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improved selection of digitization constant

Former-commit-id: 72306b1879
TimQu 8 years ago
  1. 29
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  11. 28
  12. 2


@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ namespace storm {
SubModel PS = createSubModel(false, weightedRewardVector);
// Apply digitization to Markovian transitions
ValueType digitizationConstant = getDigitizationConstant();
ValueType digitizationConstant = getDigitizationConstant(weightVector);
digitize(MS, digitizationConstant);
// Get for each occurring (digitized) timeBound the indices of the objectives with that bound.
@ -145,13 +145,15 @@ namespace storm {
template <class SparseMaModelType>
template <typename VT, typename std::enable_if<storm::NumberTraits<VT>::SupportsExponential, int>::type>
VT SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseMaModelType>::getDigitizationConstant() const {
VT SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseMaModelType>::getDigitizationConstant(std::vector<ValueType> const& weightVector) const {
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Retrieving digitization constant");
// We need to find a delta such that for each objective it holds that lowerbound/delta , upperbound/delta are natural numbers and
// If there is a lower and an upper bound:
// 1 - e^(-maxRate lowerbound) * (1 + maxRate delta) ^ (lowerbound / delta) + 1-e^(-maxRate upperbound) * (1 + maxRate delta) ^ (upperbound / delta) + (1-e^(-maxRate delta) <= maximumLowerUpperBoundGap
// If there is only an upper bound:
// 1-e^(-maxRate upperbound) * (1 + maxRate delta) ^ (upperbound / delta) <= maximumLowerUpperBoundGap
// sum_{obj_i} (
// If obj_i has a lower and an upper bound:
// weightVector_i * (1 - e^(-maxRate lowerbound) * (1 + maxRate delta) ^ (lowerbound / delta) + 1-e^(-maxRate upperbound) * (1 + maxRate delta) ^ (upperbound / delta) + (1-e^(-maxRate delta)))
// If there is only an upper bound:
// weightVector_i * ( 1-e^(-maxRate upperbound) * (1 + maxRate delta) ^ (upperbound / delta))
// ) <= this->maximumLowerUpperDistance
// Initialize some data for fast and easy access
VT const maxRate = this->model.getMaximalExitRate();
@ -175,6 +177,7 @@ namespace storm {
// There are no time bounds. In this case, one is a valid digitization constant.
return storm::utility::one<VT>();
VT goalPrecisionTimesNorm = this->weightedPrecision * storm::utility::sqrt(storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(weightVector, weightVector));
// We brute-force a delta, since a direct computation is apparently not easy.
// Also note that the number of times this loop runs is a lower bound for the number of minMaxSolver invocations.
@ -191,6 +194,7 @@ namespace storm {
if(deltaValid) {
VT weightedPrecisionForCurrentDelta = storm::utility::zero<VT>();
for(uint_fast64_t objIndex = 0; objIndex < this->objectives.size(); ++objIndex) {
auto const& obj = this->objectives[objIndex];
VT precisionOfObj = storm::utility::zero<VT>();
@ -201,11 +205,9 @@ namespace storm {
if(obj.upperTimeBound) {
precisionOfObj += storm::utility::one<VT>() - (eToPowerOfMinusMaxRateTimesBound[objIndex].second * storm::utility::pow(storm::utility::one<VT>() + maxRate * delta, *obj.upperTimeBound / delta) );
if(precisionOfObj > this->maximumLowerUpperBoundGap) {
deltaValid = false;
weightedPrecisionForCurrentDelta += weightVector[objIndex] * precisionOfObj;
deltaValid &= weightedPrecisionForCurrentDelta <= goalPrecisionTimesNorm;
if(deltaValid) {
@ -220,7 +222,7 @@ namespace storm {
template <class SparseMaModelType>
template <typename VT, typename std::enable_if<!storm::NumberTraits<VT>::SupportsExponential, int>::type>
VT SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseMaModelType>::getDigitizationConstant() const {
VT SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseMaModelType>::getDigitizationConstant(std::vector<ValueType> const& weightVector) const {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InvalidOperationException, "Computing bounded probabilities of MAs is unsupported for this value type.");
@ -282,7 +284,6 @@ namespace storm {
digitizationError -= std::exp(-maxRate * (*obj.upperTimeBound)) * storm::utility::pow(storm::utility::one<VT>() + maxRate * digitizationConstant, digitizedBound);
errorAwayFromZero += digitizationError;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(errorTowardsZero + errorAwayFromZero <= this->maximumLowerUpperBoundGap, "Precision not sufficient.");
if (obj.rewardsArePositive) {
this->offsetsToLowerBound[objIndex] = -errorTowardsZero;
this->offsetsToUpperBound[objIndex] = errorAwayFromZero;
@ -408,12 +409,12 @@ namespace storm {
template class SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>;
template double SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>::getDigitizationConstant<double>() const;
template double SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>::getDigitizationConstant<double>(std::vector<double> const& direction) const;
template void SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>::digitize<double>(SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>::SubModel& subModel, double const& digitizationConstant) const;
template void SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>::digitizeTimeBounds<double>(SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>::TimeBoundMap& lowerTimeBounds, SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>::TimeBoundMap& upperTimeBounds, double const& digitizationConstant);
// template class SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<storm::RationalNumber>>;
// template storm::RationalNumber SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<storm::RationalNumber>>::getDigitizationConstant<storm::RationalNumber>() const;
// template storm::RationalNumber SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<storm::RationalNumber>>::getDigitizationConstant<storm::RationalNumber>(std::vector<double> const& direction) const;
// template void SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<storm::RationalNumber>>::digitize<storm::RationalNumber>(SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<storm::RationalNumber>>::SubModel& subModel, storm::RationalNumber const& digitizationConstant) const;
// template void SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<storm::RationalNumber>>::digitizeTimeBounds<storm::RationalNumber>(SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>::TimeBoundMap& lowerTimeBounds, SparseMaPcaaWeightVectorChecker<storm::models::sparse::MarkovAutomaton<double>>::TimeBoundMap& upperTimeBounds, storm::RationalNumber const& digitizationConstant);


