Browse Source

started working on more flexible model generation using next-state-generators

Former-commit-id: 805940f179
dehnert 9 years ago
  1. 4
  2. 39
  3. 54
  4. 111
  5. 158
  6. 27
  7. 22
  8. 32
  9. 44
  10. 73
  11. 52
  12. 12


@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ file(GLOB_RECURSE STORM_SOURCES_CLI ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/cli/*.cpp)
file(GLOB STORM_GENERATOR_FILES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/generator/*.h ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/generator/*.cpp)
file(GLOB_RECURSE STORM_GENERATOR_PRISM_FILES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/generator/prism/*.h ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/generator/prism/*.cpp)
source_group(main FILES ${STORM_MAIN_FILE})
source_group(adapters FILES ${STORM_ADAPTERS_FILES})
source_group(builder FILES ${STORM_BUILDER_FILES})
source_group(generator FILES ${STORM_GENERATOR_FILES})
source_group(generator\\prism FILES ${STORM_GENERATOR_PRISM_FILES})
source_group(cli FILES ${STORM_CLI_FILES})
source_group(exceptions FILES ${STORM_EXCEPTIONS_FILES})
source_group(logic FILES ${STORM_LOGIC_FILES})


@ -75,44 +75,7 @@ namespace storm {
ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, RewardModelType, IndexType>::InternalStateInformation::InternalStateInformation(uint64_t bitsPerState) : stateStorage(bitsPerState, 10000000), bitsPerState(bitsPerState), reachableStates() {
// Intentionally left empty.
template <typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType, typename IndexType>
ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, RewardModelType, IndexType>::VariableInformation::BooleanVariableInformation::BooleanVariableInformation(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, bool initialValue, uint_fast64_t bitOffset) : variable(variable), initialValue(initialValue), bitOffset(bitOffset) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template <typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType, typename IndexType>
ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, RewardModelType, IndexType>::VariableInformation::IntegerVariableInformation::IntegerVariableInformation(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, int_fast64_t initialValue, int_fast64_t lowerBound, int_fast64_t upperBound, uint_fast64_t bitOffset, uint_fast64_t bitWidth) : variable(variable), initialValue(initialValue), lowerBound(lowerBound), upperBound(upperBound), bitOffset(bitOffset), bitWidth(bitWidth) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template <typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType, typename IndexType>
ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, RewardModelType, IndexType>::VariableInformation::VariableInformation(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager) : manager(manager) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template <typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType, typename IndexType>
uint_fast64_t ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, RewardModelType, IndexType>::VariableInformation::getBitOffset(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) const {
auto const& booleanIndex = booleanVariableToIndexMap.find(variable);
if (booleanIndex != booleanVariableToIndexMap.end()) {
return booleanVariables[booleanIndex->second].bitOffset;
auto const& integerIndex = integerVariableToIndexMap.find(variable);
if (integerIndex != integerVariableToIndexMap.end()) {
return integerVariables[integerIndex->second].bitOffset;
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot look-up bit index of unknown variable.");
template <typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType, typename IndexType>
uint_fast64_t ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, RewardModelType, IndexType>::VariableInformation::getBitWidth(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) const {
auto const& integerIndex = integerVariableToIndexMap.find(variable);
if (integerIndex != integerVariableToIndexMap.end()) {
return integerVariables[integerIndex->second].bitWidth;
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot look-up bit width of unknown variable.");
template <typename ValueType, typename RewardModelType, typename IndexType>
ExplicitPrismModelBuilder<ValueType, RewardModelType, IndexType>::ModelComponents::ModelComponents() : transitionMatrix(), stateLabeling(), rewardModels(), choiceLabeling() {
// Intentionally left empty.


