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Implemented simple (but incomplete) check to display whether the belief MDP is finite.

Tim Quatmann 5 years ago
  1. 59
  2. 8


@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#pragma once
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include "storm/models/sparse/Pomdp.h"
#include "storm/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "storm/storage/StronglyConnectedComponentDecomposition.h"
namespace storm {
namespace pomdp {
* This method tries to detect that the beliefmdp is finite.
* If this returns true, the beliefmdp is certainly finite.
* However, if this returns false, the beliefmdp might still be finite
* It is assumed that the belief MDP is not further explored when reaching a targetstate
template<typename ValueType>
bool detectFiniteBeliefMdp(storm::models::sparse::Pomdp<ValueType> const& pomdp, boost::optional<storm::storage::BitVector> const& targetStates) {
// All infinite paths of the POMDP (including the ones with prob. 0 ) either
// - reach a target state after finitely many steps or
// - after finitely many steps enter an SCC and do not leave it
// Hence, any path of the belief MDP will at some point either reach a target state or stay in a set of POMDP SCCs.
// Only in the latter case we can get infinitely many different belief states.
// Below, we check whether all SCCs only consist of Dirac distributions.
// If this is the case, no new belief states will be found at some point.
// Get the SCC decomposition
storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponentDecompositionOptions options;
storm::storage::BitVector relevantStates;
if (targetStates) {
relevantStates = ~targetStates.get();
storm::storage::StronglyConnectedComponentDecomposition<ValueType> sccs(pomdp.getTransitionMatrix(), options);
// Check whether all choices that stay within an SCC have Dirac distributions
for (auto const& scc : sccs) {
for (auto const& sccState : scc) {
for (uint64_t rowIndex = pomdp.getNondeterministicChoiceIndices()[sccState]; rowIndex < pomdp.getNondeterministicChoiceIndices()[sccState + 1]; ++rowIndex) {
for (auto const& entry : pomdp.getTransitionMatrix().getRow(rowIndex)) {
if (!storm::utility::isOne(entry.getValue()) && !storm::utility::isZero(entry.getValue())) {
if (scc.containsState(entry.getColumn())) {
// There is a non-dirac choice that stays in the SCC.
// This could still mean that the belief MDP is finite
// e.g., if at some point the branches merge back to the same state
return false;
return true;


@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "storm-pomdp/analysis/FormulaInformation.h"
#include "storm-pomdp/analysis/FiniteBeliefMdpDetection.h"
#include "storm/utility/ConstantsComparator.h"
#include "storm/utility/NumberTraits.h"
@ -106,6 +107,9 @@ namespace storm {
} else {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotSupportedException, "Unsupported formula '" << formula << "'.");
if (storm::pomdp::detectFiniteBeliefMdp(pomdp, formulaInfo.getTargetStates().states)) {
STORM_PRINT_AND_LOG("Detected that the belief MDP is finite." << std::endl);
if (options.refine) {
refineReachability(formulaInfo.getTargetStates().observations, formulaInfo.minimize(), rewardModelName, initialPomdpValueBounds.lower, initialPomdpValueBounds.upper, result);
@ -172,7 +176,9 @@ namespace storm {
stream << ">=";
stream << statistics.underApproximationStates.get() << std::endl;
stream << "# Exploration state limit for under-approximation: " << statistics.underApproximationStateLimit.get() << std::endl;
if (statistics.underApproximationStateLimit) {
stream << "# Exploration state limit for under-approximation: " << statistics.underApproximationStateLimit.get() << std::endl;
stream << "# Time spend for building the under-approx grid MDP(s): " << statistics.underApproximationBuildTime << std::endl;
stream << "# Time spend for checking the under-approx grid MDP(s): " << statistics.underApproximationCheckTime << std::endl;