@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ namespace storm {
* Retrieves the delta used for digitization
template <typename VT = ValueType, typename std::enable_if<storm::NumberTraits<VT>::SupportsExponential, int>::type = 0>
VT getDigitizationConstant() const;
VT getDigitizationConstant(std::vector<ValueType> const& weightVector) const;
template <typename VT = ValueType, typename std::enable_if<!storm::NumberTraits<VT>::SupportsExponential, int>::type = 0>
VT getDigitizationConstant() const;
VT getDigitizationConstant(std::vector<ValueType> const& weightVector) const;
* Digitizes the given matrix and vectors w.r.t. the given digitization constant and the given rate vector.


@ -21,14 +21,8 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(preprocessorResult.queryType==SparsePcaaPreprocessorReturnType<SparseModelType>::QueryType::Achievability, "Invalid query Type");
// Set the maximum gap between lower and upper bound of the weightVectorChecker result.
// This is the maximal edge length of the box we have to consider around each computed point
// We pick the gap such that the maximal distance between two points within this box is less than the given precision divided by two.
typename SparseModelType::ValueType gap = storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::MultiObjectiveSettings>().getPrecision());
gap /= (storm::utility::one<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>() + storm::utility::one<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>());
gap /= storm::utility::sqrt(static_cast<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(this->objectives.size()));
// Set the precision of the weight vector checker. Will be refined during the computation
this->weightVectorChecker->setWeightedPrecision(storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(0.1));
template <class SparseModelType, typename GeometryValueType>
@ -55,6 +49,7 @@ namespace storm {
// repeatedly refine the over/ under approximation until the threshold point is either in the under approx. or not in the over approx.
WeightVector separatingVector = this->findSeparatingVector(thresholds);
return false;
@ -67,23 +62,39 @@ namespace storm {
return false;
template <class SparseModelType, typename GeometryValueType>
void SparsePcaaAchievabilityQuery<SparseModelType, GeometryValueType>::updateWeightedPrecision(WeightVector const& weights) {
// Our heuristic considers the distance between the under- and the over approximation w.r.t. the given direction
std::pair<Point, bool> optimizationResOverApprox = this->overApproximation->optimize(weights);
if(optimizationResOverApprox.second) {
std::pair<Point, bool> optimizationResUnderApprox = this->underApproximation->optimize(weights);
if(optimizationResUnderApprox.second) {
GeometryValueType distance = storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(optimizationResOverApprox.first, weights) - storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(optimizationResUnderApprox.first, weights);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(distance >= storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>(), "Negative distance between under- and over approximation was not expected");
// Normalize the distance by dividing it with the Euclidean Norm of the weight-vector
distance /= storm::utility::sqrt(storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(weights, weights));
distance /= GeometryValueType(2);
this->weightVectorChecker->setWeightedPrecision(storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(distance));
// do not update the precision if one of the approximations is unbounded in the provided direction
template <class SparseModelType, typename GeometryValueType>
