8 years ago
10 changed files with 567 additions and 650 deletions
@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ |
#include "storm/abstraction/prism/AbstractProgram.h"
#include "storm/abstraction/BottomStateResult.h"
#include "storm/abstraction/GameBddResult.h"
#include "storm/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "storm/storage/prism/Program.h"
#include "storm/storage/dd/DdManager.h"
#include "storm/storage/dd/Add.h"
#include "storm/models/symbolic/StandardRewardModel.h"
#include "storm/utility/dd.h"
#include "storm/utility/macros.h"
#include "storm/utility/solver.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/WrongFormatException.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
#include "storm-config.h"
#include "storm/adapters/CarlAdapter.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace abstraction { |
namespace prism { |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType>::AbstractProgram(storm::prism::Program const& program, |
std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> const& smtSolverFactory, |
bool addAllGuards) |
: program(program), smtSolverFactory(smtSolverFactory), abstractionInformation(program.getManager()), modules(), initialStateAbstractor(abstractionInformation, program.getAllExpressionVariables(), {program.getInitialStatesExpression()}, this->smtSolverFactory), addedAllGuards(addAllGuards), currentGame(nullptr), refinementPerformed(false) { |
// For now, we assume that there is a single module. If the program has more than one module, it needs
// to be flattened before the procedure.
STORM_LOG_THROW(program.getNumberOfModules() == 1, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Cannot create abstract program from program containing too many modules."); |
// Add all variables and range expressions to the information object.
for (auto const& variable : this->program.get().getAllExpressionVariables()) { |
abstractionInformation.addExpressionVariable(variable); |
} |
for (auto const& range : this->program.get().getAllRangeExpressions()) { |
abstractionInformation.addConstraint(range); |
initialStateAbstractor.constrain(range); |
} |
uint_fast64_t totalNumberOfCommands = 0; |
uint_fast64_t maximalUpdateCount = 0; |
std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> allGuards; |
for (auto const& module : program.getModules()) { |
// If we were requested to add all guards to the set of predicates, we do so now.
for (auto const& command : module.getCommands()) { |
if (addAllGuards) { |
allGuards.push_back(command.getGuardExpression()); |
} |
maximalUpdateCount = std::max(maximalUpdateCount, static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(command.getNumberOfUpdates())); |
} |
totalNumberOfCommands += module.getNumberOfCommands(); |
} |
// NOTE: currently we assume that 100 player 2 variables suffice, which corresponds to 2^100 possible
// choices. If for some reason this should not be enough, we could grow this vector dynamically, but
// odds are that it's impossible to treat such models in any event.
abstractionInformation.createEncodingVariables(static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(totalNumberOfCommands))), 100, static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(maximalUpdateCount)))); |
// For each module of the concrete program, we create an abstract counterpart.
for (auto const& module : program.getModules()) { |
this->modules.emplace_back(module, abstractionInformation, this->smtSolverFactory, addAllGuards); |
} |
// Retrieve the command-update probability ADD, so we can multiply it with the abstraction BDD later.
commandUpdateProbabilitiesAdd = modules.front().getCommandUpdateProbabilitiesAdd(); |
// Now that we have created all other DD variables, we create the DD variables for the predicates.
std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> initialPredicates; |
if (addAllGuards) { |
for (auto const& guard : allGuards) { |
initialPredicates.push_back(guard); |
} |
} |
// Finally, refine using the all predicates and build game as a by-product.
this->refine(initialPredicates); |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
void AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType>::refine(std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> const& predicates) { |
// Add the predicates to the global list of predicates and gather their indices.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> newPredicateIndices; |
for (auto const& predicate : predicates) { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(predicate.hasBooleanType(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Expecting a predicate of type bool."); |
newPredicateIndices.push_back(abstractionInformation.addPredicate(predicate)); |
} |
// Refine all abstract modules.
for (auto& module : modules) { |
module.refine(newPredicateIndices); |
} |
// Refine initial state abstractor.
initialStateAbstractor.refine(newPredicateIndices); |
// Update the flag that stores whether a refinement was performed.
refinementPerformed = refinementPerformed || !newPredicateIndices.empty(); |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
MenuGame<DdType, ValueType> AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType>::abstract() { |
if (refinementPerformed) { |
currentGame = buildGame(); |
refinementPerformed = true; |
} |
return *currentGame; |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
AbstractionInformation<DdType> const& AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType>::getAbstractionInformation() const { |
return abstractionInformation; |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
storm::expressions::Expression const& AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType>::getGuard(uint64_t player1Choice) const { |
return modules.front().getGuard(player1Choice); |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType>::getVariableUpdates(uint64_t player1Choice, uint64_t auxiliaryChoice) const { |
return modules.front().getVariableUpdates(player1Choice, auxiliaryChoice); |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType>::getStates(storm::expressions::Expression const& predicate) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(currentGame != nullptr, "Game was not properly created."); |
return abstractionInformation.getPredicateSourceVariable(predicate); |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
std::unique_ptr<MenuGame<DdType, ValueType>> AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType>::buildGame() { |
// As long as there is only one module, we only build its game representation.
