Browse Source

Added placeholders to DRN format

Matthias Volk 6 years ago
  1. 75
  2. 20
  3. 107
  4. 20


@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ namespace storm {
ValueParser<ValueType> valueParser;
bool sawType = false;
bool sawParameters = false;
std::unordered_map<std::string, ValueType> placeholders;
size_t nrStates = 0;
storm::models::ModelType type;
std::vector<std::string> rewardModelNames;
@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_THROW(!sawType, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Type declared twice");
type = storm::models::getModelType(line.substr(7));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Model type: " << type);
STORM_LOG_THROW(type != storm::models::ModelType::S2pg, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Stochastic Two Player Games in DRN format are not supported.");
STORM_LOG_THROW(type != storm::models::ModelType::S2pg, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException,
"Stochastic Two Player Games in DRN format are not supported.");
sawType = true;
} else if (line == "@parameters") {
@ -73,6 +75,23 @@ namespace storm {
sawParameters = true;
} else if (line == "@placeholders") {
// Parse placeholders
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
size_t posColon = line.find(':');
STORM_LOG_THROW(posColon != std::string::npos, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "':' not found.");
std::string placeName = line.substr(0, posColon - 1);
STORM_LOG_THROW(placeName.front() == '$', storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Placeholder must start with dollar symbol $.");
std::string valueStr = line.substr(posColon + 2);
ValueType value = parseValue(valueStr, placeholders, valueParser);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Placeholder " << placeName << " for value " << value);
auto ret = placeholders.insert(std::make_pair(placeName.substr(1), value));
STORM_LOG_THROW(ret.second, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Placeholder '$" << placeName << "' was already defined before.");
if (file.peek() == '@') {
// Next character is @ -> placeholder definitions ended
} else if (line == "@reward_models") {
// Parse reward models
STORM_LOG_THROW(rewardModelNames.empty(), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Reward model names declared twice");
@ -90,7 +109,7 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_THROW(nrStates != 0, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "No. of states has to be declared before model.");
// Construct model components
modelComponents = parseStates(file, type, nrStates, valueParser, rewardModelNames);
modelComponents = parseStates(file, type, nrStates, placeholders, valueParser, rewardModelNames);
} else {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Could not parse line '" << line << "'.");
@ -104,7 +123,10 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType>
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents<ValueType, RewardModelType>> DirectEncodingParser<ValueType, RewardModelType>::parseStates(std::istream& file, storm::models::ModelType type, size_t stateSize, ValueParser<ValueType> const& valueParser, std::vector<std::string> const& rewardModelNames) {
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents<ValueType, RewardModelType>>
DirectEncodingParser<ValueType, RewardModelType>::parseStates(std::istream& file, storm::models::ModelType type, size_t stateSize,
std::unordered_map<std::string, ValueType> const& placeholders, ValueParser<ValueType> const& valueParser,
std::vector<std::string> const& rewardModelNames) {
// Initialize
auto modelComponents = std::make_shared<storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents<ValueType, RewardModelType>>();
bool nonDeterministic = (type == storm::models::ModelType::Mdp || type == storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton || type == storm::models::ModelType::Pomdp);
@ -152,7 +174,7 @@ namespace storm {
size_t posEnd = line.find(" ");
if (posEnd != std::string::npos) {
curString = line.substr(0, posEnd);
line = line.substr(posEnd+1);
line = line.substr(posEnd + 1);
} else {
line = "";
@ -172,11 +194,11 @@ namespace storm {
posEnd = line.find(" ");
if (posEnd != std::string::npos) {
curString = line.substr(0, posEnd);
line = line.substr(posEnd+1);
line = line.substr(posEnd + 1);
} else {
line = "";
ValueType exitRate = valueParser.parseValue(curString);
ValueType exitRate = parseValue(curString, placeholders, valueParser);
if (type == storm::models::ModelType::MarkovAutomaton && !storm::utility::isZero<ValueType>(exitRate)) {
@ -188,7 +210,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Parse rewards
size_t posEndReward = line.find(']');
STORM_LOG_THROW(posEndReward != std::string::npos, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "] missing.");
std::string rewardsStr = line.substr(1, posEndReward-1);
