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fixed Rmin computation with exact sparse engine when very high rewards occur

TimQu 8 years ago
  1. 56
  2. 21
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  4. 12


@ -378,25 +378,20 @@ namespace storm {
if (!maybeStates.empty()) {
// In this case we have to compute the reward values for the remaining states.
// We can eliminate the rows and columns from the original transition probability matrix for states
// whose reward values are already known.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> submatrix = transitionMatrix.getSubmatrix(true, maybeStates, maybeStates, false);
// Prepare the right-hand side of the equation system.
std::vector<ValueType> b = totalStateRewardVectorGetter(submatrix.getRowCount(), transitionMatrix, maybeStates);
// Since we are cutting away target and infinity states, we need to account for this by giving
// choices the value infinity that have some successor contained in the infinity states.
uint_fast64_t currentRow = 0;
for (auto state : maybeStates) {
for (uint_fast64_t row = nondeterministicChoiceIndices[state]; row < nondeterministicChoiceIndices[state + 1]; ++row, ++currentRow) {
for (auto const& element : transitionMatrix.getRow(row)) {
if (infinityStates.get(element.getColumn())) {
b[currentRow] = storm::utility::infinity<ValueType>();
// Prepare matrix and vector for the equation system.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> submatrix;
std::vector<ValueType> b;
// Remove rows and columns from the original transition probability matrix for states whose reward values are already known.
// If there are infinity states, we additionaly have to remove choices of maybeState that lead to infinity
boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> selectedChoices; // if not given, all maybeState choices are selected
if (infinityStates.empty()) {
submatrix = transitionMatrix.getSubmatrix(true, maybeStates, maybeStates, false);
b = totalStateRewardVectorGetter(submatrix.getRowCount(), transitionMatrix, maybeStates);
} else {
selectedChoices = transitionMatrix.getRowFilter(maybeStates, ~infinityStates);
submatrix = transitionMatrix.getSubmatrix(false, *selectedChoices, maybeStates, false);
b = totalStateRewardVectorGetter(transitionMatrix.getRowCount(), transitionMatrix, storm::storage::BitVector(transitionMatrix.getRowGroupCount(), true));
storm::utility::vector::filterVectorInPlace(b, *selectedChoices);
bool skipEcWithinMaybeStatesCheck = !goal.minimize() || (hint.isExplicitModelCheckerHint() && hint.asExplicitModelCheckerHint<ValueType>().getNoEndComponentsInMaybeStates());
@ -408,10 +403,25 @@ namespace storm {
if (produceScheduler) {
storm::storage::Scheduler const& subscheduler = *resultForMaybeStates.scheduler;
uint_fast64_t currentSubState = 0;
for (auto maybeState : maybeStates) {
scheduler->setChoice(maybeState, subscheduler.getChoice(currentSubState));
if (selectedChoices) {
uint_fast64_t currentSubState = 0;
for (auto maybeState : maybeStates) {
uint_fast64_t subChoice = subscheduler.getChoice(currentSubState);
// find the rowindex that corresponds to the selected row of the submodel
uint_fast64_t firstRowIndex = transitionMatrix.getRowGroupIndices()[maybeState];
uint_fast64_t selectedRowIndex = selectedChoices->getNextSetIndex(firstRowIndex);
for (uint_fast64_t choice = 0; choice < subChoice; ++choice) {
selectedRowIndex = selectedChoices->getNextSetIndex(selectedRowIndex + 1);
scheduler->setChoice(maybeState, selectedRowIndex - firstRowIndex);
} else {
uint_fast64_t currentSubState = 0;
for (auto maybeState : maybeStates) {
scheduler->setChoice(maybeState, subscheduler.getChoice(currentSubState));


@ -565,6 +565,27 @@ namespace storm {
return res;
template<typename ValueType>
storm::storage::BitVector SparseMatrix<ValueType>::getRowFilter(storm::storage::BitVector const& groupConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const& columnConstraint) const {
storm::storage::BitVector result(this->getRowCount(), false);
for (auto const& group : groupConstraint) {
uint_fast64_t const endOfGroup = this->getRowGroupIndices()[group + 1];
for (uint_fast64_t row = this->getRowGroupIndices()[group]; row < endOfGroup; ++row) {
bool choiceSatisfiesColumnConstraint = true;
for (auto const& entry : this->getRow(row)) {
if (!columnConstraint.get(entry.getColumn())) {
choiceSatisfiesColumnConstraint = false;
if (choiceSatisfiesColumnConstraint) {
result.set(row, true);
return result;
template<typename ValueType>
void SparseMatrix<ValueType>::makeRowsAbsorbing(storm::storage::BitVector const& rows) {
for (auto row : rows) {


@ -571,6 +571,17 @@ namespace storm {
storm::storage::BitVector getRowIndicesOfRowGroups(storm::storage::BitVector const& groups) const;
* Returns the indices of all rows that
* * are in a selected group and
* * only have entries within the selected columns.
* @param groupConstraint the selected groups
* @param columnConstraints the selected columns
* @return a bit vector that is true at position i iff row i satisfies the constraints.
storm::storage::BitVector getRowFilter(storm::storage::BitVector const& groupConstraint, storm::storage::BitVector const& columnConstraints) const;
* This function makes the given rows absorbing.


@ -859,6 +859,18 @@ namespace storm {
return result;
template<typename Type>
void filterVectorInPlace(std::vector<Type>& v, storm::storage::BitVector const& filter) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(v.size() == filter.size(), "The filter size does not match the size of the input vector");
auto vIt = v.begin();
for(auto index : filter) {
*vIt = std::move(v[index]);
v.resize(vIt - v.begin());
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(v.size() == filter.getNumberOfSetBits(), "Result does not match.");
template<typename T>
bool hasNegativeEntry(std::vector<T> const& v){
return std::any_of(v.begin(), v.end(), [](T value){return value < storm::utility::zero<T>();});