GameBddResult<DdType> game = modules.front().getAbstractBdd(); |
// Construct a set of all unnecessary variables, so we can abstract from it.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> variablesToAbstract(abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableSet(abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount())); |
auto player2Variables = abstractionInformation.getPlayer2VariableSet(game.numberOfPlayer2Variables); |
variablesToAbstract.insert(player2Variables.begin(), player2Variables.end()); |
auto auxVariables = abstractionInformation.getAuxVariableSet(0, abstractionInformation.getAuxVariableCount()); |
variablesToAbstract.insert(auxVariables.begin(), auxVariables.end()); |
// Do a reachability analysis on the raw transition relation.
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> transitionRelation = game.bdd.existsAbstract(variablesToAbstract); |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> initialStates = initialStateAbstractor.getAbstractStates(); |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> reachableStates = storm::utility::dd::computeReachableStates(initialStates, transitionRelation, abstractionInformation.getSourceVariables(), abstractionInformation.getSuccessorVariables()); |
// Find the deadlock states in the model. Note that this does not find the 'deadlocks' in bottom states,
// as the bottom states are not contained in the reachable states.
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> deadlockStates = transitionRelation.existsAbstract(abstractionInformation.getSuccessorVariables()); |
deadlockStates = reachableStates && !deadlockStates; |
// If there are deadlock states, we fix them now.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> deadlockTransitions = abstractionInformation.getDdManager().template getAddZero<ValueType>(); |
if (!deadlockStates.isZero()) { |
deadlockTransitions = (deadlockStates && abstractionInformation.getAllPredicateIdentities() && abstractionInformation.encodePlayer1Choice(0, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount()) && abstractionInformation.encodePlayer2Choice(0, game.numberOfPlayer2Variables) && abstractionInformation.encodeAux(0, 0, abstractionInformation.getAuxVariableCount())).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
} |
// Compute bottom states and the appropriate transitions if necessary.
BottomStateResult<DdType> bottomStateResult(abstractionInformation.getDdManager().getBddZero(), abstractionInformation.getDdManager().getBddZero()); |
bool hasBottomStates = false; |
if (!addedAllGuards) { |
bottomStateResult = modules.front().getBottomStateTransitions(reachableStates, game.numberOfPlayer2Variables); |
hasBottomStates = !bottomStateResult.states.isZero(); |
} |
// Construct the transition matrix by cutting away the transitions of unreachable states.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> transitionMatrix = (game.bdd && reachableStates).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
transitionMatrix *= commandUpdateProbabilitiesAdd; |
transitionMatrix += deadlockTransitions; |
// Extend the current game information with the 'non-bottom' tag before potentially adding bottom state transitions.
transitionMatrix *= (abstractionInformation.getBottomStateBdd(true, true) && abstractionInformation.getBottomStateBdd(false, true)).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
reachableStates &= abstractionInformation.getBottomStateBdd(true, true); |
initialStates &= abstractionInformation.getBottomStateBdd(true, true); |
// If there are bottom transitions, exnted the transition matrix and reachable states now.
if (hasBottomStates) { |
transitionMatrix += bottomStateResult.transitions.template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
reachableStates |= bottomStateResult.states; |
} |
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> usedPlayer2Variables(abstractionInformation.getPlayer2Variables().begin(), abstractionInformation.getPlayer2Variables().begin() + game.numberOfPlayer2Variables); |
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> allNondeterminismVariables = usedPlayer2Variables; |
allNondeterminismVariables.insert(abstractionInformation.getPlayer1Variables().begin(), abstractionInformation.getPlayer1Variables().end()); |
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> allSourceVariables(abstractionInformation.getSourceVariables()); |
allSourceVariables.insert(abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true)); |
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> allSuccessorVariables(abstractionInformation.getSuccessorVariables()); |
allSuccessorVariables.insert(abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(false)); |
return std::make_unique<MenuGame<DdType, ValueType>>(abstractionInformation.getDdManagerAsSharedPointer(), reachableStates, initialStates, abstractionInformation.getDdManager().getBddZero(), transitionMatrix, bottomStateResult.states, allSourceVariables, allSuccessorVariables, abstractionInformation.getExtendedSourceSuccessorVariablePairs(), std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>(abstractionInformation.getPlayer1Variables().begin(), abstractionInformation.getPlayer1Variables().end()), usedPlayer2Variables, allNondeterminismVariables, auxVariables, abstractionInformation.getPredicateToBddMap()); |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
void AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStatesBdd, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const { |
std::ofstream out(filename); |
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> filteredTransitions = filter.template toAdd<ValueType>() * currentGame->getTransitionMatrix(); |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredTransitionsBdd = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getNondeterminismVariables()); |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredReachableStates = storm::utility::dd::computeReachableStates(currentGame->getInitialStates(), filteredTransitionsBdd, currentGame->getRowVariables(), currentGame->getColumnVariables()); |
filteredTransitions *= filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
// Determine all initial states so we can color them blue.