bool SparsePcaaAchievabilityQuery<SparseModelType, GeometryValueType>::checkIfThresholdsAreSatisfied(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::geometry::Polytope<GeometryValueType>> const& polytope) {
std::vector<storm::storage::geometry::Halfspace<GeometryValueType>> halfspaces = polytope->getHalfspaces();
for(auto const& h : halfspaces) {
GeometryValueType distance = h.distance(thresholds);
if(distance < storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()) {
return false;
if(distance == storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()) {
// In this case, the thresholds point is on the boundary of the polytope.
// Check if this is problematic for the strict thresholds
for(auto strictThreshold : strictThresholds) {
if(h.normalVector()[strictThreshold] > storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()) {
return false;
if(storm::utility::isZero(h.distance(thresholds))) {
// Check if the threshold point is on the boundary of the halfspace and whether this is violates strict thresholds
if(h.isPointOnBoundary(thresholds)) {
for(auto strictThreshold : strictThresholds) {
if(h.normalVector()[strictThreshold] > storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;


@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ namespace storm {
bool checkAchievability();
* Updates the precision of the weightVectorChecker w.r.t. the provided weights
void updateWeightedPrecision(WeightVector const& weights);
* Returns true iff there is one point in the given polytope that satisfies the given thresholds.
* It is assumed that the given polytope contains the downward closure of its vertices.


@ -20,13 +20,10 @@ namespace storm {
SparsePcaaParetoQuery<SparseModelType, GeometryValueType>::SparsePcaaParetoQuery(SparsePcaaPreprocessorReturnType<SparseModelType>& preprocessorResult) : SparsePcaaQuery<SparseModelType, GeometryValueType>(preprocessorResult) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(preprocessorResult.queryType==SparsePcaaPreprocessorReturnType<SparseModelType>::QueryType::Pareto, "Invalid query Type");
// Set the maximum gap between lower and upper bound of the weightVectorChecker result.
// This is the maximal edge length of the box we have to consider around each computed point
// We pick the gap such that the maximal distance between two points within this box is less than the given precision divided by two.
typename SparseModelType::ValueType gap = storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::MultiObjectiveSettings>().getPrecision());
gap /= (storm::utility::one<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>() + storm::utility::one<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>());
gap /= storm::utility::sqrt(static_cast<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(this->objectives.size()));
// Set the precision of the weight vector checker
typename SparseModelType::ValueType weightedPrecision = storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::MultiObjectiveSettings>().getPrecision());
weightedPrecision /= typename SparseModelType::ValueType(2);
@ -68,7 +65,7 @@ namespace storm {
GeometryValueType farestDistance = storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>();
for(uint_fast64_t halfspaceIndex = 0; halfspaceIndex < underApproxHalfspaces.size(); ++halfspaceIndex) {
for(auto const& vertex : overApproxVertices) {
GeometryValueType distance = -underApproxHalfspaces[halfspaceIndex].euclideanDistance(vertex);
GeometryValueType distance = underApproxHalfspaces[halfspaceIndex].euclideanDistance(vertex);
if(distance > farestDistance) {
farestHalfspaceIndex = halfspaceIndex;
farestDistance = distance;