@ -74,60 +74,6 @@ namespace storm {
// A structure storing information about the used variables of the program.
struct VariableInformation {
VariableInformation(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager);
struct BooleanVariableInformation {
BooleanVariableInformation(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, bool initialValue, uint_fast64_t bitOffset);
// The boolean variable.
storm::expressions::Variable variable;
// Its initial value.
bool initialValue;
// Its bit offset in the compressed state.
uint_fast64_t bitOffset;
struct IntegerVariableInformation {
IntegerVariableInformation(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, int_fast64_t initialValue, int_fast64_t lowerBound, int_fast64_t upperBound, uint_fast64_t bitOffset, uint_fast64_t bitWidth);
// The integer variable.
storm::expressions::Variable variable;
// Its initial value.
int_fast64_t initialValue;
// The lower bound of its range.
int_fast64_t lowerBound;
// The upper bound of its range.
int_fast64_t upperBound;
// Its bit offset in the compressed state.
uint_fast64_t bitOffset;
// Its bit width in the compressed state.
uint_fast64_t bitWidth;
// Provide methods to access the bit offset and width of variables in the compressed state.
uint_fast64_t getBitOffset(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) const;
uint_fast64_t getBitWidth(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) const;
// The known boolean variables.
boost::container::flat_map<storm::expressions::Variable, uint_fast64_t> booleanVariableToIndexMap;
std::vector<BooleanVariableInformation> booleanVariables;
// The known integer variables.
boost::container::flat_map<storm::expressions::Variable, uint_fast64_t> integerVariableToIndexMap;
std::vector<IntegerVariableInformation> integerVariables;
storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager;
// A structure holding the individual components of a model.
struct ModelComponents {


@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#include "src/generator/Choice.h"
#include "src/utility/constants.h"
namespace storm {
namespace generator {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
Choice<ValueType, StateType>::Choice(uint_fast64_t actionIndex, bool markovian) : markovian(markovian), actionIndex(actionIndex), distribution(), totalMass(storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()), choiceReward(storm::utility::zero<ValueType>()) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
typename storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::iterator Choice<ValueType, StateType>::begin() {
return distribution.begin();
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
typename storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::const_iterator Choice<ValueType, StateType>::begin() const {
return distribution.cbegin();
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
typename storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::iterator Choice<ValueType, StateType>::end() {
return distribution.end();
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
typename storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::const_iterator Choice<ValueType, StateType>::end() const {
return distribution.cend();
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void Choice<ValueType, StateType>::addChoiceLabel(uint_fast64_t label) {
if (!choiceLabels) {
choiceLabels = LabelSet();
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void Choice<ValueType, StateType>::addChoiceLabels(LabelSet const& labelSet) {
if (!choiceLabels) {
choiceLabels = LabelSet();
choiceLabels->insert(labelSet.begin(), labelSet.end());
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t> const& Choice<ValueType, StateType>::getChoiceLabels() const {
return *choiceLabels;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
uint_fast64_t Choice<ValueType, StateType>::getActionIndex() const {
return actionIndex;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
ValueType Choice<ValueType, StateType>::getTotalMass() const {
return totalMass;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
ValueType& Choice<ValueType, StateType>::getOrAddEntry(StateType const& state) {
auto stateProbabilityPair = distribution.find(state);
if (stateProbabilityPair == distribution.end()) {
distribution[state] = ValueType();
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
ValueType const& Choice<ValueType, StateType>::getOrAddEntry(StateType const& state) const {
auto stateProbabilityPair = distribution.find(state);
if (stateProbabilityPair == distribution.end()) {
distribution[state] = ValueType();
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void Choice<ValueType, StateType>::addProbability(StateType const& state, ValueType const& value) {
totalMass += value;
distribution[state] += value;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void Choice<ValueType, StateType>::addChoiceReward(ValueType const& value) {
choiceReward += value;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
std::size_t Choice<ValueType, StateType>::size() const {
return distribution.size();
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Choice<ValueType, StateType> const& choice) {
out << "<";
for (auto const& stateProbabilityPair : choice) {
out << stateProbabilityPair.first << " : " << stateProbabilityPair.second << ", ";
out << ">";
return out;