std::unordered_set<std::string> initialStates; |
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> initialStatesAsAdd = currentGame->getInitialStates().template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : initialStatesAsAdd) { |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
initialStates.insert(stateName.str()); |
} |
// Determine all highlight states so we can color them red.
std::unordered_set<std::string> highlightStates; |
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> highlightStatesAdd = highlightStatesBdd.template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : highlightStatesAdd) { |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
highlightStates.insert(stateName.str()); |
} |
out << "digraph game {" << std::endl; |
// Create the player 1 nodes.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> statesAsAdd = filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : statesAsAdd) { |
out << "\tpl1_"; |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
std::string stateNameAsString = stateName.str(); |
out << stateNameAsString; |
out << " [ label=\""; |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true))) { |
out << "*\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"none\""; |
} else { |
out << stateName.str() << "\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"oval\""; |
} |
bool isInitial = initialStates.find(stateNameAsString) != initialStates.end(); |
bool isHighlight = highlightStates.find(stateNameAsString) != highlightStates.end(); |
if (isInitial && isHighlight) { |
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\""; |
} else if (isInitial) { |
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"blue\""; |
} else if (isHighlight) { |
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"red\""; |
} |
out << " ];" << std::endl; |
} |
// Create the nodes of the second player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> player2States = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getColumnVariables()).existsAbstract(currentGame->getPlayer2Variables()).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : player2States) { |
out << "\tpl2_"; |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount()); |
out << stateName.str() << "_" << index; |
out << " [ shape=\"square\", width=0, height=0, margin=0, label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl; |
out << "\tpl1_" << stateName.str() << " -> " << "pl2_" << stateName.str() << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl; |
} |
// Create the nodes of the probabilistic player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> playerPStates = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getColumnVariables()).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : playerPStates) { |
out << "\tplp_"; |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount()); |
stateName << "_" << index; |
index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame->getPlayer2Variables().size()); |
out << stateName.str() << "_" << index; |
out << " [ shape=\"point\", label=\"\" ];" << std::endl; |
out << "\tpl2_" << stateName.str() << " -> " << "plp_" << stateName.str() << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl; |
} |
for (auto stateValue : filteredTransitions) { |
std::stringstream sourceStateName; |
std::stringstream successorStateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
sourceStateName << "1"; |
} else { |
sourceStateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getColumnVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
successorStateName << "1"; |
} else { |
successorStateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
uint_fast64_t pl1Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount()); |
uint_fast64_t pl2Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame->getPlayer2Variables().size()); |
out << "\tplp_" << sourceStateName.str() << "_" << pl1Index << "_" << pl2Index << " -> pl1_" << successorStateName.str() << " [ label=\"" << stateValue.second << "\"];" << std::endl; |
} |
out << "}" << std::endl; |
} |
// Explicitly instantiate the class.
template class AbstractProgram<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD, double>; |
template class AbstractProgram<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, double>; |
template class AbstractProgram<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, storm::RationalFunction>; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ |
#pragma once |
#include "storm/storage/dd/DdType.h" |
#include "storm/abstraction/AbstractionInformation.h" |
#include "storm/abstraction/MenuGame.h" |
#include "storm/abstraction/prism/AbstractModule.h" |
#include "storm/storage/dd/Add.h" |
#include "storm/storage/expressions/Expression.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace utility { |
namespace solver { |
class SmtSolverFactory; |
} |
} |
namespace models { |
namespace symbolic { |
template<storm::dd::DdType Type, typename ValueType> |
class StochasticTwoPlayerGame; |
} |
} |
namespace prism { |
// Forward-declare concrete Program class. |
class Program; |
} |
namespace abstraction { |
namespace prism { |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
class AbstractProgram { |
public: |
/*! |
* Constructs an abstract program from the given program and the initial predicates. |
* |
* @param expressionManager The manager responsible for the expressions of the program. |
* @param program The concrete program for which to build the abstraction. |
* @param smtSolverFactory A factory that is to be used for creating new SMT solvers. |
* @param addAllGuards A flag that indicates whether all guards of the program should be added to the initial set of predicates. |
*/ |
AbstractProgram(storm::prism::Program const& program, std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> const& smtSolverFactory = std::make_shared<storm::utility::solver::MathsatSmtSolverFactory>(), bool addAllGuards = false); |
AbstractProgram(AbstractProgram const&) = default; |
AbstractProgram& operator=(AbstractProgram const&) = default; |
AbstractProgram(AbstractProgram&&) = default; |
