Browse Source
Final touches on cuda nondeterministic linear equation solver & modelchecker
Final touches on cuda nondeterministic linear equation solver & modelchecker
Former-commit-id: c549ae0401
27 changed files with 70 additions and 2663 deletions
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
* This is component of StoRM - Cuda Plugin to check whether type alignment matches the assumptions done while optimizing the code. |
*/ |
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#define CONTAINER_SIZE 100ul
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType> |
int checkForAlignmentOfPairTypes(size_t containerSize, IndexType const firstValue, ValueType const secondValue) { |
std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, ValueType>>* myVector = new std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, ValueType>>(); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < containerSize; ++i) { |
myVector->push_back(std::make_pair(firstValue, secondValue)); |
} |
size_t myVectorSize = myVector->size(); |
IndexType* firstStart = &(myVector->at(0).first); |
IndexType* firstEnd = &(myVector->at(myVectorSize - 1).first); |
ValueType* secondStart = &(myVector->at(0).second); |
ValueType* secondEnd = &(myVector->at(myVectorSize - 1).second); |
size_t startOffset = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(secondStart) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(firstStart); |
size_t endOffset = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(secondEnd) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(firstEnd); |
size_t firstOffset = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(firstEnd) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(firstStart); |
size_t secondOffset = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(secondEnd) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(secondStart); |
delete myVector; |
myVector = nullptr; |
if (myVectorSize != containerSize) { |
return -2; |
} |
// Check for alignment:
// Requirement is that the pairs are aligned like: first, second, first, second, first, second, ...
if (sizeof(IndexType) != sizeof(ValueType)) { |
return -3; |
} |
if (startOffset != sizeof(IndexType)) { |
return -4; |
} |
if (endOffset != sizeof(IndexType)) { |
return -5; |
} |
if (firstOffset != ((sizeof(IndexType) + sizeof(ValueType)) * (myVectorSize - 1))) { |
return -6; |
} |
if (secondOffset != ((sizeof(IndexType) + sizeof(ValueType)) * (myVectorSize - 1))) { |
return -7; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { |
int result = 0; |
result = checkForAlignmentOfPairTypes<uint_fast64_t, double>(CONTAINER_SIZE, 42, 3.14); |
if (result != 0) { |
return result; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ |
* This is component of StoRM - Cuda Plugin to check whether a pair of uint_fast64_t and float gets auto-aligned to match 64bit boundaries |
*/ |
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#define CONTAINER_SIZE 100ul
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { |
int result = 0; |
std::vector<std::pair<uint_fast64_t, float>> myVector; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < CONTAINER_SIZE; ++i) { |
myVector.push_back(std::make_pair(i, 42.12345f * i)); |
} |
char* firstUintPointer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(; |
char* secondUintPointer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(; |
ptrdiff_t uintDiff = secondUintPointer - firstUintPointer; |
if (uintDiff == (2 * sizeof(uint_fast64_t))) { |
result = 2; |
} else if (uintDiff == (sizeof(uint_fast64_t) + sizeof(float))) { |
result = 3; |
} else { |
result = -5; |
} |
return result; |
} |
@ -1,294 +0,0 @@ |
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.6) |
# Set project name |
project (cudaForStorm CXX C) |
# Set the version number |
# Add base folder for better inclusion paths |
include_directories("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}") |
include_directories("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src") |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - CUDA_PATH is ${CUDA_PATH} or $ENV{CUDA_PATH}") |
############################################################# |
## |
## CMake options of StoRM |
## |
############################################################# |
option(CUDAFORSTORM_DEBUG "Sets whether the DEBUG mode is used" ON) |
option(LINK_LIBCXXABI "Sets whether libc++abi should be linked." OFF) |
option(USE_LIBCXX "Sets whether the standard library is libc++." OFF) |
set(ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS "" CACHE STRING "Additional directories added to the include directories.") |
set(ADDITIONAL_LINK_DIRS "" CACHE STRING "Additional directories added to the link directories.") |
set(STORM_LIB_INSTALL_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../build/cudaForStorm" CACHE STRING "The Build directory of storm, where the library files should be installed to (if available).") |
############################################################# |
## |
## Inclusion of required libraries |
## |
############################################################# |
# Add the resources/cmake folder to Module Search Path for FindTBB.cmake |
# Set the hint for CUSP |
set(CUSP_HINT "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdparty/cusplibrary") |
find_package(CUDA REQUIRED) |
find_package(Cusp REQUIRED) |
find_package(Doxygen REQUIRED) |
find_package(Thrust REQUIRED) |
# If the DEBUG option was turned on, we will target a debug version and a release version otherwise |
else() |
endif() |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Building ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} version.") |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") |
############################################################# |
## |
## CUDA Options |
## |
############################################################# |
#set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "-arch=sm_30") |
# Because the FindCUDA.cmake file has a path related bug, two folders have to be present |
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/cudaForStorm.dir/Debug") |
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/cudaForStorm.dir/Release") |
############################################################# |
## |
## Compiler specific settings and definitions |
## |
############################################################# |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Using Compiler Configuration: GCC") |
# Set standard flags for GCC |
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic") |
elseif(MSVC) |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Using Compiler Configuration: MSVC") |
# required for GMM to compile, ugly error directive in their code |
# required as the PRCTL Parser bloats object files (COFF) beyond their maximum size (see |
add_definitions(/bigobj) |
# required by GTest and PrismGrammar::createIntegerVariable |
add_definitions(/D_VARIADIC_MAX=10) |
# Windows.h breaks GMM in gmm_except.h because of its macro definition for min and max |
add_definitions(/DNOMINMAX) |
else(CLANG) |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Using Compiler Configuration: Clang (LLVM)") |
# As CLANG is not set as a variable, we need to set it in case we have not matched another compiler. |
set (CLANG ON) |
# Set standard flags for clang |
set(CLANG_STDLIB libstdc++) |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Linking against libstdc++") |
else() |
set(CLANG_STDLIB libc++) |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Linking against libc++") |
# Set up some Xcode specific settings |
endif() |
set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -stdlib=${CLANG_STDLIB} -Wall -pedantic -Wno-unused-variable -DBOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_TR1 -DBOOST_NO_DECLTYPE -ftemplate-depth=1024") |
endif() |
############################################################# |
## |
## CMake-generated Config File for StoRM |
## |
############################################################# |
# Test for type alignment |
) |
message(FATAL_ERROR "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Could not test type alignment, there was an Error while compiling the file ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeAlignmentCheck.cpp: ${OUTPUT_TEST_VAR}") |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Result of Type Alignment Check: OK.") |
else() |
message(FATAL_ERROR "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Result of Type Alignment Check: FAILED (Code ${STORM_CUDA_RUN_RESULT_TYPEALIGNMENT})") |
endif() |
# Test for Float 64bit Alignment |
${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeFloatAlignmentCheck.cpp" |
) |
message(FATAL_ERROR "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Could not test float type alignment, there was an Error while compiling the file ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeFloatAlignmentCheck.cpp: ${OUTPUT_TEST_VAR}") |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Result of Float Type Alignment Check: 64bit alignment active.") |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Result of Float Type Alignment Check: 64bit alignment disabled.") |
else() |
message(FATAL_ERROR "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Result of Float Type Alignment Check: FAILED (Code ${STORM_CUDA_RUN_RESULT_FLOATALIGNMENT})") |
endif() |
# |
# Make a version file containing the current version from git. |
# |
include(GetGitRevisionDescription) |
git_describe_checkout(STORM_GIT_VERSION_STRING) |
# Parse the git Tag into variables |
string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*" "\\1" STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_PATCH "${STORM_GIT_VERSION_STRING}") |
string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\-([0-9]+)\\-.*" "\\1" STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_COMMITS_AHEAD "${STORM_GIT_VERSION_STRING}") |
string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\-[0-9]+\\-([a-z0-9]+).*" "\\1" STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_HASH "${STORM_GIT_VERSION_STRING}") |
string(REGEX REPLACE "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\-[0-9]+\\-[a-z0-9]+\\-(.*)" "\\1" STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_APPENDIX "${STORM_GIT_VERSION_STRING}") |
else() |
endif() |
# Configure a header file to pass some of the CMake settings to the source code |
configure_file ( |
"${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/storm-cudaplugin-config.h" |
) |
# Add the binary dir include directory for storm-config.h |
include_directories("${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include") |
# Add the main source directory for includes |
include_directories("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../src") |
############################################################# |
## |
## Source file aggregation and clustering |
## |
############################################################# |
# Additional include files like the storm-config.h |
# Group the headers and sources |
# Add custom additional include or link directories |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Using additional include directories ${ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS}") |
include_directories(${ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Using additional link directories ${ADDITIONAL_LINK_DIRS}") |
link_directories(${ADDITIONAL_LINK_DIRS}) |
############################################################# |
## |
## Pre executable-creation link_directories setup |
## |
############################################################# |
############################################################# |
## |
## CUDA |
## |
############################################################# |
#set(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS} --gpu-architecture sm_30) |
#target_link_libraries(cudaLibrary ${CUDA_cusparse_LIBRARY}) |
#ADD_DEPENDENCIES(cudaForStorm cudaLibrary) |
#target_link_libraries(cudaForStorm cudaLibrary) |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Found CUDA SDK in Version ${CUDA_VERSION_STRING}, sparse lib is ${CUDA_cusparse_LIBRARY}") |
include_directories(${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) |
############################################################# |
## |
## CUSP |
## |
############################################################# |
include_directories(${CUSP_INCLUDE_DIR}) |
cuda_include_directories(${CUSP_INCLUDE_DIR}) |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Found CUSP Version ${CUSP_VERSION} in location ${CUSP_INCLUDE_DIR}") |
else() |
message(FATAL_ERROR "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Could not find CUSP!") |
endif() |
############################################################# |
## |
## Thrust |
## |
############################################################# |
include_directories(${THRUST_INCLUDE_DIR}) |
cuda_include_directories(${THRUST_INCLUDE_DIR}) |
message(STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Found Thrust Version ${THRUST_VERSION} in location ${THRUST_INCLUDE_DIR}") |
else() |
message(FATAL_ERROR "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Could not find Thrust! Check your CUDA installation.") |
endif() |
############################################################################### |
## # |
## Executable Creation # |
## # |
## All link_directories() calls AND include_directories() calls # |
## MUST be made before this point # |
## # |
############################################################################### |
include (GenerateExportHeader) |
cuda_add_library(cudaForStorm SHARED |
OPTIONS -DSTUFF="" -arch=sm_30 |
) |
BASE_NAME cudaForStorm |
EXPORT_FILE_NAME include/cudaForStorm_Export.h |
) |
if (MSVC) |
# Add the DebugHelper DLL |
target_link_libraries(cudaForStorm "Dbghelp.lib") |
endif(MSVC) |
# Link against libc++abi if requested. May be needed to build on Linux systems using clang. |
message (STATUS "StoRM (CudaPlugin) - Linking against libc++abi.") |