std::string rewardsStr = line.substr(1, posEndReward - 1);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State rewards: " << rewardsStr);
std::vector<std::string> rewards;
boost::split(rewards, rewardsStr, boost::is_any_of(","));
@ -197,7 +219,7 @@ namespace storm {
auto stateRewardsIt = stateRewards.begin();
for (auto const& rew : rewards) {
auto rewardValue = valueParser.parseValue(rew);
auto rewardValue = parseValue(rew, placeholders, valueParser);
if (!storm::utility::isZero(rewardValue)) {
if (stateRewardsIt->empty()) {
stateRewardsIt->resize(stateSize, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
@ -206,17 +228,17 @@ namespace storm {
line = line.substr(posEndReward+1);
line = line.substr(posEndReward + 1);
if (type == storm::models::ModelType::Pomdp) {
if (boost::starts_with(line, "{")) {
size_t posEndObservation = line.find("}");
std::string observation = line.substr(1, posEndObservation-1);
std::string observation = line.substr(1, posEndObservation - 1);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("State observation " << observation);
modelComponents->observabilityClasses.get()[state] = std::stoi(observation);
line = line.substr(posEndObservation+1);
line = line.substr(posEndObservation + 1);
} else {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Expected an observation for state " << state << ".");
@ -270,7 +292,7 @@ namespace storm {
size_t posEnd = line.find(" ");
if (posEnd != std::string::npos) {
curString = line.substr(0, posEnd);
line = line.substr(posEnd+1);
line = line.substr(posEnd + 1);
} else {
line = "";
@ -281,7 +303,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Rewards found
size_t posEndReward = line.find(']');
STORM_LOG_THROW(posEndReward != std::string::npos, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "] missing.");
std::string rewardsStr = line.substr(1, posEndReward-1);
std::string rewardsStr = line.substr(1, posEndReward - 1);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Action rewards: " << rewardsStr);
std::vector<std::string> rewards;
boost::split(rewards, rewardsStr, boost::is_any_of(","));
@ -290,7 +312,7 @@ namespace storm {
auto actionRewardsIt = actionRewards.begin();
for (auto const& rew : rewards) {
auto rewardValue = valueParser.parseValue(rew);
auto rewardValue = parseValue(rew, placeholders, valueParser);
if (!storm::utility::isZero(rewardValue)) {
if (actionRewardsIt->size() <= row) {
actionRewardsIt->resize(std::max(row + 1, stateSize), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
@ -299,7 +321,7 @@ namespace storm {
line = line.substr(posEndReward+1);
line = line.substr(posEndReward + 1);
// TODO import choice labeling when the export works
@ -307,9 +329,9 @@ namespace storm {
// New transition
size_t posColon = line.find(':');
STORM_LOG_THROW(posColon != std::string::npos, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "':' not found.");
size_t target = parseNumber<size_t>(line.substr(2, posColon-3));
std::string valueStr = line.substr(posColon+2);
ValueType value = valueParser.parseValue(valueStr);
size_t target = parseNumber<size_t>(line.substr(2, posColon - 3));
std::string valueStr = line.substr(posColon + 2);
ValueType value = parseValue(valueStr, placeholders, valueParser);
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Transition " << row << " -> " << target << ": " << value);
STORM_LOG_THROW(target < stateSize, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Target state " << target << " is greater than state size " << stateSize);
builder.addNextValue(row, target, value);
@ -338,12 +360,27 @@ namespace storm {
actionRewards[i].resize(row + 1, storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
actionRewardVector = std::move(actionRewards[i]);
modelComponents->rewardModels.emplace(rewardModelName, storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<ValueType>(std::move(stateRewardVector), std::move(actionRewardVector)));
storm::models::sparse::StandardRewardModel<ValueType>(std::move(stateRewardVector), std::move(actionRewardVector)));
STORM_LOG_TRACE("Built reward models");
return modelComponents;
template<typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType>
ValueType DirectEncodingParser<ValueType, RewardModelType>::parseValue(std::string const& valueStr, std::unordered_map<std::string, ValueType> const& placeholders,
ValueParser<ValueType> const& valueParser) {
if (boost::starts_with(valueStr, "$")) {
auto it = placeholders.find(valueStr.substr(1));
STORM_LOG_THROW(it != placeholders.end(), storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Placeholder " << valueStr << " unknown.");
return it->second;
} else {
// Use default value parser
return valueParser.parseValue(valueStr);
// Template instantiations.
template class DirectEncodingParser<double>;
template class DirectEncodingParser<storm::RationalNumber>;


@ -30,13 +30,27 @@ namespace storm {
* Parse states and return transition matrix.
