@ -895,15 +895,22 @@ namespace storm {
static void assertReachabilityCuts ( storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & labeledMdp , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , RelevancyInformation const & relevancyInformation , z3 : : context & context , z3 : : solver & solver ) {
static void assertReachabilityCuts ( storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & labeledMdp , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , VariableInformation const & variableInformation , RelevancyInformation const & relevancyInformation , z3 : : context & context , z3 : : solver & solver ) {
if ( ! variableInformation . hasReachabilityVariables ) {
throw storm : : exceptions : : InvalidStateException ( ) < < " Impossible to assert reachability cuts without the necessary variables. " ;
/ / Get some data from the MDP for convenient access .
/ / Get some data from the MDP for convenient access .
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < T > const & transitionMatrix = labeledMdp . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < T > const & transitionMatrix = labeledMdp . getTransitionMatrix ( ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > > const & choiceLabeling = labeledMdp . getChoiceLabeling ( ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > > const & choiceLabeling = labeledMdp . getChoiceLabeling ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < bool > backwardTransitions = labeledMdp . getBackwardTransitions ( ) ;
storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < bool > backwardTransitions = labeledMdp . getBackwardTransitions ( ) ;
/ / First , we add the formulas that encode
/ / ( 1 ) if an incoming transition is chosen , an outgoing one is chosen as well ( for non - initial states )
/ / ( 2 ) an outgoing transition out of the initial states is taken .
z3 : : expr initialStateExpression = context . bool_val ( false ) ;
for ( auto relevantState : relevancyInformation . relevantStates ) {
for ( auto relevantState : relevancyInformation . relevantStates ) {
/ / Only consider the state if it ' s not an initial state .
if ( ! labeledMdp . getInitialStates ( ) . get ( relevantState ) ) {
if ( ! labeledMdp . getInitialStates ( ) . get ( relevantState ) ) {
/ / Assert the constraints ( 1 ) .
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > relevantPredecessors ;
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > relevantPredecessors ;
for ( typename storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < T > : : ConstIndexIterator predecessorIt = backwardTransitions . constColumnIteratorBegin ( relevantState ) , predecessorIte = backwardTransitions . constColumnIteratorEnd ( relevantState ) ; predecessorIt ! = predecessorIte ; + + predecessorIt ) {
for ( typename storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < T > : : ConstIndexIterator predecessorIt = backwardTransitions . constColumnIteratorBegin ( relevantState ) , predecessorIte = backwardTransitions . constColumnIteratorEnd ( relevantState ) ; predecessorIt ! = predecessorIte ; + + predecessorIt ) {
if ( relevantState ! = * predecessorIt & & relevancyInformation . relevantStates . get ( * predecessorIt ) ) {
if ( relevantState ! = * predecessorIt & & relevancyInformation . relevantStates . get ( * predecessorIt ) ) {
@ -912,18 +919,74 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > relevantSuccessors ;
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > relevantSuccessors ;
for ( auto const & relevantChoices : relevancyInformation . relevantChoicesForRelevantStates . at ( relevantState ) ) {
for ( typename storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < T > : : ConstIndexIterator successorIt = transitionMatrix . constColumnIteratorBegin ( relevantChoices ) ; successorIt ! = transitionMatrix . constColumnIteratorEnd ( relevantChoices ) ; + + successorIt ) {
for ( auto const & relevantChoice : relevancyInformation . relevantChoicesForRelevantStates . at ( relevantState ) ) {
for ( typename storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < T > : : ConstIndexIterator successorIt = transitionMatrix . constColumnIteratorBegin ( relevantChoice ) ; successorIt ! = transitionMatrix . constColumnIteratorEnd ( relevantChoice ) ; + + successorIt ) {
if ( relevantState ! = * successorIt & & ( relevancyInformation . relevantStates . get ( * successorIt ) | | psiStates . get ( * successorIt ) ) ) {
relevantSuccessors . insert ( * successorIt ) ;
z3 : : expr expression = context . bool_val ( true ) ;
for ( auto predecessor : relevantPredecessors ) {
expression = expression & & ! variableInformation . statePairVariables . at ( variableInformation . statePairToIndexMap . at ( std : : make_pair ( predecessor , relevantState ) ) ) ;
for ( auto successor : relevantSuccessors ) {
expression = expression | | variableInformation . statePairVariables . at ( variableInformation . statePairToIndexMap . at ( std : : make_pair ( relevantState , successor ) ) ) ;
solver . add ( expression ) ;
} else {
/ / Assert the constraints ( 2 ) .
