@ -67,9 +67,6 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType >
void DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition < ValueType > : : Block : : incrementBegin ( ) {
+ + this - > begin ;
if ( begin = = end ) {
std : : cout < < " moved begin to end! " < < std : : endl ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( begin < = end , " Unable to resize block to illegal size. " ) ;
@ -154,7 +151,6 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType >
bool DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition < ValueType > : : Block : : check ( ) const {
std : : cout < < " checking block " < < this - > getId ( ) < < std : : endl ;
assert ( this - > begin < this - > end ) ;
assert ( this - > prev = = nullptr | | this - > prev - > next = = this ) ;
assert ( this - > next = = nullptr | | this - > next - > prev = = this ) ;
@ -619,7 +615,7 @@ namespace storm {
template < typename ValueType >
template < typename ModelType >
void DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition < ValueType > : : buildQuotient ( ModelType const & model , Partition const & partition ) {
void DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition < ValueType > : : buildQuotient ( ModelType const & model , Partition const & partition , bool weak ) {
// In order to create the quotient model, we need to construct
// (a) the new transition matrix,
// (b) the new labeling,
@ -640,9 +636,20 @@ namespace storm {
for ( uint_fast64_t blockIndex = 0 ; blockIndex < this - > blocks . size ( ) ; + + blockIndex ) {
auto const & block = this - > blocks [ blockIndex ] ;
// Pick one representative state. It doesn't matter which state it is, because they all behave equally.
// Pick one representative state. For strong bisimulation it doesn't matter which state it is, because
// they all behave equally.
storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type representativeState = * block . begin ( ) ;
// However, for weak bisimulation, we need to make sure the representative state is a non-silent one.
if ( weak ) {
for ( auto const & state : block ) {
if ( ! partition . isSilent ( state , comparator ) ) {
representativeState = state ;
break ;
Block const & oldBlock = partition . getBlock ( representativeState ) ;
// If the block is absorbing, we simply add a self-loop.
@ -651,12 +658,26 @@ namespace storm {
if ( oldBlock . hasLabel ( ) ) {
newLabeling . addAtomicPropositionToState ( oldBlock . getLabel ( ) , blockIndex ) ;
} else {
// Otherwise add all atomic propositions to the equivalence class that the representative state
// satisfies.
for ( auto const & ap : atomicPropositions ) {
if ( model . getStateLabeling ( ) . getStateHasAtomicProposition ( ap , representativeState ) ) {
newLabeling . addAtomicPropositionToState ( ap , blockIndex ) ;
} else {
// Compute the outgoing transitions of the block.
std : : map < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > blockProbability ;
for ( auto const & entry : model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) . getRow ( representativeState ) ) {
storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type targetBlock = partition . getBlock ( entry . getColumn ( ) ) . getId ( ) ;
// If we are computing a weak bisimulation quotient, there is no need to add self-loops.
if ( weak & & targetBlock = = blockIndex ) {
continue ;
auto probIterator = blockProbability . find ( targetBlock ) ;
if ( probIterator ! = blockProbability . end ( ) ) {
probIterator - > second + = entry . getValue ( ) ;
@ -667,7 +688,11 @@ namespace storm {
// Now add them to the actual matrix.
for ( auto const & probabilityEntry : blockProbability ) {
builder . addNextValue ( blockIndex , probabilityEntry . first , probabilityEntry . second ) ;
if ( weak ) {
builder . addNextValue ( blockIndex , probabilityEntry . first , probabilityEntry . second / ( storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) - partition . getSilentProbability ( representativeState ) ) ) ;
} else {
builder . addNextValue ( blockIndex , probabilityEntry . first , probabilityEntry . second ) ;
// If the block has a special label, we only add that to the block.
@ -711,20 +736,11 @@ namespace storm {
// Then perform the actual splitting until there are no more splitters.
while ( ! splitterQueue . empty ( ) ) {
std : : sort ( splitterQueue . begin ( ) , splitterQueue . end ( ) , [ ] ( Block const * b1 , Block const * b2 ) { return b1 - > getNumberOfStates ( ) < b2 - > getNumberOfStates ( ) ; } ) ;
std : : cout < < " refining with splitter " < < splitterQueue . front ( ) - > getId ( ) < < std : : endl ;
for ( auto const & entry : splitterQueue ) {
std : : cout < < entry - > getId ( ) ;
std : : cout < < std : : endl ;
partition . print ( ) ;
refinePartition ( model . getTransitionMatrix ( ) , backwardTransitions , * splitterQueue . front ( ) , partition , weak , splitterQueue ) ;
splitterQueue . pop_front ( ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : duration refinementTime = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) - refinementStart ;
std : : cout < < " final partition: " < < std : : endl ;
partition . print ( ) ;
// Now move the states from the internal partition into their final place in the decomposition. We do so in
// a way that maintains the block IDs as indices.
