 +12,24 @@ namespace storm {
class GlpkSettings : public ModuleSettings {
* Creates a new set of glpk settings that is managed by the given manager.
* @param settingsManager The responsible manager.
GlpkSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager);
* Retrieves whether the output option was set.
* @return True iff the output option was set.
bool isOutputSet() const;
// Define the string names of the options as constants.
static const std::string moduleName;
static const std::string outputOptionName;
} // namespace modules


@ -6,40 +6,35 @@ namespace storm {
namespace settings {
namespace modules {
const std::string GmmxxSettings::moduleName = "gmm++";
const std::string GmmxxSettings::techniqueOptionName = "tech";
const std::string GmmxxSettings::preconditionOptionName = "precond";
const std::string GmmxxSettings::restartOptionName = "restart";
const std::string GmmxxSettings::maximalIterationsOptionName = "maxiter";
const std::string GmmxxSettings::maximalIterationsOptionShortName = "maxiter";
const std::string GmmxxSettings::precisionOptionName = "precision";
const std::string GmmxxSettings::absoluteOptionName = "absolute";
GmmxxSettings::GmmxxSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager) : ModuleSettings(settingsManager) {
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxLinearEquationSolver", "digiprecision", "", "Precision used for iterative solving of linear equation systems").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createDoubleArgument("precision value", "Precision").setDefaultValueDouble(1e-4).addValidationFunctionDouble(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::doubleRangeValidatorExcluding(0.0, 1.0)).build()).build());
// Offer all available methods as a command line option.
std::vector<std::string> methods;
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxLinearEquationSolver", "gmmlin", "", "The method to be used for solving linear equation systems with the gmm++ engine. Available are: bicgstab, qmr, gmres, jacobi.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("name", "The name of the method to use.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(methods)).setDefaultValueString("gmres").build()).build());
// First, we need to create all options of this module.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Option>> options;
std::vector<std::string> methods = {"bicgstab", "qmr", "gmres", "jacobi"};
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, techniqueOptionName, true, "The method to be used for solving linear equation systems with the gmm++ engine. Available are {bicgstab, qmr, gmres, jacobi}.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("name", "The name of the method to use.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(methods)).setDefaultValueString("gmres").build()).build());
// Register available preconditioners.
std::vector<std::string> preconditioner;
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxLinearEquationSolver", "gmmpre", "", "The preconditioning technique used for solving linear equation systems with the gmm++ engine. Available are: ilu, diagonal, none.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("name", "The name of the preconditioning method.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(preconditioner)).setDefaultValueString("ilu").build()).build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxLinearEquationSolver", "gmmrestart", "", "The number of iteration until restarted methods are actually restarted.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createUnsignedIntegerArgument("count", "The number of iterations.").setDefaultValueUnsignedInteger(50).build()).build());
std::vector<std::string> preconditioner = {"ilu", "diagonal", "ildlt", "none"};
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, preconditionOptionName, true, "The preconditioning technique used for solving linear equation systems. Available are {ilu, diagonal, none}.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createStringArgument("name", "The name of the preconditioning method.").addValidationFunctionString(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::stringInListValidator(preconditioner)).setDefaultValueString("ilu").build()).build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxLinearEquationSolver", "maxiter", "i", "The maximal number of iterations to perform before iterative solving is aborted.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createUnsignedIntegerArgument("count", "The maximal iteration count.").setDefaultValueUnsignedInteger(10000).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, restartOptionName, true, "The number of iteration until restarted methods are actually restarted.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createUnsignedIntegerArgument("count", "The number of iterations.").setDefaultValueUnsignedInteger(50).build()).build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxLinearEquationSolver", "precision", "", "The precision used for detecting convergence of iterative methods.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createDoubleArgument("value", "The precision to achieve.").setDefaultValueDouble(1e-06).addValidationFunctionDouble(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::doubleRangeValidatorExcluding(0.0, 1.0)).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, maximalIterationsOptionName, true, "The maximal number of iterations to perform before iterative solving is aborted.").setShortName(maximalIterationsOptionShortName).addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createUnsignedIntegerArgument("iterations", "The maximal iteration count.").setDefaultValueUnsignedInteger(10000).build()).build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxLinearEquationSolver", "absolute", "", "Whether the relative or the absolute error is considered for deciding convergence.").build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, precisionOptionName, true, "The precision used for detecting convergence of iterative methods.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createDoubleArgument("value", "The precision to achieve.").setDefaultValueDouble(1e-06).addValidationFunctionDouble(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::doubleRangeValidatorExcluding(0.0, 1.0)).build()).build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxNondeterminsticLinearEquationSolver", "maxiter", "i", "The maximal number of iterations to perform before iterative solving is aborted.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createUnsignedIntegerArgument("count", "The maximal iteration count.").setDefaultValueUnsignedInteger(10000).build()).build());
options.push_back(storm::settings::OptionBuilder(moduleName, absoluteOptionName, true, "Sets whether the relative or the absolute error is considered for deciding convergence.").build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxNondeterminsticLinearEquationSolver", "precision", "", "The precision used for detecting convergence of iterative methods.").addArgument(storm::settings::ArgumentBuilder::createDoubleArgument("value", "The precision to achieve.").setDefaultValueDouble(1e-6).addValidationFunctionDouble(storm::settings::ArgumentValidators::doubleRangeValidatorExcluding(0.0, 1.0)).build()).build());
settingsManager.addOption(storm::settings::OptionBuilder("GmmxxNondeterminsticLinearEquationSolver", "absolute", "", "Whether the relative or the absolute error is considered for deciding convergence.").build());
// Finally, register all options that we just created.
settingsManager.registerModule(moduleName, options);
} // namespace modules