@ -24,14 +24,8 @@ namespace storm {
indexOfOptimizingObjective = *preprocessorResult.indexOfOptimizingObjective;
// Set the maximum gap between lower and upper bound of the weightVectorChecker result.
// This is the maximal edge length of the box we have to consider around each computed point
// We pick the gap such that the maximal distance between two points within this box is less than the given precision divided by two.
typename SparseModelType::ValueType gap = storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::MultiObjectiveSettings>().getPrecision());
gap /= (storm::utility::one<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>() + storm::utility::one<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>());
gap /= storm::utility::sqrt(static_cast<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(this->objectives.size()));
// Set the maximum distance between lower and upper bound of the weightVectorChecker result.
this->weightVectorChecker->setWeightedPrecision(storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(0.1));
template <class SparseModelType, typename GeometryValueType>
@ -84,6 +78,7 @@ namespace storm {
WeightVector separatingVector = this->findSeparatingVector(thresholds);
//Pick the threshold for the optimizing objective low enough so valid solutions are not excluded
thresholds[indexOfOptimizingObjective] = std::min(thresholds[indexOfOptimizingObjective], this->refinementSteps.back().lowerBoundPoint[indexOfOptimizingObjective]);
@ -97,6 +92,24 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Could not check whether thresholds are achievable: Exceeded maximum number of refinement steps");
return false;
template <class SparseModelType, typename GeometryValueType>
void SparsePcaaQuantitativeQuery<SparseModelType, GeometryValueType>::updateWeightedPrecisionInAchievabilityPhase(WeightVector const& weights) {
// Our heuristic considers the distance between the under- and the over approximation w.r.t. the given direction
std::pair<Point, bool> optimizationResOverApprox = this->overApproximation->optimize(weights);
if(optimizationResOverApprox.second) {
std::pair<Point, bool> optimizationResUnderApprox = this->underApproximation->optimize(weights);
if(optimizationResUnderApprox.second) {
GeometryValueType distance = storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(optimizationResOverApprox.first, weights) - storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(optimizationResUnderApprox.first, weights);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(distance >= storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>(), "Negative distance between under- and over approximation was not expected");
// Normalize the distance by dividing it with the Euclidean Norm of the weight-vector
distance /= storm::utility::sqrt(storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(weights, weights));
distance /= GeometryValueType(2);
this->weightVectorChecker->setWeightedPrecision(storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(distance));
// do not update the precision if one of the approximations is unbounded in the provided direction
template <class SparseModelType, typename GeometryValueType>
GeometryValueType SparsePcaaQuantitativeQuery<SparseModelType, GeometryValueType>::improveSolution() {
@ -130,28 +143,42 @@ namespace storm {
thresholds[indexOfOptimizingObjective] = result + storm::utility::one<GeometryValueType>();
WeightVector separatingVector = this->findSeparatingVector(thresholds);
STORM_LOG_ERROR("Could not reach the desired precision: Exceeded maximum number of refinement steps");
return result;
template <class SparseModelType, typename GeometryValueType>
void SparsePcaaQuantitativeQuery<SparseModelType, GeometryValueType>::updateWeightedPrecisionInImprovingPhase(WeightVector const& weights) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(!storm::utility::isZero(weights[this->indexOfOptimizingObjective]), exceptions::UnexpectedException, "The chosen weight-vector gives zero weight for the objective that is to be optimized.");
// If weighs[indexOfOptimizingObjective] is low, the computation of the weightVectorChecker needs to be more precise.
// Our heuristic ensures that if p is the new vertex of the under-approximation, then max{ eps | p' = p + (0..0 eps 0..0) is in the over-approximation } <= multiobjective_precision/2
GeometryValueType weightedPrecision = weights[this->indexOfOptimizingObjective] * storm::utility::convertNumber<GeometryValueType>(storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::MultiObjectiveSettings>().getPrecision());
// Normalize by division with the Euclidean Norm of the weight-vector
weightedPrecision /= storm::utility::sqrt(storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(weights, weights));
weightedPrecision /= GeometryValueType(2);
this->weightVectorChecker->setWeightedPrecision(storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(weightedPrecision));
template <class SparseModelType, typename GeometryValueType>
bool SparsePcaaQuantitativeQuery<SparseModelType, GeometryValueType>::checkIfThresholdsAreSatisfied(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::geometry::Polytope<GeometryValueType>> const& polytope) {
std::vector<storm::storage::geometry::Halfspace<GeometryValueType>> halfspaces = polytope->getHalfspaces();
for(auto const& h : halfspaces) {
GeometryValueType distance = h.distance(thresholds);
if(distance < storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()) {
return false;
if(distance == storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()) {
// In this case, the thresholds point is on the boundary of the polytope.
// Check if this is problematic for the strict thresholds
for(auto strictThreshold : strictThresholds) {
if(h.normalVector()[strictThreshold] > storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()) {
return false;
if(storm::utility::isZero(h.distance(thresholds))) {
// Check if the threshold point is on the boundary of the halfspace and whether this is violates strict thresholds
if(h.isPointOnBoundary(thresholds)) {
for(auto strictThreshold : strictThresholds) {
if(h.normalVector()[strictThreshold] > storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;