@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
#include "src/storage/Distribution.h"
namespace storm {
namespace generator {
// A structure holding information about a particular choice.
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType=uint32_t>
struct Choice {
typedef boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t> LabelSet;
Choice(uint_fast64_t actionIndex = 0, bool markovian = false);
Choice(Choice const& other) = default;
Choice& operator=(Choice const& other) = default;
Choice(Choice&& other) = default;
Choice& operator=(Choice&& other) = default;
* Returns an iterator to the distribution associated with this choice.
* @return An iterator to the first element of the distribution.
typename storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::iterator begin();
* Returns an iterator to the distribution associated with this choice.
* @return An iterator to the first element of the distribution.
typename storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::const_iterator begin() const;
* Returns an iterator past the end of the distribution associated with this choice.
* @return An iterator past the end of the distribution.
typename storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::iterator end();
* Returns an iterator past the end of the distribution associated with this choice.
* @return An iterator past the end of the distribution.
typename storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::const_iterator end() const;
* Inserts the contents of this object to the given output stream.
* @param out The stream in which to insert the contents.
template<typename ValueTypePrime, typename StateTypePrime>
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Choice<ValueTypePrime, StateTypePrime> const& choice);
* Adds the given label to the labels associated with this choice.
* @param label The label to associate with this choice.
void addChoiceLabel(uint_fast64_t label);
* Adds the given label set to the labels associated with this choice.
* @param labelSet The label set to associate with this choice.
void addChoiceLabels(LabelSet const& labelSet);
* Retrieves the set of labels associated with this choice.
* @return The set of labels associated with this choice.
LabelSet const& getChoiceLabels() const;
* Retrieves the index of the action of this choice.
* @return The index of the action of this choice.
uint_fast64_t getActionIndex() const;
* Retrieves the total mass of this choice.
* @return The total mass.
ValueType getTotalMass() const;
* Retrieves the entry in the choice that is associated with the given state and creates one if none exists,
* yet.
* @param state The state for which to add the entry.
* @return A reference to the entry that is associated with the given state.
ValueType& getOrAddEntry(StateType const& state);
* Retrieves the entry in the choice that is associated with the given state and creates one if none exists,
* yet.
* @param state The state for which to add the entry.
* @return A reference to the entry that is associated with the given state.
ValueType const& getOrAddEntry(StateType const& state) const;
* Adds the given probability value to the given state in the underlying distribution.
void addProbability(StateType const& state, ValueType const& value);
* Adds the given value to the reward associated with this choice.
void addChoiceReward(ValueType const& value);
* Retrieves the size of the distribution associated with this choice.
std::size_t size() const;
// A flag indicating whether this choice is Markovian or not.
bool markovian;
// The action index associated with this choice.
uint_fast64_t actionIndex;
// The distribution that is associated with the choice.
storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType, StateType> distribution;
// The total probability mass (or rates) of this choice.
ValueType totalMass;
// The reward value associated with this choice.
ValueType choiceReward;
// The labels that are associated with this choice.
boost::optional<LabelSet> choiceLabels;
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Choice<ValueType, StateType> const& choice);


@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/storage/sparse/StateType.h"
#include "src/storage/BitVector.h"
#include "src/generator/Choice.h"
namespace storm {
namespace generator {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType = uint32_t>
class NextStateGenerator {
typedef storm::storage::BitVector InternalStateType;
typedef StateType (*StateToIdCallback)(InternalStateType const&);
virtual std::vector<StateType> getInitialStates(StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) = 0;
virtual std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> expand(StateType const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) = 0;
virtual ValueType getStateReward(StateType const& state) = 0;


@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#include "src/generator/PrismNextStateGenerator.h"
namespace storm {
namespace generator {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
PrismNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::PrismNextStateGenerator(storm::prism::Program const& program) : program(program) {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> PrismNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::expand(StateType const& state, typename NextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
ValueType PrismNextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::getStateReward(StateType const& state) {


@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include "src/generator/NextStateGenerator.h"
#include "src/storage/prism/Program.h"
namespace storm {
namespace generator {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType = uint32_t>
class PrismNextStateGenerator : public NextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType> {
typedef typename NextStateGenerator<ValueType, StateType>::StateToIdCallback StateToIdCallback;
PrismNextStateGenerator(storm::prism::Program const& program);
virtual std::vector<StateType> getInitialStates(StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) = 0;
virtual std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> expand(StateType const& state, StateToIdCallback stateToIdCallback) override;
virtual ValueType getStateReward(StateType const& state) override;
// The program used for the generation of next states.
storm::prism::Program program;