AbstractProgram& operator=(AbstractProgram&&) = default; |
/*! |
* Uses the current set of predicates to derive the abstract menu game in the form of an ADD. |
* |
* @return The abstract stochastic two player game. |
*/ |
MenuGame<DdType, ValueType> abstract(); |
/*! |
* Retrieves information about the abstraction. |
* |
* @return The abstraction information object. |
*/ |
AbstractionInformation<DdType> const& getAbstractionInformation() const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves the guard predicate of the given player 1 choice. |
* |
* @param player1Choice The choice for which to retrieve the guard. |
* @return The guard of the player 1 choice. |
*/ |
storm::expressions::Expression const& getGuard(uint64_t player1Choice) const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves a mapping from variables to expressions that define their updates wrt. to the given player |
* 1 choice and auxiliary choice. |
*/ |
std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> getVariableUpdates(uint64_t player1Choice, uint64_t auxiliaryChoice) const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves the set of states (represented by a BDD) satisfying the given predicate, assuming that it |
* was either given as an initial predicate or used as a refining predicate later. |
* |
* @param predicate The predicate for which to retrieve the states. |
* @return The BDD representing the set of states. |
*/ |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> getStates(storm::expressions::Expression const& predicate); |
/*! |
* Refines the abstract program with the given predicates. |
* |
* @param predicates The new predicates. |
*/ |
void refine(std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> const& predicates); |
/*! |
* Exports the current state of the abstraction in the dot format to the given file. |
* |
* @param filename The name of the file to which to write the dot output. |
* @param highlightStates A BDD characterizing states that will be highlighted. |
* @param filter A filter that is applied to select which part of the game to export. |
*/ |
void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const; |
private: |
/*! |
* Builds the stochastic game representing the abstraction of the program. |
* |
* @return The stochastic game. |
*/ |
std::unique_ptr<MenuGame<DdType, ValueType>> buildGame(); |
/*! |
* Decodes the given choice over the auxiliary and successor variables to a mapping from update indices |
* to bit vectors representing the successors under these updates. |
* |
* @param choice The choice to decode. |
*/ |
std::map<uint_fast64_t, storm::storage::BitVector> decodeChoiceToUpdateSuccessorMapping(storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& choice) const; |
// The concrete program this abstract program refers to. |
std::reference_wrapper<storm::prism::Program const> program; |
// A factory that can be used to create new SMT solvers. |
std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> smtSolverFactory; |
// An object containing all information about the abstraction like predicates and the corresponding DDs. |
AbstractionInformation<DdType> abstractionInformation; |
// The abstract modules of the abstract program. |
std::vector<AbstractModule<DdType, ValueType>> modules; |
// A state-set abstractor used to determine the initial states of the abstraction. |
StateSetAbstractor<DdType, ValueType> initialStateAbstractor; |
// A flag that stores whether all guards were added (which is relevant for determining the bottom states). |
bool addedAllGuards; |
// An ADD characterizing the probabilities of commands and their updates. |
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> commandUpdateProbabilitiesAdd; |
// The current game-based abstraction. |
std::unique_ptr<MenuGame<DdType, ValueType>> currentGame; |
// A flag storing whether a refinement was performed. |
bool refinementPerformed; |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,51 +1,349 @@ |
#include "storm/abstraction/prism/PrismMenuGameAbstractor.h"
#include "storm/abstraction/prism/PrismMenuGameAbstractor.h"
#include "storm/abstraction/BottomStateResult.h"
#include "storm/abstraction/GameBddResult.h"
#include "storm/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "storm/storage/prism/Program.h"
#include "storm/storage/dd/DdManager.h"
#include "storm/storage/dd/Add.h"
#include "storm/models/symbolic/StandardRewardModel.h"
#include "storm/models/symbolic/StandardRewardModel.h"
#include "storm/settings/SettingsManager.h"
#include "storm/settings/modules/AbstractionSettings.h"
#include "storm/utility/dd.h"
#include "storm/utility/macros.h"
#include "storm/utility/solver.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/WrongFormatException.h"
#include "storm/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
#include "storm-config.h"
#include "storm/adapters/CarlAdapter.h"
namespace storm { |
namespace storm { |
namespace abstraction { |
namespace abstraction { |
namespace prism { |
namespace prism { |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::PrismMenuGameAbstractor(storm::prism::Program const& program, std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> const& smtSolverFactory) : abstractProgram(program, smtSolverFactory, storm::settings::getModule<storm::settings::modules::AbstractionSettings>().isAddAllGuardsSet()) { |
// Intentionally left empty.
PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::PrismMenuGameAbstractor(storm::prism::Program const& program, |
std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> const& smtSolverFactory, |
bool addAllGuards) |
: program(program), smtSolverFactory(smtSolverFactory), abstractionInformation(program.getManager()), modules(), initialStateAbstractor(abstractionInformation, program.getAllExpressionVariables(), {program.getInitialStatesExpression()}, this->smtSolverFactory), addedAllGuards(addAllGuards), currentGame(nullptr), refinementPerformed(false) { |
// For now, we assume that there is a single module. If the program has more than one module, it needs
// to be flattened before the procedure.