* @param file Input file stream.
* @param type Model type.
* @param file Input file stream.
* @param type Model type.
* @param stateSize No. of states
* @param placeholders Placeholders for values.
* @param valueParser Value parser.
* @param rewardModelNames Names of reward models.
* @return Transition matrix.
static std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents<ValueType, RewardModelType>> parseStates(std::istream& file, storm::models::ModelType type, size_t stateSize, ValueParser<ValueType> const& valueParser, std::vector<std::string> const& rewardModelNames);
static std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::sparse::ModelComponents<ValueType, RewardModelType>>
parseStates(std::istream& file, storm::models::ModelType type, size_t stateSize, std::unordered_map<std::string, ValueType> const& placeholders,
ValueParser<ValueType> const& valueParser, std::vector<std::string> const& rewardModelNames);
* Parse value from string while using placeholders.
* @param valueStr String.
* @param placeholders Placeholders.
* @param valueParser Value parser.
* @return
static ValueType parseValue(std::string const& valueStr, std::unordered_map<std::string, ValueType> const& placeholders, ValueParser<ValueType> const& valueParser);
} // namespace parser


@ -45,12 +45,24 @@ namespace storm {
os << std::endl;
// Optionally write placeholders which only need to be parsed once
// This is used to reduce the parsing effort for rational functions
// Placeholders begin with the dollar symbol $
std::unordered_map<ValueType, std::string> placeholders = generatePlaceholders(sparseModel, exitRates);
if (!placeholders.empty()) {
os << "@placeholders" << std::endl;
for (auto const& entry : placeholders) {
os << "$" << entry.second << " : " << entry.first << std::endl;
os << "@reward_models" << std::endl;
for (auto const& rewardModel : sparseModel->getRewardModels()) {
os << rewardModel.first << " ";
os << std::endl;
os << "@nr_states" << std::endl << sparseModel->getNumberOfStates() << std::endl;
os << "@nr_states" << std::endl << sparseModel->getNumberOfStates() << std::endl;
os << "@model" << std::endl;
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& matrix = sparseModel->getTransitionMatrix();
@ -61,7 +73,8 @@ namespace storm {
// Write exit rates for CTMCs and MAs
if (!exitRates.empty()) {
os << " !" <<;
os << " !";
writeValue(os,, placeholders);
// Write state rewards
@ -74,8 +87,8 @@ namespace storm {
os << ", ";
if(rewardModelEntry.second.hasStateRewards()) {
os << storm::utility::to_string(rewardModelEntry.second.getStateRewardVector().at(group));
if (rewardModelEntry.second.hasStateRewards()) {
writeValue(os, rewardModelEntry.second.getStateRewardVector().at(group), placeholders);
} else {
os << "0";
@ -90,10 +103,11 @@ namespace storm {
// Write labels. Only labels with a whitespace are put in (double) quotation marks.
for(auto const& label : sparseModel->getStateLabeling().getLabelsOfState(group)) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(std::count( label.begin(), label.end(), '\"' ) == 0, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Labels with quotation marks are not supported in the DRN format and therefore may not be exported.");
for (auto const& label : sparseModel->getStateLabeling().getLabelsOfState(group)) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(std::count(label.begin(), label.end(), '\"') == 0, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException,
"Labels with quotation marks are not supported in the DRN format and therefore may not be exported.");
// TODO consider escaping the quotation marks. Not sure whether that is a good idea.
