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dehnert 8 years ago
  1. 88


@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "storm/storage/dd/DdType.h"
#include "storm/storage/dd/Bdd.h"
#include "storm/abstraction/LocalExpressionInformation.h"
#include "storm/solver/SmtSolver.h"
namespace storm {
namespace utility {
namespace solver {
class SmtSolverFactory;
namespace abstraction {
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType>
class AbstractionInformation;
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType>
class ValidBlockAbstractor {
ValidBlockAbstractor(AbstractionInformation<DdType>& abstractionInformation, std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> const& smtSolverFactory);
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& getValidBlocks();
void refine(std::vector<uint64_t> const& predicates);
* Checks which parts of the valid blocks need to be recomputed.
void recomputeValidBlocks();
* Recomputed the valid blocks for the given predicate block.
void recomputeValidBlockForPredicateBlock(uint64_t blockIndex);
* Retrieves the abstraction information object.
AbstractionInformation<DdType> const& getAbstractionInformation() const;
* Translates the given model to a source state DD.
* @param model The model to translate.
* @param blockIndex The index of the block.
* @return The source state encoded as a DD.
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> getSourceStateBdd(storm::solver::SmtSolver::ModelReference const& model, uint64_t blockIndex) const;
/// The object storing the information about the abstraction (like predicates etc.)
std::reference_wrapper<AbstractionInformation<DdType> const> abstractionInformation;
/// An object storing information about how predicates are related.
LocalExpressionInformation<DdType> localExpressionInformation;
/// The BDD storing all valid blocks;
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> validBlocks;
/// A vector of SMT solvers that correspond to the predicate blocks in the local expression information.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::SmtSolver>> smtSolvers;
/// A vector of relevant variables and predicates. Every inner vector corresponds to one block of the local
/// expression information.
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<storm::expressions::Variable, uint64_t>>> relevantVariablesAndPredicates;
/// The decision variables for each predicate block.
std::vector<std::vector<storm::expressions::Variable>> decisionVariables;
/// A vector of BDDs that store the valid blocks for the individual predicate blocks to be able to reuse them.
std::vector<storm::dd::Bdd<DdType>> validBlocksForPredicateBlocks;
/// A flag that stores whether we need to possibly recompute the valid blocks (or parts).
bool checkForRecomputation;