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : time_point extractionStart = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) ;
@ -740,8 +756,7 @@ namespace storm {
// If we are required to build the quotient model, do so now.
if ( buildQuotient ) {
// FIXME: this needs to do a bit more work for weak bisimulation.
this - > buildQuotient ( model , partition ) ;
this - > buildQuotient ( model , partition , weak ) ;
std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : duration extractionTime = std : : chrono : : high_resolution_clock : : now ( ) - extractionStart ;
@ -818,12 +833,6 @@ namespace storm {
// Now that we have the split points of the non-silent states, we perform a backward search from
// each non-silent state and label the predecessors with the class of the non-silent state.
std : : cout < < " creating labels " < < block . getEnd ( ) < < " // " < < block . getBegin ( ) < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " split points: " < < std : : endl ;
for ( auto const & point : splitPoints ) {
std : : cout < < point < < std : : endl ;
block . print ( partition ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : storage : : BitVector > stateLabels ( block . getEnd ( ) - block . getBegin ( ) , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( splitPoints . size ( ) - 1 ) ) ;
std : : vector < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type > stateStack ;
@ -859,26 +868,10 @@ namespace storm {
// scan for ranges that agree on the label.
std : : sort ( partition . getBegin ( block ) , partition . getEnd ( block ) , [ & ] ( std : : pair < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > const & a , std : : pair < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > const & b ) { return stateLabels [ partition . getPosition ( a . first ) - block . getBegin ( ) ] < stateLabels [ partition . getPosition ( b . first ) - block . getBegin ( ) ] ; } ) ;
std : : cout < < " sorted states: " < < std : : endl ;
for ( auto it = partition . getBegin ( block ) , ite = partition . getEnd ( block ) ; it ! = ite ; + + it ) {
std : : cout < < it - > first < < " " ;
std : : cout < < std : : endl ;
for ( auto const & label : stateLabels ) {
std : : cout < < label < < std : : endl ;
// Note that we do not yet repair the positions vector, but for the sake of efficiency temporariliy keep the
// data structure in an inconsistent state.
std : : cout < < " sorted? " < < std : : endl ;
for ( auto it = partition . getBegin ( block ) , ite = partition . getEnd ( block ) ; it ! = ite ; + + it ) {
std : : cout < < " state " < < it - > first < < " and label " < < stateLabels [ partition . getPosition ( it - > first ) - block . getBegin ( ) ] < < std : : endl ;
// Now we have everything in place to actually split the block by just scanning for ranges of equal label.
std : : cout < < " scanning range " < < block . getBegin ( ) < < " to " < < block . getEnd ( ) < < " for equal labelings " < < std : : endl ;
typename std : : vector < std : : pair < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > > : : const_iterator begin = partition . getBegin ( block ) ;
typename std : : vector < std : : pair < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > > : : const_iterator current = begin ;
typename std : : vector < std : : pair < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > > : : const_iterator end = partition . getEnd ( block ) - 1 ;
@ -890,8 +883,6 @@ namespace storm {
storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type blockOffset = block . getBegin ( ) ;
bool blockSplit = stateLabels [ partition . getPosition ( begin - > first ) - blockOffset ] ! = stateLabels [ partition . getPosition ( end - > first ) - blockOffset ] ;
while ( stateLabels [ partition . getPosition ( begin - > first ) - blockOffset ] ! = stateLabels [ partition . getPosition ( end - > first ) - blockOffset ] ) {
std : : cout < < " still scanning range " < < currentIndex < < " to " < < block . getEnd ( ) < < " for equal labelings " < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " found different labels " < < stateLabels [ partition . getPosition ( begin - > first ) - blockOffset ] < < " and " < < stateLabels [ partition . getPosition ( end - > first ) - blockOffset ] < < std : : endl ;
// Now we scan for the first state in the block that disagrees on the labeling value.
// Note that we do not have to check currentIndex for staying within bounds, because we know the matching
// state is within bounds.
@ -906,10 +897,6 @@ namespace storm {
// Now we split the block and mark it as a potential splitter.