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > relevantSuccessors ;
for ( auto const & relevantChoice : relevancyInformation . relevantChoicesForRelevantStates . at ( relevantState ) ) {
for ( typename storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < T > : : ConstIndexIterator successorIt = transitionMatrix . constColumnIteratorBegin ( relevantChoice ) ; successorIt ! = transitionMatrix . constColumnIteratorEnd ( relevantChoice ) ; + + successorIt ) {
if ( relevantState ! = * successorIt & & ( relevancyInformation . relevantStates . get ( * successorIt ) | | psiStates . get ( * successorIt ) ) ) {
if ( relevantState ! = * successorIt & & ( relevancyInformation . relevantStates . get ( * successorIt ) | | psiStates . get ( * successorIt ) ) ) {
relevantSuccessors . insert ( * successorIt ) ;
relevantSuccessors . insert ( * successorIt ) ;
/ / TODO : build the constraints
for ( auto successor : relevantSuccessors ) {
initialStateExpression = initialStateExpression | | variableInformation . statePairVariables . at ( variableInformation . statePairToIndexMap . at ( std : : make_pair ( relevantState , successor ) ) ) ;
solver . add ( initialStateExpression ) ;
/ / Finally , add constraints that
/ / ( 1 ) if a transition is selected , a valid labeling is selected as well .
/ / ( 2 ) enforce that if a transition from s to s ' is selected , the ordering variables become strictly larger .
for ( auto const & statePairIndexPair : variableInformation . statePairToIndexMap ) {
uint_fast64_t sourceState = statePairIndexPair . first . first ;
uint_fast64_t targetState = statePairIndexPair . first . second ;
/ / Assert constraint for ( 1 ) .
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > choicesForStatePair ;
for ( auto const & relevantChoice : relevancyInformation . relevantChoicesForRelevantStates . at ( sourceState ) ) {
for ( typename storm : : storage : : SparseMatrix < T > : : ConstIndexIterator successorIt = transitionMatrix . constColumnIteratorBegin ( relevantChoice ) ; successorIt ! = transitionMatrix . constColumnIteratorEnd ( relevantChoice ) ; + + successorIt ) {
if ( * successorIt = = targetState ) {
choicesForStatePair . insert ( relevantChoice ) ;
z3 : : expr labelExpression = ! variableInformation . statePairVariables . at ( statePairIndexPair . second ) ;
for ( auto choice : choicesForStatePair ) {
z3 : : expr choiceExpression = context . bool_val ( true ) ;
for ( auto element : choiceLabeling . at ( choice ) ) {
if ( ! relevancyInformation . knownLabels . contains ( element ) ) {
choiceExpression = choiceExpression & & variableInformation . labelVariables . at ( variableInformation . labelToIndexMap . at ( element ) ) ;
labelExpression = labelExpression | | choiceExpression ;
solver . add ( labelExpression ) ;
/ / Assert constraint for ( 2 ) .
z3 : : expr orderExpression = ! variableInformation . statePairVariables . at ( statePairIndexPair . second ) | | variableInformation . stateOrderVariables . at ( variableInformation . relevantStatesToOrderVariableIndexMap . at ( sourceState ) ) < variableInformation . stateOrderVariables . at ( variableInformation . relevantStatesToOrderVariableIndexMap . at ( targetState ) ) ;
solver . add ( orderExpression ) ;
* Asserts that the disjunction of the given formulae holds . If the content of the disjunction is empty ,
* Asserts that the disjunction of the given formulae holds . If the content of the disjunction is empty ,
@ -1312,6 +1375,8 @@ namespace storm {
static void analyzeZeroProbabilitySolution ( z3 : : context & context , z3 : : solver & solver , storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & subMdp , storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & originalMdp , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > const & commandSet , VariableInformation & variableInformation , RelevancyInformation const & relevancyInformation ) {
static void analyzeZeroProbabilitySolution ( z3 : : context & context , z3 : : solver & solver , storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & subMdp , storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & originalMdp , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > const & commandSet , VariableInformation & variableInformation , RelevancyInformation const & relevancyInformation ) {
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableStates ( subMdp . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableStates ( subMdp . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG ( logger , " Analyzing solution with zero probability. " ) ;
/ / Initialize the stack for the DFS .
/ / Initialize the stack for the DFS .
bool targetStateIsReachable = false ;
bool targetStateIsReachable = false ;
std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > stack ;
std : : vector < uint_fast64_t > stack ;
@ -1385,7 +1450,7 @@ namespace storm {
if ( isBorderChoice ) {
if ( isBorderChoice ) {
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > currentLabelSet ;
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > currentLabelSet ;
for ( auto label : choiceLabeling [ currentChoice ] ) {
for ( auto label : choiceLabeling . at ( currentChoice ) ) {
if ( ! commandSet . contains ( label ) ) {
if ( ! commandSet . contains ( label ) ) {
currentLabelSet . insert ( label ) ;
currentLabelSet . insert ( label ) ;
@ -1398,7 +1463,7 @@ namespace storm {
/ / Given the results of the previous analysis , we construct the implications
/ / Given the results of the previous analysis , we construct the implications .
std : : vector < z3 : : expr > formulae ;
std : : vector < z3 : : expr > formulae ;
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > unknownReachableLabels ;
storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > unknownReachableLabels ;
std : : set_difference ( reachableLabels . begin ( ) , reachableLabels . end ( ) , relevancyInformation . knownLabels . begin ( ) , relevancyInformation . knownLabels . end ( ) , std : : inserter ( unknownReachableLabels , unknownReachableLabels . end ( ) ) ) ;
std : : set_difference ( reachableLabels . begin ( ) , reachableLabels . end ( ) , relevancyInformation . knownLabels . begin ( ) , relevancyInformation . knownLabels . end ( ) , std : : inserter ( unknownReachableLabels , unknownReachableLabels . end ( ) ) ) ;
@ -1433,7 +1498,8 @@ namespace storm {
* @ param variableInformation A structure with information about the variables of the solver .
* @ param variableInformation A structure with information about the variables of the solver .
static void analyzeInsufficientProbabilitySolution ( z3 : : context & context , z3 : : solver & solver , storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & subMdp , storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & originalMdp , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > const & commandSet , VariableInformation & variableInformation , RelevancyInformation const & relevancyInformation ) {
static void analyzeInsufficientProbabilitySolution ( z3 : : context & context , z3 : : solver & solver , storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & subMdp , storm : : models : : Mdp < T > const & originalMdp , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & phiStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector const & psiStates , storm : : storage : : VectorSet < uint_fast64_t > const & commandSet , VariableInformation & variableInformation , RelevancyInformation const & relevancyInformation ) {
/ / ruleOutSolution ( context , solver , commandSet , variableInformation ) ;
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG ( logger , " Analyzing solution with insufficient probability. " ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableStates ( subMdp . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
storm : : storage : : BitVector reachableStates ( subMdp . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) ;
@ -1741,7 +1807,7 @@ namespace storm {
/ / Delegate the actual computation work to the function of equal name .
/ / Delegate the actual computation work to the function of equal name .
auto startTime = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
auto startTime = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
auto labelSet = getMinimalCommandSet ( program , constantDefinitionString , labeledMdp , phiStates , psiStates , bound , strictBound , true ) ;
auto labelSet = getMinimalCommandSet ( program , constantDefinitionString , labeledMdp , phiStates , psiStates , bound , strictBound , true , storm : : settings : : Settings : : getInstance ( ) - > isSet ( " encreach " ) ) ;
auto endTime = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
auto endTime = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
std : : cout < < std : : endl < < " Computed minimal label set of size " < < labelSet . size ( ) < < " in " < < std : : chrono : : duration_cast < std : : chrono : : milliseconds > ( endTime - startTime ) . count ( ) < < " ms. " < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < std : : endl < < " Computed minimal label set of size " < < labelSet . size ( ) < < " in " < < std : : chrono : : duration_cast < std : : chrono : : milliseconds > ( endTime - startTime ) . count ( ) < < " ms. " < < std : : endl ;