@ -12,7 +12,78 @@ namespace storm {
class GmmxxSettings : public ModuleSettings {
// An enumeration of all available techniques for solving linear equations.
enum class LinearEquationTechnique { Bicgstab, Qmr, Gmres, Jacobi };
// An enumeration of all available preconditioning techniques.
enum class PreconditioningTechnique { Ilu, Diagonal, Ildlt, None };
* Creates a new set of gmm++ settings that is managed by the given manager.
* @param settingsManager The responsible manager.
GmmxxSettings(storm::settings::SettingsManager& settingsManager);
* Retrieves the technique that is to be used for solving systems of linear equations.
* @return The technique to use.
LinearEquationTechnique getLinearEquationSystemTechnique() const;
* Retrieves the technique that is to be used for preconditioning solving systems of linear equations.
* @return The technique to use.
PreconditioningTechnique getPreconditioningTechnique() const;
* Retrieves the number of iterations after which restarted techniques are to be restarted.
* @return The number of iterations after which to restart.
uint_fast64_t getRestartIterationCount() const;
* Retrieves the maximal number of iterations to perform until giving up on converging.
* @return The maximal iteration count.
uint_fast64_t getMaximalIterationCount() const;
* Retrieves the precision that is used for detecting convergence.
* @return The precision to use for detecting convergence.
double getPrecision() const;
* Retrieves whether the absolute error is used for detecting convergence.
* @return True iff the absolute error is used convergence detection.
bool useAbsoluteConvergenceCriterion() const;
* Retrieves whether the relative error is used for detecting convergence.
* @return True iff the relative error is used convergence detection.
bool useRelativeConvergenceCriterion() const;
// Define the string names of the options as constants.
static const std::string moduleName;
static const std::string techniqueOptionName;
static const std::string preconditionOptionName;
static const std::string restartOptionName;
static const std::string maximalIterationsOptionName;
static const std::string maximalIterationsOptionShortName;
static const std::string precisionOptionName;
static const std::string absoluteOptionName;
} // namespace modules

src/settings/modules/NativeEquationSolver.cpp → src/settings/modules/NativeEquationSolverSettings.cpp