STORM_LOG_THROW(program.getNumberOfModules() == 1, storm::exceptions::WrongFormatException, "Cannot create abstract program from program containing too many modules."); |
// Add all variables and range expressions to the information object.
for (auto const& variable : this->program.get().getAllExpressionVariables()) { |
abstractionInformation.addExpressionVariable(variable); |
} |
for (auto const& range : this->program.get().getAllRangeExpressions()) { |
abstractionInformation.addConstraint(range); |
initialStateAbstractor.constrain(range); |
} |
uint_fast64_t totalNumberOfCommands = 0; |
uint_fast64_t maximalUpdateCount = 0; |
std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> allGuards; |
for (auto const& module : program.getModules()) { |
// If we were requested to add all guards to the set of predicates, we do so now.
for (auto const& command : module.getCommands()) { |
if (addAllGuards) { |
allGuards.push_back(command.getGuardExpression()); |
} |
maximalUpdateCount = std::max(maximalUpdateCount, static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(command.getNumberOfUpdates())); |
} |
totalNumberOfCommands += module.getNumberOfCommands(); |
} |
// NOTE: currently we assume that 100 player 2 variables suffice, which corresponds to 2^100 possible
// choices. If for some reason this should not be enough, we could grow this vector dynamically, but
// odds are that it's impossible to treat such models in any event.
abstractionInformation.createEncodingVariables(static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(totalNumberOfCommands))), 100, static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(maximalUpdateCount)))); |
// For each module of the concrete program, we create an abstract counterpart.
for (auto const& module : program.getModules()) { |
this->modules.emplace_back(module, abstractionInformation, this->smtSolverFactory, addAllGuards); |
} |
// Retrieve the command-update probability ADD, so we can multiply it with the abstraction BDD later.
commandUpdateProbabilitiesAdd = modules.front().getCommandUpdateProbabilitiesAdd(); |
// Now that we have created all other DD variables, we create the DD variables for the predicates.
std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> initialPredicates; |
if (addAllGuards) { |
for (auto const& guard : allGuards) { |
initialPredicates.push_back(guard); |
} |
} |
// Finally, refine using the all predicates and build game as a by-product.
this->refine(initialPredicates); |
} |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
storm::abstraction::MenuGame<DdType, ValueType> PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::abstract() { |
return abstractProgram.abstract(); |
void PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::refine(std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> const& predicates) { |
// Add the predicates to the global list of predicates and gather their indices.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> newPredicateIndices; |
for (auto const& predicate : predicates) { |
STORM_LOG_THROW(predicate.hasBooleanType(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Expecting a predicate of type bool."); |
newPredicateIndices.push_back(abstractionInformation.addPredicate(predicate)); |
} |
// Refine all abstract modules.
for (auto& module : modules) { |
module.refine(newPredicateIndices); |
} |
// Refine initial state abstractor.
initialStateAbstractor.refine(newPredicateIndices); |
// Update the flag that stores whether a refinement was performed.
refinementPerformed = refinementPerformed || !newPredicateIndices.empty(); |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
MenuGame<DdType, ValueType> PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::abstract() { |
if (refinementPerformed) { |
currentGame = buildGame(); |
refinementPerformed = true; |
} |
return *currentGame; |
} |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
AbstractionInformation<DdType> const& PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::getAbstractionInformation() const { |
AbstractionInformation<DdType> const& PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::getAbstractionInformation() const { |
return abstractProgram.getAbstractionInformation(); |
return abstractionInformation; |
} |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
storm::expressions::Expression const& PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::getGuard(uint64_t player1Choice) const { |
storm::expressions::Expression const& PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::getGuard(uint64_t player1Choice) const { |
return abstractProgram.getGuard(player1Choice); |
return modules.front().getGuard(player1Choice); |
} |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::getVariableUpdates(uint64_t player1Choice, uint64_t auxiliaryChoice) const { |
std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::getVariableUpdates(uint64_t player1Choice, uint64_t auxiliaryChoice) const { |
return abstractProgram.getVariableUpdates(player1Choice, auxiliaryChoice); |
return modules.front().getVariableUpdates(player1Choice, auxiliaryChoice); |
} |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
void PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::refine(std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> const& predicates) { |
abstractProgram.refine(predicates); |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::getStates(storm::expressions::Expression const& predicate) { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(currentGame != nullptr, "Game was not properly created."); |
return abstractionInformation.getPredicateSourceVariable(predicate); |
} |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
void PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const { |
abstractProgram.exportToDot(filename, highlightStates, filter); |
std::unique_ptr<MenuGame<DdType, ValueType>> PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::buildGame() { |
// As long as there is only one module, we only build its game representation.
GameBddResult<DdType> game = modules.front().abstract(); |
// Construct a set of all unnecessary variables, so we can abstract from it.
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> variablesToAbstract(abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableSet(abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount())); |
auto player2Variables = abstractionInformation.getPlayer2VariableSet(game.numberOfPlayer2Variables); |
variablesToAbstract.insert(player2Variables.begin(), player2Variables.end()); |
auto auxVariables = abstractionInformation.getAuxVariableSet(0, abstractionInformation.getAuxVariableCount()); |
variablesToAbstract.insert(auxVariables.begin(), auxVariables.end()); |
// Do a reachability analysis on the raw transition relation.
