@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ namespace storm {
method = SolutionMethod : : SOR ;
} else if ( methodAsSetting = = storm : : settings : : modules : : NativeEquationSolverSettings : : LinearEquationMethod : : WalkerChae ) {
method = SolutionMethod : : WalkerChae ;
} else if ( methodAsSetting = = storm : : settings : : modules : : NativeEquationSolverSettings : : LinearEquationMethod : : Power ) {
method = SolutionMethod : : Power ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidSettingsException , " The selected solution technique is invalid for this solver. " ) ;
@ -321,21 +323,77 @@ namespace storm {
std : : swap ( x , * currentX ) ;
// Resize the solution to the right size.
x . resize ( this - > A - > getRowCount ( ) ) ;
// Finalize solution vector.
storm : : utility : : vector : : applyPointwise ( x , x , [ this ] ( ValueType const & value ) { return value - walkerChaeData - > t ; } ) ;
if ( ! this - > isCachingEnabled ( ) ) {
clearCache ( ) ;
if ( converged ) {
STORM_LOG_INFO ( " Iterative solver converged in " < < iterations < < " iterations. " ) ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_WARN ( " Iterative solver did not converge in " < < iterations < < " iterations. " ) ;
return converged ;
template < typename ValueType >
bool NativeLinearEquationSolver < ValueType > : : solveEquationsPower ( std : : vector < ValueType > & x , std : : vector < ValueType > const & b ) const {
// FIXME: This solver will not work for all input systems. More concretely, the current implementation will
// not work for systems that have a 0 on the diagonal. This is not a restriction of this technique in general
// but arbitrary matrices require pivoting, which is not currently implemented.
STORM_LOG_INFO ( " Solving linear equation system ( " < < x . size ( ) < < " rows) with NativeLinearEquationSolver (Power) " ) ;
// Resize the solution to the right size.
x . resize ( this - > A - > getRowCount ( ) ) ;
// We need to revert the transformation into an equation system matrix, because the elimination procedure
// and the distance computation is based on the probability matrix instead.
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > locallyConvertedMatrix ;
if ( localA ) {
localA - > convertToEquationSystem ( ) ;
} else {
locallyConvertedMatrix = * A ;
locallyConvertedMatrix . convertToEquationSystem ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < ValueType > const & transitionMatrix = localA ? * localA : locallyConvertedMatrix ;
// Finalize solution vector.
storm : : utility : : vector : : applyPointwise ( x , x , [ this ] ( ValueType const & value ) { return value - walkerChaeData - > t ; } ) ;
if ( ! this - > cachedRowVector ) {
this - > cachedRowVector = std : : make_unique < std : : vector < ValueType > > ( getMatrixRowCount ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < ValueType > * currentX = & x ;
std : : vector < ValueType > * nextX = this - > cachedRowVector . get ( ) ;
bool converged = false ;
uint64_t iterations = 0 ;
while ( ! converged & & iterations < this - > getSettings ( ) . getMaximalNumberOfIterations ( ) & & ! ( this - > hasCustomTerminationCondition ( ) & & this - > getTerminationCondition ( ) . terminateNow ( * currentX ) ) ) {
this - > multiplier . multAdd ( transitionMatrix , * currentX , & b , * nextX ) ;
// Now check if the process already converged within our precision.
converged = storm : : utility : : vector : : equalModuloPrecision < ValueType > ( * currentX , * nextX , static_cast < ValueType > ( this - > getSettings ( ) . getPrecision ( ) ) , this - > getSettings ( ) . getRelativeTerminationCriterion ( ) ) ;
// Set up next iteration.
std : : swap ( currentX , nextX ) ;
+ + iterations ;
if ( currentX = = this - > cachedRowVector . get ( ) ) {
std : : swap ( x , * nextX ) ;
if ( ! this - > isCachingEnabled ( ) ) {
clearCache ( ) ;
if ( converged ) {
STORM_LOG_INFO ( " Iterative solver converged in " < < iterations < < " iterations. " ) ;
} else {
STORM_LOG_WARN ( " Iterative solver did not converge in " < < iterations < < " iterations. " ) ;
return converged ;
@ -347,6 +405,8 @@ namespace storm {
return this - > solveEquationsJacobi ( x , b ) ;
} else if ( this - > getSettings ( ) . getSolutionMethod ( ) = = NativeLinearEquationSolverSettings < ValueType > : : SolutionMethod : : WalkerChae ) {
return this - > solveEquationsWalkerChae ( x , b ) ;
} else if ( this - > getSettings ( ) . getSolutionMethod ( ) = = NativeLinearEquationSolverSettings < ValueType > : : SolutionMethod : : Power ) {
return this - > solveEquationsPower ( x , b ) ;
STORM_LOG_THROW ( false , storm : : exceptions : : InvalidSettingsException , " Unknown solving technique. " ) ;