@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ namespace storm {
bool checkAchievability();
* Updates the precision of the weightVectorChecker w.r.t. the provided weights
void updateWeightedPrecisionInAchievabilityPhase(WeightVector const& weights);
void updateWeightedPrecisionInImprovingPhase(WeightVector const& weights);
* Given that the thresholds are achievable, this function further refines the approximations and returns the optimized value


@ -61,13 +61,14 @@ namespace storm {
// Reaching this point means that the underApproximation contains halfspaces. The seperating vector has to be the normal vector of one of these halfspaces.
// We pick one with maximal distance to the given point. However, Dirac weight vectors that only assign a non-zero weight to a single objective take precedence.
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!underApproximation->contains(pointToBeSeparated), "Tried to find a separating point but the point is already contained in the underApproximation");
std::vector<storm::storage::geometry::Halfspace<GeometryValueType>> halfspaces = underApproximation->getHalfspaces();
uint_fast64_t farestHalfspaceIndex = halfspaces.size();
GeometryValueType farestDistance = -storm::utility::one<GeometryValueType>();
bool foundSeparatingDiracVector = false;
for(uint_fast64_t halfspaceIndex = 0; halfspaceIndex < halfspaces.size(); ++halfspaceIndex) {
GeometryValueType distance = -halfspaces[halfspaceIndex].euclideanDistance(pointToBeSeparated);
if(distance >= storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()) {
GeometryValueType distance = halfspaces[halfspaceIndex].euclideanDistance(pointToBeSeparated);
if(!storm::utility::isZero(distance)) {
storm::storage::BitVector nonZeroVectorEntries = ~storm::utility::vector::filterZero<GeometryValueType>(halfspaces[halfspaceIndex].normalVector());
bool isSingleObjectiveVector = nonZeroVectorEntries.getNumberOfSetBits() == 1 && diracWeightVectorsToBeChecked.get(nonZeroVectorEntries.getNextSetIndex(0));
// Check if this halfspace is a better candidate than the current one
@ -91,27 +92,7 @@ namespace storm {
void SparsePcaaQuery<SparseModelType, GeometryValueType>::performRefinementStep(WeightVector&& direction) {
// Normalize the direction vector so that the entries sum up to one
storm::utility::vector::scaleVectorInPlace(direction, storm::utility::one<GeometryValueType>() / std::accumulate(direction.begin(), direction.end(), storm::utility::zero<GeometryValueType>()));
// Check if we already did a refinement step with that direction vector. If this is the case, we increase the precision.
// We start with the most recent steps to consider the most recent result for this direction vector
boost::optional<typename SparseModelType::ValueType> oldMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap;
for(auto stepIt = refinementSteps.rbegin(); stepIt != refinementSteps.rend(); ++stepIt) {
if(stepIt->weightVector == direction) {
STORM_LOG_WARN("Performing multiple refinement steps with the same direction vector.");
oldMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap = weightVectorChecker->getMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap();
std::vector<GeometryValueType> lowerUpperDistances = stepIt->upperBoundPoint;
storm::utility::vector::subtractVectors(lowerUpperDistances, stepIt->lowerBoundPoint, lowerUpperDistances);
// shorten the distance between lower and upper bound for the new result by multiplying the current distance with 0.5
// TODO: try other values/strategies?
GeometryValueType distance = storm::utility::sqrt(storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(lowerUpperDistances, lowerUpperDistances));
weightVectorChecker->setMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap(std::min(*oldMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap, storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(distance) * storm::utility::convertNumber<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(0.5)));
weightVectorChecker->check(storm::utility::vector::convertNumericVector<typename SparseModelType::ValueType>(direction));
if(oldMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap) {
// Reset the precision back to the previous values
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("weighted objectives checker result (lower bounds) is " << storm::utility::vector::toString(storm::utility::vector::convertNumericVector<double>(weightVectorChecker->getLowerBoundsOfInitialStateResults())));
RefinementStep step;
step.weightVector = direction;
@ -136,7 +117,7 @@ namespace storm {
if(maximumOffset > h.offset()){
// We correct the issue by shifting the halfspace such that it contains the underapproximation
h.offset() = maximumOffset;
STORM_LOG_WARN("Numerical issues: The overapproximation would not contain the underapproximation. Hence, a halfspace is shifted by " << storm::utility::convertNumber<double>(h.euclideanDistance(refinementSteps.back().upperBoundPoint)) << ".");
STORM_LOG_WARN("Numerical issues: The overapproximation would not contain the underapproximation. Hence, a halfspace is shifted by " << storm::utility::convertNumber<double>(h.invert().euclideanDistance(refinementSteps.back().upperBoundPoint)) << ".");
overApproximation = overApproximation->intersection(h);
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Updated OverApproximation to " << overApproximation->toString(true));