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> transitionRelation = game.bdd.existsAbstract(variablesToAbstract); |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> initialStates = initialStateAbstractor.getAbstractStates(); |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> reachableStates = storm::utility::dd::computeReachableStates(initialStates, transitionRelation, abstractionInformation.getSourceVariables(), abstractionInformation.getSuccessorVariables()); |
// Find the deadlock states in the model. Note that this does not find the 'deadlocks' in bottom states,
// as the bottom states are not contained in the reachable states.
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> deadlockStates = transitionRelation.existsAbstract(abstractionInformation.getSuccessorVariables()); |
deadlockStates = reachableStates && !deadlockStates; |
// If there are deadlock states, we fix them now.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> deadlockTransitions = abstractionInformation.getDdManager().template getAddZero<ValueType>(); |
if (!deadlockStates.isZero()) { |
deadlockTransitions = (deadlockStates && abstractionInformation.getAllPredicateIdentities() && abstractionInformation.encodePlayer1Choice(0, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount()) && abstractionInformation.encodePlayer2Choice(0, game.numberOfPlayer2Variables) && abstractionInformation.encodeAux(0, 0, abstractionInformation.getAuxVariableCount())).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
} |
// Compute bottom states and the appropriate transitions if necessary.
BottomStateResult<DdType> bottomStateResult(abstractionInformation.getDdManager().getBddZero(), abstractionInformation.getDdManager().getBddZero()); |
bool hasBottomStates = false; |
if (!addedAllGuards) { |
bottomStateResult = modules.front().getBottomStateTransitions(reachableStates, game.numberOfPlayer2Variables); |
hasBottomStates = !bottomStateResult.states.isZero(); |
} |
// Construct the transition matrix by cutting away the transitions of unreachable states.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> transitionMatrix = (game.bdd && reachableStates).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
transitionMatrix *= commandUpdateProbabilitiesAdd; |
transitionMatrix += deadlockTransitions; |
// Extend the current game information with the 'non-bottom' tag before potentially adding bottom state transitions.
transitionMatrix *= (abstractionInformation.getBottomStateBdd(true, true) && abstractionInformation.getBottomStateBdd(false, true)).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
reachableStates &= abstractionInformation.getBottomStateBdd(true, true); |
initialStates &= abstractionInformation.getBottomStateBdd(true, true); |
// If there are bottom transitions, exnted the transition matrix and reachable states now.
if (hasBottomStates) { |
transitionMatrix += bottomStateResult.transitions.template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
reachableStates |= bottomStateResult.states; |
} |
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> usedPlayer2Variables(abstractionInformation.getPlayer2Variables().begin(), abstractionInformation.getPlayer2Variables().begin() + game.numberOfPlayer2Variables); |
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> allNondeterminismVariables = usedPlayer2Variables; |
allNondeterminismVariables.insert(abstractionInformation.getPlayer1Variables().begin(), abstractionInformation.getPlayer1Variables().end()); |
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> allSourceVariables(abstractionInformation.getSourceVariables()); |
allSourceVariables.insert(abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true)); |
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> allSuccessorVariables(abstractionInformation.getSuccessorVariables()); |
allSuccessorVariables.insert(abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(false)); |
return std::make_unique<MenuGame<DdType, ValueType>>(abstractionInformation.getDdManagerAsSharedPointer(), reachableStates, initialStates, abstractionInformation.getDdManager().getBddZero(), transitionMatrix, bottomStateResult.states, allSourceVariables, allSuccessorVariables, abstractionInformation.getExtendedSourceSuccessorVariablePairs(), std::set<storm::expressions::Variable>(abstractionInformation.getPlayer1Variables().begin(), abstractionInformation.getPlayer1Variables().end()), usedPlayer2Variables, allNondeterminismVariables, auxVariables, abstractionInformation.getPredicateToBddMap()); |
} |
} |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
void PrismMenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>::exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStatesBdd, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const { |
std::ofstream out(filename); |
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> filteredTransitions = filter.template toAdd<ValueType>() * currentGame->getTransitionMatrix(); |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredTransitionsBdd = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getNondeterminismVariables()); |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> filteredReachableStates = storm::utility::dd::computeReachableStates(currentGame->getInitialStates(), filteredTransitionsBdd, currentGame->getRowVariables(), currentGame->getColumnVariables()); |
filteredTransitions *= filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
// Determine all initial states so we can color them blue.
std::unordered_set<std::string> initialStates; |
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> initialStatesAsAdd = currentGame->getInitialStates().template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : initialStatesAsAdd) { |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
initialStates.insert(stateName.str()); |
} |
// Determine all highlight states so we can color them red.