Block & newBlock = partition . splitBlock ( block , currentIndex ) ;
std : : cout < < " splitting block created new block " < < std : : endl ;
newBlock . print ( partition ) ;
std : : cout < < " old block remained: " < < std : : endl ;
block . print ( partition ) ;
// Update the silent probabilities for all the states in the new block.
for ( auto stateIt = partition . getBegin ( newBlock ) , stateIte = partition . getEnd ( newBlock ) ; stateIt ! = stateIte ; + + stateIt ) {
@ -917,60 +904,43 @@ namespace storm {
ValueType newSilentProbability = storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ;
for ( auto const & successorEntry : forwardTransitions . getRow ( stateIt - > first ) ) {
if ( & partition . getBlock ( successorEntry . getColumn ( ) ) = = & newBlock ) {
std : : cout < < successorEntry . getColumn ( ) < < " is in block " < < newBlock . getId ( ) < < std : : endl ;
newSilentProbability + = successorEntry . getValue ( ) ;
} else {
std : : cout < < successorEntry . getColumn ( ) < < " is not in block " < < newBlock . getId ( ) < < std : : endl ;
partition . setSilentProbability ( stateIt - > first , newSilentProbability ) ;
std : : cout < < " after updating silent probs: " < < std : : endl ;
newBlock . print ( partition ) ;
if ( ! newBlock . isMarkedAsSplitter ( ) ) {
std : : cout < < " adding " < < newBlock . getId ( ) < < " to the queue. " < < std : : endl ;
splitterQueue . push_back ( & newBlock ) ;
newBlock . markAsSplitter ( ) ;
std : : cout < < " end of loop; currentIndex = " < < currentIndex < < std : : endl ;
// If the block was split, we also need to insert itself into the splitter queue.
if ( blockSplit ) {
if ( ! block . isMarkedAsSplitter ( ) ) {
std : : cout < < " adding " < < block . getId ( ) < < " to the queue. " < < std : : endl ;
splitterQueue . push_back ( & block ) ;
block . markAsSplitter ( ) ;
// Update the silent probabilities for all the states in the old block.
for ( auto stateIt = partition . getBegin ( block ) , stateIte = partition . getEnd ( block ) ; stateIt ! = stateIte ; + + stateIt ) {
std : : cout < < " computing silent prob of " < < stateIt - > first < < std : : endl ;
if ( partition . hasSilentProbability ( stateIt - > first , comparator ) ) {
ValueType newSilentProbability = storm : : utility : : zero < ValueType > ( ) ;
for ( auto const & successorEntry : forwardTransitions . getRow ( stateIt - > first ) ) {
if ( & partition . getBlock ( successorEntry . getColumn ( ) ) = = & block ) {
std : : cout < < successorEntry . getColumn ( ) < < " is in block " < < block . getId ( ) < < std : : endl ;
newSilentProbability + = successorEntry . getValue ( ) ;
} else {
std : : cout < < successorEntry . getColumn ( ) < < " is not in block " < < block . getId ( ) < < std : : endl ;
partition . setSilentProbability ( stateIt - > first , newSilentProbability ) ;
std : : cout < < " after updating silent probs for block itself: " < < std : : endl ;
block . print ( partition ) ;
// Finally update the positions vector.
storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type position = blockOffset ;
for ( auto stateIt = partition . getStatesAndValues ( ) . begin ( ) + blockOffset , stateIte = partition . getEnd ( block ) ; stateIt ! = stateIte ; + + stateIt , + + position ) {
std : : cout < < " setting position of state " < < stateIt - > first < < " to " < < position < < std : : endl ;
partition . setPosition ( stateIt - > first , position ) ;
@ -982,11 +952,7 @@ namespace storm {
std : : for_each ( partition . getStatesAndValues ( ) . begin ( ) + block . getOriginalBegin ( ) , partition . getStatesAndValues ( ) . begin ( ) + block . getBegin ( ) , [ & ] ( std : : pair < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > & stateValuePair ) {
ValueType const & silentProbability = partition . getSilentProbability ( stateValuePair . first ) ;
if ( ! comparator . isOne ( silentProbability ) & & ! comparator . isZero ( silentProbability ) ) {
std : : cout < < " prob for state " < < stateValuePair . first < < " before: " < < stateValuePair . second < < std : : endl ;
stateValuePair . second / = storm : : utility : : one < ValueType > ( ) - silentProbability ;
std : : cout < < " and scaled: " < < stateValuePair . second < < std : : endl ;
} else {
std : : cout < < " not scaling prob for state " < < stateValuePair . first < < " because silent prob is " < < silentProbability < < " and prob is " < < stateValuePair . second < < std : : endl ;
} ) ;
@ -1000,7 +966,6 @@ namespace storm {
// Then, we scan for the ranges of states that agree on the probability.
std : : cout < < " range to scan for split points: " < < block . getOriginalBegin ( ) < < " to " < < ( block . getBegin ( ) - 1 ) < < std : : endl ;
typename std : : vector < std : : pair < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > > : : const_iterator begin = partition . getStatesAndValues ( ) . begin ( ) + block . getOriginalBegin ( ) ;
typename std : : vector < std : : pair < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > > : : const_iterator current = begin ;
typename std : : vector < std : : pair < storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type , ValueType > > : : const_iterator end = partition . getStatesAndValues ( ) . begin ( ) + block . getBegin ( ) - 1 ;
@ -1051,9 +1016,7 @@ namespace storm {
splitterIsPredecessor = true ;
std : : cout < < " got predecessor " < < predecessor < < " of state " < < currentState < < " in block " < < predecessorBlock . getId ( ) < < " with prob " < < predecessorEntry . getValue ( ) < < std : : endl ;
// If the predecessor block has just one state, there is no point in splitting it.