@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "src/utility/vector.h"
#include "src/exceptions/IllegalFunctionCallException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/UnexpectedException.h"
#include "src/exceptions/NotImplementedException.h"
namespace storm {
@ -64,16 +65,21 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("Weight vector check done. Lower bounds for results in initial state: " << storm::utility::vector::toString(storm::utility::vector::convertNumericVector<double>(getLowerBoundsOfInitialStateResults())));
// Validate that the results are sufficiently precise
ValueType resultingWeightedPrecision = storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(getUpperBoundsOfInitialStateResults(), weightVector) - storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(getLowerBoundsOfInitialStateResults(), weightVector);
STORM_LOG_THROW(resultingWeightedPrecision >= storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(), storm::exceptions::UnexpectedException, "The distance between the lower and the upper result is negative.");
resultingWeightedPrecision /= storm::utility::sqrt(storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(weightVector, weightVector));
STORM_LOG_THROW(resultingWeightedPrecision <= weightedPrecision, storm::exceptions::UnexpectedException, "The desired precision was not reached");
template <class SparseModelType>
void SparsePcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseModelType>::setMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap(ValueType const& value) {
this->maximumLowerUpperBoundGap = value;
void SparsePcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseModelType>::setWeightedPrecision(ValueType const& weightedPrecision) {
this->weightedPrecision = weightedPrecision;
template <class SparseModelType>
typename SparsePcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseModelType>::ValueType const& SparsePcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseModelType>::getMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap() const {
return this->maximumLowerUpperBoundGap;
typename SparsePcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseModelType>::ValueType const& SparsePcaaWeightVectorChecker<SparseModelType>::getWeightedPrecision() const {
return this->weightedPrecision;
template <class SparseModelType>