@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#include "src/generator/prism/VariableInformation.h"
#include "src/utility/macros.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
namespace storm {
namespace generator {
namespace prism {
BooleanVariableInformation::BooleanVariableInformation(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, bool initialValue, uint_fast64_t bitOffset) : variable(variable), initialValue(initialValue), bitOffset(bitOffset) {
// Intentionally left empty.
IntegerVariableInformation::IntegerVariableInformation(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, int_fast64_t initialValue, int_fast64_t lowerBound, int_fast64_t upperBound, uint_fast64_t bitOffset, uint_fast64_t bitWidth) : variable(variable), initialValue(initialValue), lowerBound(lowerBound), upperBound(upperBound), bitOffset(bitOffset), bitWidth(bitWidth) {
// Intentionally left empty.
VariableInformation::VariableInformation(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager) : manager(manager) {
// Intentionally left empty.
uint_fast64_t VariableInformation::getBitOffset(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) const {
auto const& booleanIndex = booleanVariableToIndexMap.find(variable);
if (booleanIndex != booleanVariableToIndexMap.end()) {
return booleanVariables[booleanIndex->second].bitOffset;
auto const& integerIndex = integerVariableToIndexMap.find(variable);
if (integerIndex != integerVariableToIndexMap.end()) {
return integerVariables[integerIndex->second].bitOffset;
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot look-up bit index of unknown variable.");
uint_fast64_t VariableInformation::getBitWidth(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) const {
auto const& integerIndex = integerVariableToIndexMap.find(variable);
if (integerIndex != integerVariableToIndexMap.end()) {
return integerVariables[integerIndex->second].bitWidth;
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot look-up bit width of unknown variable.");


@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#include <vector>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include "src/storage/expressions/Variable.h"
namespace storm {
namespace generator {
namespace prism {
// A structure storing information about the boolean variables of the program.
struct BooleanVariableInformation {
BooleanVariableInformation(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, bool initialValue, uint_fast64_t bitOffset);
// The boolean variable.
storm::expressions::Variable variable;
// Its initial value.
bool initialValue;
// Its bit offset in the compressed state.
uint_fast64_t bitOffset;
// A structure storing information about the integer variables of the program.
struct IntegerVariableInformation {
IntegerVariableInformation(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable, int_fast64_t initialValue, int_fast64_t lowerBound, int_fast64_t upperBound, uint_fast64_t bitOffset, uint_fast64_t bitWidth);
// The integer variable.
storm::expressions::Variable variable;
// Its initial value.
int_fast64_t initialValue;
// The lower bound of its range.
int_fast64_t lowerBound;
// The upper bound of its range.
int_fast64_t upperBound;
// Its bit offset in the compressed state.
uint_fast64_t bitOffset;
// Its bit width in the compressed state.
uint_fast64_t bitWidth;
// A structure storing information about the used variables of the program.
struct VariableInformation {
VariableInformation(storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager);
// Provide methods to access the bit offset and width of variables in the compressed state.
uint_fast64_t getBitOffset(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) const;
uint_fast64_t getBitWidth(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) const;
// The known boolean variables.
boost::container::flat_map<storm::expressions::Variable, uint_fast64_t> booleanVariableToIndexMap;
std::vector<BooleanVariableInformation> booleanVariables;
// The known integer variables.
boost::container::flat_map<storm::expressions::Variable, uint_fast64_t> integerVariableToIndexMap;
std::vector<IntegerVariableInformation> integerVariables;
storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& manager;