// If the predecessor block has just one state or is marked as being absorbing, we must not split it.
if ( predecessorBlock . getNumberOfStates ( ) < = 1 | | predecessorBlock . isAbsorbing ( ) ) {
continue ;
@ -1117,8 +1080,6 @@ namespace storm {
Block & predecessorBlock = partition . getBlock ( predecessor ) ;
storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type predecessorPosition = partition . getPosition ( predecessor ) ;
std : : cout < < " got predecessor(2) " < < predecessor < < " of state " < < stateIterator - > first < < " in block " < < predecessorBlock . getId ( ) < < " with prob " < < predecessorEntry . getValue ( ) < < std : : endl ;
if ( predecessorPosition > = predecessorBlock . getBegin ( ) ) {
partition . swapStatesAtPositions ( predecessorPosition , predecessorBlock . getBegin ( ) ) ;
predecessorBlock . incrementBegin ( ) ;
@ -1186,11 +1147,9 @@ namespace storm {
// If the splitter is also the predecessor block, we must not refine it at this point.
if ( & block ! = & splitter ) {
std : : cout < < " refining predecessor block " < < block . getId ( ) < < std : : endl ;
refineBlockWeak ( block , partition , forwardTransitions , backwardTransitions , splitterQueue ) ;
} else {
// Restore the begin of the block.
std : : cout < < " not splitting because predecessor block is the splitter " < < std : : endl ;
block . setBegin ( block . getOriginalBegin ( ) ) ;
@ -1237,27 +1196,34 @@ namespace storm {
// Now traverse the forward transitions of the current state and check whether there is a
// transition to some other block.
bool isDirectlyNonDivergent = false ;
for ( auto const & successor : model . getRows ( stateIt - > first ) ) {
// If there is such a transition, then we can mark all states in the current block that can
// reach the state as non-divergent.
if ( & partition . getBlock ( successor . getColumn ( ) ) ! = & block ) {
stateStack . push_back ( stateIt - > first ) ;
isDirectlyNonDivergent = true ;
break ;
if ( isDirectlyNonDivergent ) {
stateStack . push_back ( stateIt - > first ) ;
while ( ! stateStack . empty ( ) ) {
storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type currentState = stateStack . back ( ) ;
stateStack . pop_back ( ) ;
nondivergentStates . set ( currentState ) ;
while ( ! stateStack . empty ( ) ) {
storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type currentState = stateStack . back ( ) ;
stateStack . pop_back ( ) ;
nondivergentStates . set ( currentState ) ;
for ( auto const & predecessor : backwardTransitions . getRow ( stateIt - > first ) ) {
if ( & partition . getBlock ( predecessor . getColumn ( ) ) = = & block & & ! nondivergentStates . get ( predecessor . getColumn ( ) ) ) {
stateStack . push_back ( predecessor . getColumn ( ) ) ;
for ( auto const & predecessor : backwardTransitions . getRow ( currentState ) ) {
if ( & partition . getBlock ( predecessor . getColumn ( ) ) = = & block & & ! nondivergentStates . get ( predecessor . getColumn ( ) ) ) {
stateStack . push_back ( predecessor . getColumn ( ) ) ;
if ( nondivergentStates . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) > 0 & & nondivergentStates . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) ! = block . getNumberOfStates ( ) ) {
// Now that we have determined all (non)divergent states in the current block, we need to split them
// off.
@ -1269,7 +1235,15 @@ namespace storm {
// Finally, split the block.
partition . splitBlock ( block , block . getBegin ( ) + nondivergentStates . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) ) ;
Block & nondivergentBlock = partition . splitBlock ( block , block . getBegin ( ) + nondivergentStates . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) ) ;
// Since the remaining states in the block are divergent, we can mark the block as absorbing.
// This also guarantees that the self-loop will be added to the state of the quotient
// representing this block of states.
block . setAbsorbing ( true ) ;
} else if ( nondivergentStates . getNumberOfSetBits ( ) = = 0 ) {
// If there are only diverging states in the block, we need to make it absorbing.
block . setAbsorbing ( true ) ;