@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ uint_fast64_t DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, int_fast
* @ return a pointer to the created sparse matrix .
DeterministicSparseTransitionParser : : DeterministicSparseTransitionParser ( std : : string const & filename )
DeterministicSparseTransitionParser : : DeterministicSparseTransitionParser ( std : : string const & filename , bool insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing )
: matrix ( nullptr ) {
* Enforce locale where decimal point is ' . ' .
@ -188,12 +188,10 @@ DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
this - > matrix - > initialize ( non_zero ) ;
int_fast64_t row , lastrow = - 1 , col ;
int_fast64_t lastDiagonal = - 1 ;
double val ;
bool fixDeadlocks = storm : : settings : : instance ( ) - > isSet ( " fix-deadlocks " ) ;
bool fixSelfloops = storm : : settings : : instance ( ) - > isSet ( " fix-selfloops " ) ;
bool hadDeadlocks = false ;
bool hadNoSelfLoops = false ;
bool rowHadDiagonalEntry = false ;
* Read all transitions from file . Note that we assume that the
@ -208,45 +206,39 @@ DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
col = checked_strtol ( buf , & buf ) ;
val = checked_strtod ( buf , & buf ) ;
if ( row ! = lastrow ) {
rowHadDiagonalEntry = false ;
* Check if a self - loop was skipped .
* Check if we skipped a state entirely , i . e . a state does not have any
* outgoing transitions .
if ( lastDiagonal < ( row - 1 ) ) {
* Check if we skipped a node entirely , i . e . a node does not have any
* outgoing transitions .
if ( ( lastrow + 1 ) < row ) {
for ( int_fast64_t node = lastrow + 1 ; node < row ; node + + ) {
hadDeadlocks = true ;
if ( fixDeadlocks | | fixSelfloops ) {
this - > matrix - > addNextValue ( node , node , storm : : utility : : constGetOne < double > ( ) ) ;
LOG4CPLUS_WARN ( logger , " Warning while parsing " < < filename < < " : node " < < node < < " has no outgoing transitions. A self-loop was inserted. " ) ;
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Error while parsing " < < filename < < " : node " < < node < < " has no outgoing transitions. " ) ;
} else {
// there were other transitions but no self-loop
for ( int_fast64_t node = lastDiagonal + 1 ; node < row ; node + + ) {
hadNoSelfLoops = true ;
if ( fixSelfloops ) {
this - > matrix - > addNextValue ( node , node , storm : : utility : : constGetZero < double > ( ) ) ;
LOG4CPLUS_WARN ( logger , " Warning while parsing " < < filename < < " : node " < < node < < " has no self transition. A self-loop was inserted. " ) ;
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Error while parsing " < < filename < < " : node " < < node < < " has no self transition. " ) ;
if ( ( lastrow + 1 ) < row ) {
for ( int_fast64_t state = lastrow + 1 ; state < row ; + + state ) {
hadDeadlocks = true ;
if ( fixDeadlocks ) {
this - > matrix - > addNextValue ( state , state , storm : : utility : : constGetOne < double > ( ) ) ;
LOG4CPLUS_WARN ( logger , " Warning while parsing " < < filename < < " : state " < < state < < " has no outgoing transitions. A self-loop was inserted. " ) ;
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR ( logger , " Error while parsing " < < filename < < " : state " < < state < < " has no outgoing transitions. " ) ;
lastDiagonal = row - 1 ;
// Insert the missing diagonal value if requested.
if ( col > row & & ! rowHadDiagonalEntry ) {
if ( insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing ) {
this - > matrix - > addNextValue ( row , row , storm : : utility : : constGetZero < double > ( ) ) ;
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true ;
* Check if this is a self - loop and remember that
* Check if the transition is a self - loop
if ( row = = col ) {
lastDiagonal = row ;
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true ;
lastrow = row ;
@ -255,7 +247,6 @@ DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
buf = trimWhitespaces ( buf ) ;
if ( ! fixDeadlocks & & hadDeadlocks ) throw storm : : exceptions : : WrongFileFormatException ( ) < < " Some of the nodes had deadlocks. You can use --fix-deadlocks to insert self-loops on the fly. " ;
if ( ! fixSelfloops & & hadNoSelfLoops ) throw storm : : exceptions : : WrongFileFormatException ( ) < < " Some of the nodes had no self loops. You can use --fix-selfloops to insert self-loops on the fly. " ;
* Finalize Matrix .