std::unordered_set<std::string> highlightStates; |
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> highlightStatesAdd = highlightStatesBdd.template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : highlightStatesAdd) { |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
highlightStates.insert(stateName.str()); |
} |
out << "digraph game {" << std::endl; |
// Create the player 1 nodes.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> statesAsAdd = filteredReachableStates.template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : statesAsAdd) { |
out << "\tpl1_"; |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
std::string stateNameAsString = stateName.str(); |
out << stateNameAsString; |
out << " [ label=\""; |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(abstractionInformation.getBottomStateVariable(true))) { |
out << "*\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"none\""; |
} else { |
out << stateName.str() << "\", margin=0, width=0, height=0, shape=\"oval\""; |
} |
bool isInitial = initialStates.find(stateNameAsString) != initialStates.end(); |
bool isHighlight = highlightStates.find(stateNameAsString) != highlightStates.end(); |
if (isInitial && isHighlight) { |
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"yellow\""; |
} else if (isInitial) { |
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"blue\""; |
} else if (isHighlight) { |
out << ", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"red\""; |
} |
out << " ];" << std::endl; |
} |
// Create the nodes of the second player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> player2States = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getColumnVariables()).existsAbstract(currentGame->getPlayer2Variables()).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : player2States) { |
out << "\tpl2_"; |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount()); |
out << stateName.str() << "_" << index; |
out << " [ shape=\"square\", width=0, height=0, margin=0, label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl; |
out << "\tpl1_" << stateName.str() << " -> " << "pl2_" << stateName.str() << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl; |
} |
// Create the nodes of the probabilistic player.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> playerPStates = filteredTransitions.toBdd().existsAbstract(currentGame->getColumnVariables()).template toAdd<ValueType>(); |
for (auto stateValue : playerPStates) { |
out << "\tplp_"; |
std::stringstream stateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
stateName << "1"; |
} else { |
stateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
uint_fast64_t index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount()); |
stateName << "_" << index; |
index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame->getPlayer2Variables().size()); |
out << stateName.str() << "_" << index; |
out << " [ shape=\"point\", label=\"\" ];" << std::endl; |
out << "\tpl2_" << stateName.str() << " -> " << "plp_" << stateName.str() << "_" << index << " [ label=\"" << index << "\" ];" << std::endl; |
} |
for (auto stateValue : filteredTransitions) { |
std::stringstream sourceStateName; |
std::stringstream successorStateName; |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getRowVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
sourceStateName << "1"; |
} else { |
sourceStateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
for (auto const& var : currentGame->getColumnVariables()) { |
if (stateValue.first.getBooleanValue(var)) { |
successorStateName << "1"; |
} else { |
successorStateName << "0"; |
} |
} |
uint_fast64_t pl1Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer1Choice(stateValue.first, abstractionInformation.getPlayer1VariableCount()); |
uint_fast64_t pl2Index = abstractionInformation.decodePlayer2Choice(stateValue.first, currentGame->getPlayer2Variables().size()); |
out << "\tplp_" << sourceStateName.str() << "_" << pl1Index << "_" << pl2Index << " -> pl1_" << successorStateName.str() << " [ label=\"" << stateValue.second << "\"];" << std::endl; |
} |
out << "}" << std::endl; |
} |
// Explicitly instantiate the class.
template class PrismMenuGameAbstractor<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD, double>; |
template class PrismMenuGameAbstractor<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD, double>; |
template class PrismMenuGameAbstractor<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, double>; |
template class PrismMenuGameAbstractor<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, double>; |
template class PrismMenuGameAbstractor<storm::dd::DdType::Sylvan, storm::RationalFunction>; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,33 +1,152 @@ |
#pragma once |
#pragma once |
#include "storm/storage/dd/DdType.h" |
#include "storm/abstraction/MenuGameAbstractor.h" |
#include "storm/abstraction/MenuGameAbstractor.h" |
#include "storm/abstraction/AbstractionInformation.h" |
#include "storm/abstraction/MenuGame.h" |
#include "storm/abstraction/prism/ModuleAbstractor.h" |
#include "storm/storage/dd/Add.h" |
#include "storm/abstraction/prism/AbstractProgram.h" |
#include "storm/storage/expressions/Expression.h" |
namespace storm { |
namespace storm { |
namespace utility { |
namespace solver { |
class SmtSolverFactory; |
} |
} |
namespace models { |
namespace symbolic { |
template<storm::dd::DdType Type, typename ValueType> |
class StochasticTwoPlayerGame; |
} |
} |
namespace prism { |
// Forward-declare concrete Program class. |
class Program; |
} |
namespace abstraction { |
namespace abstraction { |
namespace prism { |
namespace prism { |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
template <storm::dd::DdType DdType, typename ValueType> |
class PrismMenuGameAbstractor : public MenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType> { |
class PrismMenuGameAbstractor : public MenuGameAbstractor<DdType, ValueType> { |
