@ -489,12 +489,46 @@ namespace storm { |
Odd<DdType::CUDD> columnOdd(this->existsAbstract(rowVariables)); |
Odd<DdType::CUDD> rowOdd(this->existsAbstract(columnVariables)); |
storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<double> builder; |
toMatrixRec(this->getCuddAdd().getNode(), builder, rowOdd, columnOdd, 0, 0, ddRowVariableIndices.size() + ddColumnVariableIndices.size(), 0, 0, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices); |
return builder.build(); |
// Prepare the vectors that represent the matrix.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> rowIndications(rowOdd.getTotalOffset() + 1); |
std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<double>> columnsAndValues(this->getNonZeroCount()); |
// Use the toMatrixRec function to compute the number of elements in each row. Using the flag, we prevent
// it from actually generating the entries in the entry vector.
toMatrixRec(this->getCuddAdd().getNode(), rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd, columnOdd, 0, 0, ddRowVariableIndices.size() + ddColumnVariableIndices.size(), 0, 0, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, false); |
// Now that we computed the number of entries in each row, compute the corresponding offsets in the entry vector.
uint_fast64_t tmp = 0; |
uint_fast64_t tmp2 = 0; |
for (uint_fast64_t i = 1; i < rowIndications.size(); ++i) { |
tmp2 = rowIndications[i]; |
rowIndications[i] = rowIndications[i - 1] + tmp; |
std::swap(tmp, tmp2); |
} |
rowIndications[0] = 0; |
// Now actually fill the entry vector.
toMatrixRec(this->getCuddAdd().getNode(), rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd, columnOdd, 0, 0, ddRowVariableIndices.size() + ddColumnVariableIndices.size(), 0, 0, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, true); |
// Since the last call to toMatrixRec modified the rowIndications, we need to restore the correct values.
for (uint_fast64_t i = rowIndications.size() - 1; i > 0; --i) { |
rowIndications[i] = rowIndications[i - 1]; |
} |
rowIndications[0] = 0; |
// Create a trivial row grouping.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> trivialRowGroupIndices(rowIndications.size()); |
uint_fast64_t i = 0; |
for (auto& entry : trivialRowGroupIndices) { |
entry = i; |
++i; |
} |
// Construct matrix and return result.
return storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double>(columnOdd.getTotalOffset(), std::move(rowIndications), std::move(columnsAndValues), std::move(trivialRowGroupIndices)); |
} |
void Dd<DdType::CUDD>::toMatrixRec(DdNode const* dd, storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<double>& builder, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& columnOdd, uint_fast64_t currentRowLevel, uint_fast64_t currentColumnLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, uint_fast64_t currentRowOffset, uint_fast64_t currentColumnOffset, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddColumnVariableIndices) const { |
void Dd<DdType::CUDD>::toMatrixRec(DdNode const* dd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& rowIndications, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<double>>& columnsAndValues, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& rowOdd, Odd<DdType::CUDD> const& columnOdd, uint_fast64_t currentRowLevel, uint_fast64_t currentColumnLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, uint_fast64_t currentRowOffset, uint_fast64_t currentColumnOffset, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddColumnVariableIndices, bool generateValues) const { |
// FIXME: this method currently assumes a strict interleaved order, which does not seem necessary.
// For the empty DD, we do not need to add any entries.
@ -504,7 +538,10 @@ namespace storm { |
// If we are at the maximal level, the value to be set is stored as a constant in the DD.
if (currentRowLevel + currentColumnLevel == maxLevel) { |
builder.addNextValue(currentRowOffset, currentColumnOffset, Cudd_V(dd)); |
if (generateValues) { |
columnsAndValues[rowIndications[currentRowOffset]] = storm::storage::MatrixEntry<double>(currentColumnOffset, Cudd_V(dd)); |
} |
++rowIndications[currentRowOffset]; |
} else { |
DdNode const* elseElse; |
DdNode const* elseThen; |
@ -535,13 +572,13 @@ namespace storm { |
} |
// Visit else-else.
toMatrixRec(elseElse, builder, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), columnOdd.getElseSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, currentColumnOffset, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices); |
toMatrixRec(elseElse, rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), columnOdd.getElseSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, currentColumnOffset, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, generateValues); |
// Visit else-then.
toMatrixRec(elseThen, builder, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), columnOdd.getThenSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, currentColumnOffset + columnOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices); |
toMatrixRec(elseThen, rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd.getElseSuccessor(), columnOdd.getThenSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset, currentColumnOffset + columnOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, generateValues); |
// Visit then-else.
toMatrixRec(thenElse, builder, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), columnOdd.getElseSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), currentColumnOffset, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices); |
toMatrixRec(thenElse, rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), columnOdd.getElseSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), currentColumnOffset, ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, generateValues); |
// Visit then-then.
toMatrixRec(thenThen, builder, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), columnOdd.getThenSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), currentColumnOffset + columnOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices); |
toMatrixRec(thenThen, rowIndications, columnsAndValues, rowOdd.getThenSuccessor(), columnOdd.getThenSuccessor(), currentRowLevel + 1, currentColumnLevel + 1, maxLevel, currentRowOffset + rowOdd.getElseOffset(), currentColumnOffset + columnOdd.getElseOffset(), ddRowVariableIndices, ddColumnVariableIndices, generateValues); |
} |
} |