target_link_libraries(cudaForStorm "c++abi") |
# Install Directive |
install(FILES "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/srcCuda/cudaForStorm.h" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/cudaForStorm_Export.h" DESTINATION "${STORM_LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/include") |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
#include "utility.h" |
#include "bandWidth.h" |
#include "basicAdd.h" |
#include "kernelSwitchTest.h" |
#include "basicValueIteration.h" |
#include "version.h" |
@ -1,286 +0,0 @@ |
#include <cuda.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <chrono> |
#include <iostream> |
__global__ void cuda_kernel_basicAdd(int a, int b, int *c) { |
*c = a + b; |
} |
__global__ void cuda_kernel_arrayFma(int const * const A, int const * const B, int const * const C, int * const D, int const N) { |
// Fused Multiply Add: |
// A * B + C => D |
/* |
*Die Variable i dient für den Zugriff auf das Array. Da jeder Thread die Funktion VecAdd |
*ausführt, muss i für jeden Thread unterschiedlich sein. Ansonsten würden unterschiedliche |
*Threads auf denselben Index im Array schreiben. blockDim.x ist die Anzahl der Threads der x-Komponente |
*des Blocks, blockIdx.x ist die x-Koordinate des aktuellen Blocks und threadIdx.x ist die x-Koordinate des |
*Threads, der die Funktion gerade ausführt. |
*/ |
int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; |
if (i < N) { |
D[i] = A[i] * B[i] + C[i]; |
} |
} |
__global__ void cuda_kernel_arrayFmaOptimized(int * const A, int const N, int const M) { |
// Fused Multiply Add: |
// A * B + C => D |
// Layout: |
// A B C D A B C D A B C D |
int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; |
if ((i*M) < N) { |
for (int j = i*M; j < i*M + M; ++j) { |
A[j*4 + 3] = A[j*4] * A[j*4 + 1] + A[j*4 + 2]; |
} |
} |
} |
extern "C" int cuda_basicAdd(int a, int b) { |
int c = 0; |
int *dev_c; |
cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_c, sizeof(int)); |
cuda_kernel_basicAdd<<<1, 1>>>(a, b, dev_c); |
cudaMemcpy(&c, dev_c, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); |
//printf("%d + %d + 42 is %d\n", a, b, c); |
cudaFree(dev_c); |
return c; |
} |
void cpp_cuda_bandwidthTest(int entryCount, int N) { |
// Size of the Arrays |
size_t arraySize = entryCount * sizeof(int); |
int* deviceIntArray; |
int* hostIntArray = new int[arraySize]; |
// Allocate space on the device |
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); |
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { |
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIntArray, arraySize) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaMalloc while allocating " << arraySize << " Bytes!" << std::endl; |
delete[] hostIntArray; |
return; |
} |
// Free memory on device |
if (cudaFree(deviceIntArray) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaFree!" << std::endl; |
delete[] hostIntArray; |
return; |
} |
} |
auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); |
auto copyTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - start_time).count(); |
double mBytesPerSecond = (((double)(N * arraySize)) / copyTime) * 0.95367431640625; |
std::cout << "Allocating the Array " << N << " times took " << copyTime << " Microseconds." << std::endl; |
std::cout << "Resulting in " << mBytesPerSecond << " MBytes per Second Allocationspeed." << std::endl; |
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIntArray, arraySize) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaMalloc while allocating " << arraySize << " Bytes for copyTest!" << std::endl; |
delete[] hostIntArray; |
return; |
} |
// Prepare data |
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { |
hostIntArray[i] = i * 333 + 123; |
} |
// Copy data TO device |
start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); |
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { |
if (cudaMemcpy(deviceIntArray, hostIntArray, arraySize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaMemcpy while copying " << arraySize << " Bytes to device!" << std::endl; |
// Free memory on device |
if (cudaFree(deviceIntArray) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaFree!" << std::endl; |
} |
delete[] hostIntArray; |
return; |
} |
} |
end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); |
copyTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - start_time).count(); |
mBytesPerSecond = (((double)(N * arraySize)) / copyTime) * 0.95367431640625; |
std::cout << "Copying the Array " << N << " times took " << copyTime << " Microseconds." << std::endl; |
std::cout << "Resulting in " << mBytesPerSecond << " MBytes per Second TO device." << std::endl; |
// Copy data FROM device |
start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); |
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { |
if (cudaMemcpy(hostIntArray, deviceIntArray, arraySize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaMemcpy while copying " << arraySize << " Bytes to host!" << std::endl; |
// Free memory on device |
if (cudaFree(deviceIntArray) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaFree!" << std::endl; |
} |
delete[] hostIntArray; |
return; |
} |
} |
end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); |
copyTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - start_time).count(); |
mBytesPerSecond = (((double)(N * arraySize)) / copyTime) * 0.95367431640625; |
std::cout << "Copying the Array " << N << " times took " << copyTime << " Microseconds." << std::endl; |
std::cout << "Resulting in " << mBytesPerSecond << " MBytes per Second FROM device." << std::endl; |
// Free memory on device |
if (cudaFree(deviceIntArray) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaFree!" << std::endl; |
} |
delete[] hostIntArray; |
} |
extern "C" void cuda_arrayFma(int const * const A, int const * const B, int const * const C, int * const D, int const N) { |
// Size of the Arrays |
size_t arraySize = N * sizeof(int); |
int* deviceIntArrayA; |
int* deviceIntArrayB; |
int* deviceIntArrayC; |
int* deviceIntArrayD; |
// Allocate space on the device |
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIntArrayA, arraySize) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMalloc1!\n"); |
return; |
} |
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIntArrayB, arraySize) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMalloc2!\n"); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
return; |
} |
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIntArrayC, arraySize) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMalloc3!\n"); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayB); |
return; |
} |
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIntArrayD, arraySize) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMalloc4!\n"); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayB); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayC); |
return; |
} |
// Copy data TO device |
if (cudaMemcpy(deviceIntArrayA, A, arraySize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMemcpy!\n"); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayB); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayC); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayD); |
return; |
} |
if (cudaMemcpy(deviceIntArrayB, B, arraySize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMemcpy!\n"); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayB); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayC); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayD); |
return; |
} |
if (cudaMemcpy(deviceIntArrayC, C, arraySize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMemcpy!\n"); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayB); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayC); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayD); |
return; |
} |
// Festlegung der Threads pro Block |
int threadsPerBlock = 512; |
// Es werden soviele Blöcke benötigt, dass alle Elemente der Vektoren abgearbeitet werden können |
int blocksPerGrid = (N + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock; |
// Run kernel |
cuda_kernel_arrayFma<<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock>>>(deviceIntArrayA, deviceIntArrayB, deviceIntArrayC, deviceIntArrayD, N); |
// Copy data FROM device |
if (cudaMemcpy(D, deviceIntArrayD, arraySize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMemcpy!\n"); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayB); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayC); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayD); |
return; |
} |
// Free memory on device |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayB); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayC); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayD); |
} |
extern "C" void cuda_arrayFmaOptimized(int * const A, int const N, int const M) { |
// Size of the Arrays |
size_t arraySize = N * sizeof(int) * 4; |
int* deviceIntArrayA; |
// Allocate space on the device |
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIntArrayA, arraySize) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMalloc1!\n"); |
return; |
} |
#define ONFAILFREE0() do { } while(0) |
#define ONFAILFREE1(a) do { cudaFree(a); } while(0) |
#define ONFAILFREE2(a, b) do { cudaFree(a); cudaFree(b); } while(0) |
#define ONFAILFREE3(a, b, c) do { cudaFree(a); cudaFree(b); cudaFree(c); } while(0) |
#define ONFAILFREE4(a, b, c, d) do { cudaFree(a); cudaFree(b); cudaFree(c); cudaFree(d); } while(0) |
#define CHECKED_CUDA_CALL(func__, freeArgs, ...) do { int retCode = cuda##func__ (__VA_ARGS__); if (retCode != cudaSuccess) { freeArgs; printf("Error in func__!\n"); return; } } while(0) |
// Copy data TO device |
CHECKED_CUDA_CALL(Memcpy, ONFAILFREE1(deviceIntArrayA), deviceIntArrayA, A, arraySize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
/*if (cudaMemcpy(deviceIntArrayA, A, arraySize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMemcpy!\n"); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
return; |
}*/ |
// Festlegung der Threads pro Block |
int threadsPerBlock = 512; |
// Es werden soviele Blöcke benötigt, dass alle Elemente der Vektoren abgearbeitet werden können |
int blocksPerGrid = (N + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock; |
// Run kernel |
cuda_kernel_arrayFmaOptimized<<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock>>>(deviceIntArrayA, N, M); |
// Copy data FROM device |
if (cudaMemcpy(A, deviceIntArrayA, arraySize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaMemcpy!\n"); |
cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA); |
return; |
} |
// Free memory on device |
if (cudaFree(deviceIntArrayA) != cudaSuccess) { |
printf("Error in cudaFree!\n"); |
return; |
} |
} |
extern "C" void cuda_arrayFmaHelper(int const * const A, int const * const B, int const * const C, int * const D, int const N) { |
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { |
D[i] = A[i] * B[i] + C[i]; |
} |
} |
extern "C" void cuda_arrayFmaOptimizedHelper(int * const A, int const N) { |
for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 4) { |
A[i+3] = A[i] * A[i+1] + A[i+2]; |
} |
} |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
extern "C" int cuda_basicAdd(int a, int b); |
extern "C" void cuda_arrayFmaOptimized(int * const A, int const N, int const M); |
extern "C" void cuda_arrayFmaOptimizedHelper(int * const A, int const N); |
extern "C" void cuda_arrayFma(int const * const A, int const * const B, int const * const C, int * const D, int const N); |
extern "C" void cuda_arrayFmaHelper(int const * const A, int const * const B, int const * const C, int * const D, int const N); |
void cpp_cuda_bandwidthTest(int entryCount, int N); |
@ -1,879 +0,0 @@ |
#include "basicValueIteration.h" |
#include <iostream> |
#include <chrono> |
#include <cuda_runtime.h> |
#include "cusparse_v2.h" |
#include "utility.h" |
#include "cuspExtension.h" |
#include <thrust/transform.h> |
#include <thrust/device_ptr.h> |
#include <thrust/functional.h> |
#include "storm-cudaplugin-config.h" |
#ifdef DEBUG |
#define CUDA_CHECK_ALL_ERRORS() do { cudaError_t errSync = cudaGetLastError(); cudaError_t errAsync = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); if (errSync != cudaSuccess) { std::cout << "(DLL) Sync kernel error: " << cudaGetErrorString(errSync) << " (Code: " << errSync << ") in Line " << __LINE__ << std::endl; } if (errAsync != cudaSuccess) { std::cout << "(DLL) Async kernel error: " << cudaGetErrorString(errAsync) << " (Code: " << errAsync << ") in Line " << __LINE__ << std::endl; } } while(false) |
#else |
#define CUDA_CHECK_ALL_ERRORS() do {} while (false) |
#endif |
template<typename T, bool Relative> |
struct equalModuloPrecision : public thrust::binary_function<T,T,T> |
{ |
__host__ __device__ T operator()(const T &x, const T &y) const |
{ |
if (Relative) { |
if (y == 0) { |
return ((x >= 0) ? (x) : (-x)); |
} |
const T result = (x - y) / y; |
return ((result >= 0) ? (result) : (-result)); |
} else { |
const T result = (x - y); |
return ((result >= 0) ? (result) : (-result)); |
} |
} |
}; |
template<typename IndexType, typename ValueType> |
void exploadVector(std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, ValueType>> const& inputVector, std::vector<IndexType>& indexVector, std::vector<ValueType>& valueVector) { |
indexVector.reserve(inputVector.size()); |
valueVector.reserve(inputVector.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputVector.size(); ++i) { |
indexVector.push_back(; |
valueVector.push_back(; |
} |
} |
template <bool Minimize, bool Relative, typename IndexType, typename ValueType> |
bool basicValueIteration_mvReduce(uint_fast64_t const maxIterationCount, double const precision, std::vector<IndexType> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<ValueType>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<ValueType>& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& b, std::vector<IndexType> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, size_t& iterationCount) { |