public: |
public: |
PrismMenuGameAbstractor(storm::prism::Program const& program, std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> const& smtSolverFactory = std::make_shared<storm::utility::solver::MathsatSmtSolverFactory>()); |
/*! |
* Constructs an abstract program from the given program and the initial predicates. |
* |
* @param expressionManager The manager responsible for the expressions of the program. |
* @param program The concrete program for which to build the abstraction. |
* @param smtSolverFactory A factory that is to be used for creating new SMT solvers. |
* @param addAllGuards A flag that indicates whether all guards of the program should be added to the initial set of predicates. |
*/ |
PrismMenuGameAbstractor(storm::prism::Program const& program, std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> const& smtSolverFactory = std::make_shared<storm::utility::solver::MathsatSmtSolverFactory>(), bool addAllGuards = false); |
virtual storm::abstraction::MenuGame<DdType, ValueType> abstract() override; |
virtual AbstractionInformation<DdType> const& getAbstractionInformation() const override; |
virtual storm::expressions::Expression const& getGuard(uint64_t player1Choice) const override; |
virtual std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> getVariableUpdates(uint64_t player1Choice, uint64_t auxiliaryChoice) const override; |
virtual void refine(std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> const& predicates) override; |
PrismMenuGameAbstractor(PrismMenuGameAbstractor const&) = default; |
PrismMenuGameAbstractor& operator=(PrismMenuGameAbstractor const&) = default; |
PrismMenuGameAbstractor(PrismMenuGameAbstractor&&) = default; |
PrismMenuGameAbstractor& operator=(PrismMenuGameAbstractor&&) = default; |
/*! |
* Uses the current set of predicates to derive the abstract menu game in the form of an ADD. |
* |
* @return The abstract stochastic two player game. |
*/ |
MenuGame<DdType, ValueType> abstract(); |
/*! |
* Retrieves information about the abstraction. |
* |
* @return The abstraction information object. |
*/ |
AbstractionInformation<DdType> const& getAbstractionInformation() const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves the guard predicate of the given player 1 choice. |
* |
* @param player1Choice The choice for which to retrieve the guard. |
* @return The guard of the player 1 choice. |
*/ |
storm::expressions::Expression const& getGuard(uint64_t player1Choice) const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves a mapping from variables to expressions that define their updates wrt. to the given player |
* 1 choice and auxiliary choice. |
*/ |
std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> getVariableUpdates(uint64_t player1Choice, uint64_t auxiliaryChoice) const; |
/*! |
* Retrieves the set of states (represented by a BDD) satisfying the given predicate, assuming that it |
* was either given as an initial predicate or used as a refining predicate later. |
* |
* @param predicate The predicate for which to retrieve the states. |
* @return The BDD representing the set of states. |
*/ |
storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> getStates(storm::expressions::Expression const& predicate); |
/*! |
* Refines the abstract program with the given predicates. |
* |
* @param predicates The new predicates. |
*/ |
void refine(std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> const& predicates); |
/*! |
* Exports the current state of the abstraction in the dot format to the given file. |
* |
* @param filename The name of the file to which to write the dot output. |
* @param highlightStates A BDD characterizing states that will be highlighted. |
* @param filter A filter that is applied to select which part of the game to export. |
*/ |
void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const; |
private: |
/*! |
* Builds the stochastic game representing the abstraction of the program. |
* |
* @return The stochastic game. |
*/ |
std::unique_ptr<MenuGame<DdType, ValueType>> buildGame(); |
/*! |
* Decodes the given choice over the auxiliary and successor variables to a mapping from update indices |
* to bit vectors representing the successors under these updates. |
* |
* @param choice The choice to decode. |
*/ |
std::map<uint_fast64_t, storm::storage::BitVector> decodeChoiceToUpdateSuccessorMapping(storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& choice) const; |
// The concrete program this abstract program refers to. |
std::reference_wrapper<storm::prism::Program const> program; |
void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& highlightStates, storm::dd::Bdd<DdType> const& filter) const override; |
// A factory that can be used to create new SMT solvers. |
std::shared_ptr<storm::utility::solver::SmtSolverFactory> smtSolverFactory; |
private: |
/// The abstract program that performs the actual abstraction. |
AbstractProgram<DdType, ValueType> abstractProgram; |
// An object containing all information about the abstraction like predicates and the corresponding DDs. |
AbstractionInformation<DdType> abstractionInformation; |
// The abstract modules of the abstract program. |
std::vector<ModuleAbstractor<DdType, ValueType>> modules; |
// A state-set abstractor used to determine the initial states of the abstraction. |
StateSetAbstractor<DdType, ValueType> initialStateAbstractor; |
// A flag that stores whether all guards were added (which is relevant for determining the bottom states). |
bool addedAllGuards; |
// An ADD characterizing the probabilities of commands and their updates. |
storm::dd::Add<DdType, ValueType> commandUpdateProbabilitiesAdd; |
// The current game-based abstraction. |
std::unique_ptr<MenuGame<DdType, ValueType>> currentGame; |
// A flag storing whether a refinement was performed. |
bool refinementPerformed; |
}; |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue