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kSP: a few more comments

tomjanson 8 years ago
committed by Tom Janson
  1. 29
  2. 10


@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "macros.h"
#include "shortestPaths.h"
#include "graph.h"
// FIXME: I've accidentally used k=0 *twice* now without realizing that k>=1 is required!
// Accessing zero should trigger a warning!
// (Also, did I document this? I think so, somewhere. I went with k>=1 because
// that's what the KSP paper used, but in retrospect k>=0 seems more intuitive ...)
namespace storm {
namespace utility {
namespace ksp {
@ -249,9 +257,13 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename T>
void ShortestPathsGenerator<T>::computeNextPath(state_t node, unsigned long k) {
assert(k >= 2); // Dijkstra is used for k=1
assert(kShortestPaths[node].size() == k - 1); // if not, the previous SP must not exist
// TODO: I could extract the candidate generation to make this function more succinct
if (k == 2) {
// Step B.1 in J&M paper
Path<T> shortestPathToNode = kShortestPaths[node][1 - 1]; // never forget index shift :-|
for (state_t predecessor : graphPredecessors[node]) {
@ -271,7 +283,9 @@ namespace storm {
if (k > 2 || !isInitialState(node)) {
if (not (k == 2 && isInitialState(node))) {
// Steps B.2-5 in J&M paper
// the (k-1)th shortest path (i.e., one better than the one we want to compute)
Path<T> previousShortestPath = kShortestPaths[node][k - 1 - 1]; // oh god, I forgot index shift AGAIN
@ -297,9 +311,10 @@ namespace storm {
// else there was no path; TODO: does this need handling?
// else there was no path; TODO: does this need handling? -- yes, but not here (because the step B.1 may have added candidates)
// Step B.6 in J&M paper
if (!candidatePaths[node].empty()) {
Path<T> minDistanceCandidate = *(candidatePaths[node].begin());
for (auto path : candidatePaths[node]) {
@ -310,6 +325,9 @@ namespace storm {
candidatePaths[node].erase(std::find(candidatePaths[node].begin(), candidatePaths[node].end(), minDistanceCandidate));
} else {
// TODO: kSP does not exist. this is handled later, but it would be nice to catch it as early as possble, wouldn't it?
STORM_LOG_TRACE("KSP: no candidates, this will trigger nonexisting ksp after exiting these recursions. TODO: handle here");
@ -320,9 +338,10 @@ namespace storm {
for (unsigned long nextK = alreadyComputedK + 1; nextK <= k; nextK++) {
computeNextPath(metaTarget, nextK);
if (kShortestPaths[metaTarget].size() < nextK) {
//std::cout << std::endl << "--> DEBUG: Last path: k=" << (nextK - 1) << ":" << std::endl;
//printKShortestPath(metaTarget, nextK - 1);
//std::cout << "---------" << "No other path exists!" << std::endl;
unsigned long lastExistingK = nextK - 1;
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("KSP throws (as expected) due to nonexistence -- maybe this is unhandled and causes the Python interface to segfault?");
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("last existing k-SP has k=" + std::to_string(lastExistingK));
STORM_LOG_DEBUG("maybe this is unhandled and causes the Python interface to segfault?");
throw std::invalid_argument("k-SP does not exist for k=" + std::to_string(k));


@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ This is a common feature if the target state is a sink; but we are not
interested in such paths.
(In fact, ideally we'd like to see paths whose node-intersection with all
shorter paths is non-empty (which is an even stronger statement than
shorter paths is non-empty [^2] (which is an even stronger statement than
loop-free-ness of paths), because we want to take a union of those node
sets. But that's a different matter.)
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ path to some node `u` plus an edge to `t`:
Further, the shortest paths to some node are always computed in order and
without gaps, e.g., the 1, 2, 3-shortest paths to `t` will be computed
before the 4-SP. Thus, we store the SPs in a linked list for each node,
with the k-th entry[^2] being the k-th SP to that node.
with the k-th entry[^3] being the k-th SP to that node.
Thus for an SP as shown above we simply store the predecessor node (`u`)
and the `k`, which allows us to look up the tail of the SP.
@ -107,4 +107,8 @@ the entire path back-to-front.
[^1]: I suppose the correct term would now be "meta-target predecessors".
In fact, I will rename all occurences of `target` in the source to
`metaTargetPredecessors` – clumsy but accurate.
[^2]: Which due to 0-based indexing has index `k-1`, of course! Damn it.
[^2]: (2016-08-20:) Is this correct? Didn't I mean that the path should
contain new nodes, i.e., non-emptiness of
((nodes in path) set-minus (union(nodes in shorter paths)))?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what I meant.
[^3]: Which due to 0-based indexing has index `k-1`, of course! Damn it.