@ -47,16 +47,6 @@ namespace storm {
void check(std::vector<ValueType> const& weightVector);
* Sets the maximum gap that is allowed between the lower and upper bound of the result of some objective.
void setMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap(ValueType const& value);
* Retrieves the maximum gap that is allowed between the lower and upper bound of the result of some objective.
ValueType const& getMaximumLowerUpperBoundGap() const;
* Retrieves the results of the individual objectives at the initial state of the given model.
* Note that check(..) has to be called before retrieving results. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
@ -66,6 +56,22 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<ValueType> getLowerBoundsOfInitialStateResults() const;
std::vector<ValueType> getUpperBoundsOfInitialStateResults() const;
* Sets the precision of this weight vector checker. After calling check() the following will hold:
* Let h_lower and h_upper be two hyperplanes such that
* * the normal vector is the provided weight-vector
* * getLowerBoundsOfInitialStateResults() lies on h_lower and
* * getUpperBoundsOfInitialStateResults() lies on h_upper.
* Then the distance between the two hyperplanes is at most weightedPrecision
void setWeightedPrecision(ValueType const& weightedPrecision);
* Returns the precision of this weight vector checker.
ValueType const& getWeightedPrecision() const;
* Retrieves a scheduler that induces the current values
* Note that check(..) has to be called before retrieving the scheduler. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
@ -128,19 +134,22 @@ namespace storm {
storm::storage::BitVector objectivesWithNoUpperTimeBound;
// stores the (discretized) state action rewards for each objective.
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> discreteActionRewards;
// stores the maximum gap that is allowed between the lower and upper bound of the result of some objective.
ValueType maximumLowerUpperBoundGap;
/* stores the precision of this weight vector checker. After calling check() the following will hold:
* Let h_lower and h_upper be two hyperplanes such that
* * the normal vector is the provided weight-vector
* * getLowerBoundsOfInitialStateResults() lies on h_lower and
* * getUpperBoundsOfInitialStateResults() lies on h_upper.
* Then the distance between the two hyperplanes is at most weightedPrecision */
ValueType weightedPrecision;
// Memory for the solution of the most recent call of check(..)
// becomes true after the first call of check(..)
bool checkHasBeenCalled;
// The result for the weighted reward vector (for all states of the model)
std::vector<ValueType> weightedResult;
// The lower bounds of the results for the individual objectives (w.r.t. all states of the model)
// The results for the individual objectives (w.r.t. all states of the model)
std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>> objectiveResults;
// Stores for each objective the distance between the computed result (w.r.t. the initial state) and a lower/upper bound for the actual result.
// The distances are stored as a (possibly negative) offset that has to be added to to the objectiveResults.
// Note that there is no guarantee that the lower/upper bounds are sound as long as the underlying solution method is not sound (e.g. standard value iteration).
// The distances are stored as a (possibly negative) offset that has to be added (+) to to the objectiveResults.
std::vector<ValueType> offsetsToLowerBound;
std::vector<ValueType> offsetsToUpperBound;
// The scheduler that maximizes the weighted rewards


@ -35,24 +35,40 @@ namespace storm {
* Returns the (scaled) distance of the given point from the hyperplane defined by normalVector*x = offset.
* The point is inside this halfspace iff the returned value is >=0
* Returns the (scaled) distance of the given point from this halfspace.
* If the point is inside this halfspace, the distance is 0.
* The returned value is the euclidean distance times the 2-norm of the normalVector.
* In contrast to the euclideanDistance method, there are no inaccuracies introduced (providing ValueType is exact for +, -, and *)
ValueType distance(std::vector<ValueType> const& point) const {
return offset() - storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(point, normalVector());
return std::max(storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(), storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(point, normalVector()) - offset());
* Returns the euclidean distance of the point from the hyperplane defined by this.
* The point is inside this halfspace iff the distance is >=0
* Returns the euclidean distance of the point from this halfspace.
* If the point is inside this halfspace, the distance is 0.
* Note that the euclidean distance is in general not a rational number (which can introduce inaccuracies).
ValueType euclideanDistance(std::vector<ValueType> const& point) const {
// divide with the 2-norm of the normal vector
// divide the distance with the 2-norm of the normal vector
return distance(point) / storm::utility::sqrt(storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(normalVector(), normalVector()));
* Returns true iff the given point lies on the boundary of this halfspace (i.e., on the hyperplane given by normalVector()*x =offset
bool isPointOnBoundary(std::vector<ValueType> const& point) const {
return storm::utility::vector::dotProduct(point, normalVector()) == offset();
* Returns the inverted Halfspace of this which represents the set (R^n \ this) union { x | x is on the boundary of this}
Halfspace<ValueType> invert() const {
std::vector<ValueType> resNormalVector = normalVector();
storm::utility::vector::scaleVectorInPlace(resNormalVector, -storm::utility::one<ValueType>());
return Halfspace<ValueType>(std::move(resNormalVector), -offset());
* Returns a string representation of this Halfspace.


@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace storm {
for(auto const& h : halfspaces) {
storm::storage::BitVector verticesOnHalfspace(vertices.size(), false);
for(uint_fast64_t v = 0; v<vertices.size(); ++v) {
if(storm::utility::isZero(h.distance(vertices[v]))) {
if(h.isPointOnBoundary(vertices[v])) {