if (std::count_if( label.begin(), label.end(), isspace ) > 0) {
if (std::count_if(label.begin(), label.end(), isspace) > 0) {
os << " \"" << label << "\"";
} else {
os << " " << label;
@ -133,7 +147,7 @@ namespace storm {
if (rewardModelEntry.second.hasStateActionRewards()) {
os << storm::utility::to_string(rewardModelEntry.second.getStateActionRewardVector().at(row));
writeValue(os, rewardModelEntry.second.getStateActionRewardVector().at(row), placeholders);
} else {
os << "0";
@ -148,7 +162,8 @@ namespace storm {
for (auto it = matrix.begin(row); it != matrix.end(row); ++it) {
ValueType prob = it->getValue();
os << "\t\t" << it->getColumn() << " : ";
os << storm::utility::to_string(prob) << std::endl;
writeValue(os, prob, placeholders);
os << std::endl;
@ -179,6 +194,80 @@ namespace storm {
return parameters;
template<typename ValueType>
std::unordered_map<ValueType, std::string> generatePlaceholders(std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>>, std::vector<ValueType>) {
return {};
* Helper function to create a possible placeholder.
* A new placeholder is inserted if the rational function is not constant and the function does not exist yet.
* @param placeholders Existing placeholders.
* @param value Value.
* @param i Counter to enumerate placeholders.
void createPlaceholder(std::unordered_map<storm::RationalFunction, std::string>& placeholders, storm::RationalFunction const& value, size_t& i) {
if (!storm::utility::isConstant(value)) {
auto ret = placeholders.insert(std::make_pair(value, std::to_string(i)));
if (ret.second) {
// New element was inserted
std::unordered_map<storm::RationalFunction, std::string>
generatePlaceholders(std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<storm::RationalFunction>> sparseModel, std::vector<storm::RationalFunction> exitRates) {
std::unordered_map<storm::RationalFunction, std::string> placeholders;
size_t i = 0;
// Exit rates
for (auto const& exitRate : exitRates) {
createPlaceholder(placeholders, exitRate, i);
// Rewards
for (auto const& rewardModelEntry : sparseModel->getRewardModels()) {
if (rewardModelEntry.second.hasStateRewards()) {
for (auto const& reward : rewardModelEntry.second.getStateRewardVector()) {
createPlaceholder(placeholders, reward, i);
if (rewardModelEntry.second.hasStateActionRewards()) {
for (auto const& reward : rewardModelEntry.second.getStateActionRewardVector()) {
createPlaceholder(placeholders, reward, i);
// Transition probabilities
for (auto const& entry : sparseModel->getTransitionMatrix()) {
createPlaceholder(placeholders, entry.getValue(), i);
return placeholders;
template<typename ValueType>
void writeValue(std::ostream& os, ValueType value, std::unordered_map<ValueType, std::string> const& placeholders) {
if (storm::utility::isConstant(value)) {
os << value;
// Try to use placeholder
auto it = placeholders.find(value);
if (it != placeholders.end()) {
// Use placeholder
os << "$" << it->second;
} else {
os << value;
// Template instantiations
template void explicitExportSparseModel<double>(std::ostream& os, std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<double>> sparseModel, std::vector<std::string> const& parameters);
template void explicitExportSparseModel<storm::RationalNumber>(std::ostream& os, std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<storm::RationalNumber>> sparseModel, std::vector<std::string> const& parameters);


@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void explicitExportSparseModel(std::ostream& os, std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> sparseModel, std::vector<std::string> const& parameters);
* Accumulate parameters in the model.
@ -26,5 +28,23 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
std::vector<std::string> getParameters(std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> sparseModel);
* Generate placeholders for rational functions in the model.
* @param sparseModel Model.
* @param exitRates Exit rates.
* @return Mapping of the form:rational function -> placeholder name.
template<typename ValueType>
std::unordered_map<ValueType, std::string> generatePlaceholders(std::shared_ptr<storm::models::sparse::Model<ValueType>> sparseModel, std::vector<ValueType> exitRates);
* Write value to stream while using the placeholders.
* @param os Output stream.
* @param value Value.
* @param placeholders Placeholders.
template<typename ValueType>
void writeValue(std::ostream& os, ValueType value, std::unordered_map<ValueType, std::string> const& placeholders);