@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
namespace storm {
namespace storage {
template<typename ValueType>
Distribution<ValueType>::Distribution() {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::Distribution() {
// Intentionally left empty.
template<typename ValueType>
bool Distribution<ValueType>::equals(Distribution<ValueType> const& other, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) const {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
bool Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::equals(Distribution<ValueType, StateType> const& other, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) const {
// We need to check equality by ourselves, because we need to account for epsilon differences.
if (this->distribution.size() != other.distribution.size()) {
return false;
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ namespace storm {
return true;
template<typename ValueType>
void Distribution<ValueType>::addProbability(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state, ValueType const& probability) {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::addProbability(StateType const& state, ValueType const& probability) {
auto it = this->distribution.find(state);
if (it == this->distribution.end()) {
this->distribution.emplace_hint(it, state, probability);
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void Distribution<ValueType>::removeProbability(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::removeProbability(StateType const& state, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) {
auto it = this->distribution.find(state);
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(it != this->distribution.end(), "Cannot remove probability, because the state is not in the support of the distribution.");
it->second -= probability;
@ -62,34 +62,34 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void Distribution<ValueType>::shiftProbability(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& fromState, storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& toState, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::shiftProbability(StateType const& fromState, StateType const& toState, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) {
removeProbability(fromState, probability, comparator);
addProbability(toState, probability);
template<typename ValueType>
typename Distribution<ValueType>::iterator Distribution<ValueType>::begin() {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
typename Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::iterator Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::begin() {
return this->distribution.begin();
template<typename ValueType>
typename Distribution<ValueType>::const_iterator Distribution<ValueType>::begin() const {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
typename Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::const_iterator Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::begin() const {
return this->distribution.begin();
template<typename ValueType>
typename Distribution<ValueType>::iterator Distribution<ValueType>::end() {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
typename Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::iterator Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::end() {
return this->distribution.end();
template<typename ValueType>
typename Distribution<ValueType>::const_iterator Distribution<ValueType>::end() const {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
typename Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::const_iterator Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::end() const {
return this->distribution.end();
template<typename ValueType>
void Distribution<ValueType>::scale(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state) {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
void Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::scale(StateType const& state) {
auto probabilityIterator = this->distribution.find(state);
if (probabilityIterator != this->distribution.end()) {
ValueType scaleValue = storm::utility::one<ValueType>() / probabilityIterator->second;
@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
std::size_t Distribution<ValueType>::size() const {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
std::size_t Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::size() const {
return this->distribution.size();
template<typename ValueType>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Distribution<ValueType> const& distribution) {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Distribution<ValueType, StateType> const& distribution) {
out << "{";
for (auto const& entry : distribution) {
out << "[" << entry.second << ": " << entry.first << "], ";
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ namespace storm {
return out;
template<typename ValueType>
bool Distribution<ValueType>::less(Distribution<ValueType> const& other, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) const {
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType>
bool Distribution<ValueType, StateType>::less(Distribution<ValueType, StateType> const& other, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator) const {
if (this->size() != other.size()) {
return this->size() < other.size();


@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ namespace storm {
namespace storage {
template<typename ValueType>
template<typename ValueType, typename StateType=storm::storage::sparse::state_type>
class Distribution {
typedef boost::container::flat_map<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType> container_type;
typedef boost::container::flat_map<StateType, ValueType> container_type;
typedef typename container_type::iterator iterator;
typedef typename container_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param state The state to which to assign the probability.
* @param probability The probability to assign.
void addProbability(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state, ValueType const& probability);
void addProbability(StateType const& state, ValueType const& probability);
* Removes the given probability mass of going to the given state.
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param comparator A comparator that is used to determine if the remaining probability is zero. If so, the
* entry is removed.
void removeProbability(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator = storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType>());
void removeProbability(StateType const& state, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator = storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType>());
* Removes the probability mass from one state and adds it to another.
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param comparator A comparator that is used to determine if the remaining probability is zero. If so, the
* entry is removed.
void shiftProbability(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& fromState, storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& toState, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator = storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType>());
void shiftProbability(StateType const& fromState, StateType const& toState, ValueType const& probability, storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType> const& comparator = storm::utility::ConstantsComparator<ValueType>());
* Retrieves an iterator to the elements in this distribution.
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param state The state whose associated probability is used to scale the distribution.
void scale(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state);
void scale(StateType const& state);
* Retrieves the size of the distribution, i.e. the size of the support set.