//std::vector<IndexType> matrixColumnIndices; |
//std::vector<ValueType> matrixValues; |
//exploadVector<IndexType, ValueType>(columnIndicesAndValues, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues); |
bool errorOccured = false; |
IndexType* device_matrixRowIndices = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_matrixColIndicesAndValues = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_x = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_xSwap = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_b = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_multiplyResult = nullptr; |
IndexType* device_nondeterministicChoiceIndices = nullptr; |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout.sync_with_stdio(true); |
std::cout << "(DLL) Entering CUDA Function: basicValueIteration_mvReduce" << std::endl; |
std::cout << "(DLL) Device has " << getTotalCudaMemory() << " Bytes of Memory with " << getFreeCudaMemory() << "Bytes free (" << (static_cast<double>(getFreeCudaMemory()) / static_cast<double>(getTotalCudaMemory())) * 100 << "%)." << std::endl; |
size_t memSize = sizeof(IndexType) * matrixRowIndices.size() + sizeof(IndexType) * columnIndicesAndValues.size() * 2 + sizeof(ValueType) * x.size() + sizeof(ValueType) * x.size() + sizeof(ValueType) * b.size() + sizeof(ValueType) * b.size() + sizeof(IndexType) * nondeterministicChoiceIndices.size(); |
std::cout << "(DLL) We will allocate " << memSize << " Bytes." << std::endl; |
#endif |
const IndexType matrixRowCount = matrixRowIndices.size() - 1; |
const IndexType matrixColCount = nondeterministicChoiceIndices.size() - 1; |
const IndexType matrixNnzCount = columnIndicesAndValues.size(); |
cudaError_t cudaMallocResult; |
bool converged = false; |
iterationCount = 0; |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_matrixRowIndices), sizeof(IndexType) * (matrixRowCount + 1)); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Matrix Row Indices, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#else |
#endif |
if (sizeof(ValueType) == sizeof(float) && STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_HAVE_64BIT_FLOAT_ALIGNMENT_VALUE) { |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_matrixColIndicesAndValues), sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount + sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Matrix Column Indices and Values, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
} else { |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_matrixColIndicesAndValues), sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount + sizeof(ValueType) * matrixNnzCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Matrix Column Indices and Values, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_x), sizeof(ValueType) * matrixColCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector x, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_xSwap), sizeof(ValueType) * matrixColCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector x swap, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_b), sizeof(ValueType) * matrixRowCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector b, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_multiplyResult), sizeof(ValueType) * matrixRowCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector multiplyResult, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_nondeterministicChoiceIndices), sizeof(IndexType) * (matrixColCount + 1)); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Nondeterministic Choice Indices, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished allocating memory." << std::endl; |
#endif |
// Memory allocated, copy data to device |
cudaError_t cudaCopyResult; |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_matrixRowIndices,, sizeof(IndexType) * (matrixRowCount + 1), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Matrix Row Indices, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
// Copy all data as floats are expanded to 64bits :/ |
if (sizeof(ValueType) == sizeof(float) && STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_HAVE_64BIT_FLOAT_ALIGNMENT_VALUE) { |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_matrixColIndicesAndValues,, (sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount) + (sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Matrix Column Indices and Values, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
} else { |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_matrixColIndicesAndValues,, (sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount) + (sizeof(ValueType) * matrixNnzCount), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Matrix Column Indices and Values, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
} |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_x,, sizeof(ValueType) * matrixColCount, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector x, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
// Preset the xSwap to zeros... |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemset(device_xSwap, 0, sizeof(ValueType) * matrixColCount); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not zero the Swap Vector x, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_b,, sizeof(ValueType) * matrixRowCount, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector b, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
// Preset the multiplyResult to zeros... |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemset(device_multiplyResult, 0, sizeof(ValueType) * matrixRowCount); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not zero the multiply Result, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_nondeterministicChoiceIndices,, sizeof(IndexType) * (matrixColCount + 1), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector b, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished copying data to GPU memory." << std::endl; |
#endif |
// Data is on device, start Kernel |
while (!converged && iterationCount < maxIterationCount) { // In a sub-area since transfer of control via label evades initialization |
cusp::detail::device::storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector<ValueType>(matrixRowCount, matrixNnzCount, device_matrixRowIndices, device_matrixColIndicesAndValues, device_x, device_multiplyResult); |
thrust::device_ptr<ValueType> devicePtrThrust_b(device_b); |
thrust::device_ptr<ValueType> devicePtrThrust_multiplyResult(device_multiplyResult); |
// Transform: Add multiplyResult + b inplace to multiplyResult |
thrust::transform(devicePtrThrust_multiplyResult, devicePtrThrust_multiplyResult + matrixRowCount, devicePtrThrust_b, devicePtrThrust_multiplyResult, thrust::plus<ValueType>()); |
// Reduce: Reduce multiplyResult to a new x vector |
cusp::detail::device::storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce<Minimize, ValueType>(matrixColCount, matrixRowCount, device_nondeterministicChoiceIndices, device_xSwap, device_multiplyResult); |
// Check for convergence |
// Transform: x = abs(x - xSwap)/ xSwap |
thrust::device_ptr<ValueType> devicePtrThrust_x(device_x); |
thrust::device_ptr<ValueType> devicePtrThrust_x_end(device_x + matrixColCount); |
thrust::device_ptr<ValueType> devicePtrThrust_xSwap(device_xSwap); |
thrust::transform(devicePtrThrust_x, devicePtrThrust_x_end, devicePtrThrust_xSwap, devicePtrThrust_x, equalModuloPrecision<ValueType, Relative>()); |
// Reduce: get Max over x and check for res < Precision |
ValueType maxX = thrust::reduce(devicePtrThrust_x, devicePtrThrust_x_end, -std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max(), thrust::maximum<ValueType>()); |
converged = (maxX < precision); |
++iterationCount; |
// Swap pointers, device_x always contains the most current result |
std::swap(device_x, device_xSwap); |
} |
if (!converged && (iterationCount == maxIterationCount)) { |
iterationCount = 0; |
errorOccured = true; |
} |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished kernel execution." << std::endl; |
std::cout << "(DLL) Executed " << iterationCount << " of max. " << maxIterationCount << " Iterations." << std::endl; |
#endif |
// Get x back from the device |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(, device_x, sizeof(ValueType) * matrixColCount, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy back data for result vector x, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished copying result data." << std::endl; |
#endif |
// All code related to freeing memory and clearing up the device |
cleanup: |
if (device_matrixRowIndices != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_matrixRowIndices); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Matrix Row Indices, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
} |
device_matrixRowIndices = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_matrixColIndicesAndValues != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_matrixColIndicesAndValues); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Matrix Column Indices and Values, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
} |
device_matrixColIndicesAndValues = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_x != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_x); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector x, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
} |
device_x = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_xSwap != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_xSwap); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector x swap, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
} |
device_xSwap = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_b != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_b); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector b, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
} |
device_b = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_multiplyResult != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_multiplyResult); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector multiplyResult, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
} |
device_multiplyResult = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_nondeterministicChoiceIndices != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_nondeterministicChoiceIndices); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Nondeterministic Choice Indices, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
errorOccured = true; |
} |
device_nondeterministicChoiceIndices = nullptr; |
} |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished cleanup." << std::endl; |
#endif |
return !errorOccured; |
} |
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType> |
void basicValueIteration_spmv(uint_fast64_t const matrixColCount, std::vector<IndexType> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<ValueType>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType>& b) { |
IndexType* device_matrixRowIndices = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_matrixColIndicesAndValues = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_x = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_multiplyResult = nullptr; |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout.sync_with_stdio(true); |
std::cout << "(DLL) Entering CUDA Function: basicValueIteration_spmv" << std::endl; |
std::cout << "(DLL) Device has " << getTotalCudaMemory() << " Bytes of Memory with " << getFreeCudaMemory() << "Bytes free (" << (static_cast<double>(getFreeCudaMemory()) / static_cast<double>(getTotalCudaMemory()))*100 << "%)." << std::endl; |
size_t memSize = sizeof(IndexType) * matrixRowIndices.size() + sizeof(IndexType) * columnIndicesAndValues.size() * 2 + sizeof(ValueType) * x.size() + sizeof(ValueType) * b.size(); |
std::cout << "(DLL) We will allocate " << memSize << " Bytes." << std::endl; |
#endif |
const IndexType matrixRowCount = matrixRowIndices.size() - 1; |
const IndexType matrixNnzCount = columnIndicesAndValues.size(); |
cudaError_t cudaMallocResult; |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_matrixRowIndices), sizeof(IndexType) * (matrixRowCount + 1)); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Matrix Row Indices, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_matrixColIndicesAndValues), sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount + sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Matrix Column Indices And Values, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#else |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_matrixColIndicesAndValues), sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount + sizeof(ValueType) * matrixNnzCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Matrix Column Indices And Values, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#endif |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_x), sizeof(ValueType) * matrixColCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector x, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_multiplyResult), sizeof(ValueType) * matrixRowCount); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector multiplyResult, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished allocating memory." << std::endl; |
#endif |
// Memory allocated, copy data to device |
cudaError_t cudaCopyResult; |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_matrixRowIndices,, sizeof(IndexType) * (matrixRowCount + 1), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Matrix Row Indices, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_matrixColIndicesAndValues,, (sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount) + (sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Matrix Column Indices and Values, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#else |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_matrixColIndicesAndValues,, (sizeof(IndexType) * matrixNnzCount) + (sizeof(ValueType) * matrixNnzCount), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Matrix Column Indices and Values, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#endif |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_x,, sizeof(ValueType) * matrixColCount, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector x, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
// Preset the multiplyResult to zeros... |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemset(device_multiplyResult, 0, sizeof(ValueType) * matrixRowCount); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not zero the multiply Result, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished copying data to GPU memory." << std::endl; |
#endif |
cusp::detail::device::storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector<ValueType>(matrixRowCount, matrixNnzCount, device_matrixRowIndices, device_matrixColIndicesAndValues, device_x, device_multiplyResult); |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished kernel execution." << std::endl; |
#endif |
// Get result back from the device |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(, device_multiplyResult, sizeof(ValueType) * matrixRowCount, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy back data for result vector, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished copying result data." << std::endl; |
#endif |
// All code related to freeing memory and clearing up the device |
cleanup: |
if (device_matrixRowIndices != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_matrixRowIndices); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Matrix Row Indices, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_matrixRowIndices = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_matrixColIndicesAndValues != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_matrixColIndicesAndValues); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Matrix Column Indices and Values, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_matrixColIndicesAndValues = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_x != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_x); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector x, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_x = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_multiplyResult != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_multiplyResult); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector multiplyResult, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_multiplyResult = nullptr; |
} |
#ifdef DEBUG |
std::cout << "(DLL) Finished cleanup." << std::endl; |
#endif |
} |
template <typename ValueType> |
void basicValueIteration_addVectorsInplace(std::vector<ValueType>& a, std::vector<ValueType> const& b) { |
ValueType* device_a = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_b = nullptr; |
const size_t vectorSize = std::max(a.size(), b.size()); |
cudaError_t cudaMallocResult; |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_a), sizeof(ValueType) * vectorSize); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector a, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_b), sizeof(ValueType) * vectorSize); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector b, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
// Memory allocated, copy data to device |
cudaError_t cudaCopyResult; |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_a,, sizeof(ValueType) * vectorSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector a, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_b,, sizeof(ValueType) * vectorSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector b, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
do { |
// Transform: Add multiplyResult + b inplace to multiplyResult |
thrust::device_ptr<ValueType> devicePtrThrust_a(device_a); |
thrust::device_ptr<ValueType> devicePtrThrust_b(device_b); |
thrust::transform(devicePtrThrust_a, devicePtrThrust_a + vectorSize, devicePtrThrust_b, devicePtrThrust_a, thrust::plus<ValueType>()); |
} while (false); |
// Get result back from the device |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(, device_a, sizeof(ValueType) * vectorSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy back data for result vector, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
// All code related to freeing memory and clearing up the device |
cleanup: |
if (device_a != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_a); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector a, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_a = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_b != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_b); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector b, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_b = nullptr; |
} |
} |
template <typename IndexType, typename ValueType, bool Minimize> |
void basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector(std::vector<ValueType> const& groupedVector, std::vector<IndexType> const& grouping, std::vector<ValueType>& targetVector) { |
ValueType* device_groupedVector = nullptr; |
IndexType* device_grouping = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_target = nullptr; |
const size_t groupedSize = groupedVector.size(); |
const size_t groupingSize = grouping.size(); |
const size_t targetSize = targetVector.size(); |
cudaError_t cudaMallocResult; |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_groupedVector), sizeof(ValueType) * groupedSize); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector groupedVector, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_grouping), sizeof(IndexType) * groupingSize); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector grouping, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_target), sizeof(ValueType) * targetSize); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector targetVector, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
// Memory allocated, copy data to device |
cudaError_t cudaCopyResult; |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_groupedVector,, sizeof(ValueType) * groupedSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector groupedVector, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_grouping,, sizeof(IndexType) * groupingSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector grouping, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
do { |
// Reduce: Reduce multiplyResult to a new x vector |
cusp::detail::device::storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce<Minimize, ValueType>(groupingSize - 1, groupedSize, device_grouping, device_target, device_groupedVector); |
} while (false); |
// Get result back from the device |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(, device_target, sizeof(ValueType) * targetSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy back data for result vector, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
// All code related to freeing memory and clearing up the device |
cleanup: |
if (device_groupedVector != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_groupedVector); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector groupedVector, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_groupedVector = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_grouping != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_grouping); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector grouping, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_grouping = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_target != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_target); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector target, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_target = nullptr; |
} |
} |
template <typename ValueType, bool Relative> |
void basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision(std::vector<ValueType> const& x, std::vector<ValueType> const& y, ValueType& maxElement) { |
ValueType* device_x = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_y = nullptr; |
const size_t vectorSize = x.size(); |
cudaError_t cudaMallocResult; |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_x), sizeof(ValueType) * vectorSize); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector x, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaMallocResult = cudaMalloc(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&device_y), sizeof(ValueType) * vectorSize); |
if (cudaMallocResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not allocate memory for Vector y, Error Code " << cudaMallocResult << "." << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
// Memory allocated, copy data to device |
cudaError_t cudaCopyResult; |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_x,, sizeof(ValueType) * vectorSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector x, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
cudaCopyResult = cudaMemcpy(device_y,, sizeof(ValueType) * vectorSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); |
if (cudaCopyResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not copy data for Vector y, Error Code " << cudaCopyResult << std::endl; |
goto cleanup; |
} |
do { |
// Transform: x = abs(x - xSwap)/ xSwap |
thrust::device_ptr<ValueType> devicePtrThrust_x(device_x); |
thrust::device_ptr<ValueType> devicePtrThrust_y(device_y); |
thrust::transform(devicePtrThrust_x, devicePtrThrust_x + vectorSize, devicePtrThrust_y, devicePtrThrust_x, equalModuloPrecision<ValueType, Relative>()); |
// Reduce: get Max over x and check for res < Precision |
maxElement = thrust::reduce(devicePtrThrust_x, devicePtrThrust_x + vectorSize, -std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max(), thrust::maximum<ValueType>()); |
} while (false); |
// All code related to freeing memory and clearing up the device |
cleanup: |
if (device_x != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_x); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector x, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_x = nullptr; |
} |
if (device_y != nullptr) { |
cudaError_t cudaFreeResult = cudaFree(device_y); |
if (cudaFreeResult != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Could not free Memory of Vector y, Error Code " << cudaFreeResult << "." << std::endl; |
} |
device_y = nullptr; |
} |
} |
/* |
* Declare and implement all exported functions for these Kernels here |
* |
*/ |
void basicValueIteration_spmv_uint64_double(uint_fast64_t const matrixColCount, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<double>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<double> const& x, std::vector<double>& b) { |
basicValueIteration_spmv<uint_fast64_t, double>(matrixColCount, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_addVectorsInplace_double(std::vector<double>& a, std::vector<double> const& b) { |
basicValueIteration_addVectorsInplace<double>(a, b); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector_uint64_double_minimize(std::vector<double> const& groupedVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& grouping, std::vector<double>& targetVector) { |
basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector<uint_fast64_t, double, true>(groupedVector, grouping, targetVector); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector_uint64_double_maximize(std::vector<double> const& groupedVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& grouping, std::vector<double>& targetVector) { |
basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector<uint_fast64_t, double, false>(groupedVector, grouping, targetVector); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision_double_Relative(std::vector<double> const& x, std::vector<double> const& y, double& maxElement) { |
basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision<double, true>(x, y, maxElement); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision_double_NonRelative(std::vector<double> const& x, std::vector<double> const& y, double& maxElement) { |
basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision<double, false>(x, y, maxElement); |
} |
// Float |
void basicValueIteration_spmv_uint64_float(uint_fast64_t const matrixColCount, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<float>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<float> const& x, std::vector<float>& b) { |
basicValueIteration_spmv<uint_fast64_t, float>(matrixColCount, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_addVectorsInplace_float(std::vector<float>& a, std::vector<float> const& b) { |
basicValueIteration_addVectorsInplace<float>(a, b); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector_uint64_float_minimize(std::vector<float> const& groupedVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& grouping, std::vector<float>& targetVector) { |
basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector<uint_fast64_t, float, true>(groupedVector, grouping, targetVector); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector_uint64_float_maximize(std::vector<float> const& groupedVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& grouping, std::vector<float>& targetVector) { |
basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector<uint_fast64_t, float, false>(groupedVector, grouping, targetVector); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision_float_Relative(std::vector<float> const& x, std::vector<float> const& y, float& maxElement) { |
basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision<float, true>(x, y, maxElement); |
} |
void basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision_float_NonRelative(std::vector<float> const& x, std::vector<float> const& y, float& maxElement) { |
basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision<float, false>(x, y, maxElement); |
} |
bool basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_double_minimize(uint_fast64_t const maxIterationCount, double const precision, bool const relativePrecisionCheck, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<double>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<double>& x, std::vector<double> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, size_t& iterationCount) { |
if (relativePrecisionCheck) { |
return basicValueIteration_mvReduce<true, true, uint_fast64_t, double>(maxIterationCount, precision, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, iterationCount); |
} else { |
return basicValueIteration_mvReduce<true, false, uint_fast64_t, double>(maxIterationCount, precision, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, iterationCount); |
} |
} |
bool basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_double_maximize(uint_fast64_t const maxIterationCount, double const precision, bool const relativePrecisionCheck, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<double>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<double>& x, std::vector<double> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, size_t& iterationCount) { |
if (relativePrecisionCheck) { |
return basicValueIteration_mvReduce<false, true, uint_fast64_t, double>(maxIterationCount, precision, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, iterationCount); |
} else { |
return basicValueIteration_mvReduce<false, false, uint_fast64_t, double>(maxIterationCount, precision, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, iterationCount); |
} |
} |
bool basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_float_minimize(uint_fast64_t const maxIterationCount, double const precision, bool const relativePrecisionCheck, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<float>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<float>& x, std::vector<float> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, size_t& iterationCount) { |
if (relativePrecisionCheck) { |
return basicValueIteration_mvReduce<true, true, uint_fast64_t, float>(maxIterationCount, precision, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, iterationCount); |
} else { |
return basicValueIteration_mvReduce<true, false, uint_fast64_t, float>(maxIterationCount, precision, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, iterationCount); |
} |
} |
bool basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_float_maximize(uint_fast64_t const maxIterationCount, double const precision, bool const relativePrecisionCheck, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<float>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<float>& x, std::vector<float> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, size_t& iterationCount) { |
if (relativePrecisionCheck) { |
return basicValueIteration_mvReduce<false, true, uint_fast64_t, float>(maxIterationCount, precision, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, iterationCount); |
} else { |
return basicValueIteration_mvReduce<false, false, uint_fast64_t, float>(maxIterationCount, precision, matrixRowIndices, columnIndicesAndValues, x, b, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, iterationCount); |
} |
} |
size_t basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_double_calculateMemorySize(size_t const rowCount, size_t const rowGroupCount, size_t const nnzCount) { |
size_t const valueTypeSize = sizeof(double); |
size_t const indexTypeSize = sizeof(uint_fast64_t); |
/* |
IndexType* device_matrixRowIndices = nullptr; |
IndexType* device_matrixColIndices = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_matrixValues = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_x = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_xSwap = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_b = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_multiplyResult = nullptr; |
IndexType* device_nondeterministicChoiceIndices = nullptr; |
*/ |
// Row Indices, Column Indices, Values, Choice Indices |
size_t const matrixDataSize = ((rowCount + 1) * indexTypeSize) + (nnzCount * indexTypeSize) + (nnzCount * valueTypeSize) + ((rowGroupCount + 1) * indexTypeSize); |
// Vectors x, xSwap, b, multiplyResult |
size_t const vectorSizes = (rowGroupCount * valueTypeSize) + (rowGroupCount * valueTypeSize) + (rowCount * valueTypeSize) + (rowCount * valueTypeSize); |
return (matrixDataSize + vectorSizes); |
} |
size_t basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_float_calculateMemorySize(size_t const rowCount, size_t const rowGroupCount, size_t const nnzCount) { |
size_t const valueTypeSize = sizeof(float); |
size_t const indexTypeSize = sizeof(uint_fast64_t); |
/* |
IndexType* device_matrixRowIndices = nullptr; |
IndexType* device_matrixColIndices = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_matrixValues = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_x = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_xSwap = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_b = nullptr; |
ValueType* device_multiplyResult = nullptr; |
IndexType* device_nondeterministicChoiceIndices = nullptr; |
*/ |
// Row Indices, Column Indices, Values, Choice Indices |
size_t const matrixDataSize = ((rowCount + 1) * indexTypeSize) + (nnzCount * indexTypeSize) + (nnzCount * valueTypeSize) + ((rowGroupCount + 1) * indexTypeSize); |
// Vectors x, xSwap, b, multiplyResult |
size_t const vectorSizes = (rowGroupCount * valueTypeSize) + (rowGroupCount * valueTypeSize) + (rowCount * valueTypeSize) + (rowCount * valueTypeSize); |
return (matrixDataSize + vectorSizes); |
} |
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ |
#include <cstdint> |
#include <vector> |
#include <utility> |
// Library exports |
#include "cudaForStorm_Export.h" |
/* Helper declaration to cope with new internal format */ |
namespace storm { |
namespace storage { |
template<typename T> |
class MatrixEntry { |
public: |
/*! |
* Constructs a matrix entry with the given column and value. |
* |
* @param column The column of the matrix entry. |
* @param value The value of the matrix entry. |
*/ |
MatrixEntry(uint_fast64_t column, T value); |
/*! |
* Move-constructs the matrix entry fro the given column-value pair. |
* |
* @param pair The column-value pair from which to move-construct the matrix entry. |
*/ |
MatrixEntry(std::pair<uint_fast64_t, T>&& pair); |
//MatrixEntry() = default; |
//MatrixEntry(MatrixEntry const& other) = default; |
//MatrixEntry& operator=(MatrixEntry const& other) = default; |
#ifndef WINDOWS |
//MatrixEntry(MatrixEntry&& other) = default; |
//MatrixEntry& operator=(MatrixEntry&& other) = default; |
#endif |
/*! |
* Retrieves the column of the matrix entry. |
* |
* @return The column of the matrix entry. |
*/ |
uint_fast64_t const& getColumn() const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves the column of the matrix entry. |
* |
* @return The column of the matrix entry. |
*/ |
uint_fast64_t& getColumn(); |
/*! |
* Retrieves the value of the matrix entry. |
* |
* @return The value of the matrix entry. |
*/ |
T const& getValue() const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves the value of the matrix entry. |
* |
* @return The value of the matrix entry. |
*/ |
T& getValue(); |
/*! |
* Retrieves a pair of column and value that characterizes this entry. |
* |
* @return A column-value pair that characterizes this entry. |
*/ |
std::pair<uint_fast64_t, T> const& getColumnValuePair() const; |
private: |
// The actual matrix entry. |
std::pair<uint_fast64_t, T> entry; |
}; |
} |
} |
#endif |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT size_t basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_double_calculateMemorySize(size_t const rowCount, size_t const rowGroupCount, size_t const nnzCount); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT bool basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_double_minimize(uint_fast64_t const maxIterationCount, double const precision, bool const relativePrecisionCheck, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<double>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<double>& x, std::vector<double> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, size_t& iterationCount); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT bool basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_double_maximize(uint_fast64_t const maxIterationCount, double const precision, bool const relativePrecisionCheck, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<double>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<double>& x, std::vector<double> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, size_t& iterationCount); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT size_t basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_float_calculateMemorySize(size_t const rowCount, size_t const rowGroupCount, size_t const nnzCount); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT bool basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_float_minimize(uint_fast64_t const maxIterationCount, double const precision, bool const relativePrecisionCheck, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<float>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<float>& x, std::vector<float> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, size_t& iterationCount); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT bool basicValueIteration_mvReduce_uint64_float_maximize(uint_fast64_t const maxIterationCount, double const precision, bool const relativePrecisionCheck, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<float>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<float>& x, std::vector<float> const& b, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nondeterministicChoiceIndices, size_t& iterationCount); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_spmv_uint64_double(uint_fast64_t const matrixColCount, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<double>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<double> const& x, std::vector<double>& b); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_addVectorsInplace_double(std::vector<double>& a, std::vector<double> const& b); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector_uint64_double_minimize(std::vector<double> const& groupedVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& grouping, std::vector<double>& targetVector); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector_uint64_double_maximize(std::vector<double> const& groupedVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& grouping, std::vector<double>& targetVector); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision_double_Relative(std::vector<double> const& x, std::vector<double> const& y, double& maxElement); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision_double_NonRelative(std::vector<double> const& x, std::vector<double> const& y, double& maxElement); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_spmv_uint64_float(uint_fast64_t const matrixColCount, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& matrixRowIndices, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<float>> const& columnIndicesAndValues, std::vector<float> const& x, std::vector<float>& b); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_addVectorsInplace_float(std::vector<float>& a, std::vector<float> const& b); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector_uint64_float_minimize(std::vector<float> const& groupedVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& grouping, std::vector<float>& targetVector); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_reduceGroupedVector_uint64_float_maximize(std::vector<float> const& groupedVector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& grouping, std::vector<float>& targetVector); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision_float_Relative(std::vector<float> const& x, std::vector<float> const& y, float& maxElement); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT void basicValueIteration_equalModuloPrecision_float_NonRelative(std::vector<float> const& x, std::vector<float> const& y, float& maxElement); |
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* List of exported functions in this library |
*/ |
// TopologicalValueIteration |
#include "srcCuda/basicValueIteration.h" |
// Utility Functions |
#include "srcCuda/utility.h" |
// Version Information |
#include "srcCuda/version.h" |
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include "cuspExtensionFloat.h" |
#include "cuspExtensionDouble.h" |
namespace cusp { |
namespace detail { |
namespace device { |
template <typename ValueType> |
void storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const ValueType * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const ValueType* x, ValueType* y) { |
// |
throw; |
} |
template <> |
void storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector<double>(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const double * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const double* x, double* y) { |
storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double(num_rows, num_entries, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); |
} |
template <> |
void storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector<float>(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const float * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const float* x, float* y) { |
storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float(num_rows, num_entries, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); |
} |
template <bool Minimize, typename ValueType> |
void storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, ValueType * x, const ValueType * y) { |
// |
throw; |
} |
template <> |
void storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce<true, double>(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, double * x, const double * y) { |
storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_double<true>(num_rows, num_entries, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); |
} |
template <> |
void storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce<false, double>(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, double * x, const double * y) { |
storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_double<false>(num_rows, num_entries, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); |
} |
template <> |
void storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce<true, float>(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, float * x, const float * y) { |
storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_float<true>(num_rows, num_entries, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); |
} |
template <> |
void storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce<false, float>(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, float * x, const float * y) { |
storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_float<false>(num_rows, num_entries, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); |
} |
} // end namespace device |
} // end namespace detail |
} // end namespace cusp |
@ -1,361 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* This is an extension of the original CUSP csr_vector.h SPMV implementation. |
* It is based on the Code and incorporates changes as to cope with the details |
* of the StoRM code. |
* Changes have been made for 1) different input format, 2) the sum calculation and 3) the group-reduce algorithm |
*/ |
/* |
* Copyright 2008-2009 NVIDIA Corporation |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* |
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
*/ |
#pragma once |
#include <limits> |
#include <cstdint> |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <math_functions.h> |
#include <cusp/detail/device/spmv/csr_vector.h> |
namespace cusp |
{ |
namespace detail |
{ |
namespace device |
{ |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// CSR SpMV kernels based on a vector model (one warp per row) |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// spmv_csr_vector_device |
// Each row of the CSR matrix is assigned to a warp. The warp computes |
// y[i] = A[i,:] * x, i.e. the dot product of the i-th row of A with |
// the x vector, in parallel. This division of work implies that |
// the CSR index and data arrays (Aj and Ax) are accessed in a contiguous |
// manner (but generally not aligned). On GT200 these accesses are |
// coalesced, unlike kernels based on the one-row-per-thread division of |
// work. Since an entire 32-thread warp is assigned to each row, many |
// threads will remain idle when their row contains a small number |
// of elements. This code relies on implicit synchronization among |
// threads in a warp. |
// |
// spmv_csr_vector_tex_device |
// Same as spmv_csr_vector_tex_device, except that the texture cache is |
// used for accessing the x vector. |
// |
// Note: THREADS_PER_VECTOR must be one of [2,4,8,16,32] |
template <unsigned int VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, unsigned int THREADS_PER_VECTOR, bool UseCache> |
__global__ void |
storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_kernel_double(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * __restrict__ matrixRowIndices, const double * __restrict__ matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const double * __restrict__ x, double * __restrict__ y) |
{ |
__shared__ volatile double sdata[VECTORS_PER_BLOCK * THREADS_PER_VECTOR + THREADS_PER_VECTOR / 2]; // padded to avoid reduction conditionals |
__shared__ volatile uint_fast64_t ptrs[VECTORS_PER_BLOCK][2]; |
const uint_fast64_t thread_id = THREADS_PER_BLOCK * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; // global thread index |
const uint_fast64_t thread_lane = threadIdx.x & (THREADS_PER_VECTOR - 1); // thread index within the vector |
const uint_fast64_t vector_id = thread_id / THREADS_PER_VECTOR; // global vector index |
const uint_fast64_t vector_lane = threadIdx.x / THREADS_PER_VECTOR; // vector index within the block |
const uint_fast64_t num_vectors = VECTORS_PER_BLOCK * gridDim.x; // total number of active vectors |
for(uint_fast64_t row = vector_id; row < num_rows; row += num_vectors) |
{ |
// use two threads to fetch Ap[row] and Ap[row+1] |
// this is considerably faster than the straightforward version |
if(thread_lane < 2) |
ptrs[vector_lane][thread_lane] = matrixRowIndices[row + thread_lane]; |
const uint_fast64_t row_start = ptrs[vector_lane][0]; //same as: row_start = Ap[row]; |
const uint_fast64_t row_end = ptrs[vector_lane][1]; //same as: row_end = Ap[row+1]; |
// initialize local sum |
double sum = 0; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR == 32 && row_end - row_start > 32) |
{ |
// ensure aligned memory access to Aj and Ax |
uint_fast64_t jj = row_start - (row_start & (THREADS_PER_VECTOR - 1)) + thread_lane; |
// accumulate local sums |
if(jj >= row_start && jj < row_end) { |
sum += matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[2 * jj + 1] * fetch_x<UseCache>(*reinterpret_cast<uint_fast64_t const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues + 2 * jj), x); |
//sum += reinterpret_cast<ValueType const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues)[2*jj + 1] * fetch_x<UseCache>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[2*jj], x); |
} |
// accumulate local sums |
for(jj += THREADS_PER_VECTOR; jj < row_end; jj += THREADS_PER_VECTOR) { |
//sum += reinterpret_cast<ValueType const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues)[2*jj + 1] * fetch_x<UseCache>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[2*jj], x); |
sum += matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[2 * jj + 1] * fetch_x<UseCache>(*reinterpret_cast<uint_fast64_t const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues + 2 * jj), x); |
} |
} else { |
// accumulate local sums |
for(uint_fast64_t jj = row_start + thread_lane; jj < row_end; jj += THREADS_PER_VECTOR) { |
//sum += reinterpret_cast<ValueType const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues)[2*jj + 1] * fetch_x<UseCache>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[2*jj], x); |
sum += matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[2 * jj + 1] * fetch_x<UseCache>(*reinterpret_cast<uint_fast64_t const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues + 2 * jj), x); |
} |
} |
// store local sum in shared memory |
sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum; |
// reduce local sums to row sum |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]; |
// first thread writes the result |
if (thread_lane == 0) |
y[row] = sdata[threadIdx.x]; |
} |
} |
template <unsigned int ROWS_PER_BLOCK, unsigned int THREADS_PER_ROW, bool Minimize> |
__launch_bounds__(ROWS_PER_BLOCK * THREADS_PER_ROW,1) |
__global__ void |
storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_kernel_double(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * __restrict__ nondeterministicChoiceIndices, double * __restrict__ x, const double * __restrict__ y, const double minMaxInitializer) |
{ |
__shared__ volatile double sdata[ROWS_PER_BLOCK * THREADS_PER_ROW + THREADS_PER_ROW / 2]; // padded to avoid reduction conditionals |
__shared__ volatile uint_fast64_t ptrs[ROWS_PER_BLOCK][2]; |
const uint_fast64_t thread_id = THREADS_PER_BLOCK * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; // global thread index |
const uint_fast64_t thread_lane = threadIdx.x & (THREADS_PER_ROW - 1); // thread index within the vector |
const uint_fast64_t vector_id = thread_id / THREADS_PER_ROW; // global vector index |
const uint_fast64_t vector_lane = threadIdx.x / THREADS_PER_ROW; // vector index within the block |
const uint_fast64_t num_vectors = ROWS_PER_BLOCK * gridDim.x; // total number of active vectors |
for(uint_fast64_t row = vector_id; row < num_rows; row += num_vectors) |
{ |
// use two threads to fetch Ap[row] and Ap[row+1] |
// this is considerably faster than the straightforward version |
if(thread_lane < 2) |
ptrs[vector_lane][thread_lane] = nondeterministicChoiceIndices[row + thread_lane]; |
const uint_fast64_t row_start = ptrs[vector_lane][0]; //same as: row_start = Ap[row]; |
const uint_fast64_t row_end = ptrs[vector_lane][1]; //same as: row_end = Ap[row+1]; |
// initialize local Min/Max |
double localMinMaxElement = minMaxInitializer; |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW == 32 && row_end - row_start > 32) |
{ |
// ensure aligned memory access to Aj and Ax |
uint_fast64_t jj = row_start - (row_start & (THREADS_PER_ROW - 1)) + thread_lane; |
// accumulate local sums |
if(jj >= row_start && jj < row_end) { |
if(Minimize) { |
localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement > y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} else { |
localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement < y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} |
} |
// accumulate local sums |
for(jj += THREADS_PER_ROW; jj < row_end; jj += THREADS_PER_ROW) |
if(Minimize) { |
localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement > y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} else { |
localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement < y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// accumulate local sums |
for(uint_fast64_t jj = row_start + thread_lane; jj < row_end; jj += THREADS_PER_ROW) |
if(Minimize) { |
localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement > y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} else { |
localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement < y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} |
} |
// store local sum in shared memory |
sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement; |
// reduce local min/max to row min/max |
if (Minimize) { |
/*if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 16] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 8] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 4] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 2] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 1] : localMinMaxElement);*/ |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]); |
} else { |
/*if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 16] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 8] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 4] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 2] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 1] : localMinMaxElement);*/ |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]); |
} |
// first thread writes the result |
if (thread_lane == 0) |
x[row] = sdata[threadIdx.x]; |
} |
} |
template <bool Minimize, unsigned int THREADS_PER_VECTOR> |
void __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_double(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, double * x, const double * y) |
{ |
double __minMaxInitializer = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); |
if (Minimize) { |
__minMaxInitializer = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); |
} |
const double minMaxInitializer = __minMaxInitializer; |
const size_t THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 128; |
const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_kernel_double<VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, Minimize>, THREADS_PER_BLOCK, (size_t) 0); |
const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min<size_t>(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(num_rows, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK)); |
storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_kernel_double<VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, Minimize> <<<NUM_BLOCKS, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>> |
(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y, minMaxInitializer); |
} |
template <bool Minimize> |
void storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_double(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, double * x, const double * y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t rows_per_group = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (rows_per_group <= 2) { __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_double<Minimize, 2>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); return; } |
if (rows_per_group <= 4) { __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_double<Minimize, 4>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); return; } |
if (rows_per_group <= 8) { __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_double<Minimize, 8>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); return; } |
if (rows_per_group <= 16) { __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_double<Minimize,16>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_double<Minimize,32>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); |
} |
template <bool UseCache, unsigned int THREADS_PER_VECTOR> |
void __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const double * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const double* x, double* y) |
{ |
const size_t THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 128; |
const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_kernel_double<VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, UseCache>, THREADS_PER_BLOCK, (size_t) 0); |
const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min<size_t>(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(num_rows, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK)); |
if (UseCache) |
bind_x(x); |
storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_kernel_double<VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, UseCache> <<<NUM_BLOCKS, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>> |
(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); |
if (UseCache) |
unbind_x(x); |
} |
void storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const double * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const double* x, double* y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t nnz_per_row = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (nnz_per_row <= 2) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<false, 2>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 4) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<false, 4>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 8) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<false, 8>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 16) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<false,16>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<false,32>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); |
} |
void storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_tex(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const double * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const double* x, double* y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t nnz_per_row = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (nnz_per_row <= 2) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<true, 2>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 4) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<true, 4>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 8) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<true, 8>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 16) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<true,16>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_double<true,32>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); |
} |
// NON-OPT |
template <bool UseCache, unsigned int THREADS_PER_VECTOR> |
void __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const uint_fast64_t * matrixColumnIndices, const double * matrixValues, const double* x, double* y) |
{ |
const size_t THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 128; |
const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(spmv_csr_vector_kernel<uint_fast64_t, double, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, UseCache>, THREADS_PER_BLOCK, (size_t) 0); |
const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min<size_t>(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(num_rows, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK)); |
if (UseCache) |
bind_x(x); |
spmv_csr_vector_kernel<uint_fast64_t, double, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, UseCache> <<<NUM_BLOCKS, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>> |
(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); |
if (UseCache) |
unbind_x(x); |
} |
void storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const uint_fast64_t * matrixColumnIndices, const double * matrixValues, const double* x, double* y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t nnz_per_row = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (nnz_per_row <= 2) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<false, 2>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 4) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<false, 4>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 8) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<false, 8>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 16) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<false,16>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<false,32>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); |
} |
void storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_tex_double(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const uint_fast64_t * matrixColumnIndices, const double * matrixValues, const double* x, double* y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t nnz_per_row = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (nnz_per_row <= 2) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<true, 2>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 4) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<true, 4>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 8) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<true, 8>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 16) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<true,16>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_double<true,32>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); |
} |
} // end namespace device |
} // end namespace detail |
} // end namespace cusp |
@ -1,375 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* This is an extension of the original CUSP csr_vector.h SPMV implementation. |
* It is based on the Code and incorporates changes as to cope with the details |
* of the StoRM code. |
* As this is mostly copy & paste, the original license still applies. |
*/ |
/* |
* Copyright 2008-2009 NVIDIA Corporation |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* |
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
*/ |
#pragma once |
#include <limits> |
#include <cstdint> |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <math_functions.h> |
#include <cusp/detail/device/spmv/csr_vector.h> |
#include "storm-cudaplugin-config.h" |
namespace cusp |
{ |
namespace detail |
{ |
namespace device |
{ |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// CSR SpMV kernels based on a vector model (one warp per row) |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// spmv_csr_vector_device |
// Each row of the CSR matrix is assigned to a warp. The warp computes |
// y[i] = A[i,:] * x, i.e. the dot product of the i-th row of A with |
// the x vector, in parallel. This division of work implies that |
// the CSR index and data arrays (Aj and Ax) are accessed in a contiguous |
// manner (but generally not aligned). On GT200 these accesses are |
// coalesced, unlike kernels based on the one-row-per-thread division of |
// work. Since an entire 32-thread warp is assigned to each row, many |
// threads will remain idle when their row contains a small number |
// of elements. This code relies on implicit synchronization among |
// threads in a warp. |
// |
// spmv_csr_vector_tex_device |
// Same as spmv_csr_vector_tex_device, except that the texture cache is |
// used for accessing the x vector. |
// |
// Note: THREADS_PER_VECTOR must be one of [2,4,8,16,32] |
template <unsigned int VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, unsigned int THREADS_PER_VECTOR, bool UseCache> |
__global__ void |
storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_kernel_float(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const float * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const float * x, float * y) |
{ |
__shared__ volatile float sdata[VECTORS_PER_BLOCK * THREADS_PER_VECTOR + THREADS_PER_VECTOR / 2]; // padded to avoid reduction conditionals |
__shared__ volatile uint_fast64_t ptrs[VECTORS_PER_BLOCK][2]; |
const uint_fast64_t thread_id = THREADS_PER_BLOCK * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; // global thread index |
const uint_fast64_t thread_lane = threadIdx.x & (THREADS_PER_VECTOR - 1); // thread index within the vector |
const uint_fast64_t vector_id = thread_id / THREADS_PER_VECTOR; // global vector index |
const uint_fast64_t vector_lane = threadIdx.x / THREADS_PER_VECTOR; // vector index within the block |
const uint_fast64_t num_vectors = VECTORS_PER_BLOCK * gridDim.x; // total number of active vectors |
for(uint_fast64_t row = vector_id; row < num_rows; row += num_vectors) |
{ |
// use two threads to fetch Ap[row] and Ap[row+1] |
// this is considerably faster than the straightforward version |
if(thread_lane < 2) |
ptrs[vector_lane][thread_lane] = matrixRowIndices[row + thread_lane]; |
const uint_fast64_t row_start = ptrs[vector_lane][0]; //same as: row_start = Ap[row]; |
const uint_fast64_t row_end = ptrs[vector_lane][1]; //same as: row_end = Ap[row+1]; |
// initialize local sum |
float sum = 0; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR == 32 && row_end - row_start > 32) |
{ |
// ensure aligned memory access to Aj and Ax |
uint_fast64_t jj = row_start - (row_start & (THREADS_PER_VECTOR - 1)) + thread_lane; |
// accumulate local sums |
if(jj >= row_start && jj < row_end) { |
sum += matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[4 * jj + 2] * fetch_x<UseCache>(*reinterpret_cast<uint_fast64_t const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues + 4 * jj), x); |
#else |
sum += matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[3 * jj + 2] * fetch_x<UseCache>(*reinterpret_cast<uint_fast64_t const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues + 3 * jj), x); |
#endif |
//sum += reinterpret_cast<ValueType const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues)[2*jj + 1] * fetch_x<UseCache>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[2*jj], x); |
} |
// accumulate local sums |
for(jj += THREADS_PER_VECTOR; jj < row_end; jj += THREADS_PER_VECTOR) { |
//sum += reinterpret_cast<ValueType const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues)[2*jj + 1] * fetch_x<UseCache>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[2*jj], x); |
sum += matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[4 * jj + 2] * fetch_x<UseCache>(*reinterpret_cast<uint_fast64_t const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues + 4 * jj), x); |
#else |
sum += matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[3 * jj + 2] * fetch_x<UseCache>(*reinterpret_cast<uint_fast64_t const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues + 3 * jj), x); |
#endif |
} |
} else { |
// accumulate local sums |
for(uint_fast64_t jj = row_start + thread_lane; jj < row_end; jj += THREADS_PER_VECTOR) { |
//sum += reinterpret_cast<ValueType const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues)[2*jj + 1] * fetch_x<UseCache>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[2*jj], x); |
sum += matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[4 * jj + 2] * fetch_x<UseCache>(*reinterpret_cast<uint_fast64_t const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues + 4 * jj), x); |
#else |
sum += matrixColumnIndicesAndValues[3 * jj + 2] * fetch_x<UseCache>(*reinterpret_cast<uint_fast64_t const*>(matrixColumnIndicesAndValues + 3 * jj), x); |
#endif |
} |
} |
// store local sum in shared memory |
sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum; |
// reduce local sums to row sum |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]; |
if (THREADS_PER_VECTOR > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = sum = sum + sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]; |
// first thread writes the result |
if (thread_lane == 0) |
y[row] = sdata[threadIdx.x]; |
} |
} |
template <unsigned int ROWS_PER_BLOCK, unsigned int THREADS_PER_ROW, bool Minimize> |
__launch_bounds__(ROWS_PER_BLOCK * THREADS_PER_ROW,1) |
__global__ void |
storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_kernel_float(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, float * x, const float * y, const float minMaxInitializer) |
{ |
__shared__ volatile float sdata[ROWS_PER_BLOCK * THREADS_PER_ROW + THREADS_PER_ROW / 2]; // padded to avoid reduction conditionals |
__shared__ volatile uint_fast64_t ptrs[ROWS_PER_BLOCK][2]; |
const uint_fast64_t thread_id = THREADS_PER_BLOCK * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; // global thread index |
const uint_fast64_t thread_lane = threadIdx.x & (THREADS_PER_ROW - 1); // thread index within the vector |
const uint_fast64_t vector_id = thread_id / THREADS_PER_ROW; // global vector index |
const uint_fast64_t vector_lane = threadIdx.x / THREADS_PER_ROW; // vector index within the block |
const uint_fast64_t num_vectors = ROWS_PER_BLOCK * gridDim.x; // total number of active vectors |
for(uint_fast64_t row = vector_id; row < num_rows; row += num_vectors) |
{ |
// use two threads to fetch Ap[row] and Ap[row+1] |
// this is considerably faster than the straightforward version |
if(thread_lane < 2) |
ptrs[vector_lane][thread_lane] = nondeterministicChoiceIndices[row + thread_lane]; |
const uint_fast64_t row_start = ptrs[vector_lane][0]; //same as: row_start = Ap[row]; |
const uint_fast64_t row_end = ptrs[vector_lane][1]; //same as: row_end = Ap[row+1]; |
// initialize local Min/Max |
float localMinMaxElement = minMaxInitializer; |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW == 32 && row_end - row_start > 32) |
{ |
// ensure aligned memory access to Aj and Ax |
uint_fast64_t jj = row_start - (row_start & (THREADS_PER_ROW - 1)) + thread_lane; |
// accumulate local sums |
if(jj >= row_start && jj < row_end) { |
if(Minimize) { |
localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement > y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} else { |
localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement < y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} |
} |
// accumulate local sums |
for(jj += THREADS_PER_ROW; jj < row_end; jj += THREADS_PER_ROW) |
if(Minimize) { |
localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement > y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} else { |
localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement < y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// accumulate local sums |
for(uint_fast64_t jj = row_start + thread_lane; jj < row_end; jj += THREADS_PER_ROW) |
if(Minimize) { |
localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement > y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} else { |
localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, y[jj]); |
//localMinMaxElement = (localMinMaxElement < y[jj]) ? y[jj] : localMinMaxElement; |
} |
} |
// store local sum in shared memory |
sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement; |
// reduce local min/max to row min/max |
if (Minimize) { |
/*if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 16] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 8] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 4] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 2] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement > sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 1] : localMinMaxElement);*/ |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = min(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]); |
} else { |
/*if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 16] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 8] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 4] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 2] : localMinMaxElement); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = ((localMinMaxElement < sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]) ? sdata[threadIdx.x + 1] : localMinMaxElement);*/ |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 16) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 16]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 8) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 8]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 4) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 4]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 2) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 2]); |
if (THREADS_PER_ROW > 1) sdata[threadIdx.x] = localMinMaxElement = max(localMinMaxElement, sdata[threadIdx.x + 1]); |
} |
// first thread writes the result |
if (thread_lane == 0) |
x[row] = sdata[threadIdx.x]; |
} |
} |
template <bool Minimize, unsigned int THREADS_PER_VECTOR> |
void __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_float(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, float * x, const float * y) |
{ |
float __minMaxInitializer = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
if (Minimize) { |
__minMaxInitializer = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
} |
const float minMaxInitializer = __minMaxInitializer; |
const size_t THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 128; |
const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_kernel_float<VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, Minimize>, THREADS_PER_BLOCK, (size_t) 0); |
const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min<size_t>(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(num_rows, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK)); |
storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_kernel_float<VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, Minimize> <<<NUM_BLOCKS, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>> |
(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y, minMaxInitializer); |
} |
template <bool Minimize> |
void storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_float(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * nondeterministicChoiceIndices, float * x, const float * y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t rows_per_group = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (rows_per_group <= 2) { __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_float<Minimize, 2>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); return; } |
if (rows_per_group <= 4) { __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_float<Minimize, 4>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); return; } |
if (rows_per_group <= 8) { __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_float<Minimize, 8>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); return; } |
if (rows_per_group <= 16) { __storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_float<Minimize,16>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_opt_vector_reduce_float<Minimize,32>(num_rows, nondeterministicChoiceIndices, x, y); |
} |
template <bool UseCache, unsigned int THREADS_PER_VECTOR> |
void __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const float * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const float* x, float* y) |
{ |
const size_t THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 128; |
const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_kernel_float<VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, UseCache>, THREADS_PER_BLOCK, (size_t) 0); |
const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min<size_t>(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(num_rows, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK)); |
if (UseCache) |
bind_x(x); |
storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_kernel_float<VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, UseCache> <<<NUM_BLOCKS, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>> |
(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); |
if (UseCache) |
unbind_x(x); |
} |
void storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const float * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const float* x, float* y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t nnz_per_row = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (nnz_per_row <= 2) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<false, 2>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 4) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<false, 4>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 8) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<false, 8>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 16) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<false,16>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<false,32>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); |
} |
void storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_tex(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const float * matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, const float* x, float* y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t nnz_per_row = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (nnz_per_row <= 2) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<true, 2>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 4) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<true, 4>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 8) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<true, 8>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 16) { __storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<true,16>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_opt_spmv_csr_vector_float<true,32>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndicesAndValues, x, y); |
} |
// NON-OPT |
template <bool UseCache, unsigned int THREADS_PER_VECTOR> |
void __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const uint_fast64_t * matrixColumnIndices, const float * matrixValues, const float* x, float* y) |
{ |
const size_t THREADS_PER_BLOCK = 128; |
const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = cusp::detail::device::arch::max_active_blocks(spmv_csr_vector_kernel<uint_fast64_t, float, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, UseCache>, THREADS_PER_BLOCK, (size_t) 0); |
const size_t NUM_BLOCKS = std::min<size_t>(MAX_BLOCKS, DIVIDE_INTO(num_rows, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK)); |
if (UseCache) |
bind_x(x); |
spmv_csr_vector_kernel<uint_fast64_t, float, VECTORS_PER_BLOCK, THREADS_PER_VECTOR, UseCache> <<<NUM_BLOCKS, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>> |
(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); |
if (UseCache) |
unbind_x(x); |
} |
void storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const uint_fast64_t * matrixColumnIndices, const float * matrixValues, const float* x, float* y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t nnz_per_row = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (nnz_per_row <= 2) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<false, 2>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 4) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<false, 4>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 8) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<false, 8>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 16) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<false,16>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<false,32>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); |
} |
void storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_tex_float(const uint_fast64_t num_rows, const uint_fast64_t num_entries, const uint_fast64_t * matrixRowIndices, const uint_fast64_t * matrixColumnIndices, const float * matrixValues, const float* x, float* y) |
{ |
const uint_fast64_t nnz_per_row = num_entries / num_rows; |
if (nnz_per_row <= 2) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<true, 2>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 4) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<true, 4>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 8) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<true, 8>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
if (nnz_per_row <= 16) { __storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<true,16>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); return; } |
__storm_cuda_spmv_csr_vector_float<true,32>(num_rows, matrixRowIndices, matrixColumnIndices, matrixValues, x, y); |
} |
} // end namespace device |
} // end namespace detail |
} // end namespace cusp |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
#include <iostream> |
#include <chrono> |
__global__ void cuda_kernel_kernelSwitchTest(int const * const A, int * const B) { |
*B = *A; |
} |
void kernelSwitchTest(size_t N) { |
int* deviceIntA; |
int* deviceIntB; |
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIntA, sizeof(int)) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaMalloc while allocating " << sizeof(int) << " Bytes!" << std::endl; |
return; |
} |
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceIntB, sizeof(int)) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaMalloc while allocating " << sizeof(int) << " Bytes!" << std::endl; |
return; |
} |
// Allocate space on the device |
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); |
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { |
cuda_kernel_kernelSwitchTest<<<1,1>>>(deviceIntA, deviceIntB); |
} |
auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); |
std::cout << "Switching the Kernel " << N << " times took " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - start_time).count() << "micros" << std::endl; |
std::cout << "Resulting in " << (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - start_time).count() / ((double)(N))) << "Microseconds per Kernel Switch" << std::endl; |
// Free memory on device |
if (cudaFree(deviceIntA) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaFree!" << std::endl; |
return; |
} |
if (cudaFree(deviceIntB) != cudaSuccess) { |
std::cout << "Error in cudaFree!" << std::endl; |
return; |
} |
} |
@ -1 +0,0 @@ |
void kernelSwitchTest(size_t N); |
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ |
#include "utility.h" |
#include <cuda_runtime.h> |
size_t getFreeCudaMemory() { |
size_t freeMemory; |
size_t totalMemory; |
cudaMemGetInfo(&freeMemory, &totalMemory); |
return freeMemory; |
} |
size_t getTotalCudaMemory() { |
size_t freeMemory; |
size_t totalMemory; |
cudaMemGetInfo(&freeMemory, &totalMemory); |
return totalMemory; |
} |
bool resetCudaDevice() { |
cudaError_t result = cudaDeviceReset(); |
return (result == cudaSuccess); |
} |
int getRuntimeCudaVersion() { |
int result = -1; |
cudaError_t errorResult = cudaRuntimeGetVersion(&result); |
if (errorResult != cudaSuccess) { |
return -1; |
} |
return result; |
} |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
// Library exports |
#include "cudaForStorm_Export.h" |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT size_t getFreeCudaMemory(); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT size_t getTotalCudaMemory(); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT bool resetCudaDevice(); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT int getRuntimeCudaVersion(); |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
#include "version.h" |
#include "storm-cudaplugin-config.h" |
size_t getStormCudaPluginVersionMajor() { |
} |
size_t getStormCudaPluginVersionMinor() { |
} |
size_t getStormCudaPluginVersionPatch() { |
} |
size_t getStormCudaPluginVersionCommitsAhead() { |
} |
const char* getStormCudaPluginVersionHash() { |
static const std::string versionHash = STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_HASH; |
return versionHash.c_str(); |
} |
bool getStormCudaPluginVersionIsDirty() { |
} |
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ |
// Library exports |
#include "cudaForStorm_Export.h" |
#include <string> |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT size_t getStormCudaPluginVersionMajor(); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT size_t getStormCudaPluginVersionMinor(); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT size_t getStormCudaPluginVersionPatch(); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT size_t getStormCudaPluginVersionCommitsAhead(); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT const char* getStormCudaPluginVersionHash(); |
cudaForStorm_EXPORT bool getStormCudaPluginVersionIsDirty(); |
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* StoRM - Build-in Options |
* |
* This file is parsed by CMake during makefile generation |
*/ |
// Version Information |
#define STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_COMMITS_AHEAD @STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_COMMITS_AHEAD@ // How many commits passed since the tag was last set |
#define STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_HASH "@STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_HASH@" // The short hash of the git commit this build is bases on |
#define STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_DIRTY @STORM_CUDAPLUGIN_VERSION_DIRTY@ // 0 iff there no files were modified in the checkout, 1 else |
// Whether the size of float in a pair<uint_fast64_t, float> is expanded to 64bit |
Reference in new issue